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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Corvus reappeared elsewhere, but there was no gleaming lightshow to signal his appearance. At one time he was not, now he simply is. He was now at the edge of the frozen forest, and before him stood a great mountain that sloped upwards almost indefinitely. It looked as if one could jump onto the moon from the apex, and Corvus looked up in wonder at the sight. Peaceful.

@GingerBread Metalcity's gone, so send moar bots pls
"Knot at all. Though I will be coming for you after this. I will get my revenge" Frank began foaming at the mouth before collapsing to the ground as he slowly started to disappear.

@Magical Squid Senpai (4 Npc's left now I think and 8 people in total)
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LegenDarius said:
Corvus reappeared elsewhere, but there was no gleaming lightshow to signal his appearance. At one time he was not, now he simply is. He was now at the edge of the frozen forest, and before him stood a great mountain that sloped upwards almost indefinitely. It looked as if one could jump onto the moon from the apex, and Corvus looked up in wonder at the sight. Peaceful.
@GingerBread Metalcity's gone, so send moar bots pls
Sarah the Spidertaur was holding her keyboard defensively as she was just exiting the forest. Sarah was planning on heading towards the mountain when she saw a elf standing at the bottom of the mountain. Sarah rushed towards Corvus before stopping and firing a bunch of web to wrap him up in so she could drain his blood and kill him.

@LegenDarius (I just remembered Corvus fought a giant spider before. Well have fun with this giant spidertaur lady :P )
"I'll be sure to kill if you ever make another stupid joke." Jason moved back up to Plutos shoulder, hissing at where Frank once was. "Shame. He was cute." Pluto turned away and continued to wander the forest.


(How many more people are left?)
"Stop struggling, you're gonna hurt yourself." Willow sighed in frustration. "And look he left." She pointed out that Corvus had glitches away. "You'll be fine, Katcwont let you come to harm so long as he's protecting you." She gave the harpy a smile. "My names Willow. If I let you up, will you attack again?" She added, not wanting to hold the hotel hostage forever. She sat on a rock and started looking for more activity through her connection with the forest as she waited for a response.

@metalcity @LegenDarius

(@Magical Squid Senpai 4 NPCs and 4 players since @mewbot5408 never came in)
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"It's nice to meet you Hannah." Willow said as the vines dropped away. She held her hand out to help the harpy off the sheep. 'There's a snake boy on the east side of the forest.' A young oak tree informed Willow. 'Pluto's here.. I wonder if Javksl is too..' Willow thought, biting her lip as she recalled the unwarranted feelings from earlier in the day. 'Let me k ow if you see a cat boy.. I don't want to fight Pluto though.. I guess I could lead us West.. Then Pluto and Jst won't end up fighting.' She hummed lightly as she thought, looking over at Kat. 'Is there anyone in the West?' She queried of the forest life forms.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Corvus' heart rate spiked up as high as that mountain when all of a sudden he was caught inside of a spider web. Spider web... His peaceful expression curled into one of pure rage when he beheld the spider web that bound him. But he couldn't quite place his mind on why. But no matter, there's an enemy nearby!

With a single flex of his muscles the webs fell off of him, as he turned to face his adversary, the keyboard-wielding spidertaur, with a determined look on his face. A gentle breeze blew by, causing the grass to sway as the moon shined overhead, as if it was encouraging them both to do battle.

Corvus drew his knife, its perfect silver glint stained with a thin coating of rusty red blood from its last meal. But yet it still twinkled in the moonlight, like a harbinger of death. Grasping its grip, Corvus lunged at the spider with maximum speed, determined to drive this tooth of death straight into her heart like he did with his last enemy.

Sarah embuded the keyboard with a darkness before swinging it at Corvus and knocking him into a tree. Sarah then spawned hundreds of smaller spiders (Don't question it) to go and attack Corvus. All of the mini spiders crawled over to corvus and started crawling all over him as they began to bite him.

While the mini spiders were occupying Corvus Sarah started creating a web so she could stick Corvus to it before devouring him
This elf seems cocky, going for my heart right away, I shall enjoy ending his life

Corvus grunted from the blow and from the tiny spiders that began to bite him. But they didn't get far before he used his signature move.


The bright light that ensued caused the spiders to catch aflame, as their tiny little dying screams enveloped the sky. As for the elf, he lurked several yards away, cursing himself for being so rash. But he would make up for it with tact. There the darkness he waited, his patience running thin, for he wasn't used to fighting without a trusty firearm.

Sarah finished her web in time to watch Corvus run away and hide "Is the little elf scared? Is he going to cry out for his mommy because he's scared of a spider?" Sarah mocked, her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard as she kept a valiant eye out to see where Corvus would reappear from.

Corvus's ears flickered in disgust at the sound of her voice. But he remained still, silent. If only I had a long range weapon, he fumed. Nearby he saw a long, durable branch. He picked it up and held it in his hand, feeling its weight and flexibility. Then it hit him. I can make a bow, he thought excitedly.

