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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"He's our science teacher.. a bit crazy." Willow said with a smile, remembering the first class she was supposed to go to with him. "It's this way." She said, heading down the hall. Miyuki moved in front of Willow, blocking her path. "This way." Willow said sheepishly, turning around and heading the other direction.

Kat held back a giggle at lady willow's mistake "What do you mean by crazy? my lady" Kat asked trying to keep a serious tone but bits of his giggle sneaked into his question. He followed behind to two as miss miyuki seemed to know where to go, he wanted to remain loyal to lady willow so he stayed behind her.

"Oh God.... Not another one of those 'classes'. Those melted my brain." Raven said as he heard the voice over the intercom. Not wanting to go through another detention with Mr. Schmetterling, Raven began walking towards the dreaded classroom. "Coming Gorgon Boy?" He asked Pluto as he walked to the front of the classroom door. Scooting Jackal back onto his shoulder so he didn't hit the top of doorframe, Raven entered the class.

"Sorry I'm late, I forgot about the terrible excuse for an education was mandatory." He said as he sat down in one of the desks in the very back row. He liked his solitude back there, and was glad no one else took up his precious bubble of space.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
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Kat smiled "As you wish my lady." Kat bowed to lady willow then opened the door to the class room "We apologise if we are late, please forgive us." Kat walked in then turned to look at lady willow "Where should we sit? my lady." Kat asked, looking at the available seats.

"Uuuuh...just stuff! The usual!" Pluto chuckled nervously. "You didn't really miss much."

Then Pluto heard the announcement for a class.

"Oh crap! I already kind of missed two classes."

Pluto followed behind Raven. "Sorry I'm late..." He said before taking a seat.

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius @Lotusy

(I am not missing this class!)
Schmetterling, with his calmer attitude, turned over to look at Ami, who was badmouthing his class. "Now, young woman. This class is useful. You... will... learn..." He suddenly started convulsing, and butterfly wings shot out of his back, glistening with a strange mucous. "YESSSS, YOU WILL LEARN! SKREEE!!!" He started clawing at his face before returning to the board. "Ahem. Now, you see, the ATP is used back again here, isn't that right, Jerome?" The teacher kicked the mushroom, who didn't respond. "You see? Jerome likes it!"

@Ami the breadling

Meanwhile, Jay was cringing back from Schmetterling's outburst. "Drugs? You really think he makes drugs?" His mind suddenly connected the dots, bringing up the face of a familiar... gorgon. "Why, that druggie! I'll wring his neck!" Jay didn't get much time to pantomime wringing Pluto's neck this time, since the Doctor had started speaking again, and he didn't really want to miss his notes.

"Why do you hate druggies so much? I think they're great" Nyx turned his attention towards Jay "Normally they're so drugged up that they're easy to catch and kill, they do tend to have a weird aftertaste in their blood though" Nyx shook his head slightly "But yeah, Dr Schmetterling probably makes and gives out drugs"


Ami stood up. Her face was angry.

"I have worked with scientists. Real ones. The greatest one existing among them. I worked with someone who was able to make people alive, who were just skeletons, through pure science, keeping them humans not undead. I saw him develop inventions you cannot even imagine, druggie mushroom lover. He taught me. And you think you can make me learn? I DONT THINK SO!"

Having that said, Ami quickly left the classroom, not caring for the lesson. She sat down just next to the door and played angry birds.

@Lotusy @Archdemon (since you sit next to her)
Sean just shook his head into the palm of his hand. Why is he one of the only sane person in this school? Why is every fucking teacher goddamn weird and can't do their job right. Why is Sean even at this school? This day is the worst, and this class is going to be the worst of the day.

Sean just kept mumbling to himself "I'm surrounded by crazy fuckers."
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Willow moved into the classroom and smiled at Schmetterling. Spotting Jay she moved towards him and took a seat, Miyuki laying down under her desk.

@metalcity (Sorry got distracted) @everyone else in class
Kat followed lady willow and sat next to her, he eyed the boy up and down before looking at the teacher. He started to tap on the desk, making a random tune that fitted together well.

@OceanBunny @everyone else
Why dosent anyone ever let the teacher teach... Even if he was a weirdo.

'This teacher reminds me of a killer.'

'Yeah, I am thinking axe murderer!'

He gives me more if the peodofile vibe...'

'He creeps me out!

'Look, it's Jay! He's talking about a druggie... Again.'

'He must be talking shit about us!'

'Why do you like him so much? He's a nark.'

Yeah, but a nice nark! And I like bothering Nyx.'

Pluto heard all of that and rolled his eyes. 'These snakes are going to get me killed!'

He just sat and listened to the teacher.

OceanBunny said:
Willow moved into the classroom and smiled at Schmetterling. Spotting Jay she moved towards him and took a seat, Miyuki laying down under her desk.
@metalcity (Sorry got distracted) @everyone else in class
"Hello Willow, why have you brought a pest over with you? And i'm not talking about Miyuki this time" Nyx glared at Kat as he rested his hand on his dagger in case he tried to start anything.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy
Tyrrell looked around before getting up and smiling towards Emma "I'm gonna go to science class, I'll meet ya there and you don't need to worry about me" He then walked out of the classroom and into the hallway and continued walking till he got to the science classroom and sat down. Science was the only class he disliked the most because of the chemicals and what not that would usually ruin electronic's or even rust metal.

