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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Lotusy said:
All-out warfare was ensuing between the pigeons Columbus, a fierce battleground to claim the toast and victory. "ATTTACK!!!" Democritus squawked in bird-speak, beating Columbus with his wings. A pigeon was sent flying, out cold from the scuffle. "Thomson, no! Man down!" The other pigeons didn't really care about what Democritus had to say, in fact, they really only cared about the bread. Coos and screams could be heard as excited students ran around the fight. Eventually, the pigeons and Columbus rolled and fought their way to Pluto's feet.
@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai

Jay flinched inwardly as Jackal talked about Pluto. The shifter said he was addicted to Pluto's... poison?* Was that a dirty metaphor for drugs? Or something even worse? Jay shuddered at the thought of Pluto giving "poison" to Jackal. "It's worse than I thought," he muttered under his breath. "He's gone too far this time!" Jay grabbed Nyx's arm, pulling him along. "No time to waste! We need to stop the drug lord! You come too, Jackal!"

*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@GingerBread @mewbot5408
Jackal ran along quickly following after jay and spotted pluto running ahead. He shifted into cat form and tackled pluto,only to shift back from where he was sitting on top hugging the gorgon. His ears twitched happily and he was purring. "Pluto!! Hehee, I missed you!" He greeted rubbing his head against him purring a ton. He got up and held out a hand to help him up smiling. "Eh but you had to kill me off so quickly? Kinda sad.."
"I think calling Pluto a drug lord is a bit far, don't you? I mean, I doubt he is, he seems too nice to sell drugs to people" Nyx shrugged as he started walking alongside Jay so that he wasn't being dragged along any more "But, I've been wrong in the past. So if you really think that he's a drug lord, I'll go along with it. I mean drugs aren't that bad anyway, though that might be because I'm a vampire and drugs do nothing to me. But hey, The people in this school must be on something to be this prone to violence"

@Lotusy @mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
As Pluto arrived on the scene, the pigeon named Dalton went flying, crashing into the wall with a squawk. "Cut our losses, comrades!" Democritus squawked. "It's of no use!" The pigeons dispersed, carrying their allies, leaving Columbus and his bread covered in claw-marks and feathers.


Just as the pigeons left, Jay dashed onto the scene, dragging Nyx along. "Too nice? Nyx, that's just a façade, to lure in innocent victims! Don't be fooled!" Jay skidded comically to a halt as he saw Columbus on the floor. "Holy crap, Columbro! What did this to you-" His words were caught in his throat as he saw a certain gorgon standing above the zombie's body. "Oh. My. God." Jay raised his arm, orange light flickering around it. "I have you now, drug lord!" Though his words were threatening, Jay's arm was shaking with fear.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
Nyx sighed and shook his head as Jay raised his arm at Pluto. Nyx placed his hand over Jay's arm and began gently trying to lower it "Jay, If I'm not allowed to fight people, then you're definitely not. Cause if you get hurt, lots of other people are going to get hurt" Nyx narrowed his eyes at Pluto, knowing it was him that was causing this.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
"Am I feeling ok? Feeling OK?! What kind of question is that!?" Jay's face was frozen with shock. "Oh no... you drugged me, didn't you? That's why you're asking if I'm ok?" His arm was slowly being pushed down by Nyx, but Jay was too crazed to fight back. "No, I won't fight, Nyx. Oh, nonono, this can't be happening. Oh, curse you, Pluto! Woe is me!" He fainted dramatically next to Columbus. "By the way, Columbro? There was no class." With that, he fake-passed out, tongue lolling out like a dead animal.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
Columbus's eyes watered as Jay spoke those four words...Those four words that broke him forever. He opened his mouth slightly and the toast fell to the ground. Columbus fell to his knees and raised his head to the sky and let out a yell, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx shrugged "I've no idea. I've just accepted the fact that I have a crazy, and hot guy for a boyfriend" Nyx walked over to Jay and started prodding him "Come on Jay, get up. Pluto wants to know what the hell is wrong with you. And I'm getting the feeling that I need to take you to a mental hospital or something"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @mewbot5408
Jackal smirked."Well considering that our lunch date got interrupted....I guess you can let me sleep over to make up for everything??" The feline shifter asked hopefully. He looked at Jay raising a eyebrow,ears flattening and tail swishing side to side with annoyance. "And I thought I was bad...eh but zombie still has everyone beat in the crazies, I think he's like that because he can't eat any brains...xren would love to play with him probably would eat him..." Jackal says and sighed before turning around grabbing Pluto and latching on to him. "MINE!!!"
Kat looked at the elf in more annoyance "You have to use guns? are you that pathetic that you can't use your own strength to amplify weapons? this is why I hate males. Not honourable in the slightest." Kat angrily ranted at the elf, he then charged at him with the mace. He calmed himself down so his movements became more focused and he was ready to try dodge any incoming bullets.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
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"Nnnooo... He's ddrugging me, Nnnyx..." Jay groaned, believing that Pluto had him injected with some kind of mystery drug. When Nyx prodded him, he sprang up. "I'm not crazy, I swear! He's a drug lord, I tell you! He's in on the beeee's-wax of the drug world!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Corvus chuckled at the rant and accepted the strange man's implied challenge. He set the XM8 to safety and put it at his back. Then drawing the combat tomahawk, he spoke, "You want honor? Fine, I'll play it your way." And with that, the elf, charged at a considerable speed towards the smoking man, combat axe in his right hand, and his arm-guarded left forearm on front of his face for defense.

