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Fantasy Lakoria High School

coming through who god knows where a familiar figure came through and hit whoever this otulp guy on the head with a frying pan making a loud clank. ".......hellooooooooooooo....miss me?!" he said and looking at pluto was none other jackal. he let out a little sigh his tail swishing behind him quickly in a irritated manner.

GingerBread said:
Pepa moved back
Nosaj looked like he was snickering but no sound was coming from him

Otulp moved around, copying Pluto's movements exactly. Ducking swaying, stepping back. Otulp turned around and started walking away, back towards the mirror.

"Shhhh, calm down. I know what I am doing"

@Magical Squid Senpai (I wouldn't let him touch the mirror if I were you > :) )
mewbot5408 said:
coming through who god knows where a familiar figure came through and hit whoever this otulp guy on the head with a frying pan making a loud clank. ".......hellooooooooooooo....miss me?!" he said and looking at pluto was none other jackal. he let out a little sigh his tail swishing behind him quickly in a irritated manner.
When jackel moved in front of the mirror an exact clone of him came out and hit pluto over the head with a frying pan. ".......hellooooooooooooo....miss me?!" He said, his voice devoid of any and all emotion. Looking at Otulp was none other than Lakcaj. Lakcaj let out a little sigh as his tail swished behind him in a quick irritated manner.

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
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That whack really would have hurt Pluto. But thanks to Jason's big ass head, it didn't hurt as much. Jason went limp, sliding off Pluto's head and down to his side. '....is he dead?' Apep started laughing.

"Ow! Damnit!" Pluto held the spot that was hit, falling to his knees. "What was that-" Pluto turned and glared at the other Jackal.

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread
Nosaj went limp sliding off Otulp's head and down to his side. Pepa looked like he was laughing but no sound was coming from him.

"Ow! Dammit!" Otulp held the spot where he was hit and fell to his knees. "What was that-" Otulp turned and glared at Jackal.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
@mewbot5408[/URL] @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Nosaj went limp sliding off Otulp's head and down to his side. Pepa looked like he was laughing but no sound was coming from him.
"Ow! Dammit!" Otulp held the spot where he was hit and fell to his knees. "What was that-" Otulp turned and glared at Jackal.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
Jackal obviously gets extremely angry and slammed the frying pan into his clone for several good minutes to destroy the clone before he could attack. He then threw the frying pan at the mirror hitting the mirror shattering it. Jackal growledd in a low irritated tone. He sighed and looked back at Pluto."Sorry babe,love you."
mewbot5408 said:
Jackal obviously gets extremely angry and slammed the frying pan into his clone for several good minutes to destroy the clone before he could attack. He then threw the frying pan at the mirror hitting the mirror shattering it. Jackal growledd in a low irritated tone. He sighed and looked back at Pluto."Sorry babe,love you."
Lakcaj slammed the frying pan into Jackal for as long as Jackal hit him. He then threw his frying pan at the mirror which had the oppsite effect and repaired it just as it was being broken. Lakcaj growled in a low tone that was devoid of emotion. He sighed and looked at Otulp. "Sorry babe, Love you"

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
Kat was conflicted with himself, he wasn't paying attention so when he looked up at the sight he became even more conflicted. He wanted to kick the crap out of the boy for hurting the harpy and wanted. But that would upset lady willow. So he stood there. Confused about his options

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LegenDarius (this is kinda just to say I'm still here. Not been in the writing mood today.)
A sickening color spread on the snow below and on the tree bark behind the elf. A knife pierced his throat, followed by a sword jutting through his stomach and out his back.

His vision went to near black, but a combination of the simulation's rules and his unbreaking spirit kept him alive. Fortunately, the sword only reopened the hole in his stomach created by the spider-leg. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Corvus' eyes shined a bright purple as he cast one of his most powerful spells.


With a single word, time had slowed almost to a stop. The harpy lay frozen as if she was trapped in a photograph, her hand still gripping the sword and an inhuman, murderous expression on her face. Willow lay still with signs of a shocked expression beginning to form on her face, and Kat followed near-frozen in a somewhat confused state.

With ease Corvus removed the harpy's grip from the sword, as if it were lifeless and desolate. Kept alive by the simulation and adrenaline, Corvus braced himself as he dragged the sword back out of his body, his darkened blood spilling onto but not mingling in the snow. Then he painstakingly removed the knife what was trapped in his throat, resulting in the elf falling on his weak knees as he coughed out more dark blood. But he steeled himself, breathing deeply as he gathered in inner strength.

He then began his slow odyssey from kneeling to standing, as he with all of his might willed his legs to push himself upwards. He knees shook like a loose bolt and his legs strained at the seemingly impossible feat, but in time, he was up to his feet. Then with an iron determination he sprayed his new weapon with the pepper spray, coating it with its burning liquid, but more importantly, imbuing it with the power to kill.

And as the effects of Corvus's slow spell began to fade away, he gripped the grip of the sword with his right hand and then held it to his left side. And just as the time-slow dissipated, the elf swung the sword at the harpy's neck, violently decapitating her.

