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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Hannah glared at Kat "So you like hurting girls do you? You disgust me" Hannah spat as she flew directly at him, aiming her lamp at the side of his head to try to knock him over so it would be easier for her to take him out.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
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The words she spoke stung, Kat's eyes widened with the realisation of the situation "I apologi-" cut off he was thrown into the stream, the running water filled his mouth and he started to chock, doing so was more painful as the side of his head started to bleed. A mixture of blood and water started to run into his eyes as he heaved out the water. Dammit! I can't hurt a female, I must pay for this sin with my life. Kat looked up with blurred vision, he saw lady willow slightly out of the way If I die now though, she will go after lady willow. I swore my life to her, she shall not be harmed. But I can't fight a female can I? That goes against everything I have done in my life. It will have been wasted if I go back on it now. Kat thought as he tried to make out the actions of the creature, he lifted his arm and started to wipe his eyes to remove the blood and water. He was still coughing slightly.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
"'Don't worry', but you're still talking about it," Jay grumbled, putting the pills back in the bag. "Hope it clears up soon, anyways." While Sean kept talking, he whispered something to Democritus, who flew away with a soft "coo". When Sean mentioned Dr. Schmetterling's class, Jay shook his head furiously. "You mean Schmetterling? No way! I mean, I'm sure that it came from his class, but you reeeeally don't want to go there unless you have to have to." Jay looked around before holding his hand to his mouth and whispering. "Besides, this drug lord couldn't be Scmetterling. I know him. He's absolutely ruthless." As he spoke, Jay edged even closer to Sean. "So, do you want in? If we catch him, we could take turns roasting him like a medieval heretic!"

A few minutes earlier...

As Pluto tapped the side of his head twice, a tugging sensation could be felt in his abdomen. With a flash, he disappeared from his date with Jackal... just in time for Jay to run past with a pitchfork, screaming something about a witch hunt. The world swirled like he was on serious drugs, and after a few seconds, he was thrown into the middle of the battle sim. The forest was his spawning quadrant, and the screech of a harpy could be heard not so far off. A wooden club spawned in his hand, looking more like an obese baseball bat than anything else.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Don't touch him!" Willow yelled, jumping into the air. She flew towards them, coming to hover between Kat and the harpy. The sun hitting her wet wings left a sparkling rainbow pattern across the stream. "Are you alright?" She asked Kat, glaring at the harpy.

@metalcity @GingerBread
"Ah, I get it. He's your abusive boyfriend. Stockholm syndrome is a nasty thing" Hannah glared at Kat before smiled facetiously at Willow "Don't worry though, I'll separate you and him in just a second. I'll start with you so you have time to reevaluate your life" Hannah charged towards Willow, lamp raised in the air. Hannah was aiming to bring in down ontop of Willow's head and knock her down into the water.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Kat's eyes became focused and raged. He leaped out of the water and in front of lady willow "I won't let anything harm her! Even if I have to kill a female." He angrily growled, just making out her location behind the waterfall of blood and water. He raised his sword and lifted his sword up blocking the incoming attack, he moved his foot to stop him from falling and pushed the sword forwards, trying to over power the creature and knock it down.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Willow shifted sizes as the harpy came at her. Now doll sized she quickly dropped through the air, coming to a stop above the water. She sent vines up through the air from the stream bed, attempting to leash the harpies ankle as Kat blocked it's attack.

@GingerBread @metalcity
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Hannah sliced apart the vines with her razor sharp talons before glaring at Willow "I will kill you, But I think I'll do you a favor and kill your abusive boyfriend first" Hannah launched herself towards Kat, her razor sharp talons aiming for his chest and face.

@OceanBunny @metalcity (So much for never hurt a female huh)
Kat jumped back a little I won't let her down He thought, watching the creatures movements. Kat reached back slightly, using his free hand he picked up the mace. He stood in a defence stance waiting for the creature to do a attack of some sort.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Hannah flew high up into the sky and out of sight and moved so she was directly above Kat. Hannah closed her wings and let herself fall with her talons outstretched so they would come into contact with Kat's head and dig into his skull.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Kat watched as the creature left, she seemed to fly into the air. "Were did she go?" Kat asked himself, looking around. He cautiously moved over to lady willow "Are you unharmed my lady?" Kat asked, looking for the female creature.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Willow flipped in the air and came to a halt as the harpy flew up into the air. "Dammit." She muttered as the girl disappeared amongst the clouds. "I'm okay.." Willow said as Kat came over to her. "But she's coming back!" Willow exclaimed, watching as the harpy came lune ting back through the clouds. Grabbing Kats hand Willow dropped below the water and grew a thorny bramble barrier over them.

@metalcity @GingerBread
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'Aw! I didn't even get to eat mine!'

Pluto looked around at where he was. "How did I get here!?" He lifted up the club. "....why."

'Pft what are we? Cavemen?!'

This reminds me of home!'

'Is that a harpy I hear? Let's kill it.'

Pluto started walking around the new place. Wondering what he has to do.

