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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Willow watched in shock as Hannah attacked Kat. "Keep your hands off him!!" She yelled, angry with the harpies deception. Vines grew grew from the ground, flying towards Hannah as Willow attempted to tie her back down.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Hannah was knocked to the floor, blood oozing out the side of her face "What happened to you gladly giving up you life so me and the other girl could win?" Hannah asked as she took to the sky "So you're a woman beater as well as a liar. It seems to me like you don't really care about woman if you're this quick to turn on them. You're nothing but a lowly piece of shit" Hannah dodged out of the way of the vines with ease "And why do you care about him? I'll bet that he beats you as well" Hannah paused for as second as she glared at Kat "Wait, I know what it is. You enjoy when he beats you up don't you. I bet you get off on it. You're both sick freaks"

Hannah flew a ways up into the air and came back down, Sword raised up in the air and aimed at the top of Kat's head. Hannah's talons were out stretched and ready to cut any vines that were sent at her.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
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The words slowly sunk into Kat, he tried to fight the feelings of regret "N-no...I'm doing this for lady willow." Kat tried to argue to himself, his movement became slow. He lifted the mace to block, doing so he got knocked to the floor but she didn't even go for lady willow, she came straight to me. Am I really doing this for lady willow? Or am I doing this for myself? Kat thought, becoming more annoyed at himself as the thought carried on.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
"Yes, I'm sure you are doing this so you can beat her up when no one else is around so she can get off on it in private" Hannah flew up into the air once again. "The world would be a better place without you sorts of people in it. Even vampires and braindead zombies are better than you two pieces of trash" Hannah flew behind Kat and attempted to slice at the back of his neck, aiming for a decapitation.

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Willow glared at the girl and took to the air. She flew at Hannah, Vines growing from the ground and following her. "Shut up!! You don't know what you're talking about!" She yelled at the harpy, vines now covered in thorns and aiming to hurt.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Corvus watched in silent horror as the horrendous spidertaur gloated over him. But as she spoke, his mind paid no thought to her, for it was working out a last-minute plan. Good thing it was rather simple.


Once again, the elf had disappeared. But he wasn't running away this time. After the bright flash from glitch subsided, Corvus reappeared standing on the spidertaur's back, knife in hand. And with a brutal swing, he cut four of her legs on her left side. It was quickly followed up with another one, as her last four legs were also amputated with one vicious knife attack.

He the hopped off of the beast's back and into the air, and fired three arrows at her mid-flight, two in the back, and one in the back of the head. The elf landed on his feet, his knife and pepper-spray can ready to go.

OceanBunny said:
Willow glared at the girl and took to the air. She flew at Hannah, Vines growing from the ground and following her. "Shut up!! You don't know what you're talking about!" She yelled at the harpy, vines now covered in thorns and aiming to hurt.
@GingerBread @metalcity
Hannah stopped attempting to slice Kat's neck and flew up into the sky and cut the vines that were heading for her. "No I think I know exactly what I'm talking about . You looove getting punched, kicked and maybe even cut by him. And you get off on it. Maybe it's all your fault he's like this, Maybe you deluded him into thinking that that's what all women like"

Hannah stopped in the sky, slightly high than Willow before flying towards her and attempting to Sever her wings while she attacked Willow's chest with her talons.

@OceanBunny @metalcity

LegenDarius said:
Corvus watched in silent horror as the horrendous spidertaur gloated over him. But as she spoke, his mind paid no thought to her, for it was working out a last-minute plan. Good thing it was rather simple.

Once again, the elf had disappeared. But he wasn't running away this time. After the bright flash from glitch subsided, Corvus reappeared standing on the spidertaur's back, knife in hand. And with a brutal swing, he cut four of her legs on her left side. It was quickly followed up with another one, as her last four legs were also amputated with one vicious knife attack.

He the hopped off of the beast's back and into the air, and fired three arrows at her mid-flight, two in the back, and one in the back of the head. The elf landed on his feet, his knife and pepper-spray can ready to go.


When Corvus landed he landed on the web trapps on the floor that Sarah had left before hand, Making him unable to move at all. When Sarah noticed this she smirked victoriously.

Sarah ripped the arrows out of her back and head and glared at Corvus "Guess your not as much of a wimp as I thought. I'll have even more fun as I slowly break you" Sarah spawned hundreds of spiders but instead of going for Corvus they went towards her leg stumps. The spiders all bundled together in the shape of legs before becoming a solid mass. Sarah's new legs were sharper and more deadly than before.

