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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kat thought "If they are a friend of yours then I guess we could go. If they seem to be in danger do you want me to try rescue them?" Kat asked, willing to do anything for her. Kat looked down at the harpy in slight pity then continued to follow lady willow.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread (@LegenDarius don't worry friend, Kat is here to save the day :D )
The book got impaled on Steve's horns. This caused his vision to become slightly blocked. Steve continued charging towards Corvus but only managed to slightly clip his arm, leaving nothing more than a scratch. Steve eventually came to a halt when he collided with a tree and got one of his horn momentarily stuck in the tree.

"He should be okay.. If he can use his powers at least.." Willow said as she headed in the direction of the fight. She jumped and twirled in the air, flying backwards and smiling at Kat. "We might be able to find more people though, or at least see some of the competition."

@GingerBread @metalcity
Corvus recoiled from the wound, but recovered quickly as it was only a flesh wound. He watched the Satyr charge past him, and he smiled when he heard the sound of the beast's horn penetrating the trunk of a tree. Some snow fell off of the leaves of the tree, and they fell gently down to the ground to join the layer of powder that covered it.

Perfect, Corvus thought. He closed his eyes and strange glyphs appeared near his right hand. They dazzled back and forth like contained fireworks before coming together to form into a large, silver combat knife. It glinted menacingly in the virtual moonlight as Corvus walked nonchalantly to where the beast had stuck himself. He heard the Satyr's grunts as he desperately tried to free himself from the tree, but to no avail. Overhead, the sound of crows fleeing the trees was evident, the flapping of their wings being another sign of the beast's imminent death.

Corvus stopped and took aim, estimating where the beast's heart would lay. Then with a deadly lunge, he thrust the knife deep into the Satyr's body, the blade piercing both arteries of his heart. Corvus held it there, with the hilt touching the Satyr's fur. The beast coughed blood, the rusty red color staining the bark of the tree and the snow underneath, turning the gentle white color into an ominous dark ruby red. Then there was silence; the beast had breathed his last.

The elf withdrew his knife, and without taking notice of the other two people nearby, he stared in awe at what he had just done. Corvus had always fought from a distance, using a bow or his trusty sniper rifle or some sort of firearm. But here he came face to face with his own wetworks. It wasn't by the bending of a bow nor by the pull of a trigger that he ended someone's life. It was by his own, brutal, vicious, merciless hands. And that revelation caused him to stand still for that moment, that moment that seemed to last as an eternity as snowflakes remained fixed in the air like stars.

Then sheathing his knife away, he turned to the two who were at a distance. He recognized that one of them was Willow, and so he just stood there and stared at her without saying a word, for he was too shaken for his lips to utter any words.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @metalcity
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A small smile appeared on Corvus's hard face, his fingers still twitchy and unstable from killing someone at so close a range. I guess I should've been used to it by now, he thought to himself. "Hey, Willow," Corvus responded, although his mind was still somewhat far away.

Suddenly, in the battle sim, the speaker system crackled to life. "Good to see you, good to see you, students!" A voice shouted, sounding crazily excited. "Now, you may not know, but there's only ten of you left!" As the voice said that, the Wilhelm scream could be heard, and a lion-headed student went flying above the arena, smashing into the wall and dying. "Well, make that nine. Now, as you know, we never had a winner for last game, due to a certain... dragon, but nevertheless! We're making an exception to the rule!" Whoever the speaker was, a devilish shit-eating grin was probably spreading across his face. "There can only be two winners now." With that message, the system hung up.

@Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @metalcity @LegenDarius @GingerBread
Willow frowned as the announcement ended. 'Only two..' She thought, looking around the small group. 'I guess we could try eliminating the other five first.. Then we might lose a someone before we have to turn against each other..' She sighed, not sure what to do.

@metalcity @GingerBread @LegenDarius
(Oh my gosh I miss a week and people are suddenly killing each other!)

Emma Emma looked at Columbus with concern when Ami stabbed him the sleeping drug. She didn't know what to do, so she looked at him while waiting for him to wake up. Deciding to try and rub her umbrella victory in, she leaned close to Columbus's ear, whispering, "Creeps never win. Emma is always king of the hill!" She twirled her umbrella around like a sword and put it back wherever she got it from.

