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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh, you don't need to worry! I'm not the type of person who uses people." He sighed, "I've only ever dated one person but that didn't go too well."

'Pluto turned the guy to stone!'

'You do anything bad to Pluto and you might get something worse!'

The snakes threatened Jackal. Pluto brushed them off, he rolled his eyes at them, "Don't worry! I know you don't seem like a jerk." He looked him in the eye, "right?"

Jay nodded to Nyx, and waited as three humans, a werewolf, an angel, a bird-headed man, and one particularly pale looking individual walked into the room. Without a warning, he shut off the lights and create a small orange light, outlining the white ghost outfit he had on. "Boo!" He said, slinging a tomato at one of the humans, who went down.

Nyx had to hold back a laugh so he wouldn't be spotted as he saw Jay pelt one of the people with a tomato This isn't as much fun as fighting but it comes close Nyx just watched, ready to help Jay if any of the people tried to attack or hurt him in any way.

Jay turned around, nodding to Nyx before turning around and throwing another tomato, pegging the downed student. The rest of the students were either standing still or milling around in the dark, to afraid to lash out. Of course, Jay didn't account for the ghost slowly rising up behind him...

@GingerBread (Feel free to control the ghost.)
Nyx thought he saw something rising up behind Jay but couldn't quite make it out I would've seen someone walk round, must just me my imagination Nyx went back to watching Jay pelt students with tomatoes


Jasper was slowly rising up behind the boy who was throwing tomatoes at people he considered to be his friend, Jasper slowly got closer to Jay, letting his cold breath touch Jay's neck, waiting for a couple of seconds to add suspense "BOO!"

Pluto smiled, "Good! I don't mind you!" He started push himself on the swing a little. "I mean everyone is different. Just look at me, I have snakes for hair!" He chuckled and stopped swinging, turning to look at Jackal, "Hey, since you come here alot, then you must know about some of these flowers! Can you tell me about some of them?"

Korvox just left front office looking at his schedule and a map of the school. He was wearing a blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Wonder where i could a map of the electric grid here, be easier getting to right place or close to where i need to be. He looked up at the lights above his head curious if they were regular lights or lights cable of dealing with strong electrical surges. Well only one way to find out. He folds up his schedule and map of school and stuff them into his pocket, planing on going somewhere at random. Then he electrifies himself and goes surging through the electrics of the school through the light above him, and just as fast as went into the electrical system he came out in a dark room in a bolt of white lighting with a loud clap of thunder within a second. The surge of his being shattered the light-bulb he entered and the light-bulb he exited. Standing in the dark room the first thing he notices is a strange orange light as he reverted back to normal. He wonder if the light source was even solid. So without paying attention to the rest of his surroundings, he charge his fist then jumped towards the light swinging his fist towards the light not noticing there was something between him and the light. His skin starting to turn light pink from the heat his body was generating.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay jumped from the ghost's "Boo!" leaping out of the way as a student randomly came down as a light ing bolt from the ceiling. "Seriously? They're getting even flashier than normal!" He jumped back, giving Nyx the "not-ok" signal while throwing a tomato to cover his retreat. "Looks like we've got an actual ghost on our hands!"

Nyx scowled as he saw a student come down in a flash of lightning and tried to attack Jay, but he breathed a sigh of relief as Jay was scared out of the way of the attack by a real ghost as Jay put it. Nyx knew he had the advantage in this situation as there was no light and he could see in the dark. He took his daggers out and charged towards the boy intending to stab him in the stomach.

@Mister Veeeee


Jasper smirked as he saw the boy jump away Serves you right, making a mockery of ghosts Jasper returned to a semi solid state and walked over to the boy, ignoring the fight that was currently breaking out. "Give me one good reason why i shouldn't possess your body and make you jump of the top of the building" Jasper wouldn't actually do that, he just wanted to teach the boy a lesson about mocking supernatural creatures

Jay looked back at the ghost. "Mockery really? How sensitive are you?" He stood up, brushing the dust off of his shirt. "Well, one good reason is that you can't get there. My body is weak as crap, and the room is shut and locked. Two, my lovely vampire of a boyfriend there is a vicious killer, and three, my pigeons would stop you." He looked up at the semi-transparent ghost with a shrug. "But enough about me. Why are you so sensitive to this?"

"If i were to possess you, your body would be taking the damage, I would be fine. So how does your boyfriend feel about attacking you?" Jasper retorted, completely ignoring the fact about the door being locked as he didn't have an answer to that part.

Jay suddenly looked at Jasper with a fiery glare. "Don't you dare. He's gone through enough crap about killing me! Every time, his enemies try to use him against me, and it always ends with his own psychological torture. It's the stuff of might ares, I've seen it inside his head!" He snuffed out his light, letting the ghost's glow illuminate his white sheet. "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, but I needed a way to cheer him up. Do you want to talk about it over coffee or something?"

Jasper lightly shook his head "I'm not really able to eat or drink" Jasper pointed out, shrugging his shoulders as he did "I wasn't going to do any of that stuff, i'm pretty chill. But if you're going to do this sort of thing again, try not to use stereotypes, how would your boyfriend over there" Jasper motioned towards Nyx's general direction, not looking behind him to see where he was "Feel if i were to mock Vampires By covering myself in glitter and prancing about?"

