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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"GET THE........" I say as a turn. "Fuck Away..." My voice lowers. I unsheathe a Ballistic knife. "BAD DOG!" right after, I stab it from rage as I twitch.
OceanBunny said:
"You can have him dress up if you want.." Willow said. "Let's get to class, we can talk about how were gonna do this." Miyuki purred happily and pressed against Nyx's leg. "And the looks for how she's acting.. Usually she'd be growling or trying to freeze you.."
"Yeah, Maybe we should go to class" Nyx shrugged not seeming to bothered "But why would Miyuki hate me? I'm wonderful. And I used to hate her too. But now I don't. I don't know about all your forest friends. But People change Willow."

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Jay sighed as the usual ani-antics came from Columbus. Making sure Pluto the kitten was firmly on his shoulder, he took a seat next to Columbus, who was happily munching away at the cookie dough. "Toast physics... really man? You should have known the danger and responsibility that comes with toast! I mean, you would have been stuck in an infinite metaphysical loop of toast and magical princes and danger and-" he gasped for air, shaking his head. "Urk... nevermind. Oh, but you want to see something cool? Check this out!" He pulled the Pluto kitten from his shoulder, showing it to Columbus. "Kitten, meet Columbus. Columbus, Kitten." He set Pluto down on the table, letting him roam freely as he wished. "I'm sorry I couldn't bring Pluto's disembowled head to you," Jay said, oblivious to the fact that Pluto was the kitten in front of him. "I swear I'll get him next time!" He pulled out his bandage shears, snipping them together with an ominous stare. "I swear it..."

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
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"Because you've always been man to her.. I don't know what happened, but I'm happy you're getting along." Willow said as she started walking towards class. 'I'll figure it out later.. Gotta concentrate on the unicorn first.' She thought as the walked.

Columbus munched on another piece of dough and held one out for the kitten, "I don't blame you, after that bad trip you had yesterday I think Pluto deserves it! We should tell the teachers! They'll defiantly do somethi- Wait...These are the same teachers that sat back and watched as Nyx committed a massacre...never mind..."

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
'I suddenly don't feel so safe...' Pluto meowed. He walked around the desk and stretched. When Columbus offered him some cookie dough, he ate it and made sure he bit him.

'That'll teach him! Talking about our Pluto like that!!'



'....Coatl!! When did you get here!?'

I've been here since this morning. But there was so much fur I just had no clue what was going on.'

'I'm back too. Why are we so small!?'

'Why are we a cat?!'

'Shh, just go with it.'

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
OceanBunny said:
"Because you've always been man to her.. I don't know what happened, but I'm happy you're getting along." Willow said as she started walking towards class. 'I'll figure it out later.. Gotta concentrate on the unicorn first.' She thought as the walked.
"Are you worried I'm going to steal Miyuki away from you or something? Cause I'm not. I wouldn't steal someone. That would be weird" Nyx shrugged and walked towards the classroom door, Holding it open for Miyuki and by extension, Willow.

@OceanBunny (Okay now I'm going to go. Night people :) )
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"No. It's just different. I'll get used to it." Willow said, walking through the door. Miyuki followed but stayed close to Nyx. "Oh look, Jay has a kitten." Willow said excitedly. She walked across the room and sat by Jay and Columbus, knowing Nyx would want to be near Jay. 'Hello there cutie, how are you?' She reached out to the little kitten.

@GingerBread (Vince?) @Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
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Immediately after the smoking man's death, distortions appeared in the simulation. First, his weapons disappeared in a similar fashion to his body, and then he disappeared altogether. And as the white haze enveloped his body and covered his vision, he felt like he was floating in a sort of happy place before finally reappearing back at the cafeteria. It was empty now, and the tables and chairs were all folded up, but in that silence, he breathed a sigh of relief. Back there... he thought to himself. My hand was shaking. I never wanted to execute Willow. I guess I have the smoking man to thank, even though we don't appear to be on the best of terms.

All of a sudden the school bell rang, and it was time to go home. Corvus calmly strode out of the cafeteria and onto the campus. It had been another long day, hadn't it? he thought to himself. The gentle breeze caressed his face as the orange glow of the sun lit up the afternoon sky. Pigeons flew overhead as Corvus walked the streets of the city. Twenty minutes after he left the school campus, he stopped at a halal cart and ordered his favorite, lamb over rice with white sauce. Perfect cure for any tired soul, he thought after taking the bag containing the food with him home. In silence he ate before promptly going to bed, as he was too tired to do anything else. And so the sweet darkness of sleep covered his eyes as he rested.

The next morning he woke up to the gentle light of the sun shining through his glass balcony doors, and the yggdrasil flowers shone with the same brilliance they did weeks before, even through Corvus' absence. Well-rested from the day before, the elf got up and watered the plants, and they curled skyward in delight. Then after fixing himself breakfast, he got into his usual clothes, put on his backpack, and glitched onto the school campus.
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Kat looked at her dumb founded, this was the strangest situation he has ever been in. But it wasn't like he could not accept this offer, she was a female. "Errrrr, sure? I don't understand how this works with me being a human. Do you plan on turning me into a animal?" Kat asked, still suspecting that this girl hit her head.

Asaki smiled warmly when Kat said sure. He was practically saying yes to her, but she didn't want to assume so just yet. "I don't plan on turning you into an animal. You'll be studying in the form you have now." She said with a giggle, crossing her arms and leaning forward. "Pretty please? I'll treat you so well, I promise!"

