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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Hell yea it was the wrong thing to say," Jay said with a mock cross tone. "You won't be doing any dying around me, mister. Not if I can help it." He fold his arms slightly, tapping his chin as if he were in deep thought. "What if we can let them all win? Hear me out, here." He pointed upstairs, where the sim booth was. "New room. They just installed it in there, and I think one of my pigeons watched them build it. Maybe we could pull something, let them all win!"


(@OceanBunny @mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai @LegenDarius @metalcity Would you guys like me to do an "everyone wins" scenario? With a peacekeeper like Willow there, the plot doesn't seem to be moving all that quickly. :/ )
"Or. Or we could let them die and then nobody wins. Cause if we let them out of this alive they'll get all sort of stupid ideas in their heads, like that problems can be solved without violence. And we both know that's not true, everyone in this school seems to be kill happy" Nyx shrugged as he relaxed in his seat "Or we could let them stay in there until they have to start eating each other to stay alive. I'm sure Jackal would be the first to cave in"

Magical Squid Senpai] [I][COLOR=#0000b3]'How about we all just blow each other up!!'[/COLOR][/I] Pluto gave Kat a strange look. [COLOR=#cc99ff]"Wait...why should... Whatever."[/COLOR] Pluto held onto Jackal. [COLOR=#b300b3][I]'You and Jackal should go out romeo and Juliet style!'[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=#cc99ff]" no XuiCoatl." [/COLOR] [COLOR=#cc99ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
Jackal snickered and stared at him."Yes! Pluto is Juliet!" He said and jumped down shifting to his usual in between form with a purr licking his lips. "And I know a much more pleasant way to die" he whispered and grabbed around the gorgon's waist purring. He leaned in kissing Pluto on the mouth.
Magical Squid Senpai]While Jackal kissed Pluto raised the club and smacked Jackal on the head as hard as he could. [COLOR=#cc99ff]"That was for earlier." [/COLOR]He said as he pulled back and crossed his arms. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
(Lol Pluto's such a savage. I thought he was going to bite his tongue and Juliet the shit out the the sim :P )

"You know what? That's actually a better idea! Where's a giant mecha dragon* when you need one?" Jay mused, mulling over all the options. "Well, I say we hijack the room up there. There's probably a 'kill all' button there!" With that, he started running up the stairs to the room.

Meanwhile, Jerry Shit-eating-grin the sim worker sigh and sat back at his desk. The day was great... up until the moment when half a dozen pigeons flew in through the open window, stepping randomly on all the controls. "Holyshit-!" At that moment, Jay stormed in, pushing him over and sitting down at the controls. "Hey, Nyx! Get in here! These levers aren't labeled!"

Inside the sim, thousands of flowers started growing randomly whenever the pigeons stepped on a button.

Nyx shook his head as he began following Jay up the stairs albeit at a walking pace "I'm coming, I've come into contact with a lot of silver today, I'm not going to be in the best shape for a while" Nyx smiled as he entered the room "No seat for me?" Nyx walked over to the levers and took a look at them "Well I say we pull them all, one of them will probably cause a self destruct. If not we could send me in there and I could kill them all myself. Though something tells me you'll be less approving of that idea"

Magical Squid Senpai]While Jackal kissed Pluto raised the club and smacked Jackal on the head as hard as he could. [COLOR=#cc99ff]"That was for earlier." [/COLOR]He said as he pulled back and crossed his arms. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
Jackal yelped loudly and fell on the ground with a loud thud. He just laid there on the ground not moving. His tail twitching for a second before falling totally limp. the shifter didn't move or speak,he seemed pretty much dead now. Just a body laying there at Pluto's feet.
Corvus's body jerked, as if it were being revived by a defibrillator, at the sight of the vicious sneak attack. Instinctively he grabbed the hilt of his sword, which had been sheathed away. But he held it there, in case things were to suddenly turn dangerous. But truth be told Corvus was confused as anyone would be at the sight of this "death match."

@mewbot5408 @metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny
Willow watched the boys interact and sighed, 'Somebody's going to have to get hurt if we're to get out of this.. But I don't want to see any of them hurt.' She thought, vines growing grow the ground and weaving into a chair beneath her. She leaned back against the vines as roses bloomed along them.

