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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kat walked closer to Columbus, he knelt down in front of him and lifted his head up by the chin and looked into his eyes "Not as nice as your eyes, my man" kat labelled the boy, Kat had a loving smile on his face.

Columbus looked at Kat and took a deep breath, and at the top of his lungs yelled, "IGottaGoDoSomething!" He ran ran out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom...

Kat reached his arm out helplessly "Come back my love!" He shouted as he got up and chased after the boy, Kat slammed the bathroom door open. "It is not that easy my love! We will be together forever!" He shouted, placing his hand over his heart.

She's not as bad as i thought, What was her name again? Miyuki? Yeah that sounds right Nyx wasn't sure why he suddenly cared about what Miyuki's name was but he found that he didn't really care why he cared all of a sudden. Nyx noticed Miyuki was staring at him "You alright Miyuki?"

'I like it when he says my name.' Miyuki thought, still watching him. Getting up she padded towards him. Placing her paws on the edge of his chair, she pressed her head against his arm, purring lightly.

Kat sighed "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was expressing my new found love for you, not sure how this happened but it did. And I believe that you have the same feelings for me, but you don't know how to use these feelings." Kat walked over and sat out side the bathroom stall the boy was in, waiting for him to hopefully respond.

Nyx smiled as Miyuki pressed her head against his arm and started Purring. Using his free arm Nyx began lightly scratching behind her ears "Is that a yes?" Nyx asked jokingly as he smiled warmly at Miyuki.

"Good" Nyx smiled happily at Miyuki before a feeling of guilt about all the things he's said to her ran through him. Nyx looked away and towards the ground before looking back at Miyuki "I'm sorry for all the things I said to you Miyuki"

"Im sorry too." Miyuki said. She stood up and turned to sit on his desk. Crossing her legs she pulled her tail across her ap, absently petting it. She smiled and looked up at Nyx before blushing and dropping her gaze to her lap.

@GingerBread (Sadly this is farewell for the night.. I have to be up super early for work)
"Complementing, being together, supporting each other. That kind of stuff." Kat looked up to Columbus "Sorry if I rushed things back there." kat gave a apologetic look.

Nyx smiled at Miyuki happily but frowned slightly as she dropped her gaze to her lap I thought she she didn't like not being a leopard, I remember her always acting nervous when she stopped being a leopard Nyx smiled at Miyuki again "I thought you didn't like not being a leopard" Nyx stated, though it was more of a question.

@OceanBunny (It's cool :) )
"Well, give it your best shot." Kat smiled, thinking of what the boy might do next. He continued to look away so he didn't make Columbus feel awkward while trying to understand these feelings.

@LokiofSP (I feel like this might be my last post for the night, or for a while)
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@OceanBunny (I'll just put this here till you come back!)

Pluto looked at the girl and blushed before waving back. "She's really cute...." He mumbled to himself. He didn't know why but he felt something strange towards her...straight.

'Pluto what are you feeling??'

'I thought you liked boys?'
Raven's mind became drowsy as his vision began to blur. He saw pink for only a brief moment, before things turned back to normal. Suddenly, he found himself out of his chair, and gravitating towards Sean. He took in his features lustfully, before shaking his head.

What is wrong with me?!

Wanting to escape whatever he was being pressured into, Raven decided to head out of the classroom. Becoming dizzy, he leaned his hand on one of the walls of the hallway to support himself. He held his head in his other hand and let out a moan. A few seconds later, he collapsed to the floor.

He was still breathing, and he was still conscious. Confused, Raven continued to lay on the floor as he wondered what could of possibly happened to him.

Ani sat oztside. Everything got steamy, as she felt weird. Really weird. She shook her head and looked at her tablet again.

@Mango (if you want our characters to pair up for that, just be around.)
Emma "Whatever you say, Tyrell." Emma said when he walked out of the classroom. "Have it your way," she muttered bitterly. She followed him down the hallway, with Golem trotting after her in tiny steps. "Stupid guys. They're trying to be tough! Maybe if they just let me help them, it would be ok!" She said under her breath. Then, she spotted a cuter girl playing on her tablet. I bet guys would let her help. I bet they fawn ovet her, she thought. Emma shook her head and walked away. Actually, she would have if her vision went pink. "Well, I'd fawn over her too! Hello, cutie pie!" She shouted with sudden enthusiasm. Emma ran over to Ami and cleared the distance between them in a couple of strides, then hugged her like there was no tomorrow. "Oh my gosh! You are so adorable!" She said, squeaking like a One Direction fangirl.

@Ami the breadling
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Ami was confused. She somehow liked that. She hugged back and muttered "Thanks". She then looked at Emmas face. "But you look very good too...Want to see my robot?", she said, considering it the only really interesting thing she had done.

Sean felt..... Weird for a second. He saw a flash of pink, and his dear heart felt like it was fluttering like he was in love or some shit. He shook his head and sighed "I have to go.... Wash my face, I feel.... Weird" he walked outside the class room and saw Raven.

'Damn that's one hot fucker..... Wait a minute..... Nah fuck it I'm fine with getting it down with a man.... Especially one that's looks like him....'

Sean walked over to the man and smiled wondering if he should take of his eyepatch, nope he highly doubts he'd like to see a hole where one of his eyeballs should be.

He cleared his throat and spoke
"Hey, how's it going good lookin? Why don't you say me and you get to know each other a little more..... Personally.." Sean was pulling off his flirty smirk like he's the hot guy on the block.


"Uh, what did you just say freak?!" Raven said angrily as he got back up. He looked up at Sean and his expression immediately changed.

Those thighs... and that eye patch. He looks so, tough...

"I want to punch you..." Was all Raven could manage to say as his heart lept. What the heck was wrong with him?! This was completely out of character. Yet, he felt drawn to this man in ways he could not even begin to explain. Not that he didn't understand them, he just... didn't understand why he felt this way.

Giving Sean an awkward stare, Raven stumbled across the hallway in search of an exit.
Corvus stopped shooting once he heard the announcement. "Oh yeah... I'm in school," Corvus said to himself. He set the burst rifle back to safety and detached the 36 round magazine. As he exited the virtual firing range, the time rift behind him disappeared, and the firing range with it.

As he walked the hallways, he smelled faint traces of a dubious gas coming from the science wing, and in that same direction he heard strange sounds of people in... What are they doing? Corvus couldn't tell, but it can't be something good.

Corvus neared the classroom, and sounds of... Oh goodness. Corvus thought. How does anyone go about describing something like this. And what is the pink gas? It terrified him as it spread out from the room. He began to walk away from the classroom, but the gas seemed to be targeting him.

@OceanBunny idk who to tag, but I'm near the classroom now.
"It's not that I don't like not being one.. I just feel safer as one." Miyuki said glancing up at him before looking back down at her lap. 'Why am I telling him this..' She wondered as she played with her tail.


'He waved back.. maybe I should go say hi.. He's so cute.' Willow bit her lip as her thoughts raced. Getting up she walked towards him. As she got closer she noticed the snakes and smiled. 'How had I not seen them.' She wondered before reaching out to see if she could talk to them. 'Hello there.' She thought towards them. "Hi, I'm Willow." She said to the boy.

@Magical Squid Senpai (Up to you if she can talk to them since they're kinda not normal snakes xD )

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