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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"If you say so." Willow smiled and sat down on the arm of the chair. She picked a lavender sprout and twirled it, enjoy the light scent. She crossed her ankles and hummed lightly, remembering playing tag with the robins among the lavender fields back home.

Columbus didn't open his eyes, and whispered to Ami, "*Pst* Hey... Did you learn your lesson yet?"

@Ami the breadling
Kat watched lady willow play with the lavender, Kat placed started to smoke. His tummy rumbled gently, just loud another for them to hear. Kat unleashed the smoke through his nose, it blew away. "Should we go to the canteen to get a snack of some sorts? My lady." kat asked sweetly, then placing the cigarette back in his mouth.

Columbus scrambled to get up, running after Ami, "Hey! Wait! I was asleep at first, but then I woke up when you were talking about fixing me and I didn't want to be rude by interupting you! Then you tried to fix me, so I thought I would teach you a lesson about dealing drugs by making you responsible for a human life! Brilliant, I know..."

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @GingerBread @Archdemon
"Hey, Only i'm allowed to be mean to Columbus" Nyx said as he watched Ami become meaner towards Columbus, Though Nyx just wanted an excuse to kill her, or at the very least wound her severely "You can't have a go at him, you're the one who gave him the drugs, so this is all your fault anyways"

@Ami the breadling
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Sean cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention "Look, I understand tensions are high and all but such hostilities aren't needed, sure she's responsible for the whole drug incident while most of the testers signed up because of her charm I actually signed up to see what it'll do to myself. Second, Columbus signed up out of his free will and determination to protect the human since he was well a human and him a zombie, he didn't really do it out of the fact she's cute, if he did it wasn't the biggest percent out of the other reasons..."

He looked at Nyx "Look I'm sorry that you got your ass kicked, and that you've had one of your friends pass out from an unstable drug, it is a very bad turn of events which has led to quite a bit of anger, I think that its perfectly reasonable for Ami to apologize to everyone and that we all do the same to each other as..."

He looked at Columbus "It isn't very polite to surprise an angry person who actually was trying to help even though she refused at first..."

He looked back at Nyx "And this whole situation would've been much more smoother if you hadn't been so hostile, while you are somewhat a victim in this situation you have completely been hostile in the whole ordeal that you're also a cause of it, now I believe we should all make amends."

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread @LegenDarius
"Oh really?" Jay stepped back into the conversation as Sean tagged along with Ami, Columbus, and Nyx. "I agree, we need to stop this bickering, but don't act like you're outside all this. Granted, you're the most mature out of everyone, and you tried to stop the fight, but..." He held out his fingers, three fingers up. "First, I didn't see you helping clean up the mess in the battle." He pulled a finger down. "Second, of course her charm worked on you, too. Why else would you two just mysteriously disappear without us?" Another finger went down. "Third, I think it's best if we leave it at this. I'm not sure if you've seen fights at Lakoria, but they usually don't end with words and handshakes." He looked up from his fingers. "But besides that, I'm sure we can all... get along. He slung one arm around Nyx, and the other around Columbus. "Right, guys?"

@Ami the breadling.
Ami looked at them in disbelief. "Alright. I apologize. I am sorry. I am sorry that my drug did not have the planned effect. Furthermore i am sorry none of you is able to control himself. I am sorry that the zombie did not care for my warning and i apologize for the fact he took zhe pill out of the vampires hand. Forgive me that the vampire you call your boyfriend is overly aggressive and seems to have some unsolved issues. I am sorry for attending this school.", Ami said. She gave all of them a carefree but a little hurt look, took a oicture of Sean and turned to leave.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Archdemon
@Ami the breadling





Jackal nodded as they walked his tail swishing behind him and he purred quite pleased to have Pluto with him holding the cute gorgon's hand as they walked. He suddenly stopped seeing the mass commotion and raised a eyebrow."what's going on guys??" He asked like he didn't know how to react to everything.
Miyuki's ears perked up at the mention of food. 'I want chicken.' Willow giggled at Miyuki's comment and smiled at Kat. "Food sounds good." She said, standing up. She turned and smiled, offering him her hand.

