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Fantasy Lakoria High School

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Ami went up to columbus, scanning him with her eyes. "Well, that guy usually meand trouble. I honestly want nothing to do with him, creepy vampy might kill me and i have plans for him.", she said and looked critizizingly.
@Ami the breadling

"pluto...don't you think it's a bit strange you suddenly like a girl that much out of the blue and you never even talked to her?! Not to mention you never had intrest in women to begin with and now all the sudden you like one? Somthing isn't exactly right about this picture and I'm sure the snakes agree with me on this....."he said with a dissapointed sigh and shook his head."did either of you see a cloud pink today? I have a idea on what's going on here...."

@Magical Squid Senpai

'Yeah we disagree.'

Yeah Jackal, knock the gay back into him!'

Pluto thought for a second. "I don't remember seeing pink...I only remember seeing Willow. And I used to be interested in girls!"

'Oh yeah, that girl in second grade! She rejected him like no tomorrow.'

'Ha-ha! He cried. It was a good day for us. We got to eat chocolate.'

Pluto ignored them all. "What about you Willow? What did you see?

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
Columbus yelled and screamed at Emma beat him with an umbrella, one blow stabbed him and he simply sat there, eyes bulging, "I...Thought...We were freinds...I was your brother..." His eyes rolled back and his tounge rolled out, leaving his body with two large X's over his eyes.

(@Ami the breadling Yeah...I didn't see either of your posts)
Columbus opens one eye, "You forget, you can't kill what's already dead..." He sat up, pushed Emma away, yanked the umbrella from his chest and backed away, "Now why did you attack me?! I was going to my dorm so I could read Jay Jay's Odd Trip Alone!

@Ami the breadling
LokiofSP said:
Columbus opens one eye, "You forget, you can't kill what's already dead..." He sat up, pushed Emma away, yanked the umbrella from his chest and backed away, "Now why did you attack me?! I was going to my dorm so I could read Jay Jay's Odd Trip Alone!

@Ami the breadling
Mr Pierce glanced at the clock and quickly wrapped up what he was saying about the magical world, even though it didn't appear that anyone was paying attention. He finished what he was saying just before the bell for lunch went. "Right then class" Mr Pierce clapped his hands loudly together to get everyone's attention "you're all free to go to lunch, have a nice rest of your day"

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @Sicarius @Archdemon @Anyone I may have missed( It's now lunch)


Nyx had been wondering around the school looking for Jay but had been unable to find him. Upon hearing the bell for lunch Nyx slumped down onto a nearby bench and placed his head in his hands. He had given up hope of finding Jay, especially when they were now going to be a lot of other students wandering around. I really messed up didn't I? I need to make it up to him, even if he wants to hate me afterwards, I need to find a way to make it up to him Nyx sighed as he tried to think of something he could do that would make Jay not hate him anymore.

(Nyx will probably be free for interaction till the end of lunch or partway through, If anyone cares
:P )
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Jackal's ears flattened and he slammed his hands on the desk staring at Pluto with wide eyes."..Damn....But doesn't it seem odd at all?! You love me don't you? Right?...Pluto.." Jackal's face became bright red and he grabbed pluto's hands. He had to defeat this with the power of true love,damn. "Pluto come with me!!!"

@Magical Squid Senpai

'Oh gender maters. But fuck it!'

'Its never mattered to us.'

'It mattered to me. But being connected to Pluto really fucked that up.'

Pluto blushed when Jackal mentioned... Love. Jackal obviously felt something stronger towards him. Pluto really liked him. But Willow...

He bit his lip, "I'll go with you."

'So I guess we are going?'

'He's gonna try to kill us. I know it.'

'Bye Willow! Nice meeting you. The berries were delicious!'

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
"Oh nothing much, started reading Jay Jay's odd trip, dated a guy, drank unicorn tears, broke up with a gu- hey why did you inject me...With....Blackout..." He then passed out.

@Ami the breadling @Mango
Suddenly, the drug stopped affecting. Even though Ami still felt weirdly drawn towards Emma, she saw Nyx and wanted to follow her plan. She snuck up at Nyx and injected him a load of silver, not big enough to kill him. She took out her note pad to take notes on what would happen.

I could always take Jay on a date..... He's told me his idea of a romantic- Nyx's thoughts were interrupted when he felt something stab into his back. Nyx stood up and whipped around to see Ami taking notes. "What the hell did you-" Nyx fell forwards onto his knees and started clutching his chest in pain. "What kind of drugs did you inject me with you-" Nyx fell face first onto the ground unmoving, not even the slightest bit of movement could be detected.

@Ami the breadling (You say, not enough to kill him, I say that it is
:P )
"Bye.." Willow said quietly and looked down at her lap. Oddly she didnt feel as sad about the idea of being from Pluto as she had a few minutes earlier. 'I'll see him later.. Him leaving with Jackal doesn't mean we won't spend time together.. I'll Probably see him before lunch ends.' She told herself.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai

Miyuki heard the bell ring for lunch and lifted her head from the desk, she remained unaware of any shift in her feelings for Nyx.
'I should go eat with Willow.. I probably won't see Nyx again..' She thought, looking across the room to where Willow sat with the boys. Standing up she shifted to leopard form and padded across the room to Willow. She laid her head on Willow's lap.
Raven got up and walked out of the classroom, heading to the dining hall. He shook his head feverishly before snapping back to reality. "Oh my God. What the heck did I just do?! I almost fell for a man!" He felt his head with his hand. It was pounding. Standing in the middle of the hallway pausing for a moment, Raven decided to take time and deduce on what could've been the most reasonable explanation as to why something like this happened to him.

