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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ami held out the machine to him. " You can have it if you promise, that YOU will be patting my shoulder if i did something good.", she told him. She stored the box under her bef with a foot and, still offering the machine, went to the door and opened it for him. "Lets go for a walk."

Columbus yawned he looked at Jay, "I dunno...I think that pill has some kinda...Lasting effect on me...Never had to...Sleep before..." He fell back down and began to snore away.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Fine i won't do drugs, you're such a buzzkill" Nyx turned towards Jay after watching Columbus go back to sleep "So i can either, keep stabbing him until he wakes up or i could carry him to the nearest bed, slash, the infirmary" Nyx looked towards Jay to see what option he would pick.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Sean chuckled "It's quite alright, you keep him, wouldn't really have a use for it anyways. Besides I'd still pat you on the back anyways, it's what friends are for! Sure I could walk a little, and where exactly are we gonna walk to? We have a specific place or just wander until we go to class?"

He walked out the door and into the hallway of the girls dorm, hopefully nobody gets the wrong idea.

@Ami the breadling
Ami folded her ears, her tail wrapped around her leg and her eyes were confused. " F-friends? Are we... friends? ", she asked unsteadily, throwing the machine at her bed without looking. She started to lead the way out of the dorm, her attitude still unsteady and confused, as she saw Nyx, Jay and Columbus (get out of my mind old man). She quickly hid behind Sean, her tail now wrapping around his wrist. It was a fluffy tail.

"I don't know. Last time we went to the infirmary, Columbus was also drugged up, so they might think he has some sort of drug problem, you know?" Jay scratched at the back of his head, deep in thought. "You know, it would probably be easier if we got that girl to help- speak of the devil!" He ran over to Ami and Sean while dragging and unconscious Columbus behind him. "Finally you're here, young woman!" He slung Columbus around to his front side, then took put his hands on his hips again. "My druggie friend here is having a bit of trouble with your drug, so we really need your help! I mean, how irresponsible was it to just leave him there? He's got a bad habit with drugs!"

@Ami the breadling @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Archdemon
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Well things got a bit awkward with Ami, she's not herself anymore. He says that they're friends and she just gets all weird for no reason. When she saw Jay, Columbus, and Nyx instead of being her more brash self, she hid right behind Sean then wrapped her tail around his right wrist. Now he's confused on why she's acting this way, of course he did meet her like an hour ago but she's a pretty okay person and a bit entertaining to be around. Her tail was soft, maybe she brushes it? Doesn't matter now.

"Hey! You know he's right Ami, it was kinda irresponsible, but it was also stupid to start a fight like that too! Especially when innocent people are around who can't really defend themselves!"

He pointed towards Ami and Columbus while looking at Nyx.

"You didn't start the fight so I'll let you go on that remark as you were simply defending yourself but next time try not to do anything around women near that human you fought earlier. Anyways since I got that out of my system lets get your druggie friend here to the nurse since I hardly doubt Ami's in the correct mindset to do something at the moment."

@Ami the breadling



"Are you trying to tell me what to do?" Nyx glared at the boy "You should know your place and respect your betters" Nyx placed one hand on one of his daggers "I will fight whoever and wherever i want. And if Ami doesn't help Columbus, I'll kill her"

@Ami the breadling
"Nyx, Nyx, cool it." Jay put his hand on Nyx's shoulder, pulling him back a little. He gave Nyx's shoulder a small squeeze, almost as if he said, I got this. "You got creamed last fight. Let me handle this." The brown-haired boy pulled himself forward, placing himself slightly between Nyx and Sean. "Yea, yea, your point is proven, but..." He gestured to Columbus's prone form. "He seems to just be asleep now. Plus, well, he's had other run-ins with drugs. I'm not sure if the nurses would appreciate seeing him again." Jay took a step forward, peering around Sean to see Ami. "Look, little miss. We just need some help for our friend. It's just a simple responsibility, so could you give him a hand?"

@Ami the breadling
Corvus stood in the hallway, the searing headache now gone and replaced with a sense of awareness. In the distance he heard people talking, familiar voices. Wait... They were arguing. About what?

Corvus tried to listen, but all he heard were words that were lost to the walls of the hallway. All except one: drugs. For some reason that word irked him, but the thought quickly left his mind when he realized that they were familiar faces. Specifically, the vampire boy.

Now he remembered. He had attacked him earlier, during the mission. But why? I don't know, Corvus answered himself silently. All I know is that he gives off a dangerous vibe. And with that, he withdrew his hand into his cloak and quietly summoned a pistol. He hung it hear his leg and felt the cold hardness that gave him a sense of security. For the moment, at least.

Then he stood still, listening but not looking, remaining out of sight.

@Ami the breadling
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"Or i could just kill them and used their life energy to help columbus, that's always an option" Nyx pointed out, mostly just wanting an excuse to kill the vampire boy "It would be quick and painful, don't even worry" Nyx smiled at all of them "I've won almost every fight i've been in, so do you fancy your odds of what will happen if you don't help?"

@Ami the breadling
@Lotusy @LegenDarius
Ami thought for a monent. "Hm. Normally the adrenaline mixture i gave him must have killed the drug. It cannot be because of it. Maybe the mixture also had a calming effect on him. He should be alright, it should wear off. I never worked with zombies. I cannot really guarantee anything.", Ami told Jay, completely ignoring Nyx.