"Good idea, Nyx! Pull 'em, pigeons!" As per Nyx's idea, Jay began pulling random levers, while his pigeons did the same. Inside the sim, the ground tilted slightly to the left, the grass got replaced by gravel, and a fire started spontaneously by Jackal's feet. "Damn! No dice!" At that point, Jay pulled a specific black lever with a raven symbol above it. Almost instantly, Corvus could feel his full power returning to him. Jerry on the floor must have sensed this, so he shot up from the ground, pushing Jay and the pigeons off. "No! Shit! Alright, I can fix this!" He turned on the communication system. "Alright, listen up. The power inhibitor has been taken off of Corvus. That means, at this point, he can only win by himself! Everyone else can win in twos... if they can survive!" Jerry then howled as a group of angry pigeons assaulted him. Jay crawled over to Nyx, a dazed smile on his face. "Well, that was fun."

@GingerBread @LegenDarius @metalcity @OceanBunny @mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
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'Oh damn.' Willow that as the announcement ended. She glanced worriedly between Kat and Corvus. 'If Corvus can only win alone.. and Kat wants me to win.. ' She bit her lip, waiting for one of therm to make a move. 'I don't know if I can fight Corvus like I did in the last sim.. I was protecting Hak then..'

@LegenDarius @metalcity

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Nyx offered Jay a hand to help him up "Well, you want to go watch all the new chaos you've caused? I swear, you're more bloodthirsty than I am, though mine is a little more literal than yours" Nyx smirked, kinda wishing he was in the game, if only so he could mock everyone while they got slaughtered by Corvus.

Kat glared at the fellow contestants "Don't worry my lady, I shall not let harm come to you." Kat readied the mace and faced the elven boy "onguard elf" Kat charged at the boy and swung for the side of his chest, aiming to break a few ribs.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
Magical Squid Senpai]Pluto kind of felt bad for what he did...but this was just a sim. He would make up for it later. [I][COLOR=#0000b3]'Woooooooah! Look at the pretty flowers!!' [/COLOR][/I] Pluto looked at the others. [COLOR=#cc99ff]'So now what?' [/COLOR] [COLOR=#cc99ff] [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
Lotusy said:
"Good idea, Nyx! Pull 'em, pigeons!" As per Nyx's idea, Jay began pulling random levers, while his pigeons did the same. Inside the sim, the ground tilted slightly to the left, the grass got replaced by gravel, and a fire started spontaneously by Jackal's feet. "Damn! No dice!" At that point, Jay pulled a specific black lever with a raven symbol above it. Almost instantly, Corvus could feel his full power returning to him. Jerry on the floor must have sensed this, so he shot up from the ground, pushing Jay and the pigeons off. "No! Shit! Alright, I can fix this!" He turned on the communication system. "Alright, listen up. The power inhibitor has been taken off of Corvus. That means, at this point, he can only win by himself! Everyone else can win in twos... if they can survive!" Jerry then howled as a group of angry pigeons assaulted him. Jay crawled over to Nyx, a dazed smile on his face. "Well, that was fun."
@GingerBread @LegenDarius @metalcity @OceanBunny @mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
Jackal woke up in real life with a little stretch and sighed. The shifter blushing with a hand on his head with a little hiss. Ears twitching and he sniffed begining to walk somehow managing to find where nyx and jay were. He poked his head in with a mrrow blinking as he stared at jay. "Hehee,somebody messed up the sim...not bad...not bad..." he came in shifting into his cat form. The big fluffy black cat looked up at jay with a purr. "Ahh, the sim was fun except for my boyfriend hitting me on the head when i kissed him, hopefully pluto will actually snuggle with me as a apology....sheesh,I swear I'm starting to think I need to get columbus to eat all the cucumbers,he's a zombie right? He needs to eat all these vegitables..."