@metalcity @OceanBunny (Sorry for the slow replies, not feeling the writing mood today, plus I'm focusing on healing an injury and resting my ankle)
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Kat was quite surprised that the elf would fight with honour, he kept up his calm and focused tone in case he planed to use some trick. Kat ran towards elf, he lifted up the mace and prepared to try whack the elf in this side of the body.

@OceanBunny @LegenDarius (np man, I felt like that a few days. Hope you feel batter soon)
"Okay, Jay. Okay. Would you like me to beat him up and to tell him to stop?" Nyx's tone was patronising as he spoke to Jay "And after that I'm going to the school nurse and asking to see your medical record to see if you're meant to be on any medication" Nyx smiled at Jay as he wrapped an arm around him, pulling him slightly closer.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
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Jackal narrowed his eyes and stepped in front of pluto holding out a arm as he unsheathed his blade like claws. "Sorry but I'm not gonna sit and watch you beat up my boyfriend..." Jackal gave a annoyed look and stood his ground. He wasn't going to let nyx lay a hand on him. Jackal looked at Pluto before wrapping his arms Around him all the while glaring at nyx growling in a low irritated tone seemingly extremely absolutely territorial. " pluto is MINE!!! MINE!! don't touch him that's my job!!"



@Magical Squid Senpai
As the smoking man ran at him again, Corvus readied himself. The mace made contact with Corvus's left armguard, and it made a loud clinking sound. Corvus then swung the tomahawk at the man's side, aiming to wound him as a counterattack.

The sun was high above the mountaintop now, and the virtual orb of light lit up the gravel floor as the two men engaged in hand-to-hand gladiatorial combat.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
"Wait, you two are going out?" Nyx pointed at Jackal and Pluto before chuckling "I wonder how the snakes feel about that, I'm sure they're unhappy. I mean I would be too if I was attached to a person who wanted to go out with a stray cat. Have you checked him for fleas, Pluto? " Nyx smirked maliciously at Jackal "But if the kitty wants to fight, I can always get Richard for you to have a playdate with. I will warn you though, Richard tend to get a bit violent with things that are below him on the food chain"

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
"Nyx, I swear I'm not crazy!" Jay said, clinging onto his pant leg. "Please, you gotta believe me!" He rolled to the side as Nyx started threatening Jackal, laying down next to Columbus. "Hey there, Columbro. Uh, sorry about your loss, but could you give me a testimony against Ploots the drug lord here?" He held out an unconcious pigeon as a microphone.

After Kat made contact with the elf his eyes darted over to the tomahawk. He saw the sharp axe close towards him, kat lifted his free hand to try grab the tomahawk between the axe head and the boys grip. Kat moved his over hand to bring the mace out again and attempted to try smack the boy again, this time on the hip.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
Pluto stepped infront of Jackal, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. "Ok Nyx, I never talk shit about your boyfriend, so how about you not talk shit about mine."

'But what about that time you called Jay a d-'

Pluto glared at Jason. '-elightful young man!'

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread
"Yeah. No. See there's a difference here Pluto, You talk shit about Jay and you lose something I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't want you to lose. If you catch my drift" Nyx smiled maliciously at Pluto "So, just accept that fact that your boyfriend has fleas, and that you made a terrible mistake in choosing him. I mean who would willingly become a Cat? It's not fun"

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408

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