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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"What's Jay Jay's Odd Trip? Is is about me?" Jay laid back on the floor, with his eyes glued on the ceiling. "It sounds cool enough." He lazily twirled a feather around his fingers, slightly confused on what to say.

Columbus turned around and all signs if sadness left his face, his eyes looked as if they had stars in them as he smiled, "Oh my goooooooosh! Jay Jay's Odd Trip is about this girl named Joanna who meets her grandmother Josephine as they go on this trip and go on an adventure to beat the evil Diana! It has these things called Walks and they use them to fight and it is AMAZING!"

Jay could almost laugh at how invigorated Columbus was when talking about Jay Jay's Odd Trip. "You know, that sounds oddly familiar. I couldn't say where without breaking the fourth wall - I mean, what?" The boy held back laughter, but then his face became deadly serious. "Wait, by trip... do you mean a drug trip?" He gasped. "Oh god, Pluto's influence is everywhere! Curse yooouuuuuu!!!" He stood up, awkwardly, then fell to his knees for dramatic purposes. "AAAARGHhh... so on a scale of 1.7 to "We should watch it right now," what do you recommend?"


(@GingerBread Is Nyx hunting down Ami?)
"We should watch it as soon as possible! Any moment not spent watching is a moment not worth living!" He picked up what was left of his toast and brushed it off, he then stuck it back into his mouth and took off down the hall...

Corvus withdrew at the man's wild swing. He avoided the attack, but he managed to disarm the elf of his tomahawk. Then, while the man was still disoriented from the headbutt, Corvus quickly tapped on the Android smartphone on his inner left forearm and activated Overclock. Suddenly, the armor on the elf's legs grew faint aureolin yellow color and they made a whirring sound, as if a large generator was starting. Then, with sword in hand and B23R in the other, Corvus dashed forward at inhuman speeds and pistol-whipped the man in the forehead. Then he readied his scavenged sword for another attack.


mewbot5408 said:
"Well If we really wanted to do something to nyx, we could stick dead things in his room and hide them in various places so it'd take forever for him to find the smell...." Jackal said when he set down the rat and looked at Pluto. He stopped and sniffing around,shifting into several different forms before turning human went in coming back with a bag of salmon cakes and sat down on the ground. He opened up the bag so if Pluto wanted he could easily grab something to snack on. Jackal nommed on his own purring. He got distracted easily and liked food.
Pluto laughed, "oh that sounds like a great idea!" Then stopped, "well...maybe we can hide only one thing in his room. I don't really want to piss him off too much..." Pluto stuck his paw into the bag, scooping up some of the cake to eat it. "Wow, this is good!" He eat more and more. He then had an idea. He walked over to Jackal and leaned against him. "Pet me Jackal!"

"Oh, geez. That is disgusting, Columbro." Jay piched his nose, waving his hand as Columbus stuffed the feathered and beat-up piece of toast into his mouth. "But hey, I'll watch it with you! It sounds fun!" He stood up, brushing himself off and running after Columbus. "Are we going to your room? Please tell me it's not some kind of Net-flicks and cool-down thing!"

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Pluto purred and flopped down on his side. 'Wow, it's a dream come true!'

'I don't like this. Why are we so small!?'

'This is kind of weird turning into something we used to eat....i don't know how to feel about this.'

Columbus nodded as he continued to run, "Yeah! But don't worry, I don't even know what a Net-flicks is! I watch all my stuff on Chewy Cycle!"

@Lotusy (I uh... May have forgotten to check this post out forever ago...My apologies)
Kat looked up to see the boy run at him again "little shit" Kat muttered, he waited of the boy to get closer. When he was close enough Kat swung the mace and hit the boy in the side, then went to punch the boy in the face after he hit him.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
Though the armor braced much of the impact of the mace, the man managed to swing hard enough for Corvus to feel a slight crack in his side. And as he registered that in his mind, he felt the full force of a fist rocketing into his cheek. Saliva and blood flew out of the elf's mouth as he rotated, and he felt the wind being knocked out of him. But while he was still spinning, Corvus regained his senses and used the momentum to retaliate. He grounded himself with his left foot before spinning a full circle and hitting the man back with a swift, hard kick to the face, knocking him down onto the ground.