@metalcity (sorry if i'm not very responsive.. i burnt myself and now typing hurts ._.)
"Don't use your pure hands to help me my lady." Kat got out of the chair, he started to smoke. Looking around for anything that might trouble lady willow.

@OceanBunny (no problem. This will be the last in character post I make for the night. Can't think properly with a headache)
Willow frowned slightly at his comment. She placed the lavender sprout on the chair then headed towards the canteen. She walked backwards, smiling at Kat. Miyuki walked alongside Kat, allowing Willow to use her sight to know where she was going.

@metalcity (yea.. migraine was why i wasn't on all this morning /: the universe seems to not to want me to be on right now.. darn universe xD )
Pluto smiled as they walked together. He was happy being with Jackal!

Meanwhile on Pluto's head, Coatl had woken up. He started hissing at everyone when he saw Jackal holding Pluto's hand.

'Dude, shut the fuck up!'


'Nobody knows what you are saying! Speak English! Or Italian... Or Greek. Whatever language we all know.'

Coatl lashed out and bit Apep.

'Ooowaaaaaah! The fuck?? you bitch!!'

'I told you to keep an eye on Pluto and this guy! You failed me!! You bastard!' He screamed in Italian.

'You never told me to do shit!!'

'I guess its Italian time...'

'Yes I did!!'

'Ugh! They didn't even do anything bad!'

'Guys look....its uh...Nyx and Jay, over there...so shut up!

Coatl just glared at Apep then Jackal.

@Ami the breadling @Archdemon @LokiofSP
Ami's eyes got interested. She walked over to Pluto. "A gorgon! How interesting. The snakes seem to communicate with each other...", she said, fascinatedly walking around Pluto and scanning him with her tablet which she started to type on.

@Magical Squid Senpai

(i am lazy to tag the others, you know whos there)
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Columbus gasped, "Ami no!" He pulled her away from Pluto, "I know you hate me but trust me, you do NOT want to hang with that guy! He's the biggest drug dealer in the school, even bigger than you!...At least that's what Jay tells me..."

@Ami the breadling @Magical Squid Senpai
Ami clenched her teeth. She was shaking. "I...am...no...DEALER!", she said, shouting the last word right into Columbus face. She pulled herself free with a angry movement. Then, she spit on the ground before Columbus, running of as tears broke from her eyes and she cried bitterly. She jumped inside a brush, curled up and started crying. They did not want to ubderstand. Nobody had ever done. She had never been taken serious except by..."Daniel...", she cryingly muttered.

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
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Corvus listened intently, grasping what had happened while he was gone. Well, the recent happenings at least.

Corvus breathed a sigh, followed by him saying to himself, "Never a dull day here is there? And here I thought El Chapo had enrolled in this school or something."

He stood there, keeping up his former awareness. There was a new face in that group, and Corvus found himself examining her. A tail? He thought to himself. Why am I even surprised? Let's just hope she's not hostile. But then again, I just heard that she was a drug dealer or something.

Corvus knew he should probably get going. But to where? He didn't know, nor did he care, really. He was too interested in the group of people in the distance.

@Ami the breadling
Pluto was weirded out by this new girl. "I'm not a drug dealer!....what has Jay been saying about me?"

'Ugh, I hate when girs cry! It's so Annoying!'

Pluto looked at Colombo. "...why is she crying? Do you always make girls cry?"

@Ami the breadling @Archdemon @LokiofSP
Jackal frowned at Columbus and raised his hand swinging a extremely hard punch to send him flying across the ground and leave a long bleeding cut from his claws. "I swear nobody has time for your idiot remarks! You can say what you want about me but I typically hate people who say things about people I care about let alone when they didn't do anything.." He growled licking the blood off his hand.

@Ami the breadling




Corvus managed to remain still when he saw that body fly across the floor, stopping right at his feet. "Jeez, you alright man?," Corvus said to the zombie-like boy. He extended a hand out toward him. "I wonder if this school can go one day without a fight. Don't you?"

@Ami the breadling @GingerBread @Lotusy @Archdemon @LokiofSP @mewbot5408
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