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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus ate another piece of dough and looked at the kitten, "No...We should give the kitten away...We're just kids guys, we can't take care of an animal....We should give it to a better home..." He shed a tear...

@GingerBread @Lotusy
'Wait, what if he does do it!? Will it affect us in human form!?'

'Noo! We can't lose another penis!! Pluto fight for it!!'

'Shut up!' Pluto meowed at them.

He felt better after he was in Jays arms. Although not as safe as he wanted to feel.

He cuddled closer to Jay. He watched the pigeon on the windowsill. 'What the heck is his problem?'

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP @OceanBunny
"Nyx, if the animal girl is saying it, we're definitely not going to neuter him." Jay looked down at the kitten in his arms, happily, still not noticing the snake tale on him. "Well, Willow, I think I can handle him, I mean, look!" He laughed happily as Pluto squeezed closer to him, ignorant to the fact that his archnemesis sat in his very hands. "I think he likes me! I certainly like him!" He looked back town at Pluto, stroking his fur. "Maybe if you're good, we can go on acid trips- er, I mean cartoon adventures together! Columbro can wield black magic like that! It'll be fun, trust me!"

@Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @GingerBread
"And what if the Kitten was a certain gorgon? What would you do then Jay?" Nyx asked as a malicious smirk formed on his face "Cause, you never know. Pluto might've invented a drug that can be spread by touch, then turned himself into a cute kitten so that everyone would get drugged" Nyx shrugged and smiled down at Miyuki.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @OceanBunny (I really kinda want Nyx to become a kitten alongside Pluto now xD Also does Miyuki want tummy rubs or something xP )
Nyx looked down at Miyuki as she batted his leg. Assuming she wanted attention, He smiled and crouched down slightly and began rubbing Miyuki's belly "You know it'd be kinda cool to be able to talk with you without you having to change, Cause you seem a lot more comfortable as you are" Nyx thought aloud as he smiled warmly at Miyuki.

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotsuy @LokiofSP
"errrr" Kat wasn't too pleased with the whole bodily contact but he remembered back to madam ami and how she got sad when he stopped the contact so he put up with it, he wasn't too sure how this whole thing would work any ways, it felt really strange. "I guess that could be okay? my lady." Kat used his free hand to scratch the back of his head.

@kazyo (sorry, wasn't sure how to reply and ended up doing other stuff and forgetting to reply
:( )
Willow giggled at the thought and looked over at Nyx. "Well you could.. If you're hungry.." She said with a sweet smile. 'You guys could play with Miyuki.. She doesn't really spend time with many felines..' 'You're trying to turn Nyx into a kitten again?'

@Lotusy @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magial Squid Senpai
"Of course it would be okay. Let's just hurry up." Asaki said, linking her arm with his and giggling. The walk to her dorm wasn't long, only taking a matter of seconds. Before she entered her dorm her gaze glanced back and forth to make sure that no one saw them. Not that she cared if anyone saw them, she just didn't want people thinking they were doing something...sexual. When the coast was clear Asaki unlocked the door and pulled Kat inside. Her dorm was very neat and clean, not a single speck of dust to be seen. The only thing remotely messy was her bed, which hadn't been made yet. "Welcome to my dorm. Follow me to the bedroom." She said softly, drawing him towards her bed, slipping off her socks and falling face first into the bed.

Nyx didn't look at Willow and Continued rubbing Miyuki's belly as she didn't seem to object to it"What do you mean? I am a bit peckish. Animal leaves me feeling kinda empty, but Jay doesn't like the idea of me getting into fights and possibly hurt. And I don't really want to steal pints of blood from him every time I'm hungry" Nyx shrugged and looked at Willow, awaiting a response.

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP

Nyx narrowed his eyes at Willow "Really? You think i'm going to fall for that? Have you and Miyuki been planning this or something? Wanna get rid of me and figure the best way to do that is when I'm a kitten?" He smiled slightly "Nah I'm joking, you wouldn't do that. And Jay's a bit crazy, even I don't want to anger him" Nyx shrugged and looked at Miyuki. "Do you think I should? I want an honest answer. I mean it'd get me out of doing work, so I'm not too bothered"

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP
"Okay then" Nyx shrugged and stood up and Walked over to Willow's wrist. He grabbed it and held it up to his mouth "By the way, that collar will only come off if I die or I take it off myself. So for as long as I'm a cat, he will be too" Nyx smirked before biting into Willow's wrist and taking a quarter pint of blood.

White fur started sprouting all over Nyx's body, if you didn't know what was going on, you might've mistook him for a werewolf, Until of course Nyx started shrinking. He shrunk at a rapid rate; Before long he was buried in his clothes.

@OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP
"Hey! I'm right here, Nyx! And I'm not crazy!" Jay said, hoping Nyx was joking. He felt a pang of jealously as Nyx was getting friendlier with Miyuki. Don't get him wrong, Jay wanted Nyx to make more friends, but it seemed like the love potion had some long-lasting effects... He shook his head, watching as Nyx bit into Willow's arm, shrinking into his clothes. Hell, the first time Nyx had turned, Willow and Miyuki got hold of him, too. He likes it. Don't make him unhappy, Jay though bitterly. Envy was just a horrible thing. He unconsciously hugged Pluto tighter, watching the transformation happen.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
Miyuki rolled back over, her tail swishing playfully in the air as she waited for nyxen to come out of the clothes. 'Now you can have kitty playmates.' Willow told plutten with a smile.
Nyxen struggled out of his clothes and looked over at Pluto, keeping his face happyish looking as he knew Jay didn't know that was pluto Shut the hell up snakes, you already know what I look like as as kitten. So shut it or I'll never turn Pluto back, and I'll make sure to have him neutered Nyxen mentally sighed before looking over at Miyuki Hello Miyuki, how're you doing?

@Magical Squid Senpai @OceanBunny @Lotusy @LokiofSP

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