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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ami looked at the person speaking to her. She wiggled her fox ears and her whole appearance was cute, except for her eyes. her eyes seemed cold and analyzing. " Yes, i do not own any books right now, i just entered school. It would be great to share yours but i am afraid i may read too fast..."

Kat looked at him with a concerned look "So your saying I didn't upset lady Emma? Why would you bring it up then! And what do you mean she might get the wrong idea! Are you implying that I can't look after females and treat them the way they should?" Kat asked in annoyance and anger at the boys suggestions, he didn't really care for what happened to him as lady Emma must have her reasons and the boy probably deservers it.

@LokiofSP (I just want to be friends ;-; darn you kat *shakes fist angrily at screen*)
Ami stood up and went to Kat and Columbus. She wiggled her ears in front of them again, she always did when she intended to speak like others cleared their throat. " Can you two maybe be a little more quite since people here may intend to learn?", she asked them. Her tone didn't show annoyance or anything similar, but was polite.

@metalcity @LokiofSP
Jay blushed a little bit when he heard Nyx's comment. "Oh come on, you know that's not all it is," he said, looking down at his shake. He listened a little bit to Nyx before replyin again. "Romantic? Let's see..." Jay traced an imaginary box on the table with his finger. "Maybe some candles here, some flowers here? And definitely if it happens at dusk. That's a given."

Kat turned his attention to the female, each word she spoke felt like a punch to the gut. He managed to possibly upset a second female, this would not be tolerated by his own beliefs. "I am very sorry, please forgive me." Kat bowed in front of her, a disappointed look grow on his face. "Please allow me to make it up to you in some way? madam." He asked, his voice carried concern to help this person. Kat held his hand where his heart would be, he vowed to himself that he would do anything to fix his mistake to this female.

@Ami the breadling @LokiofSP @Lotusy @OceanBunny @Archdemon
Nyx made a mental note of what Jay said, in case he wanted to use it at some point to surprise him "So, what do you like about me?" He asked as he warmly smiled at Jay "Like, why did you start going out with me? surely there were better choices than me" Nyx picked up his drink and took another sip "I'm not complaining, I value your life above mine, But i want to know what it is you like about me"

Ami tilted her head, her tail waged to the left and right slowly. " Fine, i guess. Are you strong? Mentally and physically? ", she asked, her tail starting to get a little faster and her ears wiggling excitedly.

Ami wagged her tail even faster. " Would you test out a substance i created? You are human right? it's supposed to strengthen all body aspects. i never tested it before.", she said. Her cheeks were blushed deeply red, she smiled and ears and tail moved with a high speed. Only her eyes were the same as before.

"I will do anything madam." Kat replied, quickly starting to regret his decision when he removed himself from his bow to see the female. He then removed any negative thoughts about his madam, annoyed that he would question such a pure creature. "When do you want to test this madam?" Kat asked, giving her a sweet smile.

@@Ami the breadling
@LokiofSP @Lotusy @OceanBunny @Archdemon
" Ok, after school in a lonely place. And you need to sign the disclaimer. Side effects can be aggression, hallucinations, nosebleed, sudden death and herpes.", Ami told and turned, returning to her place and sitting down.

Willow had been trying to keep up with conversation but got a little lost. She smiled and nodded at Kat to let him know she was okay if he left, but another girl came over and distracted him. She watched curiously as they talked. 'Do you think he knows that Emma girl?' Miyuki asked curiously. 'I don't think so.. He said today was his first day, and I don't know Emma.. She may have been that other girl in English class.. But I didn't see him talk to her.' Willow frowned slightly as she silently talked to Miyuki.

@Ami the breadling
"As you wish madam." Kat saluted as the lady walked away, then he turned to Columbus "We must stop our bickering to please the young lady. I apologise for my violent behaviour." Kat told him, a slight apologetic look on his face while he said so. Kat sat down in his place next to lady willow, he watched as she frowned slightly "What is troubling you my lady?" Kat asked with a concerned tone, hoping to stop what ever was upsetting his lady.

@Ami the breadling
@LokiofSP @Lotusy @OceanBunny @Archdemon
Sean just stared "Well, that was quite interesting, You know if you wanted to test anything, a vampire is more of a perfect subject, as we can't due from anything else except for a stab in the heart and we're immune to any disease. Oh and you ready too fast doesn't bother me, I know most of this stuff anyways, I've lived for quite awhile."

Sean began reading the textbook but he soon got bored as he already knows this stuff because he's been alive longer than most European countries.

