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Fantasy Lakoria High School

The mud got into Cym's eye and stung like a bitch. Cym hardly felt the punch Kat had threw at him. Cym started flailing his arms around in response to the mud in his eye; Cym was trying to hit Kat. Cym still had a strong Grip on the mace so If kat continued holding onto it he would get thrown around like a ragdoll.

Kat let go of the mace and watched the monster, he waited for a opening. He found a gap and kicked the legs of the beast aiming to knock it over into the dirt, if successful when the beast is down Kat will stamp on its eye.

Cym hardly felt Kat kick his legs and continued flailing his arms around, one of his hands only just skimming over the top of Kat's head while the mace came towards the side of Kat's head.

@metalcity (I don't think you're getting the whole giant thing. If he hardly felt your punch why would your kick do anything? you were so close to the right solution steve. But just taking out his eye won't stop him, go deeper ;) )
Willow heard a commotion coming from nearby, but she couldn't see the people from where she was. Closing her eyes she connected to the tree beneath her and reached out towards the other plants in the swamp. 'Hello there, do you guys mind if I use you as my eyes for a bit?' She asked. 'Of course not miss fairy. We're happy to be of help.' The tree beneath her responded. Thanking the trees Willow reached out, scanning the area from which the commotion had come for activity. 'Kat!' She exclaimed, seeing him and a cyclops nearby. Taking flight again she followed the path the trees showed her towards the pair.

@metalcity @GingerBread

(No thanks.. I totally thought I posted this already xD )
Kat ducked under the swing of the mace, nothing he tried worked so he had to think of a solution to defeat this beast. Kat looked for a weapon he could use, he saw a stick that fell of one of the surrounding tree's. He made his way through the mud while the beast was still blind and picked up the stick, he went towards the guy again and tried to stab the man in the eye.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny (yep, I don't really have any idea's xD )
metalcity said:
Kat ducked under the swing of the mace, nothing he tried worked so he had to think of a solution to defeat this beast. Kat looked for a weapon he could use, he saw a stick that fell of one of the surrounding tree's. He made his way through the mud while the beast was still blind and picked up the stick, he went towards the guy again and tried to stab the man in the eye.
@GingerBread @OceanBunny (yep, I don't really have any idea's xD )
Cym finally calm down and snapped out of his rage and wiped the mud away from his eye. As soon as he wiped away the mud he felt a stick plunge deep into his eye. Letting out a screech of pain he fell to the floor, the stick boring deeper into his head. He slowly disappeared and exited the simulation.

@metalcity @OceanBunny (Right Cym is dead D: Just tag us if you want another fight :D )
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Willow reached them as the Cyclips disappeared. 'Kat!' She called out as she flew lower towards him. Landing lightly on a tree branch she smiled at him and awkwardly set the sword down again.

As Jay prowled through the school, looking for the drug lord Pluto, it never once dawned upon him that Pluto may have entered the simulator. Instead, he spent an hour with his pigeons, combing the school for the student-turned-druggie. After a couple of hours, he slumped against the wall, deciding to take a break as his pigeons alighted around him. "Geez Louise, Democritus. He' relly gotten good, hasn't he?" In response, the brown pigeon simply cocked his head, cooing in response. "That's what I thought. He probably has an underground mafia network by now." The delusional boy shook his head, gesturing for the pigeons to follow him as he resumed his search.

A few minutes later, he chanced upon a familiar face. Really, the only face, since most students had already headed to the sim. "Hey! Sean!" He waved to the other student, running towards him as he did so. "What's going on?"

"lady willow!" He happily called out as he bowed in the lake of mud. Happy to see her unharmed "I shall protect you my lady!" kat continued to call out, he removed himself from the bow and picked up the mace "I apologise for my dirty appearance, I shall clean myself as soon as we find water of some sort."

metalcity said:
"lady willow!" He happily called out as he bowed in the lake of mud. Happy to see her unharmed "I shall protect you my lady!" kat continued to call out, he removed himself from the bow and picked up the mace "I apologise for my dirty appearance, I shall clean myself as soon as we find water of some sort."
"Dont worry. I'll locate clean water." Willow called, tapping back into her connection with the swamp plants. She see up a mental map from their directions to where the stream that fed the swamp was. Opening her eyes she smiled at Kat and grabbed the sword handle before taking flight again. Hovering near him she offered him the sword. "I don't really know how to use it." She said sheepishly. "I can get you out of the mud and onto drying land if you want." She offered. 'He prolly won't accept.. I might be able to grow a vine path though..'
Kat gently took the sword "I shall wield this in your name my lady. And please, do not dirty yourself with me." kat started stepping through the mud again, he rubbed his forehead to clear off the small build up of sweat from that battle. Kat held the mace and sword in separate hands.

Sean looked at Jay "A lot of stuff happened that I really don't want to talk about, and it's the cause of the infuriating headache! All I know is that some battle thing is going on and I'm not gonna attend, it's been a very rough day with everything that happened. What've you been up to?"