Corvus was brought back to reality with the violent words of the stranger. His fingers thirsted for the feeling of the knife's grip once more, but he stopped himself. "So if you kill me, you're taking yourself out?"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @GingerBread
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GingerBread said:
Frank attempted to punch Pluto in the stomach. If he was successful in doing this and Winding Pluto he would attempt to wrap the earth around Pluto's legs, stopping him from moving.
@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto was getting agitated. Especially with that stupid announcement. 'C'mon Pluto. Let the rage fill you. Let it consume your whole being. Be the anger!! Kill!!'

"Ugh! I don't care." Pluto grabbed Franks hand and pulled him towards him. He headbutted Frank, hoping it would throw him off a little.

'Ow! That hurt!'

Uhhhh, right on the side! You jerk!'

'Warn us next time!'

Frank was knocked back and dazed slightly but recovered. Once he recovered he ran towards pluto, aiming the coat hanger for his snake hair, Aiming to restrain one of them so he could rip it off. If frank was able to do this he would then attempt to punch Pluto in the stomach once again.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Once I have vanquished other opponents, yes. Any thing for lady willow." Kat told him, his voice wasn't angry, it was rather calm all of a sudden. In a sexism Kat dashes over to the elf, raising his sword aiming to slice the elfs neck. He kept his mace back for any counter attacks.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny @GingerBread
"Are you okay?" Willow asked the struggling harpy, tightening the vines slightly. "We have a better chance of getting to the end if we work together to get rid of the other five!" Willow called out to the boys, not wanting to see either of them harmed, even in a game.

@metalcity @GingerBread @LegenDarius
"H-he's the one who tried to k-kill me earlier. I need to get away from him before he tries to k-kill m-me again" The vines tightening caused Hannah to start to struggle even more as she began hyperventilating .

@OceanBunny @metalcity @LegenDarius
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Corvus saw the blade hurtling towards his neck in slow-motion. But he was completely calm. Focused. In that moment he closed his eyes, unfazed by the blade about to slit his throat.


There was a sudden flash of light that for a split-second, made the sky look like it was daytime. But when the bright flash subsided, Corvus was nowhere to be found.

'What kind of weapon is a coat hanger anyway?'

'What is there to be afraid of?'

Pluto ducked but for some dumb reason the snakes didn't. The hanger caught onto Icarus and Coatl. 'Aaaah!! It's got me! It's got me!!'

Caotl started to wiggle frantically, causing him to get tangled with Icarus and the hanger. Pluto grunted and tried to get them to stop. Coatl was screaming, Apep was laughing, and Pluto was annoyed. "Coatl stop moving!!"

Frank smirked as he saw his chance and grabbed onto the two intertwined snakes and pulled as hard as he could "Guess you're knot going to win this. Get it, cause they're tied up like a knot. and knot sounds like not" Frank explained his pun making it redundant.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Pluto just stopped and stared at Frank with an annoyed expression. Then pop! Coatl and Icarus came off.

'Man that joke sucked. I don't even care anymore.'

'Goodbye...my brother...' Then he went limp.


'You couldn't of taken Jason or someone else?'

'That's it! Your gonna get it bitch boy!'

Jason lunged out and sunk his teeth into Franks arm. He was angry, he started to shakes his head as if trying to tear the arm off.

"Oh. That's also a poisonous snake. Just so you know..."

Frank was confused by Pluto's annoyed expression "That was a great pun wasn't it? Bah, you have no sense of humor" Frank's eyes widened in fear as Pluto informed him that Jason was poisonous "Actually he would be venomous as he's injecting the Venom by bite" Frank attempted to pull his arm away but only resulted in a large gash in his arm from where Jason's teeth had been forcibly ripped through it. Frank attempted to grab hold of Jason and rip him out like he did with the other two snakes. As he did this he felt the poison making him weaker as it slowly starting killing him.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Don't correct me!!" He swung his club, hitting Frank in the head. Jason let go and hissed. 'Yeah that's what you get when you fuck with my crew!!'

"So what now?"

'Kill him!!'

Pluto looked at Frank. "So uh....your gonna be OK after this...right?"


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