@metalcity @OceanBunny @GingerBread
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As Jay and his pigeons sat on a bench, enjoying their hot dogs, the small group looked up to a screen, one of the many around campus, which were all broadcasting the students in the sim, live. He cheered, giving a thumbs-down as he watched Kat stab the cyclops like a shish-kebab (exaggeration). "Blood! Death!" Jay shouted, as his pigeons cooed raucously along with him. Of course, at that point, a man dressed in depressing black approached Jay, beckoning for Jay to come with him. As Jay did so, he approached the stranger with a questioning look on his face. "Mr. Delon, right?" Jay nodded his head apprehensively. "I'm going to need you to come with me."

A few minutes later, Jay was sitting in a desk, Nyx's body in a casket in front of him. "Dammit!" He yelled, tears streaming from his eyes. "What the hell? I can't believe it! I didn't even get to say goodbye... and we fought last time too..." He walked up to the casket, and receiving an affirmative nod, touched Nyx's still arm. His voice suddenly got quiet, and all tears stopped. "Who did this?" He asked softly, though real anger shook through his voice.

@Ami the breadling You still there? Jay may need revenge...)
Magical Squid Senpai]Pluto watched his boyfriend nearly beat himself to death. He got up and looked at Jackal.[COLOR=#cc99ff] "Don't move! Just stay still! I-i have to.think of something..." [/COLOR][COLOR=#cc99ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/ said:
@GingerBread[/URL] @mewbot5408
Otulp watched Lakcaj nearly beat himself to death. He got up and looked at Lakcaj. " Don't move! Just stay still! I-i have to think of something"

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
Nyx was listening to Jay talking, unable to open his eyes or move any of his limbs as the sliver had not killed him but paralyzed him So Jay doesn't hate me. That's good. Thinking I'm dead that's less good. I wish I could move right now, That sliver drained me, Gonna need some blood. But who gives blood to a dead man Nyx would've chuckled if he was able to.

I Need to let Jay know I'm okay. But how? Nyx as stumped on how to let Jay know he was alive, seeing as he couldn't move at all. Nah, I've killed demons and other stuff like that. I can move an arm even if I am paralyzed. Just gotta force myself to Nyx began trying to move his arm up to show Jay he was still alive but only managed to make his fingers twitch.

Meanwhile, Mr. Shit-eating-grin of the Battle Sim society drummed his fingers on his desk, watching as the sim competitors were whittled to the last few. Deciding to finally make things interesting, he pulled a lever, making the stadium start to contract and shrink, bringing the wounded elf, the smoking man, the fairy, the shifter, the mirror, and the gorgon closer together in the arena. "It was about time for a bloodbath, I suppose," he muttered happily.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @OceanBunny @metalcity @LegenDarius

Jay started, jumping in surprise as Nyx's fingers twitched. "Holy crap! He's not dead!" He gestured to the suited man, who looked down at Nyx with a surprised glance. "I can't believe it! You were about to doom a living boy!" Jay's heart skipped in happy surprise, and he took a hold of Nyx's twitching fingers, bringing his face closer to Nyx's chest. "Nyx? Can you hear me? Are you ok?" He asked, his voice filled with worry.

At least he knows I'm not dead. That's always good Nyx would've smiled if he was able to Now to deal the paralysis. But how? I need blood but Jay doesn't know that. Nyx thought for a moment, well that was all he could really do.I could attempt to try to signal that I need blood and hope that he understands. Nyx used his blood magic to control what little blood there was left in him. Nyx forced him arm upwards and did his best to point to his mouth in the hopes that Jay would understand.

Jay smiled happily as Nyx tried to control his arm, though it kinda just flopped on his face. Well, at least he's alive. Plus, I know what he wants. Though Nyx couldn't see it, Jay nodded in response, pulling up his sleeve. "Alright, here comes the airplane," he said teasingly, before cutting his arm on one of Nyx's sharp teeth. Though it hurt, Jay squeezed harder, trying to wring a bit of blood out of his arm for Nyx.

As soon as Jay's blood went down Nyx's throat he felt his paralysis start to wear off. Nyx weakly pushed Jay's arm away and attempted to sit up. Though his body was still quite stiff, making it difficult. "If I ever see sliver in my life again. I'm going to kill the person who has it" Nyx's eyes slowly opened as his body became unparalyzed "I'm going to need some more blood and help getting around for a bit" Nyx did his best to smile at Jay "Sorry about earlier by the way. I don't really understand what happened. But I'll make it up to you. I promise Jay"

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As Nyx got up again, Jay's eyes started to water, despite the smile on his face. He jumped forward, hugging Nyx as tight as possible. "It's good to have you back," he said silently, as a tear or two fell down his face. "I almost thought I lost you!" The then separated himself, from Nyx, putting his hands on his hip like a mother would. "Now, what the hell was that? You almost died! What if I had lost you? That was just so irresponsible!" He shook his head, and Nyx could clearly see that he was joking. "Anyways, let's get you moving, huh?" He slid his hands under Nyx, and with some effort, hauled him to his feet. "Where to now?"