There was some left over spider's web from when he was first bound, and though they were fragile, together they formed a strong bowstring. He connected both ends of the thick branch with the durable string made from spider's web to make a longbow. Arrows, the elf thought desperately. Arrows! Further away there was a river, and the moonlight reflected from the glistening waters allowed Corvus to see the sharp looking rocks that lay beside it. With no time to think, the elf sneaked away to the riverside, and picked up the sharpest pebbles he could find. He found eight, and they were just the right sharpness and size to serve as arrowheads.

Still unsatisfied, Corvus looked for branches to serve as the bodies of arrows. Fortunately, the surrounding coniferous trees had many thin branches, so Corvus picked eight of them to match the eight sharpened pebbles he found by the river. Fastening them together, he crafted eight arrows from them. Not a masterpiece, but it will have to do for the time being. Now... where is the spidertaur?

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Sarah had been setting traps on the ground while corvus had been making arrows. Sarah had placed spider web all over the ground that would immobilise anyone but her. After she had done this she sat in the middle of her large hidden ground web and looked around for Corvus. After a while Sarah decided to send out even more spiders to find and attack him "I can't wait to kill someone as weak willed as you. I'll enjoy every second of it"

Kat was surprised by the disappearance of the elven boy "What a disappointment, I shall face him again in the name of lady willow." kat lowered his weapons and turned to lady willow "What should we do now? my lady." Kat asked, he turned around ad bowed.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
"Let's head West. See if we can find the other players." Willow said, turning towards Kat as she helped Hannah off the sheep. 'Thank you for the help.' She patted the sheeps head. "Baaaa." 'You're welcome Miss fairy.' The sheep replied before disappearing into the trees.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Hannah smiled kindly at Willow as she got off of the sheep. Hannah turned her attention to kat "C-could I have a weapon? I'd f-feel safer if I did. I-I don't mind what it is..." Hannah looked sheepishly towards the ground as he raked her talons side to side on the ground.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
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Corvus' elfen ears twitched with the sound of mini spiders walking the earth. The rest of the battlefield was silent, and so their footsteps sounded like those of soldiers, echoing through the eerie forest clearing. Quickly, Corvus leaped onto one of the coniferous trees and climbed up high, hoping to spot the enemy. And sure enough there she was, standing out in the open, in the middle of a field.

Such an obvious trap, Corvus thought. But then the spiders might complicate things if I'm pushed there. Better stay elevated. From the top of a tree he drew out his handcrafted bow, and with it an arrow. Notching the arrow right in the middle of the branch, Corvus pulled back with all of his strength. His arms pulsed and large veins made themselves apparent as he stretched the arrow as far back as he could.

Corvus stared down the straight branch that made up the body of the arrow, and took a deep breath to steady his aim. And with a smooth, soundless exhale, he let go of the string and watched the arrow go forth from the bow carrying a gale force and embed itself into the spidertaur's skull. A clean headshot, just like Corvus liked it.

The spidertaur whipped around when the arrow embed it'self in her skull before disappearing out of the simulation. Spotting Corvus in the tree she sent tens of hundreds of spiders to swarm over him "Foolish elf, that isn't the weapon you were given is it?" Sarah taunted as she shot a volley of webs towards Corvus, which hit hit and stuck his arms to the tree while the spiders started swarming all over him and crawling down his throat and through his nostrils as they entered his body any way they could, they were trying to choke him by blocking off his air supply with their bodies.

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Corvus screeched in pain as the spiders crawled into his throat. He struggled gruesomely in his web, as if he was being hanged, as the spiders choked him with their bodies. He cried out for help, but only the sounds of moving spiders and incoherent muffled choking were heard.

@GingerBread (All I could write for now, pls don't kill me)
Sarah walked over to Corvus with an air of superiority surrounding her "And you were meant to be the big bad elf. Were you one that ran away from santa?" Sarah climbed up to Corvus and wrapped him completely in web before ordering the spiders to vacate his throat "Don't worry, I'm going to make sure your death is painful. I would've made it quick if you didn't give me a new hole in my head"

Sarah picked Corvus up and walked over to the web she made earlier and stuck him to it "Now. How to kill you with a keyboard? I could beat you until your skull cracks open and your brain falls out. I think I'll do that unless you have a better idea"

Hannah smiled gratefully at Kat for the sword as he gingerly lifted it out of his hands. Hannah smile contorted into a malicious smirk "God you people are easy to trick" Hannah gloated as she thrusted the sword towards Kat's heart, aiming to kill.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Kat stumbled back, utterly confused "B-but, you apologised? it was your boyfriend's fault? why attack us?" Kat spattered out, as he stumbled he fell to the side, the sword pierced through his arm. Blood started to flow gently out of the new wound.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
"What boyfriend? And by the way, I lied. But here's a truth for you. I hate people like you, White knights who think woman can't get their hands dirty and should just sit there and look pretty. Too bad this is just a simulation, I'd love to kill you and end your pathetic existence permanently" Hannah lifted the sword up and swung it towards Kat's head. Aiming to decapitate him or at the very least sever his windpipe.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
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Kat's face grew in anger "Your not a female, your a diabolical witch! How dare you play your pitiful existence as a female! You shall parish for this!" He angrily said, getting louder and louder as he spoke. Kat quickly pulled the mace of his back and swung it in front of himself, deflecting the sword. Once Kat gained control of the rebound he went to smack the harpy with the mace.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
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