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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx ignored Kat's outburst and continued looking at the floor I need to tell him at least, It's not fair to him if I don't Nyx looked up at Jay "Can you speak with me outside for a second Jay?" Without waiting for an answer Nyx stood up and walked out of the classroom

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
"Speak with you? Sure..." Jay felt a sinking feeling in his gut as Nyx told him to head outside, and he slowly followed, praying that whatever he suspected wasn't true. When he got outside, Jay leaned against the wall, covering his face with his hands. "So, what's the news, Nyx?"

Nyx;s gaze was directed towards the floor as he started nervously rubbing the back of his neck "Well...um. I'm pretty sure I'm.... InLoveWithMiyuki." Nyx said the last bit as quickly as he could and then went silent, awaiting Jay's response.

"Who, who, what?" Jay's face lost all its color, and his eyes suddenly became hollow and shocked. "No way. No f*cking way." He shook his head, looking up to Nyx with a devastated look. "H-how could you do this to me, Nyx! We've gone through so much, and, you know, I though we actually had something going here! Something to be proud of!" Jay knew this was more than jealousy at this point. He was determined to right whatever situation was going on. "Come on, Nyx..."

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Nyx winced at Jay's words "I know and I'm sorry, but I just feel alive around her, I felt like that around you as well before I fell in love with her" Nyx admitted, knowing he was probably making things worse "I'm not quite sure why I fell in love with her to begin with, It just sort of happened after I made eye contact with her in science" Nyx raised his head and looked Jay directly in the eyes "But I didn't want to hurt you Jay" Nyx's own eyes were brimming with tears; He was feeling incredibly guilty about hurting Jay.

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Jackal approached Pluto and willow swallowing before placing his Hands.

He eyed Pluto before leaning in and kissed Pluto right on the lips. Jackal growled territorial and kissed Pluto again before glaring at willow looking like he'd bite her. "Stay away from Pluto, he's mine and mine only. I love him and I won't allow you to try taking the only thing I care about more than anything away from me. Pluto is the most important thing in my life right now and I'd die of loneliness with out him...."He growled at willow with a low irritated hiss.

'Ooooh, shits gonna go down.'

'It was nice knowing you strawberry girl.'

Pluto was surprised by Jackals suddend appearance. He didn't know what to do. He still liked Willow but after what Jackal had said, he didn't want to hurt him! "Uh...Jackal... I really, really like Willow..." He said shyly.

@mewbot5408 @OceanBunny
"You feel alive around her? You don't feel the same way about me?" Jay kept his head buried in his hands. "You know what, fine. Have it your way." He looked up, making eye contact with Nyx, who had tears in his eyes. A surge of anger shot through him. "Oh, why the hell are YOU crying? You're not the one who just broke someone's goddamn HEART!" With that, Jay rushed out, covering watering eyes with his hands. "Go to hell, Nyx!"

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Nyx winced at Jay's words and tone of voice "I'm sorry Jay" Nyx watched as Jay rushed away and just slumped down the wall. He wrapped his arms around his legs and pulled them to his chest. Nyx buried his head in his knees and let the floodgates open. Nyx began uncontrollable sobbing Do I still love him? No I love Miyuki, right? Then why do his words still hurt me so much, I hate the idea of losing him or making him unhappy in the slightest Nyx was confused by his feelings Being In love with Miyuki feels so right. But this whole situation feels wrong, It doesn't feel right in the slightest, This all feels like a really bad nightmare....But I know it can't be, Everything I'm feeling right now feels real...but when I'm with Miyuki the feelings don't seem as real... Nyx continued to sob into his knees, not wanting to go back into the classroom and Have Miyuki see him like this. But also not wanting to risk running into Jay again, In case he hurt him again.

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GingerBread said:
Nyx ignored Kat's outburst and continued looking at the floor I need to tell him at least, It's not fair to him if I don't Nyx looked up at Jay "Can you speak with me outside for a second Jay?" Without waiting for an answer Nyx stood up and walked out of the classroom

@mewbot5408[/URL] @OceanBunny

Willow pouted and looked down at her lap.
'Jackal's upset.. I guess that's because of me.. But I don't want to be away from Pluto.. That feels wrong.' She played with her skirt nervously as her thoughts tumbled over each other.
OceanBunny said:
Miyuki pouted as Nyx left with Jay. She knew they needed to talk but didnt want to be away from him. 'I don't want Jay to get hurt, but I dont want o loose Nyx..' She thought sadly. Sighing she laid her head on the desk and watched the door, waiting for them to come back.
Nyx walked back into the classroom, not even bothering to try to hide the fact that he was crying. He doing his best to avoid looking at anyone. Nyx sat next to Miyuki but didn't look at her, instead he looked out the window This all feels so wrong, even if Miyuki made me feel alive. Jay made me feel like I was living and without him I feel hollow inside. He was my first friend, the only person who wanted to be friends with me, even after all I did. Nyx could feel tears starting to form in his eyes again. Nyx leant his head on the window and just starting crying again, Unable to hold the tears back.

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GingerBread said:
Nyx walked back into the classroom, not even bothering to try to hide the fact that he was crying. He doing his best to avoid looking at anyone. Nyx sat next to Miyuki but didn't look at her, instead he looked out the window This all feels so wrong, even if Miyuki made me feel alive. Jay made me feel like I was living and without him I feel hollow inside. He was my first friend, the only person who wanted to be friends with me, even after all I did. Nyx could feel tears starting to form in his eyes again. Nyx leant his head on the window and just starting crying again, Unable to hold the tears back.

