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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Once the other scythe reached Kat he grabbed it, the he found that he also had one of the daggers. Kat spun around and allowed the chain to become looser and sent the dagger to collide with the other dagger in the middle. Both daggers fell to the ground and stiffly placed themselves in the ground. Kat watched as Nyx turned to face the strange boy. I really want to kill this asshole. Kat thought as he tried to think of any exploits he could us, he remembered back to when he said he wanted blood. Kat only knew one race that wanted blood and that would be vampires. The chain scythe glowed a alluminus crimson red and turned into a new shiny sliver sword, Kat went over to Nyx "You shall pay for your sinfull acts towards the female gender. This shall be your judgement." Kat exclaimed angrily as he went to plundge the sword into Nyx's back and through the heart.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Lotusy
Nyx felt a sharp pain go into his back before a burning sensation took over as his skin began to bubble and blister Holy hell this hurts Nyx thought as he felt the blade pierce his heart, causing him massive amounts of pain Nyx fell forwards onto the floor the blade slicing out of his back. Small bits of sliver chipped off when the sword hit Nyx's rib cage.

Nyx laid on the floor his breathing heavy as he continued to go through the worse pain imaginable. Nyx willed himself to get up before picking the stick up off the ground and unsteadily standing in front of Kat in a battle ready stance.

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
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Sean nodded "Understandable, I mean most guys would love to have an abdorable girlfriend just like how some girls would live to have a hot boyfriend, it's more of a physical attraction at most. When you purposely act cute it's pretty hard for me to keep my cool and try not to hug you, and I mean it's really hard! Anyways like to start the questions about the pill or keep on talking about other science stuff, your pick."

@Ami the breadling
Nyx staggered out of the way of the attack and jabbed Kat in the stomach with his stick, unable to do much else "You know, you're a little bitch, why do you treat woman so nice? Is it because mommy never gave you enough love, so now you try to get it from random women?" Nyx Spat between each agonizing raspy breath he took.

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
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" I do not purposely act cute. Or at least not with knowing to do so. My sister told me to act like that of stuff gets unpleasant. Safety you know? So about the pill, what did you feel? how did it feel? What changed? Tell me all."

"They are the most pure and precious creatures. Why don't you like them, did you get abused as a child? You must have desurved it, females always have there private reasons." Kat replied, a smile grow at the vampires feball attack. Kat ligghtly spun, holing his sword up high aiming to slice the boys neck.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Lotusy
Nyx stumbled backwards just enough that the blade missed his neck "Can you only hit me when i'm not paying attention?" Nyx let out a raspy laugh before the pain in his lungs stopped him "Or did you kill your mommy and this is your way for making up for it?"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
Kat's smile grow "I'm going to love seeing you beg for mer....err....c" Kat went to stab Nyx in the chest again but his blade flopped and burnt out, small blades of fire danced as they fell to the ground. At the same time Kat was speaking he felt a sudden urge of sleepyness and fell to the ground asleep, snoring slightly.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP
Sean thought for a moment "Well it felt like I had a bunch of adrenaline stored up and then released at the same time, I felt physically stronger and faster like I could run twenty marathons in a row without breaking a sweat. It also felt like my heart began beating again but when I went to check my neck veins it wasn't beating yet it felt alive, and as far as I know it, nothing physically changed as I would've felt it happen. So all an all the drug is successful on vampires. That's pretty much the gist of it, hopefully that's good information for you."

@Ami the breadling
Jay gasped as both Kat and Nyx fell, rushing over to Nyx's side first. "Oh, what a day to me a medic." His cure-all flowed from his hands, flowing over Nyx in a flash of fall-colored light. The wound started to close and the punctured organs stretched and squeezed back into their proper position with sickening cracks and squelches. Finally, the skin began to knit over, and Jay sat back with a sigh. "All in a day's..." He trailed off, noticing the giant scar left from where the scythe pierced Nyx's skin. "Oh, he's not gonna be happy about that." He picked Nyx up, setting him on a nearby bench. "Sweet dreams, man."

After that was done, Jay dusted off his hands, scanning the area for more chaos that he could help with. The first thing that came to mind was Kat, but he had hurt Nyx. "He can wait a bit." Instead, Jay scanned the area for Columbus's prone body, finally heading over and shaking everyone's favorite zombie awake. "Hey? You there, Columbro?"

