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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"It is not exactly a drug, it is more of a testifical substance. It does not addict people and is not meant to have nay negative effects. Also I never gave anything to anyone until now. He wants me too, i think he wants to make me like him or something. Ami is the name.", Ami answered drily. That guy was obviously ignorant but self confident.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"Does it affect the body's chemistry? Cause if it does it's a drug by definition" Nyx replied as he crossed his arms "So Ami, if i find you've given a drug to columbus I'm going to have to kick your arse; I'm the most powerful person in this school, So it's advisable for you to stay on my good side" Nyx narrowed his eyes and gave Ami a hostile smile.

@Ami the breadling
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Ami`s eyes began to glow and her ears and tail started to move exitedly. "The most powerful? Really? Because i have plans for like a armor that only reeeeally powerful beings can use. Interested? It is 100% save.", she said fastly, already forgetting about her drug.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx was shocked by Ami's sudden change in attitude "So you just went from telling me you want to give drugs to children, to wanting me to test something for you? This armor isn't going to inject me with drugs is it?" Nyx asked, considering testing out the armor "And if i do help you test this armor, what do i get out of it?"

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy
Columbus ran around the corner and straight into the group, he turned to Ami immediately, "Hey Ami! I almost missed you after class! Really excited to test that thing you told me about! When do we start?" He looked around and noticed Nyx and Jay, and he almost immediately backed off, "Oh...You're busy with Nyx...It's okay, I'll uh...See you later..."
"Columbus, why do you always seem to leave when you're around me? I thought we were friend?" Nyx called out half sarcastic and half serious "No but seriously, is it because i always seem to insult you?"

@Ami the breadling
GingerBread said:
"Columbus, why do you always seem to leave when you're around me? I thought we were friend?" Nyx called out half sarcastic and half serious "No but seriously, is it because i always seem to insult you?"
@Ami the breadling
Columbus looked down, "You said I wasn't your friend and asked me to leave you alone..."
"Well would you like to be my friend? And i apologise again for what i said, I wasn't exactly the happiest person at that point" Nyx replied, giving Columbus a half assed smile "If you weren't zombie scum, then i'd like you more than i do. But as it stands I respect you, more than most people"

@Ami the breadling
@Lotusy (Having to write out the tags completely is awful D: )
Sean soon arrived right after Columbus muttering about something. He then noticed two more people among the group, one talking to Columbus.

He looked at Ami and kinda ignoring the other two said "Before ya left me, I was about to say if I see the parts you're looking for I'd get them for you. Also are these two here friends of yours?"

Damnit! She's too cute! Come on Sean, pull yourself together, don't let the cuteness clog your mind! Don't be like batman and robin in that one movie where poison ivy used some sort of perfum or something gas like to charm the both of them into loving her!

@Ami the breadling



Nyx looked at Sean in disgust before turning to Ami "Sure, I'll help you test whatever it is" Nyx said offhandedly as he turned back to Columbus, still waiting for an answer from the zombie.

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy
Columbus shook, "It may not SEEM like a big deal, but it is to me! I'm better than you in allot of ways Nyx, but the thing is that you were literally the first person my age I've met in this school! You being my friend is the most important thing to me EVER!" He turned to Ami and stuck out his arm, "Do what you will doctor!"

(I can tag again, it's so beautiful! @Ami the breadling)
Seeing lady willow read intensely Kat smiled, "You appear to be enjoying yourself, I shall leave to go help my madam with her experiments, my lady. If you could join us when finished that would be splendid." Kat states, he bowed then left. Once he left the class room he rolled up a cigarette and lit it, puffing it as he went to join the others. He looked around at the crowd surrounding his madam, he growled slightly but then smiled and walked over to the fair lady. "I apologize for being late madam. I am here for the tests." Kat kindly stated as he took a long drag on the cigarette.

@Ami the breadling
@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Lotusy @OceanBunny (sorry for leaving you, blame ami. She scary *cowards*)
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"Again, i'm conflicted on whether i was just complimented or insulted, do you people like doing that to me?" Nyx shook his head and turned to Ami and snatched the pill from her hand "I told you, not to give drugs to columbus, he already jumps out of windows, He doesn't need any drugs"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity (You're free to just take the drug off of Nyx @LokiofSP)
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Kat looked at Nyx angrily, leaving his bow "Dont snatch from my madam again you dip shit." Kat stated as his cigarette started to glow red, it's shape started to change in Kat's hand.

@Ami the breadling
@LokiofSP @Lotusy
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Columbus quickly signed the paper and took the pill from Nyx, "Okay, bottoms up everybody! To friendship, the only ship that won't sink!" He swallowed it and was instantly bathed in light. He looked up as every part of his body went limp. He awoke to find a figure of white fur over him, she had reading glasses and was rocking on a chair. Columbus was much smaller in her lap. She smiled at him, "Good morning child..."


Meanwhile, outside Columbus's mind, he was on the floor foaming foaming at the mouth...

@Ami the breadling
Nyx turned to look at Kat with an unamused expression "Look, I'm kinda busy right now, if you want to have a temper tantrum do it somewhere else" Nyx just turned to look at Columbus who had started foaming at the mouth before looking back up at Ami "If he dies, you die"

@Ami the breadling
@Archdemon @Lotusy @LokiofSP @metalcity

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