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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Yes, we should." Willow said with a smile. She happily skipped down the hall. "A class full of information on the world and its past. I'll get to learn so much about this wonderful place." She said as she twirled around, continuing backwards down the hall.

"I'm sure you will my lady. I hope you can learn as much as possible." Kat stated reassuringly as he followed lady willow to class. Kat enjoyed viewing lady willow in a excitable mood, it was the first time he saw someone happy about anything other than fighting, it brought a cheerful smile to his face. They soon arrived upon there class and Kat opened the door for lady willow and miss miyuki as if they were both royalty.

@OceanBunny (@Lotusy are you the teacher?)
"I hope so too." Willow sad happily as she moved to sit at one of the desks. Miyuki shifted back to leopard form and laid on the floor beneath Willow's desk once more. 'I think this boy might actually be a good person.' 'Me too. He's really nice.' Willow scratched Miyuki's ears and smiled at Kat, waiting for class to start.

@metalcity (@Lotusy history with Ms Winters right?)
(@metalcity and @OceanBunny On it.)

Mrs. Winters let out a muted grunt as the two students walked in, one acting like the other was a princess. She sighed audibly, rubbing her temples and readjusting her reading classes. Today just wasn't her day. She could feel a lot of emotions, mostly crankiness, running through her. "Alright, listen up, kiddos. We got history to learn today, but since your peers are late, read pages 50-63 in your textbook while we wait for them."

Jay pouted, crossed his arms, and turned away from Nyx. "I told you not to bring that up anymore," he huffed. "I mean, I tell you one time, and... grrr." He checked his schedule, frowning as he saw it. "Well, next class is with Mrs. Winters, but if I recall, she banished you last time. I'm not sure if she wants us back."

"Well then it's your call, I don't mind attempting to sit in the lesson, But i'd rather not" Nyx gave Jay a warm smile "And the whole cheerleading thing, is nothing more than petty revenge for all the cat puns" Nyx slung an arm around Jay's neck "So what do you want to do? Try to go to lesson and sneak me in or something else?"

Kat walked in to see that there teacher was a female, he bowed "if you insist, my mistress." Kat lady his bow and sat himself next to lady willow. He held a kind and caring smile on his face, Kat turned to the pages his mistress commanded.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy (it's going to get hard thinking of a formal name name for each female xD )
Willow happily flipped through the book to page 50. She started humming as she eagerly read the words. Her thoughts started to wander to fantasies of how it would have been to live in the time she was reading about.

@metalcity @Lotusy
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Columbus burst in the room, papers falling from his open bag and saliva covering his entire upper body. He raised a wet hand and shook it to get the teacher's attention, saliva went everywhere as he did so, "Im on time Ms. Winters! Let the records show, that I, Columbus IDon'tHaveALastName, was here on time despite another students attempt at eating me!"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @metalcity (When I hear mistress I imagine Kat in a maid's outfitt... is that bad?)
At the sight of the saliva Kat had to make a life threatening decision. Protect lady willow and miss miyuki or protect the teacher, he thought quickly "Sorry mistress! But lady willow and miyuki come first!" Kat shouted as he jumped from his seat and landed in front of lady willow, guarding her from any saliva attacks.

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP @Lotusy ( xD I couldn't think of any good names for the teacher with out princess and that would just be weird)
Mrs. Winters rolled her eyes at Kat's apology. "Eh, I could care less. I can defend my self, thank you very much, young man." She externded her hand, pointing towards any of the open seats, which was basically all of the classroom. "Have a seat, Mr. Idon'thavealastname."

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny @metalcity

"Hm... how about something else for a change?" Jay tapped his chin in mock thought. "You diiid say something earlier about a date. I don't know where, but I'm sure you've love to treat me, right?" He grabbed Nyx's hand, pulling him along to the markets outside of school. "C'mon! Show me the world!"

