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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Her parents named her actually. Jay is his boyfriend." Willow told Kat. 'Not being nice anymore.' Miyuki stared growling, Frost and ice spreading rapidly around her as she bared her teeth at Nyx. "You will not touch her!" Willow glared at Nyx, a vine sprouted from the floor and wrapped around her leg in response to her sudden anger. "I'll help if I can Columbus."

@GingerBread @metalcity @LokiofSP
Kat sighed at the boy "the questions in the text book are based off key parts of the story of this play." Kat looked at a question "this asked 'what we're the two characters on the balcony' so think back to the play and what happened and write down the characters." Annoyed by his stupidity of not knowing how to use a text book.

"And How would you stop me? Answer, you can't. So I suggest you try your hardest to stay on my good side" Nyx smirked at Willow before looking at Miyuki "Don't worry, when i do kill you, It will be a hunt, But it will be just me, don't want anyone else to ruin the fun do we?"

@metalcity @OceanBunny
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Kat looked at lady Willow sweetly, he then reached for a text book "luckily these have the prologue in them, which basically tells you the entire story. My lady, if you care to listen:

'Two guilds, alike but ever so different, each breed heat, but unknown love was mixed, the children of the owners saw through the hate, which was a drunken mistake. Fell in love, due to teen hormones, they were destined to death. Blind family's forced them to fight, but love over powered, forcing them to both take there own lives, and the family's saw there wrongs, and made peace at last'
" He artfully said, with emotion in his voice. "Did you get all that my lady?" He gently asked.

(It's 2am, imma copy paste that
xD )
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Pluto held onto his hat, protecting the snakes. "I don't think they would like that...Apep has already had a makeover!" He chuckled. He somehow felt that this girl would not give up.

Little did Pluto know, Coatl had bitten a little while in the back of his hat. He peeked out and looked at Jackal, watching him like a hawk.

'Hey Pluto, that other new kid was staring at you.'

'Does he want to fight??'

@Mango @mewbot5408

(Jackel can only understand them when he is in an animal form. Just so you know!)
Columbus pointed to question three, "You see, it's just, for question three it asks why they fell in love. Yet the playwright did so little to awnser the quedtion. Quiet frankly I could argue that they were never in love, but that instead the feelings they felt for each other were simply lust. But yet, that doesn't meet the questions peramiters, so why was it worfed so oddly? There is no clear intent on why, but I'll lose points if I don't awnser, so what do I do?"

He exhaled "Sorry if those are stupid questions, I just don't get it!"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
"That's a nice prologue but I think we may want to move." Willow said as she watched her chair start to frost over and ice spread out along the floor. Miyuki moved into a crouch, teeth bared as she growled louder, ready to pounce. Willow stood and looked across the room at Jay, hoping he would notice the starting conflict.

@GingerBread @metalcity @LokiofSP @Lotusy @Mango @mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai (Willow can talk to animals.. can she hear the snakes?)
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"Come on then Mutt, bite me. But if you do, it will be the last thing you ever do, well apart from scream out in pain as I gut you while you're still alive" Nyx taunted while he glared at Miyuki "But you're too much of a wimp to attack me aren't you. I mean you're too much of a wimp to stop being a useless mutt, So attacking me isn't something you could dream of being brave enough to do"

@OceanBunny @metalcity (Should i get Mr Wolfsfeld Involved? )
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@Magical Squid Senpai

Jackal's ears twitching and he had of course already have turned into his in between form as he somewhat heard them watching but turned looking down at his desk when he noticed jackal with a slight blush before quickly looking to his work and scribbling down something like he was taking notes. Don't be creepy...guys don't like it! .....dang it! Stop.it..ugh...I'm being a weirdo....hmm cute though...
Jay was sitting across the room from the conflict, actually attempting to do his work. When he look up, though, he saw Willow standing, and by extension, noticed the fight that was going on. In return, he simply nodded before setting down his textbook and walking over to the grappling pair. "Oy, oy, Nyx. No need to fight this guy, just take it out on Enki later or something." He put both of his hands on Nyx's shoulders. "Besides, it would just hurt me to see you fight again... after all, we did make a promise."

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @metalcity
Nyx's glaring was interrupted when he heard Jay telling him not to fight and guilting him into not doing it "Fine I won't Fight them, But only because you don't want me too" Nyx slumped down into a nearby chair Never get to have any fun, All i want to do is kill one person, is that too much to ask...... Though it's not worth losing Jay

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @metalcity
Emma Emma had already taken out her potions before Pluto told her not to. "Oh, ok." She said with a slightly sad look on her face. "But wait, can I pour a makeover potion on them? Who knows what can happen, they could be a bombshell or become a literal bombshell! Please, just one time!" She said, begging with her potions in her hand.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'Not it!

'Not it!

'Not it'

'Not i-fuck!!'