@GingerBread @metalcity @LokiofSP
Willow looked up as Kat left to go attend to the girls experiment. 'Shall we go watch?' She asked, opening her mental connection to Miyuki. 'It could be amusing.' Miyuki replied as she stood up and stretched. Willow smiled and hopped up, twirling she walked backwards away from Miyuki. 'Well lets go have some fun then.' She giggled as she grew black berries around her wrist and spun round to go after Kat. They sat down not far from the group and watched as Kat and Nyx began to fight. Seeing Kat collapse Willow jumped up and flew over to them. Landing beside him, she checked for a pulse. "Are you okay?" She asked, leaning over him.

@metalcity(It's okay xD I havent been very active the last couple days /:
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Sean eyes widen to the surprise hug, he looked around a little and then decided to hug back cause why not. "Sure lets go see Ace, also why are you hugging me?"

He just met her for one day and it's already at the hugging base, he would've thought that after a couple days past she'd go to the hugging base as friends but hey he ain't complaining.

@Ami the breadling
Ami's happy expression turned to a shocked to her usual calculating one." A great amount pf sudden happiness due to my great results on my experiment pushed it's way through. That's all. ", she said, leading him to her room where a robo-skeleton was build up between wires and cables. Looked like 3PO in part one from the state of being finished.

Sean just shook his head as he followed her to the room in which held Ace, he looked unfinished but he didn't know that he'd look like a skeleton robot in its current stage "Well at least the base structure of him is complete, well almost but it looks nice."

He looked around at the room and walked up to Ami "care to show me the rest of your place?"

((Just a question but do we have dorms in this Rp or do we actually have our own houses?))

@Ami the breadling
Nyx groaned as he woke up "How the absolute hell am i still alive? I could've sworn i got stabbed in the heart with silver" Nyx sat up on the bench before stretching his arms and standing up "I still kinda feel like i tried to fight a train" Nyx walked over to Jay who was near Columbus "He's not dead is he? Does he have a drug habit or something, cause he seemed all to eager to take that pill"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Ami nodded. She started the tour. " So obviously this is Ace. He is unfinished and i am at a material shortage, so he will stay like that for the time given. Next to him, my masterpiece. It may look like a usual screen, but it is a highly developed computer with holographic technology. Computer on.", she says as a TV suddenly went on and a holographic keyboard appeared. " Computer, connected to notepad. Copy new information. Update BSD status to "instable, paused".", she continued as the screen went on lighting up. There were signs like a writing but it was no commonly known language. The screen replied "Status updated".

Sean nodded "That's pretty cool."

His mind was going a bit blank as his hunger for blood kicked in, he hadn't had breakfast yet and he was quite thirsty for some blood, he looked at Ami with some hunger visible in his eyes, he'll try and control himself but once the tours over he'll have to possibly ask nicely for some blood, hey maybe if he's lucky it'll taste sweet like how damn cute she looks.

@Ami the breadling
Ami saw the hunger. " Don't even think about it. Take those. Blood pills. Made them for vamps so they don't have to bite people. They taste awful though.", she said as she held a bottle of pills towards him. " One in the morning, one in the afternoon, one in the night. Those should he enough for a month or two."

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He looked a bit confused "Sorry but I drink blood from refrigerated packs, not from actual creatures, leaves too much evidence, besides that I was gonna ask if I could have some of your blood and not force you to concede under my will. plus I hate using pills that taste like blood, it just isn't t the same nor is it healthy either for a vampire. Anyways continue with the tour and I'll just wait to go back to my dorm for some blood."

He put on a smile has he continued with the tour.

@Ami the breadling
Ami tilted her head and folded her ears. " First of all: Ouch! Even considering my pills may be unhealthy hurts me. Second: They don't taste like blood. You know the taste that this awful medicine has the doctor always gave you? You'd wish my pills would taste like that

But mine aren't these fabric blood shitty pills. Mine work. Anyway. Moving on.
", Ami said as she opened her wardrobe. But instead of clothes, there was a highly professional chemical laboratory inside. Even a radiation tank. Ami pointed at it. " Uranium-235. Don't touch that."

Sean's eyes widened "Really? Uranium? Please don't make a nuclear reactor, and of course I wouldn't touch it! I may be a vampire but who knows what damn radiation could do. Also sorry for upsetting you earlier, I just can't use blood pills, I used some at one point and it really fucked me up for a whole year."

He put on his sorry face.

@Ami the breadling
Ami keeps a serious expression. " Computer, open folder blueprints and plans. Open folder blueprints. Open Project DayDream. Look, Sean. That suit can withstand anything. Even flying through sun's core wouldn't even leave a scratch. But to build it, which is my dream, i need that uranium. Also the plan has mistakes, to which i can't find solutions yet. But one day...", she explained, her eyes getting far away. She seemed to be in a Dreamworld.


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