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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx pushed the door to the classroom open and walked over to a desk and sat down. Nyx just looked at Miyuki and started smiling happily Why was I ever mean to her? Nyx thought, thinking himself an idiot. Jay isn't here....Yet Nyx kept taking quick, almost unnoticeable glances at the door. Nyx was worried about what to tell Jay and how to make sure he didn't hurt Jay's feelings.

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Pluto smiled as he stood up and took her hand. Luckily they were able to make their way back and not get themselves lost again! They both entered the classroom.

'I wonder if Jackal will be here?'

'I'd like to see how Jackal is doing...'

'Don't you want to see Jackal, Pluto?'

'Oh shit. Jackal... He would understand. Right? I like him...but this feels right...'

Raven, after collecting himself, walked towards a different classroom for the next period. When he entered it, he found Sean already sitting down at a desk. Feeling oddly shy and sheepish, Raven decided to sit in the very front row for a change. While he hated to feel exposed... out in the open, he much rather prefered to stay away from this man as far away as possible. He couldn't allow himself to be subject to his... lovely aura.

What is so lovely about him anyways... He's everything I don't want. He's big, he's tough, and he's... a HE.

Raven uncomfortably began shifting in his seat while playing with his hands as he tried not to focus on Sean.
Kat thought quickly "What the fell happened? why the hell would I like you? I even wasted the world 'love' on you." Kat angrily spouted out as he placed his head in his hands. Then he stood up "Did this happen to everyone? what about lady Willow? miss Miyuki? lady Emma? madam Ami? oh my god they are in danger!" Kat quickly shouted in shock at what happened to them, he didn't even know if it affected anyone else but the though terrified him and he ran to the exit of the cinema.

Mr Pierce glanced at the clock Anyone who comes now will be late He thought as he stood up at the front of the class and turned to address the students "Good afternoon class. today our topic will be on Vampires and werewolves. A nice easy topic for this lesson" Mr Pierce looked around the room before his eyes settled on Raven "You, can you tell me 3 things Vampires and werewolves have in common?"

@Sicarius @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Archdemon (I think that's everyone in the class)

Raven scoffed before answering Mr. Pierce, just to humor him. "Well, they're both ugly, they both have bad attitudes, and they both want Bella." He said before snickering. What was this? This had nothing to do with learning. Sure, you could gain more knowledge on these creatures, but did they ever teach thing like: "How to live normally in an abnormal world" or "How to save money: For the 'Gifted'" Things that would help them in the real life, not something in a child's book.
"I asked you to give me three Vampires and werewolves have in common, Not three things about yourself" Mr Pierce replied, keeping a calm tone of voice "The answer I was looking for was that they both are more common at night, they both have an aversion to silver and they can both infect normal people" He said as he began pacing at the front of the classroom "But moving on. We will be learning how they blend into society and what Jobs they are normally best suited for"

@Sicarius @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Archdemon
GingerBread said:
Nyx pushed the door to the classroom open and walked over to a desk and sat down. Nyx just looked at Miyuki and started smiling happily Why was I ever mean to her? Nyx thought, thinking himself an idiot. Jay isn't here....Yet Nyx kept taking quick, almost unnoticeable glances at the door. Nyx was worried about what to tell Jay and how to make sure he didn't hurt Jay's feelings.

Miyuki sat down with Nyx and listened to the teacher. 'Willow's hear.. Maybe I should say hi.. Or see how she's doing. She seems happy with the snake boy though.. Maybe she doesn't mind that I went off with Nyx..' She bit her lip as her thoughts raced and she watched Willow and Pluto. Turning she smiled at Nyx and her doubts vanished. 'This is right, I can feel it. Willow will understand that.'

Willow sat down, happy to listen to the teacher. 'Jackal's the cat shifter right?' She asked the snakes. 'I liked him, he was nice. He called me beautiful.' She smiled remembering her conversation with Jackal and Raven during Christmas time. "Are you friends with Jackal? He seems like a really nice boy. Though not as nice as you." She said, blushing lightly as she smiled at Pluto.