"Nyx?" Miyuki said softly, seeing that he was crying. 'He must be really upset about Jay.. I don't want to be upset.' Biting her lip she leaned towards himm and touched his hand lightly. "If you want to be with Jay you should go after him.. Don't eave things painful..." She said, trying not to choke on her words. "I'll understand if you choose him.."
mewbot5408 said:
"No..you don't, it's a lie. Pluto...don't lie...you're imagining things,it's not real. I won't accept it. You can't, it's impossible..." He told him softly,staring at him with a serious expression.
@Magical Squid Senpai

Magical Squid Senpai]Pluto didn't know what to say. He really liked Jackal and Willow! Why was this happening? Why did he suddenly think all of this? Feel all of this? He just didn't know what to do. [COLOR=#cc99ff]"I...maybe it isn't real...I'm sorry! I don't know!" [/COLOR] [COLOR=#cc99ff] [/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
@mewbot5408[/URL] @OceanBunny
"I'm sorry Jackal.. I'm not trying to hurt anyone.. Or take him away.. I just really like being with him.." Willow said, not wanting Jackal to be angry. "It feels real.. How could it not be real?"
OceanBunny said:
"Nyx?" Miyuki said softly, seeing that he was crying. 'He must be really upset about Jay.. I don't want to be upset.' Biting her lip she leaned towards him and touched his hand lightly. "If you want to be with Jay you should go after him.. Don't leave things painful..." She said, trying not to choke on her words. "I'll understand if you choose him.."
Nyx turned to face Miyuki "I don't know, I love you, but I also love Jay. But even if I wanted to try to get him back, I'm pretty sure he hates me. I mean how am I meant to make it up too him? He sounded so angry, he sounded like he completely hated me" Nyx buryied his head in his hands "I just don't know what to do" Nyx said between choked sobs.

GingerBread said:
Nyx turned to face Miyuki "I don't know, I love you, but I also love Jay. But even if I wanted to try to get him back, I'm pretty sure he hates me. I mean how am I meant to make it up too him? He sounded so angry, he sounded like he completely hated me" Nyx buryied his head in his hands "I just don't know what to do" Nyx said between choked sobs.
"It seems like a lot of people from science have paired off.. I mean Willow has never seen that snake boy before today and Kat disappeared with some boy for a while.." Miyuki said slowly, hoping what she was thinking wasn't true. "Try talking to him.. Maybe something happened and.. this isn't.. real." She stated, tears sliding down her cheeks as she got the words out.
"Maybe you're right, I'll see What Jay says, I just hope I haven't hurt him too much" Nyx wiped his tears away and looked up at Miyuki only to see her crying "Don't be sad" Nyx gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug "If this is all...fake. Then we can still be friends"

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Ami went up to columbus, scanning him with her eyes. "Well, that guy usually meand trouble. I honestly want nothing to do with him, creepy vampy might kill me and i have plans for him.", she said and looked critizizingly.

@LokiofSP @Mango
GingerBread said:
"Maybe you're right, I'll see What Jay says, I just hope I haven't hurt him too much" Nyx wiped his tears away and looked up at Miyuki only to see her crying "Don't be sad" Nyx gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug "If this is all...fake. Then we can still be friends"
Miyuki smiled as Nyx hugged her. 'Just in case..' She thought before leaning in and kissing him. Blushing she pulled away and dropped her gaze to her lap.
Nyx was slightly shocked when Miyuki kissed him That felt good...No! I shouldn't be thinking like that I need to get Jay back. But Jay never kissed me, he said he didn't want to in public......But that doesn't matter, I want him back Nyx glanced up at Miyuki But Miyuki is so sweet Nyx smiled gently at Miyuki But I want Jay back. Even if he hates me, I have to try. I love him so much Nyx stood up and looked at Miyuki "I'll see you later" Nyx started walking out of the classroom, intent on finding Jay and doing whatever he could to make things right again.

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GingerBread said:
Nyx was slightly shocked when Miyuki kissed him That felt good...No! I shouldn't be thinking like that I need to get Jay back. But Jay never kissed me, he said he didn't want to in public......But that doesn't matter, I want him back Nyx glanced up at Miyuki But Miyuki is so sweet Nyx smiled gently at Miyuki But I want Jay back. Even if he hates me, I have to try. I love him so much Nyx stood up and looked at Miyuki "I'll see you later" Nyx started walking out of the classroom, intent on finding Jay and doing whatever he could to make things right again.

Miyuki smiled and waved as Nyx left. Laying her head down on the table she let the tears flow, her tail wrapped around her and ears turned down. 'He won't be back.. He's meant to be with Jay..' She thought sadly. 'Willow what do I do? How do I make this feeling stop?' She called out to the only person she knew she could trust before realizing that their connection wouldn't work in this form. Not wanting to shift and feeling completely alone, she wrapped her tail tighter around her and just let her emotions take over.
As Jay ran off in tears, he found his lungs and feet burning, forcing him to stop. Wherever he was, it was certainly a foreign place to him. Hoping that he had put enough distance between himself and Nyx, Jay slumped to the ground, new tears brewing in his eyes. "No!" He slammed his fist into the ground, hearing a crunch as it connected with the floor. "No, dammit!" He held onto his throbbing hand and letting his power flow over it. With a resigned sigh, Jay slumped even further down the wall, letting himself go free to his thoughts. Maybe he's happier with Miyuki, he thought sadly. I mean, after yesterday, I know he exactly what he hates about me. I hold him back, I'm trying too hard to change him... maybe that's why he feels better around her. At that time, a brown pigeon flew in through an open window. "Hey, Democritus," Jay said weakly. "Good to see you." He stroked the back of the pigeon's head, making Democritus coo slightly. "I can always count on you, huh?"

(Y'all might want to keep up the Nyx x Miyuki thing, Jay needs to go into hiding :P )

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