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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Kat smirked "see now, was that so hard?" He asked with a patronising tone. The he looked at lady Willow "As you wish my lady." Kat stood and offered his lady a hand, giving her a sweet smile. However in his head all he could do was think about how he should have beaten the shit out of the guy, but that would seem to upset lady willlow so decided that wasn't the best solution to that problem. But he will kick the shit out of him at some point.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
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After they snuck out if class they both walked down the hall. This would be the second time he has skipped class. They will probably get a detention, but he didn't worry about that. 'So, do you know where any gardens are?'

He was happy to be going on a date... But he was nervous! He had kind of forgotten what to do on a date. Though he couldn't stop smiling at Jackal.

Nyx glared at Kat "I suggest you Never take that sort of tone with me again, unless you want to find a dagger lodged in your

Trachea" Nyx stood up and rested his hands on his daggers, as if daring the boy to try something. "And don't worry, I'll make sure to kill anyone and everyone you've ever cared about"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @Lotusy
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Kat grinned at his threat "Oh, I am so sorry to cause you trouble. And I would prefer we didn't fight in class, that would be very inconvenient. If you want to after class I will be more than welcome to." He gave a apologetic look but held his grin. Still holding his hand out to Lady Willow.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @Lotusy
"Are you scared of getting your arse handed to you by the teacher? Or are you scared about losing to me in public" Nyx glared at the boy, his fingers lightly rapping on his dagger, itching to kick Kat's arse "But if you want to put if off so you can run home with your tail between your legs, then go ahead, Be a coward"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @Lotusy
"Boys, boys," Jay placed himself between the teo of the, one palm facing each person. "There's enough of me to go around." He smiled, but continued. "Just kidding, but you're going to need to stop. Nyx, you're being super provocative lately, and I think we might need a change of atmosphere, no?" He gestured to the open door. "Sound good?"

@GingerBread @metalcity @OceanBunny
Nyx reluctantly stopped glaring at Kat and turned his attention towards Jay and sighed before walking out the door, shoving into Kat on his way out. Nyx leaned on the wall, waiting just outside the door for Jay I should've just stuck a dagger in his throat before he had a chance to react

@Lotusy @metalcity @OceanBunny
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Kat smiled at Nyx "toodle-oo." He gently waved as Nyx left the room "I slightly dislike that guy." His voice was full of kindness as he directed it towards lady Willow. Wow. fuck that guy, I Can't wait till I beat the shit out of him. why couldn't lady willow allow me to slay him? Oh well, if lady willow commands me not to. His thoughts were filled with anger, but he kept a sweet smile on his face.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @OceanBunny
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jackal ears twitched as he held his hands folded behind his head with a chuckle then turned walking backwards. "hmmm....yeah. there's a really nice one not far from the school to be honest." he told the gorgon with a excited mrow at the end in his voice before holding out his hand for the smaller male to take.
Jason was glad he got out of that crazy girls grip! He hid his head behind Pluto, trying to stuff himself under the hat but it was too small! So he just stayed where he was, he wondered if he could ever go back to normal. 'Hey Jason! What is that dude doing with Pluto?' Coatl had stuck his head out the back of the hat. 'Uh, he's going to hold Plutos hand.'


'No one gave you the permission young man!'

First it's hand holding and then....aaaaah!!'

Pluto looked at Jackal hand before taking it. He ignored all of the snakes, "you guys aren't my parents anyway." He turned to Jackal, "I hope it's nice!"

Wait a minute... Who the heck is he?'

Jason was confused.

'Oh so we have a rebel here?'

'We will have to have a stern talk later.'

'I blame Jay! He's going to get an earful when I see him!'

@mewbot5408 @Mango (sorry I left you!!!)
@mewbot5408[/URL] @Mango (sorry I left you!!!)
Jackal led him holding pluto's hand as he walked guiding him with him, the shifter seemed to happily taking the gorgon along with him down the hall leading him outside. when they reached the garden the shifter let go looking around inhaling with a deep sigh humming the same lullaby he had sung earlier that day. they were in a vast colorful and bright flower filled garden with various trees and other plant life even including fruits and vegetables. in the trees birds chirped so softly and a squirrel could be seen hopping from branch to branch. the shifter made his way to the swings that sat in the middle and sat down, patting the other next to him with a little blush smiling. "amazing isn't it,pluto? this is one of my favorite places..."
Emma Emma had no idea what the snake was trying to tell her but she knew it looked cute. "Don't worry." She said reassuringly. "The bomb won't explode or anything, as long as you don't hit that red button!" She said with a crazy smile on her face. Emma was disappointed when Pluto left suddenly, but she made a descision to not dwell on it too much and talk to someone else. "Hey Tyrell!" She said while walking over to Tyrell.