Sean looked tired like all the energy was sucked out of him.

metalcity said:
Kat gently took the sword "I shall wield this in your name my lady. And please, do not dirty yourself with me." kat started stepping through the mud again, he rubbed his forehead to clear off the small build up of sweat from that battle. Kat held the mace and sword in separate hands.
As expected, Kat denied her help. With a small smile Willow closed her eyes and concentrated on growing vines up through the mud. She wove them together into a zig zag path, connecting between the trees above the mud. She followed her mental map, creating a vine path towards the stream. Landing lightly on the path she smiled and offered her hand to Kat.
Jay backed up with his hands raised at Sean's outburst. "Whoa, whoa. Find your chill man. Inner peace, inner peace..." As he said that, Pauli flew by the two of them, taking a crap inches from Jay's nose. "Wow, thanks for the help, Pauli," he muttered, stepping back from the small mess in front of him. "Anyways, I've been fine, but I'm looking for this, er, 'drug lord'. I suppose he was the guy who drugged students into loving each other." He took an exaggerated step over the dot of bird dung, taking care to avoid it. "Anyways, if you want some headache relief, I've got some over-the-counter Acetomenophin. Probably not allowed to carry medication around school, but hey, nurses don't do crap." He slung his backpack off his shoulder and retrieved the bag of small white pills, offering them to Sean. "Care for a try?"

Miyuki sighed after Willow disappeared. Pushing her plate away, she laid her head on the table. 'I know it was because of something in science class.. But it feels real.' She thought, a tear sliding down her cheek. 'Everything I thought is true.. Even if I wouldn't have seen past the hate on my own..'
Lotusy said:
Jay backed up with his hands raised at Sean's outburst. "Whoa, whoa. Find your chill man. Inner peace, inner peace..." As he said that, Pauli flew by the two of them, taking a crap inches from Jay's nose. "Wow, thanks for the help, Pauli," he muttered, stepping back from the small mess in front of him. "Anyways, I've been fine, but I'm looking for this, er, 'drug lord'. I suppose he was the guy who drugged students into loving each other." He took an exaggerated step over the dot of bird dung, taking care to avoid it. "Anyways, if you want some headache relief, I've got some over-the-counter Acetomenophin. Probably not allowed to carry medication around school, but hey, nurses don't do crap." He slung his backpack off his shoulder and retrieved the bag of small white pills, offering them to Sean. "Care for a try?"
Sean stepped slightly back from the birdpoop and a little to the side in case he does continue walking after this. "I Appreciate your offer but most medicines will not work on vampires, our immune system is too good for anything, don't worry it'll go away. Anyways you're looking for a Drug Lord? I'm pretty sure I wasn't drugged as I was one of the victims, though if you really wanted to investigate I would check the science class cause after I exited that class I got affected."

Kat climbed onto the vine path, not wanting to touch Lady Willow while he was covered in dirt. His feet squelched as he tried to walk but struggled by the mud that built up in his shoe, he took it off and poured out the mud that was in his foot wear. "Shall we be going then? my lady." Kat asked, not sure where they had to go.

"We shall." Willow said with a smile. "This way." She started down the path towards the stream. Humming as she went, she stayed connected to the swamp plants so sheep I'll be warned of any approaching threats.

Kat followed lady willow down the path, enjoying the humming from her he smiled gently. As they approached the stream Kat noticed some animals that seemed to be connected to lady willow I assume that is part of lady willow's powers...they seem to be on high alert, for sheep that is quite strange... He thought as he watched them, his attention soon changed as they made it to the stream. The hot burning sun beamed down on the clear water, giving it a blinding reflection. Kat walked closer to it and kneed down by the water, he placed a finger into the water to feel the temperature. It felt clean and warm, like a flowing bath. "I shall clean myself up for the next battle." Kat hummed, he thought about asking lady willow to leave so he could strip to wash out his clothes and clean himself from the mud but if they got attacked that wouldn't be very good. So instead Kat took out his cigarettes and litter and placed them next to the stream, he proceeded by stepping into the stream, he started to brush the mud off his clothes with the warm water.

(Lol sheep xD that was a typo but it's cute ^^ (I'm not sure how autocorrect gets 'so sheep ill' out of 'so she'd' but hey xD ))

As they reached the stream Willow smiled at patted a sheeps head. Moving to the waters edge she slipped off her shoes and dipped her feet into the water, wShing the mud off from when she'd landed. Humming lightly she reached out down the stream, seeing what other life forms were nearby.

Hannah the harpy was flying around wielding a lamp when she spotted a fairy that was just sitting by a stream relaxing Fool, this will be an easy kill. I'll be one step closer to winning this thing Hannah thought as she flew directly at Willow as fast as she could. Hannah raised her lamp in the air and let out a war cry. She was aiming for Willow's wings, in an attempt to cripple her.

@OceanBunny @metalcity (Ask and ye shall receive)
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Hannah couldn't stop in time and ended up crashing head first into the stream, water kicking up behind as she slid across the bottom before coming to a halt "Clever fairy, but being clever won't save your life" Hannah took the sky once again and went for another dive bomb. Hannah held out her fist and the lamp and aimed them directly at Willow's torso.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Kat felt the sudden ripples in stream, he quickly turned to see lady willow had fallen "My lady!" Kat called out, quickly making his way to her. He looked and saw some creature, due to the sudden appearance he didn't have much time to think and come to a conclusion. The sun blinded his vision stopping him from seeing the features of the creature, and the voice was muffled by the sound of flowing water. Kat reached out and grabbed the sword, he found a few stones that were just out of the water. Kat placed one foot on the stone and dashed across them to lady willows aid. He leaped in front of her and lifted the sword and blocked the creature's attack "How dare you threaten her, you shall pay with your life!" Kat shouted, the sun became blocked by a cloud and he pushed the creature back. Noticing it was a female he started to become distracted in thought.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny

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