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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kat slowly started to feel bad as each word she spoke hit his ears, tears were like lava on his heart. "Oh god! I'm so sorry, please forgive me! I was trying to protect lady willow." Kat quickly tried to redeem himself but it was no use. He felt worse and worse. While he spoke he started to get up and let go of lady willow, he bowed then offered lady willow a hand.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Willow took his hand, still glaring at the harpy. "I don't believe her." She said, tightening the vines hold and having more snake up around her torso. "This is just a game.. You're not actually hurting her.. Just sending her back to the gym."

@GingerBread @metalcity
Kat's mind was conflicted, one part of him wanted to believe lady willow. But on the other hand she was a female, she must be right, right? "Bu-but, lady willow. she is still a female, I shouldn't hurt her." Kat looked back at the harpy "Oh god what have I done. I'm sorry." He bowed again to her."maybe she could join us?" Kat suggested.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Hannah let out a small scream of pain as the vines tightened against her, causing her to cry even more "I'm s-sorry, I'm s-sorry" She began whimpering in pain as the vine's grip didn't stop tightening against her legs.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Willow frowned at the girls screams and stopped the vines from tightening more. "I made the mistake of trusting strangers last time I was in one of these. They tried to kill me when I wasn't looking." She said, still not trusting the harpy. "Maybe you're right and she'll join us.. But I'm not sure.." Willow sighed, not want to hurt the girl, but not sure if they could trust her. "What if we test her?"

@GingerBread @metalcity

"Well so long as neither of us is sure.. She's staying tethered." Willow whistled and one of the sheep came trotting down the path. Pulling the harpy to her feet, Willow sat the girl on the sheeps back still wrapped in vines, "Lets head into the forest.. It'll be safer there." Willow said, creating a new vine path into the forest away from the swamp. She reached out, connecting to the larger array of life forms in the forest.

@GingerBread @metalcity

(Neither of us can kill her Dx looks like we've got ourselves a hostage..)
"That makes sence..." Kat muttered in disappointment. His head was rested in his hand, he raised his head and watched lady willow in agony. He started to follow lady willow and the sheep.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
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Hannah kept whimpering as the Vines started chafing against her wings. She get squirming trying to get more comfortable but decided saying anything about it in case Willow and Kat thought she was trying to trick them.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Willow drowned at Kat's obvious displeasure. As she walked, she likened to the girls whimpers and used the trees to watch her without actually looking. 'She sounds like she's really in pain..' Willow thought, paying more attention to the vines around the girls wings. Willow sighed as she noticed the vines were chafing the girls wings, knowing how sensitive those appendages could be. She loosened the vines slightly and grew soft miss along them, hoping to alleviate the girls suffering.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Kat continued to be disgusted until lady willow made it seem less painful for the creature, but then the thought of her lying once again popped in his mind if this is a act, she could try and kill lady willow again...wait? am I questioning a female? what kind of monster am I? Kat looked back at the creature "Do you want to see your" Kat's tone turned to clear frustration and anger, he frowned slightly "boyfriend" then he returned to his normal tone "again?" He asked, not entirely sure what he would do when she answered.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Hannah smiled gratefully at Willow as the vines stopped chafing her wings and actually became more comfortable "Th-thanks". When Kat asked if she wanted to see her boyfriend again she shook her head "N-no, he's the one w-who got me i-into this mess"

@metalcity @OceanBunny
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Kat sighed "I'll kick his ass when we win...how many people can win? and have either of you done this before?" kat asked, he thought he remembered lady willow mentioning before but not sure, he was also not really sure with all the rules of this game, if he had to give up his life to let them win he would do so in a instant.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
"You have to survive till the end to win. After a couple hours we'll all be transported to the middle for a sudden death match. Who ever survives that wins. I'm not sure but I think the limit was 3 people in the last sim." Willow said, trying to remember all the rules from the first sim. "I believe there's four terrains and then the center arena."

@metalcity @GingerBread

Magical Squid Senpai]Some of the pebbles hit Jason. '[I][COLOR=#0000b3]Aaaah!!! What is happening!?' [/COLOR][/I]He wiggled around in discomfort. Pluto turned in time to see Frank charge at him. He moved out of the way. [I][COLOR=#b30000]'Don't dodge! You are supposed to kill him!!'[/COLOR][/I] "[COLOR=#cc99ff]I don't feel like doing this!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#b30000]"[/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000][I]Do it anyway!!'[/I][/COLOR] Pluto just groaned. He swung the club at Frank. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/ said:
Frank was knocked to the floor as the club came into contact with his side. Frank swung his coat hanger at Pluto and tried to get the hook bit to grab onto Pluto's collar and pull him closer. If by some miracle this worked frank would punch Pluto in the stomach.