(Plant vs zombie xp)
"Of course!" Jay said happily. "You know I absolutely love these things. C'mon, Democritus!" The brown pigeon hopped after them as the rest absolutely tore into Jerry, beating him with their wings and taking craps all over his body. "I mean, I'm not bloodthirsty. Some men just like to watch the world burn. And I like to watch it burn with a nice helping of popcorn!" With his dose of popcorn, Jay walked back to the gym... only to see Jackal, the shifter muttering something about cucumbers. "Your boyfriend? Is that Pluto?" Jay's eyes narrowed. "Dammit! I always knew he's a bad influence, but he beats his boyfriend, too?" He grabbed Jackal's shoulder. "Listen, Jackal. Your boyfriend is a bad influence. I mean, he's a drug lord, and he has talking snakes, for goodness sakes!"

@GingerBread @mewbot5408

(Don't take what Jay says literally, lol. He believes Pluto is some mafia boss/drug lord/junkie :P )
Columbus ran down the hall with a piece of toast in his mouth, "I'M LATE! I'M LATE! I'M LATE! IF ANIME HAS TAUGHT ME ANYTHING, I'LL GET TO CLASS ON TIME IF I DO THIS!" He turned a corner into a wall. He fell down with the toast still in his mouth, he sat up and rubbed his head and looked at the door leading to the gym, standing up he went to open the door. That's when he heard the footsteps...

He was ran over by a mob of students all trying to get into the gym for whatever reason. Many feet trampled him but he was only concerned about one thing...

"PROTECT THE TOAST!!!!" Keeping the toast in his mouth, he maneuvered his body to cover it....
Lotusy said:
"Of course!" Jay said happily. "You know I absolutely love these things. C'mon, Democritus!" The brown pigeon hopped after them as the rest absolutely tore into Jerry, beating him with their wings and taking craps all over his body. "I mean, I'm not bloodthirsty. Some men just like to watch the world burn. And I like to watch it burn with a nice helping of popcorn!" With his dose of popcorn, Jay walked back to the gym... only to see Jackal, the shifter muttering something about cucumbers. "Your boyfriend? Is that Pluto?" Jay's eyes narrowed. "Dammit! I always knew he's a bad influence, but he beats his boyfriend, too?" He grabbed Jackal's shoulder. "Listen, Jackal. Your boyfriend is a bad influence. I mean, he's a drug lord, and he has talking snakes, for goodness sakes!"
@GingerBread @mewbot5408

(Don't take what Jay says literally, lol. He believes Pluto is some mafia boss/drug lord/junkie :P )
jackal burst into luaghter and covered his mouth."drug lord,pluto? Pfffftttt!! Hehehee, no I think you got it wrong." jackal sighed ears perking up and he smiled. The shifter shook his head. "he has his querks here and there but he's not that bad, I just cuase a lot of trouble....honestly I'm not the best when it comes to relationships but I absoulutly love him. " jackal told him with a serious gaze and then smiled. He blushed looking off. "Not to mention I actually love the taste of his poison,his kiss is intoxicating....its the best." Jackal said purring
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After viciously going to town on Jerry's face, the pigeons all alighted in front of Democritus. The brown pigeon seemed quite seriously, pacing back and forth on his perch while he stared intently at his flock. He wore the edge of a sausage on his head like an army helmet, pacing around like a sergeant would. Then, he spoke in bird-speak.

"GENTLEPIGEONS! Today is finally the day. I'm all very proud of you for making it as far as you have. Especially you, Pauli." Pauli only cooed, hacking up part of an indigestible popcorn kernel. "TODAY IS OUR JUDGMENT DAY! Ever since we were saved, we have been bred for this! We have shed feathers, tears, and crap for this. TODAY, BROTHERS, WE PROVE OURSELVES AS PIGEONS!!!" The other nine pigeons were trembling in fear. They didn't know half of the words he was saying, but it was scary enough to make Rutherford shit - twice. By this point, Democritus's voice was loud and harsh, and any students below them heard a sound like a pigeon being strangled - which was kinda the case. "HEAR OUR CRY, CRUEL GODS OF THE HEAVENS! TODAY, WE FLY! TODAY, WE SHALL BECOME ONE OF YOUR MIGHTY PANTHEON!!!" The pigeon doubled over from his speech, panting from the exhaustion. He slowly raised his wing, pointing towards Columbus, who was lying on the ground with toast in his mouth.

