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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(@Sicarius Actually Ami got all bread in the cafeteria :D )

Ami lead Kat to her dorm, holding his hand. "I am going to finish my robot, but it will take some time. I cannot use any people around me in the meantime. But this school is kinda scary, therefore I will try to stick around nice people as good as possible.", she said on the way.

@Ami the breadling

Raven's bread mysteriously vanished into thin air. Not that he would have eaten it anyways, there was quite the mold collection already growing on the miserable loaf...
"Understandable mada-Ami." Kat continued to hold her hand, he looked around to make sure no danger was approaching "May I ask if this robot have any special features? mada-Ami." Kat asked.

@Ami the breadling
Jackal nodded taking and smiling holding out his hand blushing."well,shall we?" He said and guided Pluto to the table before moving to the opposite side of him getting out the various contents of the picnic basket setting them out there was various food and even cute homemade sweets,in a bag there was even some treats specially made for the snakes each cookie having their names on them. Everything thing was done cutesy, but it was obvious it was Jackal's cooking because of them looking floral or animal shaped. Jackal's cooking was often good and he likes making the food look cute despite how he seemed at times.
Ami shook her head as they reached her dorm. "No, you may not, it is a secret. I can show you when he is finished. But yet, it is a secret.", she said, entered the dorm, closed the door and locked it.

One moment Columbus was running after Jay, the next he dramatically flailed as the bolts of healing hit him, being a zombie, it wrecked him more than it should have. He fell to the ground with a scream.

"My only weakness! Weaknesses!"

Jay huffed and panted as Columbus finally went down, screaming, under the last of his healing bolts. "Holy shit..." The boy started to tear up, but wiped the tears from his eyes. "We've finally done it. This is for you, ma!" He walked over to Columbus's body, stepping on him in a traditional flag-planting stance. "FOR FREEDOM!" As he shouted, one shittily made red and blue firework went off in the background, while his pigeons did and unimpressive fly & shit - by. "It's good to be a Lakorian!"

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(I just now remembered that Columbus is Native American...And Jay is doing what he's doing...Let that sink in)

Columbus sniffled as he watched what Jay was doing, he shed one, singular tear.


"What has this once great school come to...Gone are the days we fight demons, now we just fight each other..."

Jay looked down at Columbus, who was crying and saying something suuuper sentimental under his foot. He rolled his eyes. "Aw, can it, Columbro. You were the one who hit first." He jumped down, kneeling next to the zombie boy. "Plus, you called my clothes tacky! You can't expect any self-respecting guy to let that slide!" He lifted the side of his shirt, waving it in front of Columbus. "Pink is totally in right now, man! It's in! Tell me I'm beautiful!!!" He sat back with a sigh. "So, what's been going on with you? You know, besides randomly getting drugged and fighting?"

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Columbus got up and shook his head, straightening his hair and brushing dirt from his braided ponytail (Yes he has a ponytail, fight me, it's manly!). He shook his head and laughed in fake confidence.

"No, you see I knew that only Ami wouldn't be affected by that....Yeah...I was...Testing you or something. ANYWAYS I had my first date today, with a guy, so I can safely say now I don't like guys like that. I drank unicorn tears, got killed by Emma and Ami, and I was just about to go back to the dorms to read Jay Jay's Odd Trip: Moonbit Adventures"

(Oh. Mygod. Guys with ponytails are hot as shit, man. I wish I had one.)

"Well, that was the shabbiest test I've ever gone through," Jay muttered. "It it really that tacky?" He cleared his throat. "Yea, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I mean, can I kill you too?" Jay shook his head, standing up and brushing himself off. "Well, that's besides the point. I guess everyone's going on a date today. Especially... gosh. I mean, Nyx finally went on a date... with a girl!" Jay suddenly broke out sobbing, covering his face. "A girl, Columbro! Not me! A girl!"

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(Thank you for agreeing!)

