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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"It's delicious." Willow said with a smile. "Chocolate and berries go really well together. The smooth richness of the chocolate compliments the tart sweetness of the berries perfectly." She giggled and popped more chocolate and berries into her mouth, savoring the taste.

"I'm glad you are enjoying it, my lady." Kat kindly smiled, he turned to look at miss Miyuki "How is yours? miss." Kat asked, gently cutting into his steak at the same time, making sure not to break something. He could feel the meat tearing under the sharp knife.

"Uh...well there was this guy named Xren. After you punched Columbus, you suddenly changed into him."

'It was crazy!!'

'He visiously sexually assaulted Pluto! I demand to speak to him!!'

'He better have a good lawyer!'

Pluto let go of Jackel, looking up at him,
"it wasnt assualt! He just kissed me a little too hard. He was scary. but I brought you back...by kissing you."

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread
@mewbot5408[/URL] @GingerBread
jackal listened to pluto's words hearing the name xren and held up a finger. "wait..wait....xren?? that's the name of my master, he died in a magical related accident. how could he.........?" jackal murmured and shook his head quickly placing his hands on pluto's shoulders upon hearing about what xren had done and leaned in giving pluto a nice long but sweet kiss. he didn't like what xren did and it in fact made him extremely jealous.
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Miyuki looked up at the question and attempted to smile. "It's good." She managed to say after swallowing the chicken without chewing. "Miyu, don't forget to chew. You're gonna choke." Willow scolded, worried for her friend.

Jay shot an offended look at Apep. "Eat him? You better watch your mouth, snakey. Tell Jason we can't be together if I'm going to have in-laws like this," he said, before winking at Pluto. "Either way, I think it's time we did something, right, Nyx?" He put his hand lightly on Nyx shoulder. "I think you've had your fill of fighting for today, no?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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On Plutos head....aka filler.

Jason hissed at Apep. 'You shut the fuck up Apep!!'

'Why is everyone mad at me today? I've done absolutely nothing.'

'I will come up there and fucking eat you!!! And I am not talking about the sexual way!! I will swallow you whole! Right after I chew you up!'

'Gah! Fine! Geez, chill.'

Jason angrily laid his head back onto Plutos shoulder.

'When we graduate, I am going to sue this school for all the troubles it has caused us.'


(Jayson for life!)
Sean, who is now officially grossed by all the gross sex jokes, began his return to Ami shaking his head. This whole day was a hassle and he's too grossed out/confused to be angry anymore, he looked at the science girl playing on her tablet. He sighed as he stopped right in front of her "This whole day has been a mess.... It's like I'm surrounded by teenagers, oh wait I am!"

He groaned and sat down next to Ami holding his head looking tired. He feels more like a parent than anything else right now having to deal with running a daycare full of some of the most brattiest children he has ever seen.

@Ami the breadling
(My cat... he is growing up. xD )

Raven walked back into the school after being gone for quite some time. No one noticed he was missing, and he didn't seem to care. "This place... I hate this place." He didn't even know why he came back in the first place.
"Well that's just splendid, miss miyuki." Kat replied, smiling while doing so. He then looked over at lady willow while she spoke "Sorry my lady, it was my fault." Kat apologised with a slight sad tone, he felt like it was his fault for the scolding. Kat placed another lump of meat in his mouth, chewing thoroughly.

Lotusy said:
Jay shot an offended look at Apep. "Eat him? You better watch your mouth, snakey. Tell Jason we can't be together if I'm going to have in-laws like this," he said, before winking at Pluto. "Either way, I think it's time we did something, right, Nyx?" He put his hand lightly on Nyx shoulder. "I think you've had your fill of fighting for today, no?"
@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
(Sorry, i didn't see this post D: )

"I don't really have a limit for how much i can fight, but i do need to improve some things, so yeah for today i'm done with fighting" Nyx smiled at Jay ignoring the comment about him and Jason being together, even though it slightly hurt when it was Jay saying it "But tomorrow, Vampire bitch is going down, Can't have someone falsely believing that they're better than me can i?"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
Ami saw him sit down next to her, went on playing but leaned her head against his shoulder. She did neither say something nor look at him, only her head leaned against him and she sighed relaxedly.

"They can believe, Nyx. You don't need to fight them." Jay slowly pulled Nyx away from the area, into one of the school buildings. "Look, Nyx, we made a promise. You broke that promise, and look what happened! Your insides got destroyed, man! Imagine if I wasn't there! You'd be dead!" He looked at Nyx sadly. "Look, I know you don't fear your death, but... I fear for you. It would devastate me if I had to see you like that again, ok?"
"I'm sorry" Nyx's gaze was slowly redirected towards the ground as he felt a twinge of guilt run through him as Jay told him he had broken his promise "But it wasn't my fault, he attacked me first, i was defending myself" Nyx argued though it didn't get rid of the guilt he felt welling up inside of him "But realistically, the only way to stop me from fighting would be to make me unable to, either by getting rid of all my limbs or by turning me into a kitten" Nyx looked up towards Jay and gave him a small smile "But like i said before, I'm trying my best. But let's be honest here, if i were to die who else would care apart from you? and even then everyone likes you better than me, you'd have people to help you get over my death"

Raven walked into the school, trying to take in all that he had almost forgotten.

Although it may not seem like it... it has been some time since I've been here. Ever since the immortals called upon me to track him down, I've been traveling all over the world to find him. It's been, months... although it felt like years...