Sarah quickly turned and shot volleys of web towards Corvus once again, Knocking the knife and pepper spray out of his hand. The knife ended up getting stuck to a tree while the Pepper spray was merely knocked out of Corvus's reach. Sarah started spriting towards Corvus aiming to stab him to death with her new sharper legs.

Corvus saw the spidertaur charging at him with her new strange prosthetics. He tried to move his legs, but to no avail. I don't know how many more times I can use this... he thought to himself as he glitched out of his current spot, leaving a bright flash of light in his wake.

He reappeared high atop a coniferous tree, and he looked down and saw the knife embedded in a nearby tree and the pepper spray can that lay on the ground directly below him. Once more the elf looked up toward the virtual moon, as if he was searching for the victory from the hand of higher powers. But they would not be there to help him.

For a brief moment, when the spidertaur was still searching for him, he closed his eyes and was still. Feeling the cold, gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of the trees, Corvus was deep in thought. I think pepper spray is flammable. So if I manage to get a fire going, I can use her own trap against her!

The elf took a deep breath, and with careful movements he silently made his way down the coniferous tree and grabbed ahold of the pepper spray, though it required a bit of force to free from the web trap underneath it. He heard the spidertaur approaching his location, and so he quickly made his way back up.

Grabbing two small twigs from the tree, he rubbed them in a panic in hopes of a flame. And his hopes were rekindled as a small flame grew from their tips. Once more he descended, albeit much more slowly as to keep the flame alive. Then he held the flaming twigs in front of the pepper-spray can and aimed at the ground.

The spray passed through the flame and became a dragon's breath as it made its way toward the ground. And upon contact, it set ablaze all of the surrounding web traps. In all but a second, the whole forest clearing burst into a field of furious hellfire.

Sarah began charging at Corvus as the fire started to burn her tremendiously. Sarah made her way up the tree, setting it on fire as she did and stabbed Corvus through the stomach, Pinning him to the now burning tree. Sarah then detached her leg and fell to the ground before disappearing as she left the simulation, Leaving Corvus with a sharp barbed spider leg pinning him to a burning tree.

In front of Pluto a mirror appears showing his reflection. Out of the mirror walked Otulp who looked exactly like Pluto but his snakes were on the opposite side. Otulp was wielding an upside down Club as he stared at Pluto, blinking at the same time as Pluto did, giving the impression that he wasn't blinking.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto stared, totally confused. He stayed still. 'Yeeeete! What an ugly fucker!'

Jason moved side to side, kind of liking the other Jason. 'Didn't know I looked so hot!'

"This can't be real." Pluto stepped back. "I don't like this." He poked at the other Pluto.

Otulp stared, looking totally confused. He stayed still just as Pluto did.

Nosaj moved side to side, kind of liking Jason

"This can't be real"
Otulp's voice was devoid of emotion as he stepped back "I don't like this" Otulp lifted the opposite arm to the one that Pluto lifted and poked at Pluto.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Corvus screamed in pain as he used the leg made of tiny spiders nailed him through the stomach into a burning tree. He successfully killed her. But at what cost, he wondered. Sullenly, as if all of life had suddenly been drained from him, he removed the diabolic shaft of spiders from his abdomen and waited to collect whatever strength he had left, for though he was on the edge of life and death, he was never one to give in to the restful temptation of death so easily. And in the meanwhile, the flames licked at Corvus' open flesh, but he paid no mind, for those flames cauterized the wound that he had just received.


He reappeared again in the middle of the frozen forest. To his right he saw the dead carcass of the Satyr he had slain earlier. His blood had turned into a dastardly black, while Corvus was barely standing, his cloak stained dark ruby red with his own blood and dripping onto the soft snow below him. And as a last ditch effort, he leaned up against a tree and called out to a friend.


Sean just walked alongside Jay shaking his head "Listen! I'm telling you I wasn't drugged! It's hard for any type of drug to affect a vampire through the blood stream, like for example steroids or simple painkillers! And I specifically remember not getting drugged by that guy so quite with the witch hunt thing! If you're not going to take this seriously then I will, I'll investigate the damn class!"

Sean was tired of everyone acting like a child, this is a high school for crying out loud! Not some fucking mental hospital! Sean stormed down the hall in the direction of science class.

@Lotusy ((That is where Jay left off correct?))
Jay groaned inwardly as Sean launched into a tirade against him. "What a spoilsport," he muttered as the older vampire walked away. "Witch hunts are fun. Really, why isn't he in college? Actually, why aren't there magical colleges?" The healer shook his head as his pigeons alighted on a nearby branch. "Either way, I'm really feeling hungry for hot dogs, and Pluto's blood. What do you think, guys? Right for hotdogs, left for Pluto's blood." The pigeons cooed and shuffled, and in a landslide 7-3 victory, hot dogs won. "Well, that sounds good to me," he muttered, picking up his backpack. "Do you think they'll have mustard?"

