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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kat took a step back "I apologize madam." Kat bowed, not wanting to anger or upset her. He gladly took the pill and downed it. He started to feel power travail through his body "It is a success Mada..." The power travailed to his foot, it started to grow at a surprising rate. Kat fell of balance and hit the ground hard with a loud thump, his shoe and sock ripped open leaving his large foot exposed. His foot was now the size of a human.

@Ami the breadling
@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Lotusy
Nyx looked over at Kat "This is why you don't take drugs, bad things will happen and make it easier for people like me to kill you" Nyx smiled maliciously at Kat before turning to Ami "I hope you have some sort of cure for this Drug"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
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Ami then just turned and left. " That dose will wear of in 5 minutes. Or at least it js supposed to.", she told Nyx while leaving and still taking notes. @GingerBread
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A tear ran down Ami's cheek. She had reached a new maximum of cuteness. She started crying and muttered. " I...w-wont m-ake yo-you get m-my glori-ous in-in-inven-tions if y-you h-hurt me." She obviously tried to act tough but coudnt.

"You think that bothers me? If you didn't want to get hurt, you shouldn't have given my friend drugs that could be harmful to him" Nyx replied, unfazed by Ami's display of emotions "You're the one who wanted me to test your, whatever it was in the first place"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
Sean just stood there and sighed "Well that was.... Interesting."

Sean looked at Kat and then at Nyx who just cut Ami's arm just a little, this whole scene is just getting weirder and weirder..... Sean is now kinda scared to take the pill but he said he'd do it and he's gonna do it though he's probably gonna regret this later. He went over to Ami and Nyx, got the pill and downed it in a second waiting for some weird stuff to happen but in any case he felt AMAZING! He felt so much better than he did before and he felt faster and stronger too. "I can officially say your pill works, I feel great! It's like my heart started beating again great!"

He then saw Ami crying and he was hit hard with the whole act of cuteness, it hit him in his cold dead heart making it feel sadness. She's just too cute and yet he knows it's just fake! Damn this is really hard to fight! She's so cute that she could stop a full scale war against two enemies with one puppy dog face!

....... Don't cry Ami, it's gonna be okay Lass." He said with a deeper Irish accent.

@Ami the breadling
"That Fucking bastard." Kat angrily muttered as his foot started to shrink, he could start to feel different. His foot went back to normal size and Kat continued to feel different. He took one last puff on his cigarette them it started to change again, the tobacco broke out of its skin and turned into chain scythe's. He gripped one side tightly and placed one hand on the chains, swinging around the scythe. "Never hurt a female no matter the reason." Kat angrily exclaimed as as he released the chain sending the scythe to wrap around Nyx's neck.

@Ami the breadling
@LokiofSP @Lotusy
Sean really hated this whole cute act but he couldn't resist, it's too damn cute for him and he's too nice. If he was a heartless bastard this wouldn't affect him in the slightest but he's not so he just tried to stop himself from breaking into a fit of laughter from the cuteness. He turned to Nyx and he just shook his head with a smile on his face "You know I would rush your friend to the nurse to help get him treated or at least a place to rest at better than the ground. I'll make sure she doesn't run."

It was obvious Sean was trying not to laugh, the corners of his lips curled up, he has a smile on his face, and his eyes were holding back a ton of restraint to stop his laughing fit.

But then stuff got real as a chain sythe wrapped around Nyx's neck.

Hold on a minute there boy! That's a bit too much! I mean sure it's wrong to hurt a female to but to go threatening a vampire about killing him then having the nerve to wrap a chain around his neck isn't a very bright idea there lad! Let's all just calm down and take care of Columbus over there who's still twitching and having foam come out of his mouth!"

@Ami the breadling
Nyx moved out of the way of the chain "Do you really want to fight me?" Nyx drew his other dagger out of it's sheathe "And trying to get a cheap shot is just dishonorable, But then again most woman are scum and you like them, so it makes sense that you are scum as well" Nyx smirked before rushing towards Kat one dagger aimed for his torso and the other raised to block any incoming attacks

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity @Archdemon (It didn't hit me...)
(Geez, dealing with that whole new character fiasco had me tied up. Coming back now.)

Jay was utterly shocked and appalled when he saw Nyx hurt the girl. It seemed she was oozing some kind of cute charm, but nevertheless, everyone started taking Ami's side. And at that point, Jay felt like he had to as well. He stared down Nyx with a disapproving look, his hands on his hips. "Nyx! Unnecessary violence again!" Though Ami's cut wasn't the worst, Jay let his healing magic flow forth, closing the cut. He hoped that it would stop her bawling, at the very least.

It was at that point that Kat's scythe came out of nowhere, wrapping itself around Nyx's neck. "What the hell?! Let go of him!" His pigeons swooped down, battering Kat with their wings. One of them took his cigarette and extinguished itself against his face. After their little scuffle, the pigeons dispersed.

@Ami the breadling @LokiofSP @Archdemon
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Kat yanked the scythe back, trying to hit Nyx from behind. He then moved his hand to the chain and swung the closer scythe to wrap around the dagger. If it completely went around it would firmly it would stop the dagger making any cuts to Kat. "Dont shit talk women you scum, rot I'm hell where you belong." Kat angrily exclaimed as he did his attack.

@GingerBread @Ami of breadling @LokiofSP @Lotusy
metalcity said:
Kat yanked the scythe back, trying to hit Nyx from behind. He then moved his hand to the chain and swung the closer scythe to wrap around the dagger. If it completely went around it would firmly it would stop the dagger making any cuts to Kat. "Dont shit talk women you scum, rot I'm hell where you belong." Kat angrily exclaimed as he did his attack.
@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
Columbus awoke and wiped the foam from his mouth. He was drowsy and felt weak. He looked towards were Kat and Nyx fought and gasped, he pushed Ami towards cover, "Ami! You gotta stay over there so you don't get hurt, I'll try to stop this..." He picked up a stick, making a sharper and more durable copy in his other hand he got in the middle of Kat and Nyx and attempted to separate them, "Come on guys...We're all friends here kinda..."

@metalcity @GingerBread

Columbus looked Nyx in the eye, "And I don't want to have to beat you again! I'd rather we all simply do normal things that kids our age do! Watch a movie, go to the mall, play laser tag! Any of it! But if I have to put you down again, I WILL..." Columbus began to sweat, hoping the bluff was enough. Not only had he BARLEY beat Nyx last time, the vampire was somewhere else and weak that day. Columbus had been ONE HIT away from a loss last time, and if Kat attacked...Columbus didn't like the odds.


Sean just shook his head and walked over to Ami "This was fun and all but I think me and you should get out of here as its getting a bit too chaotic, if you'd like you can ask me questions on the effects of the drug on me. Also why is your cuteness a thing? Is it like a special trait your species just have of is it something you tried to master over the years?"

He said as he kinda dragged Ami away from the whole fight to a much safer distance.

@Ami the breadling
"You wanna be normal i'm a goddamn vampire, i'm now friends with a zombie, we are the furthest thing from normal there is" Nyx shouted at Columbus, seriously considering whether it would be quicker to kill him or not "Now last chance to leave before i cut you into bite sized chunks"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity
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Ami walked with Sean. " Dunno. People seem to find me cute. Guess it's special and just because of me. I never understood what "cute" even means. But somehow, especially boys seem to like to try to make me like them."


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