Corvus wiped the blood and saliva off of his cheek, and spat the rest out onto the ground. Then he stood over him, the sun serving as his halo and darkening his now sinister eyes as he stared down at the man. Then he spoke, with a voice filled with a controlled rage that's rigged to come undone, "What a pity. I actually respected you for a little while." He stood there in silence, the wind being still around him and the stifling heat of the sun heating up the surrounding atmosphere. Then, drawing his sword, he spoke once more, "Get up."

@metalcity @OceanBunny
As Kat was knocked to the ground he positioned himself, after the boy finished his boring speech to seem cool and like a hero, Kat yawned. Then proceeded to kick the boys legs from under him while he stood up above him. As the boy fell to the ground Kat stood up and started to walk around the boy at a distance in case of any tricks. "What? cat got your tongue?" Kat asked as the boy didn't say anything. Kat took out a cigarette and lit it carefully, making sure to not hit himself with the mace. kat exhaled the fumes as he looked down on the boy.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
Corvus's eyes met with the glaring brilliance of the indifferent sun as he was knocked off of his feet with his back to the ground. He heard footsteps distancing themselves as he collected himself. He heard the sound of fire, a wick being born and then dying just as quickly as it came.


By Corvus's silent command, all became still and time had slowed to a near stop. Once again he reentered that photographic world where everything was still. The leaves of the trees lay frozen in mid-air, hanging like decorations. And the flow of the nearby river had stopped, the liquid water bound to its hilly shapes, so that the river looked like a large vein of aquamarine glittering in the open sun. And the smoking man stood still there, a lit cigarette in his mouth, and the smoke particles frozen in the air around him. He looked contemptuously at the ground where Corvus lay, as if he stared at some horrifying insect. And farther back he saw Willow, the helpless forest fairy, as she watched two people she considered friends duel to the death. And perhaps she was apprehensive of her impending death as well.

But while still on the ground, Corvus spotted the glint of the nearby tomahawk. Without moving from the ground, he grabbed its hilt and brought it to his side. Then, as the effects of the Slow spell began to dissipate, Corvus squinted his eyes as he aimed at his target. Then with a gale force contained in his arm, he tossed the tomahawk with surgical precision at the smoking man's ankle. The time slow dissipated, and Corvus got up by launching his legs up so that the were above his head, then pushing himself off of the ground onto his feet. He did this as a distraction as the combat axe traveled almost invisibly at blinding speeds.

@OceanBunny @metalcity (Sorry for the slow reply, got some things on my plate i.e. injuries and physics test ( O.o ))
"Oh, good." Jay said, letting out a sigh of relief that sounded more like a pant as he ran. "And why Chewy Cycle? Everyone knows Mirth-amation is the way to go!" He started panting as he ran, somehow stressed from the un. "So, when are we going to get there? It's been, like, half an hour! Are we just stuck in comic running stasis? Are we about to fall off a cliff?"

Columbus kept on running, "Rule number one of anime Jay! I don't stop running until I've either gotten to class, or bump into a girl! We've actually circled the school about five times by now!" Columbus clutched the toast tighter, "It should be apparent by now that I have WAY to much free time!"

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"Argh! Where are all the klutzy girls when you need them?!" Jay was starting to get tuckered out, but the world blended around him in lines as he ran alongside Columbus. "And five times? Dammit, Columbro! The hell are we doing?" He started screaming silently as they went around and around the school, legs carrying him like a runaway train. "I hate anime rules!"