(Sorry I vanished Ginger, had to go to the store. I'm going to be leaving for work son too ._.)
GingerBread said:
"I asked you to give me three Vampires and werewolves have in common, Not three things about yourself" Mr Pierce replied, keeping a calm tone of voice "The answer I was looking for was that they both are more common at night, they both have an aversion to silver and they can both infect normal people" He said as he began pacing at the front of the classroom "But moving on. We will be learning how they blend into society and what Jobs they are normally best suited for"
@Sicarius @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Archdemon
"Correction, Mr. Pierce sir." Raven interrupted. "I have no interest in Bella." He sneered. Some other people in the class who were insignificant snickered, while another snorted in refrained laughter. He then sat back and laid his feet on his desk, while crossing his arms. His smile faded away as he thought about Sean once more.

Now there's something to be interested in.

"What the heck?!" Raven exclaimed to himself.
Sicarius said:
"Correction, Mr. Pierce sir." Raven interrupted. "I have no interest in Bella." He sneered. Some other people in the class who were insignificant snickered, while another snorted in refrained laughter. He then sat back and laid his feet on his desk, while crossing his arms. His smile faded away as he thought about Sean once more.

Now there's something to be interested in.

"What the heck?!" Raven exclaimed to himself.
"That's all well and good, but was it that important that you had to interrupt me? Do you have a confession about yourself you'd like to make? Is that why you had to point out you didn't like bella?" Mr Pierce asked, not sounding like he cared "If not I suggest you don't interrupt me again unless you'd like to have a detention. I also suggest you take your feet off of the desk" He warned, throwing a disapproving look in Ravens direction "Now, seeing as this class is to get you lot knowledge to help you when you leave the school and go into the outside world. so do you have any topics about the supernatural world, you would like me to cover?"

@Sicarius @Magical Squid Senpai @Archdemon

OceanBunny said:
Miyuki sat down with Nyx and listened to the teacher. 'Willow's here.. Maybe I should say hi.. Or see how she's doing. She seems happy with the snake boy though.. Maybe she doesn't mind that I went off with Nyx..' She bit her lip as her thoughts raced and she watched Willow and Pluto. Turning she smiled at Nyx and her doubts vanished. 'This is right, I can feel it. Willow will understand that.'

Nyx saw Miyuki bite her lip, which he had come to associate with her being nervous. Nyx smiled back when she smiled at him "Miyuki you're okay, right?" Nyx asked, wanting to make sure she was alright.

Lotusy said:
"Well, geez Jackal, I feel the same way." Jay scratched at the back of his head awkwardly. "And gods no! I like you, but I don't want to do that! We're minors, buddy!" He ruffled the top of Jackal's hair, smiling. "Either way, I still feel really in love with you... what do you feel like doing now?"
jackal blushed purring from having been petted and sighed shaking his head. "well....I want to go to class, I have a idea on what's going.....also I'm sorry but I'm with pluto and you're with nyx even if I feel a certain way I'm not about to cheat on my boyfriend, jay." the shifter explain with a sigh before getting up and turning to walk to class. "come on, we'll be late if we keep this up." he said with a small laugh his tail swishing behind him as he glanced back at jay before running down the hall and going outside just so he could climb in through the window as usual.
Columbus sat there for a few moments, thinking, 'Hm...That movie took awhile...Like, three hours...Oh wait...Dear god no! I did the unspeakable! I SKIPPED CLASS WITH HIM!!!' He ran out the theatre yelling about commitment...
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Ami hid her face on Emmas chest as she clinged onto her and repeatedly muttered. "Science has failed, now Emma must save me! Science has failed, now Emma must save me! Science..."
@Ami the breadling

Mango said:
Emma Emma did her best to hold on to Ami as both of them stayed shocked throughout the entire movie. Every time a man with a buzzsaw showed up, Emma clung on to Ami even tighter. Meanwhile, Golem was laughing his ass off in the back. When the movie finished, Emma let Ami go with a sigh of exhaustion. She stood up even though her knees were quivering. "So, w - what next?" She asked in a scared and shaky voice. "That was really f-fun, right?" She whispered as if she didn't believe it herself.

@Ami the breadling
Ami kept holding onto Emma, even as she stood up. "Ya, fun...totally... so... to not make it get boring, how about something harmless right now?", she asked, her voice muffled as she still hid her face on Emma. Her whole appearance was unsteady and scared, she shivered.