Her tail remained around Seans wrist.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Archdemon @LokiofSP @LegenDarius
"Sorry, but you've got to guarantee something to us." Jay looked back over to the sleeping Columbus, who didn't really show signs of waking soon. "I hate to force it on you, but since you tested the drug on him, it's your responsibility to help clean up too. Willow and I had to help heal people, but we can't do everything. Did you see the aftermath of what you left behind? Kat and Nyx were brutally done over!" He sighed, taking a deep breath and taking on a calmer tone of voice. "Listen, we just need another counter-drug. Something strong enough to wake a zombie up."

@Ami the breadling @Archdemon @LegenDarius
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"First of all: I never started a fight or told anyone to. They hurt each other because they decided to, not because I told them. So dont blame me for that. Second: I have no idea of zombie anatomy. I will need to make a few of tests and stuff, taking blood and all that from him, but your sweetheart might kill me then. So i see no reason to risk my health for his. Zombie-boy is undead, adrenaline won´t kill him. I guess...", Ami said shrugging. She still was close to Sean, hoping he would protect her if someone decided to hurt her. That was not what she intended, none of that. But it could not be helped.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread @LegenDarius @Archdemon
Though Jay had tried his hardest to remain calm, things were getting a bit out of hand for him. The way that Ami was so casually shrugging off responsibility... well, it irked the healer to no end. "Really now? I'm sure that you did. It's because of this!" He waved a hand at her face. "This is making all the boys move to your beck and call! Hell, I even felt it! They didn't decide to, I'm pretty sure it was you. I mean, in hindsight, it was powerful enough to turn me against my boyfriend!" He paused for breath, his passion for responsibility obviously inflamed. "Knowledge or not, it's your responsibility to help him out. I didn't start the fight, but I stayed back and helped clean up! I was just trying to ask for a favor, but-" Jay caught himself before his voice escalated. He remembered last time, when she started crying and all the boys, himself included, rushed to help her. Instead, he backed off, his hands in the air. "Alright, alright. Just do your thing, I don't think Nyx would care if you did some test on Columbus anyways. Right, Nyx?"

@Ami the breadling @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Archdemon
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Ami`s face got angry. "How the hell is it my fault, if all the boys do stuff without thinking because i look cute?! I cannot brain control or anything i am just a freaking scientist! I only try to not get injured and if the people here start fighting without actual reason because they cannot control their hormones that has nothing to do with me!", she cried out, her tail unwrapping from Seans arm and wagged around rapidly. "I will help your damn friend." Ami kneeled down and started scanning him with her tablet and then took a blood probe.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Archdemon @LokiofSP @LegenDarius
"I don't mind if you do tests on Columbus, But if you hurt him in any way, I'll have to kill you, I wonder what your blood tastes like" Nyx grinned as he casually flashed his fangs at Ami "So hurry up and get him back to normal"

@Ami the breadling
@Lotusy @Archdemon @LokiofSP @LegenDarius (Nyx is now apparently flashing parts of his body at unsuspecting woman xD )
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Jay kept his hands raised. "Like I said, I'm not forcing you to. I know how boys are, I am one and I'm dating one. We just needed your help, so please don't brush off the responsibility. Thank you for he help, anyways." He put his hands on Nyx's shoulders, slowly pulling him away from the area. "C'mon, Nyx. She needs her concentration if she's going to help Columbus." He led Nyx a couple yards from the scene, but close enough that they could watch.

@Ami the breadling @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Archdemon
"I still want to kill her, Only i'm allowed to hurt or demean Columbro" Nyx crossed his arms and glared over at Ami before turning his attention towards Jay "So what did happen? And how am i not dead, I got stabbed in the heart with silver, it should've killed me in minutes" Nyx smiled warmly at Jay "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm not dead, but you know, I'd like to know if i'm just that amazing that i can't die or if i just got lucky"


(I would tag everyone else, but I'm lazy and it's just me and @Lotusy in a interaction watching you guys right now :P )
"I feel fine my lady, don't trouble yourself by worrying about me." Kat told lady willow, not sure why someone of a higher stander would worry about his health. Kat placed the cigarette in his mouth, then blew the smoke in a opposite direction from lady willow.

Sean was getting annoyed at the Vampi..... Wait a minute. Sean sniffed again and sighed, of course the boy is a Half-Blood, the cocky ones always are. Any actual threat the boy posed, which wasn't much to begin as he only got beat like 30 minutes ago, had fully dissipated. The boy is much more weaker than a full blooded vampire, sure he was born a vampire but he doesn't have all the traits of one especially against an elder such as Sean, who has more combat training than those of the highest trained soldier in the world. Sure he has a dagger/knife but what's the point in using it if your opponent knows how to disarm you, and use the knife in a more effective manner.

Before Sean had any time to react Ami got mad enough to check the zombie, like he needed checking cause he's a zombie and the only thing that'll kill a zombie is the destruction of the brain, and while it's unnatural that a zombie is sleeping it's not something to worry about as the brain still works as a brain, it still can be knocked out without destroying the connection to the nerves and such.

Sean looked at Nyx and Jay though mostly at Nyx with a stare before moving next to Ami looking at the unconscious Zombie known as Columbus, he was mainly observing his symptoms and bodily behaviors.

@Ami the breadling





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