@Magical Squid Senpai (Sorry I never got notified for this and missed it D: )
Pluto watched Frank fall, not really feeling like fighting. "This is so stupid. What the heleis wrong with this school. I just wanna have a date with dang boyfriend." He mumbled angrily. Jason's screaming was the only warning he got before the coat hanger caught onto his large tee-shirt.

'See Pluto, this is why we wear normal sized clothes!'


(It's fine!)
Corvus remained in the science wing only for a little bit before he decided that the smell was too much for him. He made his way to the cafeteria to have some lunch, and right as the lunch period ended he heard the announcement for the Battle Sim.

"Ahh, finally. Something to do today," Corvus said before tapping his head twice. And in that moment, the noise and ruckus of the cafeteria was replaced with the sudden silence of a coniferous forest.

An enormous faint globe made of what looked like constellations was overhead, and beyond it was the same digital night sky that Corvus beheld in his first battle sim a few months ago. The forest around him was all but silent, as fresh snow bore down gently on the surrounding coniferous trees, and snow overlaid the ground like a thin layer of gentle white powder. So... peaceful, Corvus thought. He was almost caught up in it too, before he remembered that this was a battle sim. Blood would be shed here.

The elfen boy looked down and saw that he had something like a tactical grenade on his belt. "What is this, a flashbang?" he said quietly to himself. However the surrounding trees echoed his voice throughout the forest to make it sound like the voice of a ghostly multitude, and it startled the elf. Better keep quiet, he thought to himself. He took a knee and laid low in the shadows of the trees, inspecting his starting weapon. It wasn't just one tactical grenade, thank God, but it was some sort of pepper spray. Great. I have to be up close to use this. But that might be a good thing, as I need to get up close anyway to get a weapon, Corvus thought, glad that he now had a battle plan. Then he laid low in the silence and shadows, his elfen ears searching for the footsteps of the nearest enemy.

@GingerBread If you can, send bots my way.

[Edit: @metalcity @OceanBunny can I join this?]
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Steve the Satyr was walking around the forest carrying his hardback encyclopedia of the world. Steve heard the voice of someone and went to investigate as he was walking over to where he heard the sound coming from he caught a glimpse of something crouching into the shadows. Looks like someone is hiding, best keep on guard Steve thought as he walked over to where he thought he saw the figure duck down.

Corvus' elfen ears twitched with the sound of footsteps some several yards away. Someone's close. He soundlessly turned around and rose slightly, so that he was halfway between crouching and standing. And his eyes saw a beast, a Satyr in the distance, who appeared to be carrying a large tome in his hand. He remained still, cautious of the creature.

He could've at least had a

Steve stopped and sniffed the air before craining his neck around, causing him to look directly where Corvus was crouch-standing. "Hello little elf, I can't wait to bash you little head in with my book" Steve charged towards Corvus, aiming his horns at Corvus's torso. Steve was aiming to stab Covus and then continue the assault with his book.

@LegenDarius (Nah, cause then you'd get a weapon that's more useful. And we can't have that. Also have you ever been hit with a hardback book? Hurts man.)
Corvus stood up immediately after the beast bellowed its violent words. And as he charged at him horns first, Corvus somersaulted into the air, landing on the beast's back before jamming his neck with the heavy metallic end of the pepper spray and then spraying the beast's face with the can.

As soon as Steve was hit in his neck he fell backwards sandwiching Corvo between him and the ground. Steve stood back up, his vision blurry and stinging from the pepper spray. Steve was able to make out the blurry figure of Corvus who was still on the ground and threw his book at him before he charged towards him once again.

Willow heard a commotion farther into the forest and tuned into the plants in that direction. 'Corvus.. But I don't know the other one.' She thought as she found the boys. Reaching a less muddy area she ended the vine path and stepped down onto the soft forest floor. 'My shoes..' She thought with a frown as she realized they were still sitting on the stream bank. 'I can make new ones after the sim..' "Kat, would you like to go see the fight over that way? They're both boys. The elf is a friend but I don't know the other one." She said, turning towards him as the sheep came to stop next to her.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Corvus caught the book that was thrown at him, but only barely. He felt his wrists writhe in pain from the shock of the heavy tome, but he steeled himself, not allowing himself to be defeated so early. And as the Satyr charged at him once more, Corvus took aim and threw the book as hard as he could at the Satyr's head, hoping to concuss him.


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