@Ami the breadling
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Ami looked at him. " I know all that and thats why a vampire wouldn't work out for me. I want to exterminate any side effect. But i need test subjects that can be effected to do so. Also, i know all of it too, but i thought the teacher would maybe mind if i did nothing. ", she said and smiled. But again, her eyes didn't follow the mimic the rest of her face had.

"Oh, nothing, I'm fine." Willow said with a bright smile. "Should we get back to studying." She asked sweetly.

@Ami the breadling
Pluto couldn't help but giggle when he and Jackal touched noses. He liked it but Coatl didn't, he glared at Jackal from the top of Plutos head but otherwise didn't say anything.

"Well since you told me a little about you, I should tell you a little bit about me!"
He smiled at Jackal while trying to think of something to say that wouldn't freak him out. "Well as you know my name is Pluto! It doesn't stand for anything special, just Pluto! I am a Gorgon from a huge, dark island where it almost always rains. I don't have any siblings but I do have a huge family. I am just filled will poison! Even my breath can be poison, so lots of poison or toxic things don't really hurt me....just give me little colds." He huffed and laid back on the couch, "oh and you know the snakes."

'What's up!'

'Why don't give out your address while your at it!'

Columbus looked around and sighed in annoyance, 'Really? Possible death and you'll STILL do it...I mean, granted, I would have done it but, I can't die! I think! As long as I don't look human! Which is really inconvenient!' He sighed and shuffled to Ami, he tugged on he shirt's sleeve and (barley) resisted the urge to hug her and pinch her cheeks, "Um, excuse me miss, but I saw you say okay to using that kid as a test subject...While I know firsthand of the values of expanding the world of science no matter what, I think picking him was wrong. You should however, use ME!"

@Ami the breadling
"Any thing you wish my lady." Kat replied with a sweet smile, he pulled the text book closer and started to flick through the pages. He found a page called 'I have a nightmare' Kat read through it carefully, it was fascination. A female called 'Mathena elver queen' wanted all elves to have rights in a foreign country full of orcs. Kat read happily then turned to lady willow. "My lady, this page 'I have a nightmare' is quite interesting. I would recommend you read it, I could quiz you on what you have learnt as well." Kat suggested, then turning back to read the page as we waited for a answer from lady willow.

LokiofSP said:
Columbus looked around and sighed in annoyance, 'Really? Possible death and you'll STILL do it...I mean, granted, I would have done it but, I can't die! I think! As long as I don't look human! Which is really inconvenient!' He sighed and shuffled to Ami, he tugged on he shirt's sleeve and (barley) resisted the urge to hug her and pinch her cheeks, "Um, excuse me miss, but I saw you say okay to using that kid as a test subject...While I know firsthand of the values of expanding the world of science no matter what, I think picking him was wrong. You should however, use ME!"

@Ami the breadling
" I don`t think i will need to choose. He said ok and i will take that. If you wanted to be used too, i appreciate that and would be glad to have even more tests. The more the better and, more important, saver when its finished.", Ami said and tilted her head, giving Columbus a calculating look.

Sean looked at Columbus "Sorry lad, if she doesn't accept a vampire test subject then I hardly doubt she'll accept you, though it's not like she cares on who she uses as a subject, I mean look at her eyes, they're cold and calculating, reminds me of some old friends of mine.... Like good old Jack the Ripper, man that guy was screwed in his little world of his, never did find out what happened to him...."

Sean shook his head throwing the rambling thought out of his head.

He then heard what she had to say to Columbus "
Well then, this has slightly gone to the weird end of things, well guess that kid who talked about someone named Emma will die, to be honest I think I'll sign up as a test subject cause I've never done anything this and well it wouldn't hurt being a test subject once and since you don't particularly know what will happen to a vampire miss, it's worth giving a shot, oh and I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Sean Fitzgerald, and what is yours?"

@Ami the breadling

Ami turned to Sean, her head still tilted. "My name is Ami. And just to have it said, i live in no little world of mine. I want to invent helpful stuff, but to have it helping people, i need to make it as save as possible. So i need to test it. And if one says he or she is fine with it, that is just what would help me. I am better with technical stuff after all, robots, weapons, all that stuff. But to have a biological dru...substance, i need people to test. If you want to be one of those, ok.", she said and tapped something into her tablet. She wrote something down and then closed the screen again.

@LokiofSP @Archdemon
Kat skimmed through the words trying to pick out key points. "My lady, the first question shall be; What was the name of the country that this events took place in?" Kat asked in a curious tone, he read that it occurred in a land called 'couple states of fame'. Kat turned his head to look at lady willow, wondering if she could get it correct.


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