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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Mate? I think not.'

'Aww! Pluto is kind of cute! But that's only because I am connected to him!'

'Your the ugly side of him, you giant asshole.'


"So you are his roommate? Then you must know more about Jackal then I do?"

'Did you know he likes fish? I bet not.'

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
"Nobody would care? Really? I care, Nyx!" Jay's fist clenched tighter as Nyx just shrugged him off like it was no big deal. "So what if you're a heartless monster? I don't feel like you're heartless... I feel like you have it, somewhere inside of you." He nodded slowly, eyes focusing back on the situation. "You said you want to make me happy? If so... could you please not get hurt? It was horrifying to see you hurt, in all the ways possible. Just don't do it again."

Nyx sighed and lightly shook his head "I can't just not get hurt, that's something i can't prevent" Nyx wrapped an arm around Jay and gently pulled him closer "So how about this? I'll do my best to not get hurt too badly, nothing more than a few cuts and bruises, how does that sound?" Nyx smiled warmly at Jay, wanting to make him as happy as possible but also not wanting to give him false hope.

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"I just know that he is a constant reminder that I am not the only one who has problems." Raven said bluntly as he answered Pluto. He looked at him strangely as if Pluto was staring off into space. He couldn't quite put a finger on why though.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
Sean looked over at Ami and sighed "I'm sorry for being a Dick earlier, it's just been one really fucked up day so far.... The main problem is that Half-Blood, Nyx I believe. He's too immature and he seems to try and pick fights with most people, would do him so good to learn the proper way of being nice to people other than his version of hate called murder everything I hate. I'm rambling.... Anyways are you gonna delete that picture of me from earlier? You said you take pictures of people you hate and I can't imagine that with you leaning your head on my shoulder that you'd hate me unless that's how you try and trick us men, trying the whole hard to get scheme aren't we?"

He chuckled slightly at his own joke whether she'd get it or not and soon he just stared at the sky.

@Ami the breadling
Jays eyes widened as Nyx pulled him into a hug, but he closed them and nodded. "Alright, whatever you say. Cuts are ok. Try to make the amount zero, though." His face spread into a smile in response to Nyx's, and he moved himself out of the hug. "Anyways! Anyways, anyways." He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts after the hug. "I'm feeling in the mood for 3rd period. Can't wait for Dr. Schmetterling to screw my brains over with something crazy. What about you?"

"Wait, we have the crazy guy? I can see this going nothing but well" Nyx shook his head as he imagined all the ways the class with Dr Schmetterling could go wrong "But i'm at least halfway decent at some science, I'm better at biology though, for reasons i'm sure you can guess" Nyx smirked at Jay "But yeah, It's like free entertainment and i don't think we really end up having to do work in his lessons, he normally goes completely crazy before he can make us"

Jackal's tail wagged in annoyance and he swatted at raven's ear with a growl pouting. "Why You gotta be so mean?" He asked and sighed climbing up on raven's head,tail swishing as he looks down at him before looking back to Pluto.
Amis tail wrapped around hos wrist as she shook her head. "I decided to take pictures of my best friend too. So it can stay", she said as she still leaned on him. She put her tablet into her pocket and started hugging his arm.

"Well everyone has problems!" Pluto chuckled, "Jackal is just a little different... Not in a bad way! I like him...it makes him cute in a way."

'He's not as weird as some people we have met before!'

Yeah...like people who jump out of windows.'

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius
"Don't be silly. You're just trying to make conversation." Willow said, smiling at Kat. "Sorry Willow, I'll be more careful." Miyuki said before going back to eating her chicken. "Are next class should start soon, right?"

"Humph... Indeed." Raven mutually agreed. There were, much much worse people out there. Especially going to this school. He remembered all the dreadful things that happened at this school, and Raven suddenly pondered its current status. "What has been going on here lately?" He asked Pluto while Jackal swatted his face with his paw.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
"I'm not sure, I don't have a planner. Should we go check? my lady." Kat asked, he finished his food and it appeared that she did too. Kat got out of his seat and tucked it underneath the table, he then walked around to lady willow and offered her a hand to help her get up.

Willow smiled and blushed lightly. Placing her hand in his she allowed him to help her up, pulling Miyuki with her. "Yes. Let's go check." She said tipping her head slightly to the side. Miyuki shifted back to leopard form and purred lightly, pressing her head into his other hand.

Jay nodded in response to Nyx's statement about Dr. Schmetterling. "Yea, I'm pretty sure he has the mental stability of a washing machine." He took Nyx's hand, pulling him up. "Well, I think we should be getting over there, no?"

A few seconds later, the PA system crackled to life. "Alright boys and girls, you know the drill." The bell rang halfway through the announcement, cutting off some of the speech. "...rd period, head to Dr. Schmetterling's room. Bring your lab coats, because there will be a lab today. Students with clubs are excused." With that, the system cracked and shut off.

Meanwhile, in his room, Dr. Schmetterling was curled up in the fetal position, clutching Jerom to his chest. "Sooon... SKREEE!!!!" His voice echoed through the staircase to his dungeon, and the mad teacher drooled a little, giggling to himself as he waited for the students.