@RadioHo ;\)
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"Don't worry Jay! I've seen One Kick Girl like, five times! The worst thing that can happen is we go bald, but we can turn that into a win by doing 100 push ups and sit ups afterwards!" Using the power of toast, Columbus ran a bit farther, he turned around to help Jay, when all the sudden he ran into something. He landed on his tush, and in front of him sat a girl who's face he'd hit. Columbus gasped as the girl's face grew red, she opened her mouth to speak when suddenly....

"OKAY JAY, WE'RE ALL GOOD NOW!" He took Jay by the hand and went into his dorm, calling after the girl, "Thanks for the help miss!"

@Side Ho \#3
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Kat noticed the smoke from the cigarette started to move at a slower speed, as Kat tried to turn his head slightly it became even slower, he watched as the wind carrying leaves started to move at a slower speed. So much for a fair and honourable fight, using spells and shit. But I must protect lady willow or I might as well die. With that thought before the stop if time Kat saw the tomahawk in the ground and could almost predict the next attack. The it all stopped.

Upon the start up it felt like the same. Kat heard the whistle of a weapon and as he predicted the sun shines off the axe, however this was all he could see as the tomahawk closed distance with his ankle. Kat almost blindly swung the axe down at the ground, the tomahawk reappeared but did so lodged in Kat's foot, he gritted his teeth to not let out any sounds of pain. Kat looked up at Corvus "
Are you that pathetic That you have to use spells to slow down time. And don't play dumb, it's clear what you did. Shame. I thought I was going to be fighting a man, not a boy." Kat sighed heavily as he attempted to pull the tomahawk out of his foot but the pain grew stronger, Kat continued until he removed the axe, blood slowly rushed out of his foot.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
"AAAAAAAHHH!!! THAT JUST SOUNDS LIKE A NORMAL TRAINING REGIMEN!" Jay screamed, somehow with the endurance like those damn kids in Maze Runner. Eventually, Columbus, who was a couple meters ahead of him, kocked into a girl, finally stopping his run. As the girl started to walk away, Jay picked up his pace. "WAIT UP!" He tackled her like a pro football player, sending the girl flying a few feet. Jay, on yhe other hand, stood up, brushing himself off. "Ugh. Remind me to never run again. My palms are sweaty, knees weak, and my arms are heavy!" He groaned, following Columbus while trying not to barf Mom's spaghetti over his sweater. "So what now?"

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Columbus turned around and spit out the toast, having served it's purpose, "Now we shall head back to the dorm! It's about two miles ahead! Don't worry though, anime rules, we bumped into a cute girl so we don't have to run."

"TWO MILES?!" Jay's jaw dropped, making a nice, 3-inch deep mark in the pavement. "We don't have to run... or we cant run?" Jay strained his legs, but apparently this was the obligatory "walk back with the sunset" scene. "Dammit," he muttered. "What the next anime rule? Is some random prince going to swoop down and hit us or somethi-"


Jay groaned, twitching as an alien prince from some other dimension that was totally humanoid fell from the sky. "Ow..." The prince cantered off on his horse, looking for random Lakoria students to hit on. "Oh, f*ck me."

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Columbus gasped and ran to his friend's side, "Oh dear gosh Jay, are you okay? (Heh, that rhymed)" He turned to the prince and stood up with a shout, "Hey, prince! Don't run into my freind! Or, if you do, at least have the decency to stay and flirty REALLY hard with him, to a point where most people assume you guys are a thing but you swear you're not!"

"Urk... I'm fine," Jay muttered, standing up and gingerly feeling around his face for bruises. "I haven't been hit that hard since Nyx h-" Suddenly, Democritus swooped down from the sky, failing to land on a branch and dropkicking Jay in the face with a loud "SQUAW!!". The world paused, and the hit was seen in still motion at three different angles before time unfroze and Jay crumpled to the ground, as per the anime law of three-frame epic shots. Democritus let out an apologetic "coo" before flying off in a different direction. "Let's just get to the dorms, please..."

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Columbus raised a brow, "But we're already at the dorms. I was carrying you this entire time..." He set Jay down after carrying him bridal style, "Are you sure your okay? That bird hit your head to hard?"


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