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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Sean walked down into the cafeteria with a grin on his face as he pulled out a package of blood. He felt wonderful! He was in love with the man of his.... He stopped before looking around confused "What the hell!?!? Why was I attracted to some dude I've never even met before and why did that even happen! My head hurts..." Sean felt like he has the biggest Migraine and it's hurting like a bitch too. He sat down and held his head rubbing it as he thought on what happened to him. Once his head was clearer he started to drink the blood.

"yeah..do you like it? the school doesn't have a garden so I improvised.." he told pluto and opened the basket placing everything out. he heard pluto crying and hugged him tightly with a little sigh trying to comfort him. "it's fine,i was afraid I was doing something wrong...it kinda scared the crud outta me when my attempts to bring you back didn't work. pluto...I really do mean it when I say I love you" he murmured brushing away some of pluto's tears. "come on, lets go ahead and eat lunch. I packed something the snakes might like too."
Jay wiped any wetness from his eyes as he heard the lunch bell ring. "Guess I can't run away from conflict forever, huh, Democritus?" In response, the pigeon cooed and unceromoniously crapped on the floor of the room. "Hah, that's what I thought." With a heavy sigh, he picked himself off the floor, walking over to the lunchroom in hopes of finding Nyx again.

On th way over, he spotted a familiar breadling and zombie in an apparent arguement, and watched Ami stab Columbus with a drug an run off. With a gasp, Jay ran over to Columbus, Democritus flying beside him at a leisurely pace. "Holy crap! Are you ok, Columbro?" He tried shaking the zombie awake.

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Columbus gasped for air and punched Jay, he then began to punch the boy over and over again, never looking down at him as he yelled, "WHAT'S UP NOW AMI HUH?! THIS IS MY ULTIMATE MOVE, THE EARTH!"

'Let us drown our sorrows with food!'

Pluto sniffles, "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." He hugged Jackal back before pulling away and wiping his face. "And thank you." He smiled up at him. "I love what you've done here!"

Jay smiled manically as Columbus suddenly got up. "Haha! Holy crap, Democritus! I'm like Dr. Frankenstein or someth-oof!" He suddenly fell backwards as Columbus hit his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "Holy-ow! Shi-ow! GOD FU-OW!" He sent his healing pulse outwards to shock Columbus, scooting backwards after recieving a multitude of punches. "What the hell was that Colmbus? It's me! Jay! I'm not Ami, I think..." He felt around his back for a tail. "Nope, don't think so. That stung like a bitch, though. Oh yea. What the hell was that?!"

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Ami led Kat to the cafeteria. She immediatly stole all bread she could see, smell or notice in any other way, leaving a few people clueless what happened to their slunch. Ami then looked at Kat puppy-eyed. "I am hungry...", she whispered heart-breakingly.

Kat was confused by the disappearance of the bread, looking at madam Ami shocked. Then her display of cuteness again confused him, he looked into her eyes. They looked helpless "Don't worry madam, I shall do anything to cure your hunger. What do you wish to eat?" Kat asked, wanting to do anything to cure the pitiful act.

@Ami the breadling (ewwww, catering teacher changing stuff so don't know how often I can reply.)
Kat took a step back "I shall return with food then. Wait for me madam." Kat approached the food, wiping his eye "Too cute..." he muttered to himself, then hitting himself "I must not say such things about females." He replied to himself as he picked up some soup "You can dip bread in soup..." He thought as he walked and brought it, steaming hot tomato and basil soup. He made his way to madam Ami and offered her the soup "Careful please, madam. It will be hot." He bowed as he offered her the food.

@Ami the breadling
"If that is what you wish, Ami." Kat answered, it felt strange calling her by just her name, really weird. He was confused why she kept holding his hand "I insist that you stop holding me, don't dirty your self with me." Kat stated, trying to remove his hand from her grip.

@Ami the breadling
Ami released his hand. She seemed a little sad. "Oh, whatever, sure.", she said, her hand now laying on the table without greater purpose. She kept eating the soup with the other hand.

Kat thought about it I disagree with her holding my hand, but now she seems sad. It is my duty to make sure that females are happy and safe... Kat thought, also looking a little sad as he tried to decide what to do. He couldn't allow her to dirty herself by touching him, he looked at her hand a little sad. "How is the soup?" He asked, sounding a little off.

@Ami the breadling
Kat continued to look at her hand "If you wish to hold my hand again you may." He told her, lifting his head to look at her face. She looked slightly depressed, ever since she let go of his hand. As much as he hated himself for this it was better than letting her become depressed.

@Ami the breadling
Ami quickly grabbed his hand, now being just as lively as before. She finished the soup, getting up and bringing her plate to where it belonged. Then she sat down again and took Kat's hand, looking at him smilingly. Only her eyes seemed cold and calculating.

Kat sighed by her slightly strange act, but as a female he would not question. "Are you ok, mada-Ami?" He asked, quickly changing his formal tone to what she wished. Hoping she would reply with answered about her eyes.

@Ami the breadling
For a second, her smile faded and left her expressionless, matching her cold eyes. Then it returned and she nodded. "Everything is perfectly fine, why do you ask?", she said in a friendly tone, hiding her annoyance. She felt like if she acted friendly around that guy, he might protect her.

"You seem...annoyed. Did some one annoy you? If so I will make them suffer." He replied, already speculating what would have annoyed her, if it was a male it would be fine. But if a female, he wasn't sure. He was confused though by her constant change in tone.

@Ami the breadling
Jay felt kinda insulted as Columbus called his outfit tacky. "But this is what I wear everyday..." he muttered sadly. Suddenly, he looked up at Columbus, who was coming towards him with a fist raised. "Waitwaitwait! Nooooo!" He started running away, firing bolts of healing behind him as he went.

Ami smiled. "No, i am not annoyed. Everything is fine, I am happy you are with me. Also, you are not dirty, therefore touching you us fine", she replied, squeezing his hand a bit. But since she was not strong, she would not be able to hurt him with that, even if she tried. She got up and looked at him. "Can you walk me to my dorm? I have wirk to do."

Raven sat down on one of the tables in the lunchroom. He had what appeared to be some kind of soup on his tray. "For a school that houses supernatural freak shows, you would think they would harbor extraterrestrial food. But nope, soup." Raven muttered to himself before grabbing a spoon and beginning to eat. He found Sean in the corner of his eye and immediately ducked his head down.

Oh God... what will happen next?
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"Anything mad-Ami." Kat carefully got up, not hurting Ami while he moved. "Could you care to share the information of you work? Mada-Ami." Kat asked.

@Ami the breadling

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