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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Guess we should head back to the school, you already have one detention, maybe two. Now that the school is becoming more strict" Nyx took out his wallet and let a twenty dollar note on the table to pay for their drinks, assuming that blood probably cost a lot more than a average drink Should i try and kiss him? No, he got embarrassed last time i made him do it around other people, I'll let him do it in his own time Nyx smiled at Jay as he stood up and offered Jay his hand.

"Congratulations my lady, that is correct." Kat happily answered, he looked back in the book for a new question. "Next question my lady: During the events, what did Mathena elver queen do in her spear time?" Kat asked, the re reading the answer to the question 'She would play songs such as 'rock you like a plague.' and 'dirty smell orcs go bye bye', both trying to ruin the orcish land.

Sean looked at Ami "He seems nice and I don't want to be rude but I can't anything done besides I hardly doubt you wanted him to stay, besides you have somewhat of an admirer now, not sure whether that's good or bad but it's something."

Sean thought for a moment then decided to change the subject

Well since we're in history class and you seem to be interested in science and technology let me tell of a person I once knew, you heard of Nicola Tesla correct? I once knew him and he planned on making a death ray, even seen it too well at least the blueprints. Don't remember what happened to it around the time of his death but I've seen it."

@Ami the breadling
Archdemon said:
Sean looked at Ami "He seems nice and I don't want to be rude but I can't anything done besides I hardly doubt you wanted him to stay, besides you have somewhat of an admirer now, not sure whether that's good or bad but it's something."

Sean thought for a moment then decided to change the subject

Well since we're in history class and you seem to be interested in science and technology let me tell of a person I once knew, you heard of Nicola Tesla correct? I once knew him and he planned on making a death ray, even seen it too well at least the blueprints. Don't remember what happened to it around the time of his death but I've seen it."

@Ami the breadling
Ami shrugged. " A old friend of mine, Prof. Dr. mult. Francis Caesar Sullivan Gordon McKinsey, worked on a orbital laser cannon. A lot of my knowledge is from him. A deathray does not seem to interesting compared to that. Also, my interest is not just to invent something to kill, but something to strengthen a person to make it unbeatable. A super-human or super-being.", she said, her eyes sparkling as she spoke and her ears and tail moving excitedly.

Sean saw the signs of her being excited "Well.... Isn't that a pretty neat goal. Is the object or at least procedure suppose to be something you use to Splice the DNA or something else to which will genetically modify the subject? What type of field in science are you more or less interested in?"

@Ami the breadling
Ami seemed happy. Even her eyes did. Someone to talk to! " I am not that good with the medical components, therefore i look for mechanical solutions. Body enhancing suits, mechanical skeletons, sucb stuff. Also, i work on a robot at the moment. ACU, artificially created unit. But i called him Ace. i have his plans and a little of the real work, but i miss gears and such to go on.", she said. A slight sadness was noticeable at the last part. when it came to inventions, she felt like anyone else.

Sean nodded "Sorry lass I can't help you with the gears and such but that's some pretty cool stuff you're working on! You know I remember back when humanity was just exploring the use of gunpowder and guns and now, around around four hundred years later we're getting into robots, old Tesla would be proud and confused as he wouldn't know what a mechanical robot is. Once you finish Ace I'd like to meet him, be the first vampire to talk to Artificial intelligence. I'm not really a science type of person but I've learned by being around a couple cool science dudes in the past that it's something to keep tabs on."

Sean began to wonder why he was talking in the first place when he hasn't done so in a long time, and why is she so irritatingly cute too? He just keeps on talking unable to stop because he's polite and she's too damn cute to just ignore, it's like he isn't even controlling himself yet he is.

@Ami the breadling
(i really love her cuteness.)

Ami nodded. " Well I am no human as my appearance my tell, but i get your point. And sure, i will let you talk to him then. If you find one for the material, send them to me please. Ok'?", she said,smiling again.

"Meh, the school doesn't really care. They say they're going to do it, but they never do. Remember yesterday, with the detention if you didn't go to class? I mean, nobody's gone to detention so far." Jay gratefully took Nyx's hand. "Thanks for paying, by the way. I mean, what a gentleman." He gave Nyx a playful smile before dashing off to the school. "Now, c'mon! We're missing class!"