Columbus whistled as he rubbed his chin. He eventually nodded as he realized what had happened, he shook his head and put a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Jay, I think I get what happened...Pluto drugged us all, the only way to kick it is to be awesome, which unfortunately many can't do because they aren't us. But maybe if we beat up Pluto it would stop...Hm...."

mewbot5408 said:
Jackal nodded taking and smiling holding out his hand blushing."well,shall we?" He said and guided Pluto to the table before moving to the opposite side of him getting out the various contents of the picnic basket setting them out there was various food and even cute homemade sweets,in a bag there was even some treats specially made for the snakes each cookie having their names on them. Everything thing was done cutesy, but it was obvious it was Jackal's cooking because of them looking floral or animal shaped. Jackal's cooking was often good and he likes making the food look cute despite how he seemed at times.
"Wow Jackal, this is really nice!" Pluto smiled as he sat down, looking at all the nice food. Jason slithered off Plutos shoulder and rested on the table. 'Oh crap!! This has my name on it!!'

'Does it have my name!?'

'Hmm no, they all only have my name on it.'

'Jason I swear...'

'Pluto do something! I'm getting hungry!'

Pluto siged and tried to ignore them. "So you really like animals." He picked up one of the animal shaped sweets then popped it in his mouth. "This is really good! You made all this?"

Jay's eyes lit up at the mention of beating up Pluto. "That's it, Columbro!" His eyes narrowed, and he pounded his fist into his hand. "You know, I always knew that boy was trouble... he's even sold you drugs, right? For all we know, he could be a drug lord or something!" Jay gasped dramatically, as if he'd been stabbed. "What if... he was the one drugging us? Oh wait, you said that." Jay waved his hands, and his pigeons suddenly scattered like leaves in the wind. Leaves that were very, very hungry for Pluto's blood. "We'll find him in due time..."

Suddenly, a loud ringing was heard across the school. All around the campus, people started getting mental feedback from the school's superpowered radios (see Zoo Raid). "Hello? Is this on? Oh, good. Uh, hello, students of Lakoria. It's officially athletics period now! You know what that means? Battle Sim time! Get ready to brutally murder your friends and enemies, or that one sassy prick Veronica in your Algebra class! Please tap your head twice if you want to join, and three times if you want to abstain. I don't know if you want to skip, though. Veronica's face is looking veeery punchable right now!" With a shark click, the mental feed stopped.

Meanwhile, inside the rebuilt sim, students were spawning in on each of four small sections. One was a forested area, the other, a plain. The third was a reddish-sand desert, and the fourth was a swamp-like area. Students were already going at it, viciously clobbering each other,


Alrighty, ladies, gentlemen, asexual hunks of meat. Battle sim has started. In the OOC chat, you'll be picking the random weapons you spawn with. Try and be civil, no powerplaying, get permission before killing, yadda yadda. Pretend most of you are on an even level, and that means you, @Ami the breadling @Mango @Sicarius @Archdemon

(I'll be keeping Jay outside of the sim in case any of you die, so y'all don't have to be alone. :)
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"As you wish mada-Ami!" Kat called out, not sure if Ami could hear him or not. Kat turned around and started to leave the dorms, but then he heard a announcement "Why would I participate in some game? that is just stupid." He continued to leave but then a sudden realisation hit him "What if someone like lady Emma or lady willow partake? I must be there to protect!" And with out any other thought he instantly tapped his head twice and waited to be moved.

As Kat tapped the side of his head twice, he was suddenly pulled into the sim. The air got drastically heavy, and Kat could feel his shoes sinking into the mud as he found himself stuck in the swamp area. While he did, a mace appeared in his hand.


(Hehe, oops. By the way, sorry that I didn't say this earlier, but feel free to enter the sim on your own, without my help. I wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting.)

Meanwhile, Jay tapped his head three times, waving to Columbus. "Sorry, Columbro! No time for games here, I've got a druggie to catch!"
Kat had a sinking feeling after tapping his head, he then appeared in some simulation and looked around. Confused by his surroundings, he looked for any sign of life but couldn't find any. He tried to walk but tripped and landed head first in the mud, he lifted his head and spat out what entered his mouth "vile place. Disgusting." Kat started to get up and noticed that he had a mace in his hand. He looked at it in confusion "Looks like this is my new weapon." He inspected the weapon, looking at the slight shine that came through the thick goo like mud. He forcefully swung and most of the dirt flew off the weapon, only leaving slight stains. Once Kat was fully standing he brushed off the dirt that was stuck to him, he wiped his face as well. He thought out loud "Maybe if I find a river I can try clean myself off. I need to find and protect some females as well." Kat started trudging through the mud.
As Kat was trudging through the muddy ground of the swamp, A harpy flew in front of him and began staring him down with malicious intent. Before the harpy could do anything it was knocked out of the sky by a boomerang. A cyclops came over to the harpy and began stomping on it's head, till it was taken out of the simulation.