"Don't blame me for almost dying. I was just sitting on a bench after trying to look for you. And then I got injected with Sliver. Death seems to just follow me around. But he'll never be able to finish me off" Nyx smirked and Slung his arm around Jay's neck, using him to support himself " I've no idea, somewhere with blood. Local blood bank maybe? Or we could go look in the school's infirmary, that's pretty much the only use for it, stealing drugs and blood and drug infused blood. Cause who needs medical attention when I've got a healer for a boyfriend" Nyx's smile turned into a concerned frown "Are we still boyfriends? Or did I mess that up badly?"

"Blame you? Nyx, you better get on your knees and repent after this," Jay said jokingly, helping Nyx wrap his arm around his shoulder and guiding the vampire. "If you'd like, we could head to the butcher's shop. I mean you're practically putting his kids through college at this point!" He shook his head at his joke. "And as for being boyfriends? Maybe we aren't," Jay said, though he qinked at Nyx. "Nah, I'm just joking. Just because you die doesn't mean I don't love you. Now what silliness is that?" Then, his face turned to a less joking one. "But you really need to stop getting hurt. I already used my all-cure on you, and simple healing magic won't cure silver. Stay out of trouble for a while, would you?"

Later, Jay pulled up to the butcher's shop with Nyx in tow. He set his friend on a bench, going up to the man at the stand. "Uh, hello? A gallon of the freshest blood you have, please!" Five minutes later, he walked back with the blood to Nyx, setting it on the bench beside him. "So, how did it go with Miyuki? Like, afterwards, you know?"

At least he doesn't hate me. I messed up badly and he still forgives me. I'm lucky to have someone as amazing as Jay is Nyx smiled at Jay as he came back with the blood "I'm not really sure. After you left she suggested that I go after you and that the feelings I had for her were caused by something in science. I'm not sure about her now. I don't think she wanted it to end...." Nyx was quiet for a moment. "But hey I guess I'm just that great that no one wants to leave me" Nyx smiled warmly at Jay

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The digital lines that represented the battle-dome shrank, and so the remaining competitors were caged in close range of each other. Corvus looked at the dome's bounds, which were now visible on ground level, and saw the frozen forest behind it. The great mountain was closed off too, the alpenglow behind it beginning to replace the luminescence of the moon.

There they all were, and what a time to pick a sudden deathmatch: when Corvus is on his last legs. But he waited patiently. Just a little more time... And he would play his trump card. And as everyone was getting their bearings, Corvus played it.

R͎ͨ̓ͫͥͦẹ͇̦̺̈̔ͪ͗v͔̳̮̬̱͐̓̆e̟͌͐͊̆̏r̼̪̾̀̍͆̓̀s̜e̪̣̥ͮ͂́̓̑̂ͅ ̈́̊ͥS̬̗̮ͫ̒ͧͧ̓t̪͇̟̬͂̍́ͯͧ̔a̳̔̄͐̊͒t̪͋̍ͧ̅ͧͯͫė̺̮̜̺̗

Corvus's body was enveloped by an azure glow as his body state was reversed in time. Gradually, the knife-wound in his throat rebuilt itself and the life-threatening wound on his abdomen caused by the sword and the spider-leg regenerated at breakneck speed. Then the aura dissipated in a flash of lightning, revealing a Corvus that had a battle-ready expression on his face, a bloody sword on his right hand, a bloody dagger at his left, and bow and arrows at his back. But that was all he had left now, for his mana was all but drained.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @OceanBunny @metalcity
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'Are they serious right now?" Pluto sighed when he saw who he had to fight. If only there was a way he could get out of this. 'Hmmmmm, what is the least painful way to die? Maybe I can I just hold my breath? Cause I definitely won't be able to beat these guys with a club!' He frowned at everyone, especially that looks like he could kill you no matter what you do.

'What are you waiting for? Do something!'

"Not today."

'Your just going to give up!?'

Pluto shrugged, "yeah, I guess."

'Wow. Pathetic!'

"That doesn't work on me anymore." Pluto started to move away from the other two. 'Oh Pluto, look! It's your girlfriend!'

There was Willow witha guy who looked like a jerk. 'Alright. You wanna die? Go bother that guy over there. Let him kill you.'

Pluto started walking towards Willow. "Heeeeey Willow!"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @LegenDarius @mewbot5408
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It's good to have him back, Jay thought happily. It's been a few hours, but it's felt like two weeks just alone! I guess I really can't live without him. As Nyx smiled at him, Jay followed suit, letting a genuinely happy smile cross his face again. "Well, I'm sure we can all get this sorted out later. I'm just glad to have you back!" He sat back on the bench, sighing, when his ten pigeons fluttered down, carrying their hot dogs and snacks. "Not now, guys," Jay said, and the pigeons flew off sadly, with Democritus cooing something that sounded like "Blood" or "Death". Jay stood up, stretching and waiting for Nyx to finish his blood. "Well, when you're done, we should get going to the gym. Somebody's going to die any minute now, and I want to see who!"

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