"You just said it doesn't matter" Nyx shook his head and ran after Jay "What class are we missing anyways?" Nyx slowed to a walk as he caught up to Jay "It's probably almost over now anyways" He pointed out as they arrived at the school.

"Well, we've still got friends at school! We can't just leave them behind!" Jay kept running while occasionally checking over his shoulder for Nyx. When they arrived, he doubled lver, wheezing. "Oh... goddamn... I need to get in shape." He looked up at Nyx, smiling. "Well, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. And I'm pretty sure Mrs. Winters is old, not fat." Just as he said this, students started pouring out of the building pell-mell, signaling the end of the period. "Well, damn. What now?"

"Correction, you've got friends at school, i have enemies and a zombie who i'm pretty sure really craves my approval" Nyx shrugged, not bothered by his lack of friends "And i don't know, we have a break now don't we? Cause i really want to fight something, make sure i still can, last time i had a proper fight i lost, I need to make sure that doesn't happen again"

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"You mean you have Enki and Columbus. They don't hate you, they're just... on edge around you." Jay noticed that Nyx didn't seem to care, so he sighed and moved on. "I mean, if you really want a fight, can you find someone who wants to have a friendly spar? I just don't want you to try and kill anyone, you know?"

"I'm not sure if i should feel offended that you are more scared of me killing people than getting killed myself, or if i should feel complimented that you have so much faith in me that you don't think i'm in any danger" Nyx smirked at Jay, deciding to take it mainly as a compliment "But I promise that I won't kill anyone. Though if they die while the nurse is fixing them up, that's out of my control" Nyx shrugged, not really caring "But what do you think about that Kat guy? I reckon he needs to be taught a lesson in respect"

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Willow hummed lightly as she read. She smiled as she heard Kat's new question and scanned back through the previous section. "Mathena played songs. Songs that made the Orcs land look bad, like 'Dirty smelly Orcs go bye bye.' She giggled at the name of the song.

"Correct again my lady." Kat stated joyfully, he then looked back in the book only to hear the bell go "It would seem that is all we have time for, my lady. Should we be leaving now then, my lady?" Kat asked only to hear his madam call him to go get drugged. "Would you care to join us, lady willow?" Kat asked as he offered lady willow a hand.

@Ami the breadling
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"Take it as a compliment. I've seen you fight, and I'd have to say it would be hard to beat you." Jay thumbed absentmindedly through his book as he walked around the campus. "And sure, Kat would be fine. He's not really disrespectful, just... really, really, into women, you know? As long as you don't try and kill him, I'd be fine watching and acting as a medic."

"He is disrespectful though. And He smokes, who knows what other sorts of drugs he takes" Nyx stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked alongside Jay "But I'll go find him, all i have to do i follow the smell of smoke. Though it might not be a fair fight as he might be too drugged up to be able to fight back"

Ami hadleft the school, she hadn't waited, and heard Nyx and Jay. " It is quite amusing what you just said. In fact, Kat and some others, a zombie and a vampire, voluntarily wanted to test a substance I created to strengthen the body. They should be here soon. It would be great to see someone fight enhanced Kat.", she told Nyx.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"See!" Nyx motioned towards Ami by flinging his arm towards her "He wants to get free 'Substances' off of this girl" A small smirk appeared on his face, happy that he was right "Anyway why bother testing on a vampire? their immune systems would destroy it within seconds, can't even get drunk. Though on a half vampire, it would stick around for a minute or so before their immune system destroyed it and it would leave no lasting damage" Nyx motioned to himself before locking onto the fact that the girl had mentioned a zombie "hold up, Zombie? was this zombie, overly clingy and trying way to hard to make friends?"

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy
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Ami nodded. " Actually the positive effects should apply. He was like begging to me to test him, the vampire i mean. Just like the zombie. Columbus. He told me how cool he was and how everyone wanted to hang with him. He even begged to me to cuddle me. I suppose he flirted.", Ami told him and looked at her tablet.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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"Yeah, don't give Columbus any more drugs, I'm pretty sure he's addicted, which isn't detrimental to his health cause he's dead, but i'd rather he didn't do any drugs, it's just weird" Nyx shrugged as he looked at Ami "So, what's your name?"

@Ami the breadling

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