"Jason would like to volunteer as tribute." Pluto pushed the big yellow snake towards Emma. He turned away, in fear that it might hit him! Jason will be able to come back but Plutos face won't!

When Pluto turned away he noticed Jackal, "Hi!" He said to him.

@mewbot5408 @Mango
Jackal had looked up again,his feline ears perked up as he tilted his head laying his chin against his pale wrist and looked at him with his metallic blue eyes. "Hey...pluto,right?" He asked simply as he was trying to think of somthing else to say,trying to find some excuse to talk to the guy but the shifter oddly drew a blank at what to add. This was highly strange for jackal conisidering he could usually be a huge flirt whenever he wanted to Let alone he usually never had a hard time with these things. The male looked off to the side unable to know what to say his face a little red and his ears flattening. "Uh...soooo...."

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Emma Emma giggled with an evil aura. "Oh, Jason! You're going to look like a star! Maybe you could literally be a star! I have no idea what this does, either!" She shouted as she poured the potion onto the snake and watched him transform! Eventually the snake looked like a snake, inside of a nuclear warhead, with a tutu and eyeliner.

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Tell my mother she was always a bitch! Tell Pluto to be a good boy! I love you all!'

Jason braced himself for the hurt, he screamed bloody murder when he felt the first drop of the potion. 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah-oh...I'm still alive!'

'I wanna see!'


'Pluto take the hat off!'

'Uh....will this blow up?'

Jason nudged at Emma, giving her a look that meant he wanted answers!

Pluto chuckled, "yes my name is Pluto and your Jackal right?" He noticed that Jackal looked a bit nervous. "Is something wrong?"

@mewbot5408 @Mango

(Ah, I love random potions!)
Jackal exhaled trying to calm his sudden nervousness then looked at the snake boy ears perkinng up and his tail swishing as he sat up with his hands on the desk leaning in so he was almost face to face for a moment blinking as if studying him for a moment before quickly settling back down in his seat. "Hmm...not everyday I talk to a cute one, you single?" He asked with a purr looking at pluto the shifter finally regaining his ability to flirt again But he was also serious in asking the guy out.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Pluto blushed when Jackal said he was cute. He felt his ears getting red, he tried to cover them with his hat. "Uh, thank you! And yeah..I'm not dating anyone."

The snakes struggled under the hat.

'What the fuck??'

'Hey buddy! No one can call Pluto cute except... No one!'

'Pluto don't tell random strangers you're single! He could be a pervert!'

@mewbot5408 @Mango
@Magical Squid Senpai

(Ooc: just mentioning this, everyone should already know already jackal's name by now and the fact he somtimes sticks around raven.)

Jackal despite obviously hearing the snakes smiled tilting his head with another purr his ears shifted back a little as he spoke keeping his attention on pluto. He chuckled amused he had already got him blushing that quickly. "Hmmmm....then in that case may I have permission to ask you to a date? " he asked with a little mrrow.
@Magical Squid Senpai

Jackal nodded with a wink, his tail curled around his side and he smiled pleased with the anwsered purring delighted. "Its a date then!"(<3) he chimed ears twitching a little excited and laid his head on his arms looking like a happy kitten who just got some fish. "You know I'm not all that bad.." he mumured to the snakes making it more obvious he could hear their harsh refusals to the idea.
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'I cannot believe this.'

He never talked to us!'

'I guess now is the time to give Pluto the talk...'

Pluto smiled and nodded, "ok! Um...where should we go? After class of course!"

He was excited to go on a date with someone!

'What? How can we trust you?!'

We don't trust you!'

The snakes hissed from under the hat.

@mewbot5408 @Mango
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@Magical Squid Senpai

Jackal looked up with his blue eyes sitting upright again and leaned to the side. " well, is there anything in partculiar you'd like? If anything I wanna take you somewhere you'd enjoy yourself. Kinda how like I enjoy gardens for example..." he anwsered simply. 'Boy these snakes were fiesty...maybe they'll warm up to the idea....' he thought to himself keeping his eye on the prize. He really was hoping this would work out since even his animal insticts even told him that pluto had the potential as to becoming his mate. The shifter often liked to mess around playing with the hearts of females at times but when it came to certain siduations especially ones like this he was always serious in his words despite having gotten heart broken,used ,or shoved off At times. Some cases he even nearly gotten nearly killed.

"Because I'm being serious." He told the snakes.
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"A garden sounds great! I don't really see many flowers where I come from." Pluto smiled, he didn't really know where there would be a nice garden to walk through, he would have to look around. Pluto ignored the snakes protests and such.

'Oh we know your serious!'

We just don't like it!'

@Magical Squid Senpai

"..I always liked flowers and plants,I come from a forest village after all.." he murmured honestly blushing a little bit with a light laugh. His ears twitching and he murmured to the snakes."Well then why worry about it.." and with that they both snuck out of class early.

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