(It's not mandatory, I don't want to force interactions at this point. However, if you want, you can come, since people will definitely be there.)
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Kat gently stroke miss Miyuki head gently "Go we shall do." He then removed his hands from them and started to walk away with them following him hopefully, then he stopped "Silly me, I don't actually know were we are going. Would you like to lead? my lady." Kat spun slightly to face the two, he motioned his hand for lady willow to take the lead.

"If I had any say in this I believe you just want my picture for some... Private stuff later on." He had a type of grin that told anyone he was joking before he got back up "Guess we're going to science class, ready to go Ami? Just try not to blow up the school please." He chuckled slightly at his dumb jokes, he was really trying to entertain himself after all the shit he had to deal with today. I mean he even stopped using his accent for one sentence too.

@Ami the breadling ((You can lead Sean to the room.))
Columbus patted the head of the fish monster who's mouth he was in, "There, there Maurice, it's not so bad...I got to go, but we can talk about your family life later..." Maurice nodded and spit Columbus out before walking off. Columbus shook some saliva off himself and smiled, "Nice guy, hope he finds love some day..."

He ran to his locker to grab his lab coat, and jogged into the room. Once in the doorway to the room, he slipped on his 'lab coat' that was actually just a trenchcoat spray painted white with the words, 'lab coat' in black paint on his back. He saluted the teacher, "I'm ready to science sir!"


(This one is for the new guys, @Pyosimros and @Omega Type, this is the class I spoke of.)
Ami pouted at his comments, not understanding the difference between jokes and seriousness.

"I never blew something up without wanting too... Ok just once but u was 8 there so that does not count.", she told him poutingly. She led him to the science room and made him sit next to her.

"Yeah, you can lead the way, cause I've no idea where the room is, the last time I was there I was a cat" Nyx shrugged as Jay pulled him up into a standing position God this day seems to just drag on, you'd think me almost dying would make it speed along, it feels like it's been a week already Nyx smiled at Jay, waiting for him to lead the way.

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As soon as Columbus walked into the room, he was greeted by Dr. Schmetterling, who was spasming in a pool unidentified blue fluid on the floor of his classroom. At the sound of even more students entering, he shot up eyes suddenly fixed attentively on the entering students. "OOH MYYYY!!! Look Jerome! There are STUDEEENTTSSSS!!!" He was practically foaming at his mouth at this point. The crazy doctor threw down the mushroom, jumping up and down like a little kid, before throwing it to the ground and stomping it. "STUDENTTSSSS!!! SKREEEE!!!!" His skrees of joy echoed through the hallways. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" He ran over to Sean, shaking the vampire's hand fervently. "Oh, it's been so long since I've seen a veteran in this class!" He danced away, singing something about Jerome while he did.

As soon as he was at the front of his classroom, Schmetterling suddenly snapped to attention, acting like a normal teacher. "Eh, alright, class. Open your books to page 37. We went over the Krebs Cycle yesterday, so can anyone remind me of what happened yesterday?"

@Ami the breadling @Archdemon

"Sure, I don't need a map for it anyways." Jay pulled Nyx along on the way to classroom, though hwat Nyx said earlier weighed heavily on his heart. He was afraid that the vampire had so little self esteem that he didn't care about living. Jay's fist clenched. How can I prove that I need him? While he was lost in his thoughts, the two arrived at Schmetterling's class around the tail end of his hysterical Jerome fit. "Oh, geez." He pulled Nyx over to a seat, far, far away from the teacher.

Ami facepalmed herself, loud enough for the teacher to hear saying "Not only the students here are retards, but so called science teachers are stupid idiots? What the hell made me think i could learn anything here..."

"Um.. I'm not sure either." Willow said, biting her lip. "I'll figure it out." She smiled and closed her eyes, reaching out to make a connection with the plants and animals on campus. 'Kiko, how are you?' She thought as a familiar bluebirds mental presence connected with her. 'Morning Willow, can I help you with something?' He responded, happy to hear from the little fairy. 'I was wondering if someone could help me with the class schedule. Its posted somewhere right?' 'Yes, its by the library. I've seen students check it now and then. What class are you looking for?' Kiko asked, flying over to the library. 'Third period.' 'That would be science.. With Schmetterling.' 'Thank you Kiko, I'll see you later.' Willow opened her eyes and let the connection fade. "Schmetterling is next." Se said, smiling up at Kat.

@metalcity (@Lotusy do we want to do this love potion thing during science? I figured I ask before we started class so we can come up with an actual plan if we are going to do it xD )
"Do you reckon he makes and does drugs? it would explain this" Nyx sat down in a seat next to Jay, keeping a wary eye on Dr Schmetterling "Maybe he's the school's supplier for all drugs, maybe he sells them to students, though i kinda doubt that he could keep a coherent thought for long enough to sell drugs, maybe give them away like free candy"

@Lotusy @Class peoples
Kat looked at her, slightly confused by what just happened but he would not question lady willow and her power. "Who is that exactly? my lady." Kat asked, not sure who this person was or where he was. He assumed it was some sort of science person but that was just a quest. Kat continued to wait for lady willow to go first due to his inexperience at the school. He continued to have a gentle smile.


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