@Magical Squid Senpai @DragonStorm

It's okay. I'm just a slow poster.
Jason was all out of sorts, he was confused! Who was this kid? What would happen if he touched the red button? What are they having for dinner? 'They are sitting on a swing now.'

The other snakes grunted but otherwise they kept quiet.

Pluto sat down next to Jackal on the other swing. "It really is amazing! I never realized how many different types of flowers there are!" He said as he looked around at the garden.

Tyrrell looked at Emma "oh Hey Emma" he smiled "what's up?" he then grabbed his shirt and wiped away some more blood "darn it, still bleeding" Tyrrell growled a little. Along with his bleeding, Tyrrell has or what looks like a metal Tail.

Jay threw a glance behind him as he followed Nyx out. It wasn't to say that he was mad, just a bit saddened. He knew that it wasn't all Nyx's fault, since there were lots of provocative people at this school, but at the same time, he knew Nyx was born with an aggressive nature. "Say, Nyx." He looked back to the vampire. "How would you feel if I found you some place to train? You know, some place to let everything go. I'm not saying I have it, but what would you think if I made one?"

Nyx raised an eyebrow at Jay's idea "Sure, i don't mind. But how would it work? Would i be fighting other people? And if i was what's stopping me from accidentally going too far and killing them?" Nyx gave Jay a awkward smile "And if I'm not fighting other people, what's stopping me from getting bored and wanting to fight real people"

Jay shrugged. "Like I said, I haven't worked out the specifics. However, it has to be someone that you can't kill. Like a demon or an inanimate object. Maybe you could get a magic teacher to haunt a training dummy for you or something." He paused for a bit. "And you'll just have to remember our promise. I'll do my best to find a good match, or make one myself. We'll see. It was only an idea, anyways." Jay sighed and checked his phone. "Ooh, it's second period! Wanna go mess up a class?"

"If you can set that up, then I'll try to use it instead of fighting random students." Nyx paused a second "But if someone attacks me, then i'm going to kick their arse into submission. Though I will do my best to keep the promise" Nyx smiled at Jay as he stopped leaning against the wall and stood up straight "So what's second period?"

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"Nyx can be.. troublesome at times." Willow said with a sad smile before crouching down next to Miyuki. 'It's okay Miyu. He's gone noe and i wont let him hurt you.' 'He said he was going to hunt me.' Miyuki's voice was trembling as it filled Willow's mind, followed by images of the hunt that had taken Miyuki's parents. 'I won't let him do that. Not ever! You're safe with me.' Willow hugged the leopard, trying to comfort her thoughts. Shifting to kemonomimi form, Miyuki turned in Willow's arms and hugged her back, tears streaking down her face.

@metalcity (sorry.. I had to go to work all day)
Kat gritted his teeth, seeing lady willow cry was a dagger through the heart. "Lady willow, and miss Miyuki. I will not let him go through with his threats. I will protect you both. With my life if need be." He stated, hitting his fist where his heart would be as if making a promise. He had no clue if they were communicating or not, but he stood by as they hugged it out.

@OceanBunny (no problem)
"Of course! It should never go past self defense!" Jay checked his schedule. "Well, our next class is History, but I'm sure there are others. For example, Art has classes here, Party club is here, Videogame club is here." He whistled, calling down his ten pigeons. "What do you say to a little raid on all of them?"

"It's okay. I don't think he'd really do it." Willow said with a frown. Standing up, she pulled Miyuki o her feet and turned to look at Kat. "Shall we go to second period?" She asked with a small smile.

"Aren't you worried about getting a another detention? you already got one for being late" Nyx failed to keep a straight and a devious smile quickly appeared on his face "But What exactly do you mean by raid?"

"If that is what you wish for, lady Willow." Kat bowed as he swiftly walked over to the door. "Ladies first." Kat politely stated waiting for lady willow and miss Miyuki to leave the room.


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