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The light suddenly moved out his way his fist went through air. He then landed and stumbled forward a few feet feeling a blade clip his left shoulder leaving a slight cut on top his forearm. Surprised by the cut that seemed to come out of nowhere, he quickly leaped forward a few feet then spun around throwing out another electrical punch blindly. When his arm was full extended he let the electricity around around his fist explode into a 3 foot orb that illuminated the room, though he couldn't see anything past it, with a loud clap of thunder. He skin becoming slightly pinker.

Nyx saw the boy go for a punch and jumped out the way preemptively, getting out the way just in time as a orb of lightning exploded from the boy's punch "Guess we're doing this the hard way then" Nyx summoned Richard behind the Boy to attack his back while he aimed for his torso with his daggers.

@Mister Veeeee (Richard is a panther, made of blood)
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Sensing something ominous behind him he leaps to the side smash through a wall into well lit hallway, rolling out the hole he made in the wall. then leaping backwards 10 feet from the hole to see his who his attackers are. He didn't like fighting in the dark against unknown opponents. Looks like there was someone in there and i came at a bad time. He stood there ready for whatever came out wondering who, or what, attacked him.

"Stereotypes? Really?" Jay looked at Jasper with a look of disdain. "That's pretty sensitive of you. This wasn't a prank to make fun of ghosts, it was to help him feel better. Do 't take it personally." He shrugged at Jasper. "Plus, I know Nyx wouldn't give a damn. He's a better person than that! I've also heard a bit of slurs myself from a guy named Raven. He didn't really take Nyx and I's relationship very seriously." Instead of standing forever, Jay took a seat. "Look, ghostman. I think you need a talk about stereotypes, and what they are. Stereotypes are generalizations used by outsiders to try and classify people based on certain characteristics. Classification and generalization, and not anything else. Additionally, stereotypes are meant to be directed towards another being. We never specifically directed it towards you. What we created wasn't a stereotype, hell, we never even said it was supposed to be a ghost! If you're going to jump to conclusions and get all defensive, it's not a stereotype problem, it's a you problem."


(Sorry for the raging passion in this post, but I've gone through a period similar to this one in my life. In fact, I almost made the exact same speech.)
Jasper put his hands up in mock defence "Okay, I apologise for jumping to conclusions, It just get's a bit tiring when half the people you run into, think you should do what the stereotypes say you do" Jasper said trying to defend why he assumed Jay was trying to mock ghosts "Also this school is filled with assholes, so it's easier to assume everyone is an asshole until proven otherwise"

@Lotusy (I like it :D )


Nyx Watched the boy jump through the wall and into the corridor Well this looks like he's either run away or is setting a trap Nyx thought as he looked over to Richard and pointed towards the hole in the wall, commanding him to go and investigate. Richard slowly stalked out of the hole in the wall, once he caught sight of the boy he leaped towards him, baring his fangs.

@Mister Veeeee
Seeing the a strange looking creature come out the hole. He didn't recognize what was nor did he care as he prepared to use the electricity flow through the lights to his advantage. As soon as the creature saw him it lunged towards him. At that moment he electrified himself and went up into the light above him then struck down again through the light above the creature, and without checking to see if he hit the creature or not he went back up into the busted light socket above him and went through the wiring to another random location and came down with another bolt of lighting in what appeared to be a girls bathroom. His skin now red with few blisters from 1st degree burns dot. Damn, what hell was that thing, and i better rest for a bit. Let these burns heal a bit. He sat down and lightly leaned against the wall panting. Hope i got far enough away from that thing.

Willow blinked and shook her head slightly at the sound of Kat's voice. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" She asked with an apologetic smile as she focused back on the world around her, rather than the one she had created in her thoughts.

@metalcity (Sorry.. I tried to get on earlier but I'm at my sisters and her internet is being ridiculous >.>)
Jay slowly nodded as the ghost decided to back off. Nyx had warned him about this, but he was pretty sure the issue was resolved, so he had that going for him. Before he chose to leave, he stood up, nodding at Jasper's comment. "Yea, I see where you're coming from. Like I said, I'm sorry if I offended you, but life's not all stereotypes, you know?" With that, he looked at the remaining CS club members, who were still scrambling around for cover. "You know, if you want some fun, I've still got five tomatoes left. Just a suggestion." With that, he walked over to Nyx. "So, I assume you took out Sparky? I mean, judging from that hole in the wall..."

"Nah, i think i'm going to go and chill somewhere, but the prank was kinda funny, Just be careful a lot of people in this school are itching for a fight" And with that bit of wisdom Jasper fazed through the wall and went to go find somewhere quiet to relax


"No, i think I hit him, but he threw himself out of the wall" Nyx shrugged as Richard walked back into the room "He must've ran away, unless Richard ate him, but i didn't hear much screaming" He dispelled Richard and turned his attention back to Jay "We should probably leave before one of these guys call a teacher and we get in trouble for vandalism"

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"I asked if I would be allowed to smoke in your presence my lady." Kat asked gently, it sounded strange that with this thuggish act, he would ask permission in such a kind way. Kat continued to before lady willow, he smiled while doing so.

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"Yes, you may." Willow said with a smile. "What's smoking?" Miyuki whispered to Willow. "I'm not completely sure. I've heard about it, something to do with cigarettes." Willow whispered back, not sure what a cigarette was either.


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