Four Thousand Club
Jackal ran along quickly following after jay and spotted pluto running ahead. He shifted into cat form and tackled pluto,only to shift back from where he was sitting on top hugging the gorgon. His ears twitched happily and he was purring. "Pluto!! Hehee, I missed you!" He greeted rubbing his head against him purring a ton. He got up and held out a hand to help him up smiling. "Eh but you had to kill me off so quickly? Kinda sad.."Lotusy said:All-out warfare was ensuing between the pigeons Columbus, a fierce battleground to claim the toast and victory. "ATTTACK!!!" Democritus squawked in bird-speak, beating Columbus with his wings. A pigeon was sent flying, out cold from the scuffle. "Thomson, no! Man down!" The other pigeons didn't really care about what Democritus had to say, in fact, they really only cared about the bread. Coos and screams could be heard as excited students ran around the fight. Eventually, the pigeons and Columbus rolled and fought their way to Pluto's feet.
@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
Jay flinched inwardly as Jackal talked about Pluto. The shifter said he was addicted to Pluto's... poison?* Was that a dirty metaphor for drugs? Or something even worse? Jay shuddered at the thought of Pluto giving "poison" to Jackal. "It's worse than I thought," he muttered under his breath. "He's gone too far this time!" Jay grabbed Nyx's arm, pulling him along. "No time to waste! We need to stop the drug lord! You come too, Jackal!"
*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@GingerBread @mewbot5408