Well... let's start at when I first began to feel this way...

Raven reminisced on the very moment he sat in Mr. Schmetterling's class. It was boring, unrefined... yet highly active. There was a lot of.... movement. Much which was being drawn from the crazy professor himself. He thought harder, trying to pay close attention to every detail that happened. Time move forward at lightning speed as his memories sifted through his mind. Faster and faster, until, he paused his flow of thoughts... focusing on an image. Seeing a beaker of pink liquid being knocked over by Mr. Schmetterling caught his eye.

Hmm... possibly.

Raven let out a sigh as he faced the wall of one of the hallways. He laid his forehead gently up against it as he placed both palms on it. He was feeling sickly, and he had that cursed professor to blame.
While everything happened in the classroom Kat was hitting his head against a wall, hoping everything that happened was a really bad dream or hallucination. He heard the bell go for lunch and pulled his head away from the wall, leaving a blood stain on the wall and a slight crack. Kat whipped the blood off and left the class room, swaying side to side slightly. He started to walk around school trying to get some fresh air, it wasn't working. Reaching into his pocket, Kat pulled out the components for a cigarette and started to role the tobacco in its flammable case. He followed by lighting it and started to collect the fumes, when he released them he noticed the bot he fought before and one of the lady's he spoke to, he walked over looking at the boy on the floor confused "What happened here, madam?" Kat asked her, bowing before her as well.

@Ami the breadling @GingerBread
'Hey Miyu, let's go get lunch.' Willow scratched Miyuki's ears and smiled before standing up. 'Sorry I disappeared.. Did anything.. odd.. happen to you the past couple hours?' She asked as they walked, realizing that she really wasn't all that sad about Pluto going with Jackal. 'Like falling in love with someone out of the blue odd?' Miyuki asked, trying to keep her forlorn thoughts to herself. 'Yea.. I met this boy Pluto. It was like he was alls that mattered. And while I still like him, its not so.. pressing.. anymore.' Willow told Miyu, opening her thoughts to her, so she could see what Willow was talking about. 'Do you know what could have caused it?' Miyu asked, still trying to keep her thoughts private from Willow. 'I dunno.. Jackal said something about seeing pink, but I don't remember that.' Willow replied as they entered the canteen and walked towards the line. 'The teacher was yelling and throwing stuff. I had my eyes closed so I don't know about pink, but maybe he knocked over some type of love potion. Cause the whole class kinda paired off.' Miyu offered before shifting to kemonomimi form to help Willow with the food. "Maybe.." Willow said, picking up a plate of mac & cheese and a chocolate muffin as Miyu chose chicken parmesan and a raspberry strudel.
Ami kept taking notes. "I seemingly killed that guy.", she said, not seeming to really care. She put away her tablet and stood next to Kat, taking his hand in hers. "I want to have lunch. They sureley have bread and i love bread even more than science..."

Kat looked at the body then back at the girl, he did this a few times "Sure, anything madam." Kat strangely looked at the combinations of hands "Shall we make our leave madam?" Kat asked as he stood tall, no longer bowing.

@Ami the breadling @GingerBread
@OceanBunny[/URL] @mewbot5408
Jackal pulled Pluto by the hand with a little blush and led him down the hall to a empty classroom. He stopped opening the door and grabbed a picnic basket off the desk and there was a makeshift set up. Obviously this was where jackal went off in the morning instead of visiting Pluto or bugging raven."Pluto..I had planned something for lunch..."He told him with a little sigh,ears flattening nervously hoping Pluto would like it. The abandoned classroom was decorated with handmade decor as well as many flowers and it has a small picnic like set up on the desks. It was definitely obvious that jackal had worked and tried hard to put this together.
Pluto was deep in thought as Jackal led him down the hall. Halfway there he felt normal again. 'Why did I suddenly feel that way about Willow? I didn't even know her! I mean she was nice, I like her...as a friend. I'm sorry I made Jackal feel so...' Pluto was pulled from his thoughts when he entered the room. He didn't know what to say, Jackal had been here, setting up this very nice date, while Pluto had been off running around with some girl! He felt awful. "Jackal... You did all this. For us?" He said quietly. Before he knew it, he was suddenly crying. He let go of Jackals hand and wiped away some of the tears. "I'm such an asshole!" He cried.

Oh my gosh.'

Way to go Jack.'

'I feel like crying too!'

Raven walked into the lunchroom, contemplating the situation. He couldn't figure out how he was going to ever feel comfortable around Sean. Who even knew? The guy could've very well been gay anyways, so maybe the potion wouldn't of done much anyways. Raven shuddered at the thought as he got in line and grabbed a tray for lunch.

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