"Yea, that's true. You know what this means, Columbro?" Jay clenched his hand into a fist, raising it dramatically. "We'll be vigilantes! We'll stop this drug trade ourselves WE WILL BE HER-ACK!!" He doubled over, coughing madly and wheezing once he was done. "And then *gasp* we can disembowel him!" Jay chuckled a bit as the kitten bit Columbus's hand, then stared up at Willow as she suddenly came in and approached the kitten. "Well, hello to you too, Willow," he said jokingly.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @OceanBunny
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OceanBunny said:
"No. It's just different. I'll get used to it." Willow said, walking through the door. Miyuki followed but stayed close to Nyx. "Oh look, Jay has a kitten." Willow said excitedly. She walked across the room and sat by Jay and Columbus, knowing Nyx would want to be near Jay. 'Hello there cutie, how are you?' She reached out to the little kitten.
@GingerBread (Vince?) @Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx walked over to Jay, giving him a small wave before taking a seat. When Nyx saw that everyone thought Pluto was an actual cat, he had to stifle a laugh. after hearing that Jay wanted to kill Pluto, He leaned slightly closer to Willow and whispered in her ear "See that kitten? That's Pluto. I wouldn't tell Jay that though, he might freak out" Nyx smirked and sat back in his chair, relaxing. "You alright Jay?" Nyx smiled before looking at Miyuki, noticing she had been quiet She could just not want to shift into her human form so she can talk. But Willow didn't have a clue what happened between us yesterday. And I thought Miyuki and Willow told each other everything. Nyx mentally shrugged and smiled warmly at Miyuki.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
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Kat continued to be confused i have to accept it, she is a lady after all. But I can't let her cuddle me, that goes against my believes that females should not touch males. but I can't disagree with her though. Kat thought, he started to scratch the back of his head as he tried to decide what to do. "I g-guess it's fine?" Kat told her still with slight confusion.

@Kayzo (sorry for the wait, went and did stuff and just found out 2 of my best friends just got engaged. I'm so happy.)
Asaki smiled brightly when he accepted her offer. "Thank you so much! I promise you'll have so much fun." She said happily, reaching up Kat's head like a cat. "I'll treat you right, like family!"

(That's great news! I'm happy for them.)

Miyuki laid on the floor between Willow and Nyx, not sure how she was feeling in this situation. Resting her head on her paws she quietly watched Nyx as she tried to figure it out. Willow's eyes went wide as Nyx told her the kitten was Pluto. 'Pluto? How, why are you a kitten?' She asked, reaching out to scratch his ears. "Hi Jay." She said with an apologetic smile before leaning towards Nyx. "Why does he want to kill Pluto? He's so nice." She whispered.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
Kat instantly regretted his decision. "What should we do first?" Kat asked, slightly nervous with what she might say next. Kat looked up at her hand and sighed gently as it looked like she might pet him.

Nyx shrugged "No idea. Why don't you ask Jay why he hates Pluto. I don't really know why myself" Nyx leaned back in his chair and went back to relaxing. Nyx caught himself looking at Miyuki, wondering if she was alright. Maybe the aftermath of what happened yesterday affected her. I mean I had Jay to go back to, she doesn't seem to have a boyfriend or girlfriend

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
Asaki's hand fell on top of Kat's head, gently petting his head before sliding it down his cheek and scratching under his chin. "I suppose we go to class, or go in a walk." She suggested, drawing her hand back and smiling. "I'll let you decide, ok?"

Willow giggled at Puto and the snakes response. 'You must be wearing the cat curse collar that started off on Enki.' She told them, petting plutten lightly. 'Jackal should be able to talk to you if he's in his cat form too.' She smiled down at him. 'The snake boy's a cat now?' Joining the silent conversation as she turned her head to look up at Willow and plutten.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
Kat yawned "I really, really don't want to go to class. i just want to sleep." Kat slouched again, then fixing his posture so he looks more presentable. "I mean, I don't mind. I'm happy to do what ever you feel like doing. My lady." Kat rubbed his eye slightly.

"You're so sweet. We can skip class and take a nap together!" Asaki said with a smile, linking his arm with hers and began to tug him in the direction of her dorm. "I don't think I got enough sleep either, and a nap sounds great. You can curl up under the covers beside me to keep Each other warm. It'll be the cutest thing ever!" She was fantasizing about all the things that they could do together, some realistic and others not. Having a human as a pet was the most exciting thing to ever happen in her life, and if things went well with Kat then maybe she'd get another one!

Nyx looked at Pluto and smirked maliciously. He stood up, reached over and picked Pluto up by the scruff of the neck "We should get this kitten Neutered, don't you agree Jay? I mean he bit Columbus's hand earlier didn't he? So getting him neutered should calm him down quite a lot. So I think we should. I could do it right here and then you could heal him afterwards"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP @OceanBunny
"Oh hey, Nyx. Well, I think neutering is a bit drastic, right?" Jay reached out, plucking the Pluto kitten from Nyx's hands. "And plus, that's animal cruelty. I refuse to do that. Don't you think agree, Columbro?"

Meanwhile, on a windowsill outside the class, Dalton was furiously trying to communicate to Jay that the kitten in his hands was Pluto. Must... squawk... human... the pigeon thought. How squawk? Finally, the pigeon looked down at his wing. Oh. How squawk. Painstakingly, he plucked one of his own feathers, tears dripping from his fimly eyes. Do for human, he thought. With the feather, he did he best to scrawl "Pluto is the kitten" with the morning condensation, but ended up writing, "Plootz Catt" instead. With his valiant effort done, Dalton let out a dramatic coo and fell onto his side. Human warn. Good sack-of-fice. Worth it. At that moment, the wind picked up, blowing away Dalton and erasing his handiwork. "COOOO!!!"

Jay turned his head towards the window when he heard a cooing sound. "Huh. Could have sworn I heard one of my pigeons." He turned back to the task at hand, holding Pluto tighter and farther from Nyx. "Don't do it! Look at him! He's so adorable!"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny

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