@Mango @everyone else in class
Ami started taking put her portable lab, mixing together some substances with silver. She saw the effect silver had on Nyx and wanted to try that out. She would care to do so while Jay and maybe Sean were around, so Nyx did not really have much chance to harm her.
Dr. Schmetterling only gave Ami a long, hard, stare as she badmouthed his class and walked right out. "Well then, we won't be needing her negativity anytime soon. Right, Jerome?" The mushroom stayed silent in response. "That's what I thought. Either way, I think she was too quick to judge. After all..." His wings suddenly glowed, and he "SKREEE!" 'd, making the specimen jars at the back of the classroom burst and grow. They each grew into grotesque humaniod creatures, some made of moss, some made of mushrooms. "SKREEEE-HAHAHA! OH, LOOK, JEROME!!! THEY DON'T BELIEVE US!!! THEY THINK WE'RE INSAAAAANE!!!" The professor was foaming at the mouth, cackling wildly as the animated forms flailed their arms around. After a good minute, his stopped, and the figures instantly reverted back into various moss and mushrooms. "Haha. Anyways, back onto the topic. Mr. Gorgon, did you learn the topic I asked your to explain yesterday?" The teacher walked over to Pluto's desk, drool hanging out of the side of his mouth. "Please tell me you have..."

During Schmetterling's rampage, a certain pink gas broke free of the bottles. Of course, it wasn't any ordinary gas. It was sentient. And most of all, it was feeling a bit rowdy. While the mad teacher screamed and frothed, it escaped into the air vent...

@Magical Squid Senpai (Only one directly interacting with, since you need a partner, and everyone else indirectly.)

@GingerBread (I'll make a Jay post later)
To Pluto's answer, Dr. Schmetterling only shook his head and sighed, but didn't freak out. "I am very dis appointed in you, Mr. Gorgon. However, it's fine. We will take an extra review day." He walked calmly to the front of the classroom, wiping away the drool and picking up Jerome. "Yes, it's all okay, right Jerome?" Suddenly, he snapped, throwing Jerome to the far side of the room, where the mushroom left a small dent in the wall. "SKREEEE!!! OF COURSE IT'S NOT OKAY!!!" The mad teacher dug his hands into his head, his pupils dilated and angry. "It's okay." He breathed out a sigh. "It's okay. Young man, please sit down." Dr. Schmetterling cleared his throat, gesturing towards Jackal and taking a position at his podium. "I will... be a moment, class. While I take a water break, read pages 37-41 in your textbook." He proceeded to run out of the classroom, "SKREE"-ing down the hallway as he went.

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 (Free time, I don't want to hold you all back.)

Meanwhile, Jay kept taking notes in between Schmetterling's outbursts. "Hey, Nyx. What did he say he-" He noticed the vampire bothering Willow, and went back to his notes with a grumble. "Nevermind." After a few more minutes of lecturing/screaming, a mushroom whizzed past Jay's head and embedded itself into the all behind him, much to his discomfort. "What the hell?"

"Hi Jay." Willow said with a smile, ignoring Nyx's comment.

With a mischievous thought the gas found a warm spot to grow and spread. It poured through the schools venting system, leaking into classrooms and invading students minds. The victims vision would go pink for a moment, their thoughts get fuzzy. As the haze clears from their eyes and minds they would look around a fluttering feeling in their stomachs. The pink gas is similar to the magics used in cupids arrow. After being affected by the gas the first person you make eye contact with you shall fall in love with. At least until the gas is contained and the afftects wear off.

Willow <-> Pluto

Columbus <-> Kat

Jackal <-> Jay

Miyuki <-> Nyx

Raven <-> Sean

@Ami the breadling and anyone outside the classroom.. If you want to participate I can pair you up or you can pair yourselves or fall for a NPC if you want, the gas is all over the school <3 have fun!!
Kat's vision went blurry, was it a attack? Kat looked around "Don't worry lady willow! I will protect you!" Kat shouted as he got out of his seat he went to go to where he thought lady willow was but it turned out to be the boy from before, however for some reason Kat felt some strange feeling towards this boy. "Hey, you look better than before." Kat stated as he looked at the boy closer.

@LokiofSP (this is going to be fun) (oh, hope I didn't mess this up. i will edit it if I did)
Nyx grumbled at Willow completely ignored him If I didn't need you to get Unicorn blood, I'd kill you Nyx looked down and glared at Miyuki But I can always kill the pest you seem attached to and I'll- Nyx thoughts were interrupted when his vision became pink before fading away. Nyx shook it off as nothing Yeah I'll kill your pest if you are rude like that to me- Nyx's thoughts were interrupted as he started glaring at Miyuki again, only to find that there was a weird feeling present in his stomach and he felt like he shouldn't be mean or harass Her anymore, in fact he felt like he should make an effort to be nice to her. Nyx continued looking at Miyuki with a smile on his face. The smile was unlike the ones he normally gave people, this one looked more like the smile he reserved for Jay.

@OceanBunny (Hope this is okay :) )
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Miyuki huffed as a funny feeling came over her. Opening her eyes she looked up to see Nyx watching her. 'Ugh the stupid Vampire..' She started thinking but then a fuzzy feeling came over her as she stared into his eyes. 'He's actually kinda cute.' She thought as she continued to stare into his eyes.

@GingerBread (This is gonna be fun!!)

Willow blinked as her vision went pink, she turned towards the sound of Kat's voice. She opened her mouth to reassure him she was alright as the pink cleared. As her eyes connected with a boys across the room she forgot what she was about to say. Smiling, she blushed lightly and waved at the boy.

@Magical Squid Senpai

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