The cyclops picked up it's boomerang and turned towards Kat "That's a nice mace you have there, I wouldn't mind having something better than a boomerang" Cym the Cyclops held his boomerang up before throwing it behind Kat where it would spin around and hit him on the back on the head. If the boomerang was successful in doing this Cym would charge towards Kat and attempt to break the hand that was holding the mace.

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Kat saw a harpy, he sighed. If it attacked him he wouldn't fight back, looked like he was already out. "I gladly give up my life for you, my lad-" Kat's eyes switched from a calm manner to rage as he watched the harpy get taken out. Before he could do anything she already got taken out. "You shit! how dare you hurt her!" kat watched as the boomerang came around him, aiming for his back. Kat tried to move but was held in place by the mud "shit" he muttered as he tried to move. More and more mud collected in his boots making him even slower, as he continued to move he fell again back into the mud. The boomerang flew past him as he fell and a whistle sound rang in his ear's. Kat struggled in the mud again and started to stand again, quicker than last time. "Okay you scum, I'm so going to kick your ass." kat looked up to try find surface I really need a cig... he thought.

Willow tilted her head as she listened to the announcement. "I don't think I can take you with me.. Will you be okay?" She asked Miyuki as the announcement ended. "I'll be fine, you go." Miyuki said, glad she's be able to avoid Williw asking questions about the potion for a while. She smiled at Willow and went back to eating her lunch. "Okay. I'll see you soon." Willow said, leaning over to kiss Miyu's cheek as she tapped her head and wIted to be transported into the sim.

As Willow entered the sim she landed in the swamp area with a sword in hand. Flapping her wings she lifted into the air, trying to shake off the sticky mud. She landed on sad looking tree and set the sword down, not sure what to do with it. She looked around, trying to see any other students in the area.
Cym started laughing as he caught the boomerang "You're going to kick my ass? You can hardly walk. You've got as much chance as a newborn baby" Cym started stomping through the mud over to Kat before aiming a punch towards Kat's gut. If the punch was successful, Cym would follow it up with a kick to the groin.



(This just popped into my head, feel free to ignore it :P )

Nyx was still laying face down on Lakoria grounds. A couple of freshmen were standing around him, scared to check if he was alright. One of the freshmen picked up a nearby stick and started gingerly poking Nyx in the side of the face with it.
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Sean heard the announcement, he actually contemplated whether to join just to try and fuck some people up because of today but decided against it as he tapped his head three times. "Headache is still being a bitch, I'd rather not...." He finished his daily blood induced meal and went around exploring the school, he felt like shit. He kept on walking, looking at the various people and classrooms, a couple of times he saw some lovebirds trying to escape to a private area for some love time. Sean will never admit this but he's one lonely guy, he sent nearly Eight hundred years by himself with nobody to call his own.

@Anyone not in the sim
Kat could not believe the mans stupidity "Now die" Kat spun around, almost falling on his back but managed to catch himself. He forcefully swung the mace towards the guys head, aiming to take it clean off. As the boy closed in for the punch the higher the chance the mace attack had of hitting.

@GingerBread (my first draft of this was so hard, I wanted kat to say "lel, suck it noob" or "wow, scrub" things like that, was hard)
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Cym caught the mace just under the mace head and pulled it to try and yank it out of Kat's hands. Cym continued on with the punch and hit Kat directly in the stomach with the force of a bicycle .

Kat started coughing, he continued to hold onto the mace but leaned over slightly due to the force. He opened his eyes after them instinctively closed due to the punch. He looked down at the dirt, using his free hand he scoped up the mud. He looked up at the beast and throw the mud towards the beasts head, trying to block its vision. After throwing it Kat went to punch the man in the chest.


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