He scoffed. He never really cared for this school, but.... it had its moments. The times he played the piano... before Nyx broke it. He ran into a few people he found odd, but then again; everyone wasn't exactly normal at this school. It wasn't even a normal school to be honest. He then remembered his only friend, Jackal, and all the things they did together. He was a strange little man... but he found him somewhat entertaining. Raven wondered how he was doing. He also wondered if he kept up with his violin practice... like he suggested.

Raven let out a sigh as he walked through the halls of the school.


@mewbot5408 , assuming time has passed on lol. Had to give him some kind of backstory and depth if I were to just shove Raven back into everything lol)
Standing up, Jackal's ears pricked up and he looked side to side with his tail swishing curiously and he sniffed the air before looking back to Pluto and moved to help him up. The shifter picked up on a familiar presence entering the school grounds and he had a feeling of who it was and smiled a little bit before turning to Pluto giving him a hug and a little kiss before turning away and shifting to a fluffy black cat as he looked up to him a second."it seems raven's home, he's been gone for a few months and I want to greet my friend."He says not minding if Pluto followed him. the cat trotted off like a happy pet to greet his owner making his way over to the school entrance and meowed running up to raven rubbing his head against his leg before looking up with his blue eyes. "Welcome home."


@Magical Squid Senpai
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"I know you're trying your hardest, but... it's just not working." Jay sighed, taking a seat on a nearby bench and motioning for Nyx to sit next to him. "Look, Nyx. I think it's time we had another talk." Jay remembered what happened last time that he gave Nyx a talk, so he tried his best to tread lightly around the volatile subjects. "You can't keep resorting to turning into a kitten, Nyx. It's like a painkiller. It works, but eventually, it's the only thing that works, and when you turn back, you'll be as aggressive as ever." Jay shook his hand slowly. "No, we can't do that. Nyx, I know it hasn't been said... but you know what happened last time. If this keeps up, then the next time will end up just like yesterday. You need to face this problem head-on! Do it for me! If you can't... well, then we may not be the greatest pair after all." His eyes glazed over with a sad look, as if he was seeing some kind of distant tragedy occurring. "And of course people would care, Nyx! People care about you just as much as me, or Pluto, or Enki!" His fist clenched into a ball. "And how could you say that?! Doesn't matter what other people think if you die! I would be devastated!"

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"No, No one would care if i were to die, if they did the only reason would be that it hurt you, Face it I'm loathed by everyone" Nyx just shrugged not really caring about what people thought of him "And what do you really want me to do? You knew from the beginning that i was a heartless monster, hell you even said that yourself. And that's not even including the fact that i need blood to survive. But all i want to do is make you happy Jay, And I'll do whatever i can to achieve that. But right now I'm struggling to not fight anyone, a lot of people hate me and at this point, fighting is unavoidable without me getting seriously hurt anyways"

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Pluto followed after Jackal happily.

'Maybe you do have something weird with cats?'

'Is it normal for people to turn into cats here?'

'It sucks! So many delicious looking cats...'

Pluto noticed they were at the school gates. 'Oh no, look his boyfriend came back! Now you two can break up!'

"Be quiet Coatl."

He waved at Raven.

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius
Although he was still bad with feelings and words, Raven smiled and said nothing before patting Jackal on the head. Finally, Raven opened his mouth. "It has been some time, since I've last been here. Had someone- er.. I mean, something to take care or." He told Jackal awkwardly. He didn't want to mention the fact he had spent all this time on an assassination attempt.

Over time, Raven learned that bragging about your amount of kills, wasn't exactly going to get anyone anywhere. Sure, he didn't exactly have a good reputation with everyone, but... There was room for improvement.

Raven gestured for Jackal to climb onto his shoulder before seeing the Gorgon boy waving at him. He couldn't remember his name at the moment.

In fact, the last thing he remembered about this school was that crazy old teacher, and that fairy girl. I wonder how she is doing... He wondered to himself.

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
Jackal's ears twitched nodding and looked up again."I missed you too,the dorm has been a little bit quiet, ah but I had my mate keep me company.....

Pluto is adorable,no?" He asked softly purring when he mentioned the gorgon and his tail swishing as he crouched down. The black cat jumping up on to raven's shoulder perching himself and leaned in poking his ear. "Please be nice to him,okay?"Jackal asked softly almost pleading.


@Magical Squid Senpai
Raven let out a sly laugh. "A male? Of course you would." He said as he saw that the one Jackal was talking about was none other than the gorgon boy himself. Time really flew by fast.

Raven then thought about his own self. He still resented girls, but... He secretly needed the comfort of one. Jackal, while being able to indirectly share his feelings with him, could not connect with him on that level. Besides, Jackal was into guys, and that distracted Raven many times when Jackal would flirtatiously do things to him. No, he needed some girl who he could completely open up to. Guys weren't exactly the best with exchanging feelings... At least, not guys like him.

But, that was the thing. Being the type of guy he was, Raven knew he shouldn't get his hopes up. No girl in their right mind would want him, especially after things he had done. Furthermore, he wasn't exactly ready to express himself to any female at the moment. He was still cold over females for the way he was treated by them in his younger years. People often forgot that girls can be bullies too.

So, it wouldn't surprise him if he ended up dying alone. Although... He never could "die"... At least, until he passes on his title to his next of kin. Which, he obviously wasn't having any kids... Probably ever.

Raven shook his head like he was woozy. What was wrong with him? He was perfectly fine with being the cold hearted jerk that he was before he left this place. Why did he feel so weak and vulnerable? Why did he want somebody to want him? He was a lone wolf... It was his destiny. Girls did nothing but torment him, and love... As he always had believed... Was a lie.

So... Why was he searching for a lie?

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai
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