Columbus smiled and strided to his seat, sitting down with a wet and sticky squish sound. He pulled out his books only to realize they had bite marks in them. He huffed and crossed his arms as he sank into his chair, "i didn't even wanna learn, it's okay, I get it.."
"Well what do you want to do? I know as much about this place as you do, maybe less." Nyx shrugged as he walked next to Jay so that he was no longer being pulled "But anything you want, I'll pay for it. So you can get the most glamorous cheerleading outfit that will make all the other girls jealous" Nyx chided as a smirk began to grow on his face "No but seriously, whatever you want to do, I'll do and I'll even pay for all of it, it's not like i spend my money on much else. I really only buy blood but right now i've got that in bulk"

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"Aw, can it!" Jay gave Nyx what was probably the fifth push today, after getting slightly flustered about the cheerleader thing. "I'm not really into shopping, believe it or not. I'm really just good with walks." He let go of Nyx's hand, walking over and picking up a pamphlet. "We've got a lot of places to go! Animal cafés, an aquarium, hey! They even have a scenic trail by a volcano! How romantic!'

Mrs. Winters rapped her fingers on the desk in an angry fashion. "Alright, kiddos. Looks like there's no more of your delinquent buddies coming, so I'll start anyways. You!" She pointed a gnarled finger at Willow, signaling for her to look up from her book. "Tell me, since this unit is about Russia, why was Russia called the 'Third Rome'?"

@GingerBread @metalcity @LokiofSP @OceanBunny
"If we go to the volcano, maybe we can find a virgin to sacrifice to appease the old gods" Nyx replied jokingly, as he walked over to Jay's side "Like i said wherever you want to go is fine, well apart from the aquarium that one sounds kinda boring" Nyx shrugged, not really bothered by what they did as long as Jay was happy "Though the volcano would be better a night, a romantic volcano lit dinner"

Sean had finally settled himself into the place he'd be staying at. With all things done and completed he went to the school of Lakoria, he met with the principal or someone with that authority and was given his class schedule, he has history at the moment so he might as well get the things he needs since this is his first day here and head to class.

He soon found the room in which his class would be in, he opened the door and stepped in "Hello!" Sean said with a hint of an Irish accent "Sorry if I'm interrupting your lesson here Mrs. Winters, I've only just arrived at this school, my name's Sean Fitzgerald."

He said this looking at the teacher who seemed quite steamed so a little politeness couldn't hurt one bit.




'Willow, the teachers calling on you.' Miyuki's voice interrupted Willow's imaginings. 'What did she ask?' Willow shook her head slightly as she focused back on the classroom. 'Something about the third Rome and Russia.' Looking up at Ms Winters, Willow bit her lip lightly. "What's a Rome?" She asked sheepishly.

@metalcity @LokiofSP @Lotusy @Archdemon
Mrs. Winters made her classic old-lady groan. "Take a seat then, kiddo. Late as you very well are, you're here." She turned back to Willow, who asked her waht Rome was. "Oh, boy. Give me a moment." She rubbed her temples angrily before talking again. "Rome was a large empire set up accross Europe and Asia. Some say they were the greatest to ever exist. Now, Russia was called he Third Rome because it had trade with the Byzantines, the so-called Second Rome." Her face turned into an angry glare. "But that was in your textbook already. I think we all need a bit more textbook time, correct?"

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny @metalcity @Archdemon

(Free-talk time now.)
As the teacher called for textbook time, Columbus resorted to drastic measures. He reached over and gave Kat a sweet smile as he took the boy's textbook, "I need this..." He then took his pencil, "And this..." He took the boy's entire bag, "And just to be sure, this as well..."

Kat looked at the boy with a fierce tone, he reached up and grabbed the boy's collar "Don't take my stuff." He irritatedly demanded as he glared the boy in the eyes with annoyance waiting for a answer.

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny @Lotusy (I think this is every one in the class)
Columbus blinked in surprise at Kat's actions, "I-I'm sorry, I just needed to do my work...Why are you so mean to me? You're so nice to Willow and Ms.Winters, why am I different? Is it my skin? I didn't put on lotion today...Is it how I smell? I DID forget to put on perfume... Well whatever I did I'm sorry!" He smiled dumbly and stuck out a hand, "Let's start over, my name is Columbus and I think you dress nicely!"

Kat looked at the boy in confusion, his reaction was slightly shocking. Normal this would end in a fight, Kat sighed due to how confused he was in this situation. "Just give me back my stuff." He demanded in a slight angry tone.

Columbus nodded and gave back he boy's bag and pencil, but held onto his bag. He held it in front of his face, "Now, I'm going to hold to this until you tell me what your problem with me is! I mean seriously, I just want to make friends, but they all end up threatening me and (eventually) trying to kill me!"


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