(@GingerBread I'll wait until tomorrow to make the grieving post.)
Pluto put his finger on the others shoulder. Watching it do the same. 'How do I do this?'

'Hey! This reminds me if that video game!'

'Wich one?'

'The one with the guy who has no pants and a green hat and...does stupid stuff.'

'Peter pan?'

'No, this one has an evil person of himself that is all black and does everything he does kind of.'

Pluto smacked the other Jason on the head.

Willow shifted sizes and dropped towards the ground, avoiding the deluded harpy. 'You're elf friend is in trouble.' She froze momentarily at the news and the mental image of Corvus leaning against the tree. "Dammit." She muttered before shifting back to human size next to Kat. Closing her eyes she turned the trees on the harpy, their branches reaching out for her and vines growing between them to entangle her. Opening her eyes, Willow grabbed Kats hand and started moving in the direction Corvus was.

@GingerBread @metalcity @LegenDarius
Otulp stood there doing nothing while his snakes, Nosaj and Ocard had a discussion about peter pan or someone like him.

Otulp reached his arm over and smacked Jason on the head at the same time that pluto did.

@Magical Squid Senpai

OceanBunny said:
Willow shifted sizes and dropped towards the ground, avoiding the deluded harpy. 'You're elf friend is in trouble.' She froze momentarily at the news and the mental image of Corvus leaning against the tree. "Dammit." She muttered before shifting back to human size next to Kat. Closing her eyes she turned the trees on the harpy, their branches reaching out for her and vines growing between them to entangle her. Opening her eyes, Willow grabbed Kats hand and started moving in the direction Corvus was.
@GingerBread @metalcity @LegenDarius
Hannah flew up into the air out of reach from the tree's and vines. Looking around she spotted Corvus Ha! he's bleeding out. guess that's what happens to cowards who run away Hannah flew over in his direction. She started diving towards him, sword aimed at where his heart was.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny @metalcity
'Ow! What huh.,..I don't like this.' Jason slithered up to the top of Plutos head, laying where Coatl and Icarus once were. He glared at the other snake, watching it glare back. 'Hmmm, interesting...' Pluto stepped close to the other.

'Ugh! Pluto do something!'

"I can't do anything yet Apep. Just wait."

'If your not gonna do anything then I will!'

Apep lunged out and attacked the other Apep.

Nosaj slithered up to the top of Otulps head, laying where Ltaoc and Suraci would have been. He glared at the other snake, watching it glare back. Otulp stepped close to the Pluto while Pepa lunged out and attacked Apep.

@Magical Squid Senpai

(@metalcity Hannah was going to attack Corvus not kat....)
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Apep moved back. 'Damn it!'

'Ha-ha! You failed.' Jason snickered.

Pluto just moved around a little. Ducking, swaying, stepping back. Almost playing with it. He turned around and started walking away.

'What are you doing!?'

'Just kill it already!'

"Shhhh, calm down. I know what I am doing."

Pepa moved back

Nosaj looked like he was snickering but no sound was coming from him

Otulp moved around, copying Pluto's movements exactly. Ducking swaying, stepping back. Otulp turned around and started walking away, back towards the mirror.

"Shhhh, calm down. I know what I am doing"

@Magical Squid Senpai (I wouldn't let him touch the mirror if I were you > :) )
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Corvus's vision was blurring as his blood slowly trickled out. However, a new shock of life passed through him when he saw another creature darting toward him with a sword in her talons.

With no time to think, time glyphs appeared in Corvus's left hand as he swung forwards, summoning a knife that flew towards the harpy. Though it was a last ditch effort, it was quite a lucky throw as the knife pierced the harpy's throat.

In his hand he readied up the can of pepper spray, for he knew that the simulation would not allow the knife to kill. He must use the can.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Hannah lifted her sword and cut the vines that were sent towards her before a knife pierced through her throat. Though because it wasn't A game gifted weapon it didn't kill her.

Hannah moved her sword from her hands to her Talons and ripped the knife out of her throat. Hannah threw the knife back at Corvus hitting him in the directly in the throat narrowly missing his windpipe.

Hannah flew faster towards Corvus, and attempted to let out a war cry but because of the blood that was filling up her throat it came out like a muffled gurgle. Hannah held the sword in her hands once again and thrusted it towards Corvus's stomach. The sword went right through his stomach and went through his back.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @LegenDarius
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