Kat left the theatre, thoughts about what happened kept rushing through his head. What if they are all being put in relationships? its all a lie! I have to save them from the vermin known as 'males' Kat quickly thought as he ran towards the school, slowly building up a sweat. He made it to the gate, he looked towards the buildings and tried to catch his breath. Kat looked for the library to see what the next lesson would be, he suspected that some of the affected students might go there as a 'couple' he shivered at that thought.
GingerBread said:
"That's all well and good, but was it that important that you had to interrupt me? Do you have a confession about yourself you'd like to make? Is that why you had to point out you didn't like bella?" Mr Pierce asked, not sounding like he cared "If not I suggest you don't interrupt me again unless you'd like to have a detention. I also suggest you take your feet off of the desk" He warned, throwing a disapproving look in Ravens direction "Now, seeing as this class is to get you lot knowledge to help you when you leave the school and go into the outside world. so do you have any topics about the supernatural world, you would like me to cover?"

@Sicarius @Magical Squid Senpai @Archdemon

Nyx saw Miyuki bite her lip, which he had come to associate with her being nervous. Nyx smiled back when she smiled at him "Miyuki you're okay, right?" Nyx asked, wanting to make sure she was alright.

Miyuki shook her head. "I'm fine." She assured him. Reaching over she took his hand and smiled, content just to be close.

Magical Squid Senpai]'[I][COLOR=#b30000]Oh very good friends!'[/COLOR][/I][I] [/I][I][COLOR=#0080ff]'They are dating! They kiss and everything!'[/COLOR][/I] Pluto was too busy worrying about Jackal and Willow. He was in his own little world now. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22231-oceanbunny/ said:
'Dating?' Willow asked curiously. 'Hak kissed me once.' She giggled and her thoughts turned to what it would be like to kiss Pluto.
"Well, that was easier than I thought." Nathan muttered to himself, having eventually found a way into the school when the gatekeeper finally noticed his attempt at breaking and entering before simply letting him in through the front entrance.

After spinning a tall story about accidentally tossing his wallet on top of the wall, the guard looked him up and down before just letting him in. Whether he believed Nathan's terribly put together story or not, apparently the security guard knew somehow that Nathan was on the school list, and didn't ask a single question or breathe a word as he slid open the gate.

It wasn't Nathan's intention to arrive at school so late to the point he had to try and break in, but he had a lot on his plate, and missing the first day of school sounded like another stroke of bad luck that he didn't need.

With that thought in mind, Nathan strode through the front entrance.

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OceanBunny said:
Miyuki shook her head. "I'm fine." She assured him. Reaching over she took his hand and smiled, content just to be close.
Nyx smiled and moved slightly closer to Miyuki "Good, I'm glad you're fine" Nyx wrapped an arm around Miyuki's waist and gently pulled her closer to him "But if you're ever not fine, You'll tell me, right?"

GingerBread said:
Nyx smiled and moved slightly closer to Miyuki "Good, I'm glad you're fine" Nyx wrapped an arm around Miyuki's waist and gently pulled her closer to him "But if you're ever not fine, You'll tell me, right?"
Miyuki blushed as Nyx pulled her close. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Of course I'll tell you luv."
OceanBunny said:
Miyuki blushed as Nyx pulled her close. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Of course I'll tell you luv."
"Good" Nyx was smiling happily "I don't ever want to see you upset if I can do something about it" Nyx was enjoying spending time with Miyuki, but in the back of his mind he was still worrying about how Jay would react.

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"Yea, yea, I get it." Though Jay somehow found Jackal's eyes dreamy and his voice even sweeter, if the boy was going to turn him down, Jay couldn't do much in protest. "I'm right behind you!" He yelled, running after Jackal, completely hypnotized by the shifter's moving tail.

Jay walked into the classroom a few minutes late, following Jackal. When he got in, he was gretted with quite the sight. Nyx, out of all people, was sitting with Miyuki, and it looked like... they were staring into each other's eyes. Jay felt a pang of jealousy shoot through him, walking over to the pair. On the way, he shook off the jealous feeling. It's probably nothing. "Hey, Nyx. So, you've made up with Miyuki, huh?"

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
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Nyx opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it again Crap, how do I let him know without hurting his feelings? Nyx was internally panicking and had taken a keen interest in the floor "Jay...." Nyx began but he stopped when he realized he had no idea what to say.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
kat looked at the board to see what next lesson was Supernatural studies, he quickly rushed to the lesson to see if people were also in relationships and he quickly thought of ways to put a end to it. Trying to kill everyone was close to the top of the list but that may go against the rules and he would probably die in the process. Kat reached the class room and swung the door open and his eyes widened at the sight in the class room "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!" Kat yelled as he made it further into the room, still not sure what to do.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408

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