Magical Squid Senpai]'[I][COLOR=#006600]WHAT THE FUCK WAS IN THOSE COOKIES!?'[/COLOR][/I][I] [/I][I][COLOR=#0080ff]'Aw! I didn't even get to eat mine!'[/COLOR][/I] Pluto looked around at where he was. "[COLOR=#cc99ff]How did I get here!?" [/COLOR]He lifted up the club. [COLOR=#cc99ff]"....why." [/COLOR] '[I][COLOR=#0000ff]Pft what are we? Cavemen?!'[/COLOR][/I] [I] '[/I][I][COLOR=#b300b3]This reminds me of home!'[/COLOR][/I] [I] [/I][I][COLOR=#b30000]'Is that a harpy I hear? Let's kill it.' [/COLOR][/I] Pluto started walking around the new place. Wondering what he has to do. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22819-lotusy/ said:
Frank the geomancer was stalking through the trees when he spotted a boy walking through the forest. Frank lifted small pebbles off of the floor and threw them towards Pluto while he charged at him with his coat hanger.

@Magical Squid Senpai
OceanBunny said:
Willow flipped in the air and came to a halt as the harpy flew up into the air. "Dammit." She muttered as the girl disappeared amongst the clouds. "I'm okay.." Willow said as Kat came over to her. "But she's coming back!" Willow exclaimed, watching as the harpy came lune ting back through the clouds. Grabbing Kats hand Willow dropped below the water and grew a thorny bramble barrier over them.

@metalcity @GingerBread
Hannah spread her wings out to the side and gradually slowed herself down, stopping just above the brambles "Hiding? god you and your abusive boyfriend are both wimps. Guess that's why he has to hit women to make himself feel better" Hannah taunted as she waited for them to come back above the water.

@OceanBunny @metalcity (Did willow just trap them beneath the water xD )
Willow rolled her eyes at the harpies taunt and kicked off the bottom of the stream. Pulling Kat with her she surfaced a few feet down stream, grabbing onto a tree root near the swamp edge.

@GingerBread nope xD more like a cave.. Still open o. One side under the water. @metalcity
Kat unwillingly let lady willow pull him along, annoyed that she is touching him, and she is doing the work that he should be doing. But he wouldn't say anything as it may upset her. Once they reached the opening Kat carefully climbed out "Do you have a plan? my lady." Kat asked as he started thinking himself.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Hannah flew up into the air and looked around for Willow and Kat. Hannah held her lamp defensively in case someone tried to attack her unawares. Hannah spotted the wings of Willow and immediately flew over to her, lamp raised above her head before she brought it forcefully down, hoping to knock Willow out cold as she was the more dangerous opponent right now.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
As he was drinking his soup, Raven heard the announcement over the intercom. What was the deal with this school? Forcing students to participate in a lame secret Santa ordeal...

Only to absentmindedly kill them in some sort of simulation? Did they ever even learn here? Why was he even attending this school...

Because no one else cares about you... and you don't belong out there in the real world.

Raven pushed his tray forward as he got up. He wasn't going to deal with this... Not now. Instead, he made his way to the dorms and stood in front of his door. Using his key, he unlocked it before walking into it. He flicked on the light and locked the door before he continued to walk to his room. His guitar was still laying on his bed, and he decided to pick it up and play it for a little while. Strumming along to the beat in his mind, Raven began to sing a song that reminded him of Ales right before he...

Well, killed her obviously.

"I'm jealous of the rain..."

"Lady willow!" kat called out in a panic, he jumped across the stream. He reached his arm out and wrapped it around her, pulling her closer so he could wrap his arms around her. "dammit, sorry my lady."He told whispered as he crashed into the ground on the other side of the stream. He looked into his arms "Are you ok my lady?" He asked, a slightly annoyed tone present in his voice as he started to look towards the creature.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Willow blushed as Kat tackled her across the stream. "I'm fine." She said quietly as she looked over his shoulder at the harpy. She sent multiple vines towards the harpy, aiming to tie her legs together.

@GingerBread @metalcity

(Last time Wilow fought one of your npc's she ended up killing poor guard #5 accidentally)
Hannah charged at Willow and attempted to swing her lamp at Willow but got pulled to the ground and had her legs tied together by vines. Crap, Time for plan B Hannah thought as she started crying. Hannah looked up at Kat and Willow with tears rolling down her face

"P-Please don't h-hurt me. I-I'm sorry for trying to hurt you. I-I just thought that if I got r-rid of you guys first th-then you wouldn't hurt me. M-me and my boyfriend came into th-this thing. He said it would be fun and that I had to come along s-so He would have someone to talk to. H-he got taken out pretty much as soon as we joined this th-thing and I just ran away" Hannah said between choked sobs "I'm S-sorry"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
Some of the pebbles hit Jason. 'Aaaah!!! What is happening!?' He wiggled around in discomfort. Pluto turned in time to see Frank charge at him. He moved out of the way.

'Don't dodge! You are supposed to kill him!!'

"I don't feel like doing this!"

"Do it anyway!!'

Pluto just groaned. He swung the club at Frank.


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