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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Khab hiked his way up toward the school, a small brown satchel dangling loosely off of his back. His breathing was it's usual heavy tone, constant dust littered the back of his throat. His legs shuffled awkwardly as his old body attempted to keep pace, as he was ready to sprint toward the school. His excitement was real. "I cannot wait to meet my new masters." Khab mutters to himself with a small smile. His voice raspy and harsh.
"Well I'm a Dhampir, so I was sort of shunned by vampires as well as humans" Nyx gave a dismissive wave with his hand "It used to bother me, now it doesn't, Hasn't for a while now. Considering most Dhampirs are used as servants by their parents, I consider myself lucky I guess, Though the Dhampirs that aren't servants normally become Vampire hunters" Nyx paused for a moment, trying to think of something interesting about himself "I used to not like killing people, So my father would normally kill people for me to get me blood" Nyx wasn't sure why he was telling Miyuki this "But one day he decided to not get me any blood and leave me until i went feral, which I ended up doing, after that I sort of got a taste for fresh blood, so I continued killing until it became a normal thing for me" Nyx was worried that he might've ended up making Miyuki want to leave by talking about killing. He quickly tried to change the Topic "But enough about me, I want to hear about yourself" Nyx sat down on a nearby bench and motioned for Miyuki to sit with him.

"Okay then..." Kat confusedly replied, not knowing if Columbus was serious or not. He walked over to the counter and brought 2 drinks I feel like this is a waste of $20, oh well. It is for my love. Kat smiled at Columus as he walked back over to his side. "What film were we going to watch again?" Kat asked, forgetting due to the fun time he was spending with his new love.

Emma Emma was finding Ami's childish qualities to be super adorable. "Sure, sure! We can go anywhere, but what about the movies? I heard the Zgndshmvwb theater is amazing!" She said.

@Ami the breadling
Ami tilted her head. " I won't even try to say that name. But sure, let's just go there. But i warn you, i will sit on your lap after maximum 5 minutes if you choose to watch a horror movie.", Ami said, making both, a warning and an offer by saying so.

"Uh...I'm not really that interesting!" He blushed.

'Pluto, you are a boy with snakes on his head who lives on a stormy island and has a lot of poison in him. How are you not interesting?!'

After that, Jason started eating some of the berries.

"Well yeah there is that...so what about you?"

Miyuki frowned, his story made her sad, she didn't like that he had such a troubled upbringing. Sitting next to him she smiled. "There's not really much to tell." She said, nervously playing with her tail. "I was with my parents until I was 6.. back then I shifted between forms all the time. Then the hunters came." Miyuki smiled sadly as a tear trickled down her cheek. 'Shut up idiot, he doesn't want to hear this.' She scolded herself.


"I like your snakes. They're cute." Willow giggled. "I grew up in the forest with the animals. This school is the first time I've been around people." She said picking a strawberry off the vine. "I had chocolate when I came here. I love chocolate."

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx frowned as he saw a tear fall from Miyuki's eyes "Would you like to talk about It? " Nyx wrapped an arm around her and gently pulled her closer, trying to comfort her "It's okay if you don't want to. But if you do want to talk about it, I'll listen" Nyx gave Miyuki a comforting smile. Nyx didn't want to see Miyuki sad at all, so he wanted to do anything he could to cheer her up.

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Columbus took a sip of the drink that was literally made of unicorn tears. He gave out the most satisfied sigh ever heard and turned back to Kat, "The Revengers, it's supposed to be the best movie of 20XX"

Kat took a sip of his drink, the tears were refreshingly chilled. Kat walked over to another desk and brought two tickets for the film. He walked back over to Columbus "let's go, my love." Kat walked towards the viewing room.

Columbus nodded, "I'm coming!" He stopped by the concession stand to get back 10$ (The drinks were free for ten dollars after all) and went with Kat...

"I love y-CHOCOLATE! I-i love chocolate too!"

He blushed, be was starting to act like an idiot! He started to stuff some berries in his mouth.

'Very classy Pluto.'

'This is not how we raised you.'

'S-so uh...what other things were new to you?"

"Alright… this is the place. I think so anyway." Nathan looked up from his pamphlet at the iron gate. Stepping forward, he pulled at the handle.


Of course it's locked, idiot. He berated himself silently, his eyes crawling around the structure. The wall was more or less low enough to get over with something to stand on. Aha! A convenient wooden crate lay sprawled across the ground. Nathan backed up a few steps before whipping round and charging at the crate, using it as a springboard to jump the wall.

The crate burst into splinters under his weight, and Nathan slammed straight into the concrete he was trying to get over.

As he lay on the dirt rubbing his head and muttering profanities, it became apparent getting inside wasn't going to be as easy as he anticipated.

Bruh, do you even stealth? You can turn invisible but you can't scale a wall. Slow clap, slow clap. "Shut up, mind." He whispered, not caring how crazy he was getting at this point.

Defeated, he stalked back to the gate. "Uh, hello?" He called through the gate. So much for stealth. What was he planning to do anyway once he got in?
When they entered the viewing area luckily the film didn't start. Kat looked for two good seats that stood out among the rest of the fluffy red chairs. Kat found a pair that looked cleaner than the rest and walked over and sat down and waited for the film to start "So, hows life?" Kat asked, trying to make small talk while they waited.

@LokiofSP (sorry, forgot that it was free)
Columbus shrugged at Kat, "I dunno, I'm not alive. If you want to find out how life is you might wanna ask someone else..."

@metalcity (It was a joke, it's okay man. It was a whole thing because it's not ACTUALLY free because it costs ten dollars)
Kat looked at Columbus surprised "You look alive to me. Care to explain? my love." Kat asked in a shocked tone. He took a sip of the unicorn tears but struggled to drink them at his concern.

Kat looked at him confused "I apologise but I don't remember that discussion. I wish to apologise for your lost life and my ignorance to ask such a question." Kat felt bad for not remembering that about his love.

Kat turned his direction the the film. Big bold letters appeared on the screen 'a Mitchal Hey rip off film/dizmy film' Kat took a sip of his tears as he waited for the film to start. Old 80's music played loudly through the room and explosions sounds rang through the viewers ears. The sound set of a system in the cinemas were top secret information was changed by top secret information restoring in top secret information dying and brutally top secret. And the film came to a close with time being fucked but everyone knows the real time and other plot hole stuff for top secret information.

@LokiofSP (not sure what happens when the potion finishes, so I'll let you do your thang)
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Ami tilted her head. " I won't even try to say that name. But sure, let's just go there. But i warn you, i will sit on your lap after maximum 5 minutes if you choose to watch a horror movie.", Ami said, making both, a warning and an offer by saying so.
@Ami the breadling

So when is this potion going to wear off? I don't want to leave Ami hanging Q-Q

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Ami opened her mouth to say something. As Emma had already ran off, she closed it again. She took Emmas hand and went inside with her, already clinging onto Emma before the movie had even started.

Columbus sighed happily as he leaned his head against Kat's shoulder. He smiled blissfuly as the movie ended, he just enjoyed the boy's company....Until the potion ran off at that moment, tgen Columbus stiffined and began to sweat, but did not move his head, 'Oh dear god what happened? I thought I liked this guy! I thought about doing unspeakable acts with him!... Like cut class! What do I do, oh dear god,what do I do?! Maybe, if I just keep my head perfectly still, it'll all just be a bad dream...'


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