"Now let's rob that f*cker of his toast."

In a flash, the swarm of feathers and battle fury descended onto Columbus, clawing for his toast.


(Jay post coming soon.)
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Columbus kicked and pushed the pigeon's best he could, attempting to fight against the flurry of winged rats, spiting out feathers every now and again, "No! I'LL BE LATE!!"

"I don't have time for this." He had one way to get out of here easily. He laid down and held his breath.

'Are you serious!?'

'This is the way you decide to go out!!?'

'I refuse to go out like this!!!'

Pluto took a breath. And let out some poison. Pluto was not affected by any poison that was in him. But Chua, he had a different type of poison in him. One that Pluto was not used to.

"Chua! Bit me!"




"I promise I will get you a life time supply of white chocolate!"

'What!? I want chocolate!!'

'Ok. I shall do it.'

"Cool, bye Willow! See you on the other side!"

Chua bit Pluto and Pluto died very quickly. He then popped up back in the real world. He sighed, "I'm hungry. Better go see what Jackal is doing." He ran to the gym to see what was up.

@mewbot5408 @Lotusy @OceanBunny @LegenDarius @metalcity
Corvus heard the announcement, and all of a sudden a new surge of power ran through his veins like lightning. For the first time—after years of constantly running away in fear, whether from the soldiers in his world of the future or from the other students in this school—he felt like a god.

He saw the white knight character coming at him with a mace, but he did not fret. He merely stared at the mace charging at him. To others, it looked like it was charging at me at breakneck speed, but Corvus watched it as it almost serenely made its way towards him in slow-motion.


In an instant, the elf had vanished. But instead of reappearing, Corvus remained enclosed within a rift of time he had created. The elf stared at the monochrome room full of armaments. Assault rifles, exosuits, grenades, and all other assorted types of futuristic weapons ordered themselves before him. Corvus went up to the pedestal on one of the walls of the room, and fitted himself into his trusty suit. It easily latched onto his body as its computer systems came alive, like a hand fitting into a glove. He also picked up several weapons of his choosing: an XM8 assault rifle, two burst pistols, several grenades, and a combat tomahawk just in case things get real hairy. From there he walked, strength still pulsing through each and every fiber in his being, through the time rift back into the simulation.

Once the light from the glitch command had subsided, Corvus reappeared back on the battlefield, with a metallic framework covering every inch of his skin besides his head, and an entire arsenal of weapons at his side. He turned to Kat, who seems hell-bent on killing him, and said in a calm tone, "Guess it's just you and me." And with that, he cocked the AR and readied himself for combat.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
All-out warfare was ensuing between the pigeons Columbus, a fierce battleground to claim the toast and victory. "ATTTACK!!!" Democritus squawked in bird-speak, beating Columbus with his wings. A pigeon was sent flying, out cold from the scuffle. "Thomson, no! Man down!" The other pigeons didn't really care about what Democritus had to say, in fact, they really only cared about the bread. Coos and screams could be heard as excited students ran around the fight. Eventually, the pigeons and Columbus rolled and fought their way to Pluto's feet.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai

Jay flinched inwardly as Jackal talked about Pluto. The shifter said he was addicted to Pluto's... poison?* Was that a dirty metaphor for drugs? Or something even worse? Jay shuddered at the thought of Pluto giving "poison" to Jackal. "It's worse than I thought," he muttered under his breath. "He's gone too far this time!" Jay grabbed Nyx's arm, pulling him along. "No time to waste! We need to stop the drug lord! You come too, Jackal!"

*( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@GingerBread @mewbot5408
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Pluto nearly tripped over Columbus and the pigeons. "What the heck!?" He was finally able to see throuyall the feathers that they were attacking Columbus. "Holy crap! Are you OK?! Get out of here you dumb birds!" He swatted at them.

'Cool! Birds! It's the smart ones!'

Ugh, I hate birds.'

'Hi birds!'

@mewbot5408 @Lotusy @GingerBread

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