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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"yes, yes you was." He yawned again, directing it towards the teacher. Forcing him to smell the mixture of tobacco and other chemicals from smoking. He rubbed the back of his head gently and looked at the teacher.

@GingerBread @everyone else
Kat grinned evilly "You know what, I think I will take that offer." Kat stood up and pushed the teacher into his seat, he took the ruler off of him. "Now shut up and do your work! you seem to know everything." Kat hit the teacher over the hand and walked over to the desk and got his pack of cigarettes and started to roll one up. "Now class, how would you like to learn about Glumio and Doodlet?" He asked as he sat down in the teachers chair, still rolling up his cigarette.

@Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Mr Wolfsfeld growled as he stood up, his anger growing with every step he took towards Kat "Who the hell gave you permission to go into my drawer" He growled as he snatched the cigarettes pack and ruler off of him and chucked them into his draw. He then picked up Kat by the neck and slammed him into the wall "I suggest you apologise for what you did, before you become nothing more than a stain on this carpet" Mr Wolfsfeld glared at kat, His eyes burning with rage that was just waiting to be released.

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai (Nyx is always here if you guys want someone to interact with while Kat gets his arse kicked :) )
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kat rolled his eyes "I took your offer, you regretting it? I apologise. Can I sit down now?" Kat asked, putting his hands in his pockets. Not really caring about the teacher's actions, yea it did hurt a bit. But he has been through worse, he was actually a bit surprised that the old geezer would go this far but what could he expect in a school that has students fighting everyday. Thinking of it again, he was actually happy to know the teachers wont take shit from students, forcing Kat to grin slightly knowing that he might be able to use this as a escape goat if he gets into a awkward situation, Guess I should stay in there good books then He thought to himself with a gentle sigh.

@Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Willow giggled at Jay's method of persuasion and plugged her ears to ward of the music. After the nurse got Columbus to swallow his pill she smiled at the boys and retracted the vines, allowing Columbus to move. "Yea, we're ready to go. Attending classes should be fun." She said, smiling at Jay.

@LokiofSP @Lotusy
'Aaaaaarggghvhfggz! Pluto get us out of here!!'

'Can he be anymore evil?!'

'Tell him to shut up!'

Pluto was so bored! All he did was blink and the next thing he knows is that the teacher is yelling at the new guy.

'Oh yeah! Finally some action!'

Then it ended.

"I didn't have a problem with you taking my offer, it was you disrespecting me that i had a problem with. Now go sit down" Mr Wolfsfeld growled as he threw Kat next to his desk before locking his drawer and placing the key in his pocket "Now thanks to Kat, you can all have a thousand word essay on Glumio and Doodlet for homework, due in next lesson. Anyone who fails to hand it in will have a detention. Now if no one else feels the need to interrupt, i shall continue" Mr Wolfsfeld once again started droning on about the symbolism of the plot and other boring stuff like that.

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Kat tilted his head "I understand me but the whole class? that makes no sense! they had to watch as the teacher bitched at a student for however long we have been in here. Now you are setting everyone work?" He then growled at himself, he couldn't change anything. "Do as you want." he angrily stated as he slouched on his hand. "Continue, sorry for disrupting." He angrily stated picking up a pencil. Ready to listen to the teacher continue, he liked to learn in his spear time more. Having a essay was better for him than learning in class but if he could get anything to help him, that would work too.

@Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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"Alright! Forward ho!" Jay pumped his fist in the air with a shout. He didn't move very quickly, though. As he slowly dragged Columbus to the classroom, he kept grumbling about Ciley Myrus and her huge amounts of clothing.

When the group arrived at the classroom, Jay slowly took a peek inside. There were only a few students, and a very angry looking teacher inside. Jay threw Willow an apprehensive glance before slowly opening the door and dragging Columbus inside.

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP
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'I fucking hate essays!!'

'They take so long!!'

Ugh! Can we just kill this kid!'

Pluto had no clue why they were complaining, he was the one who had to do it! But lucky for him he already knew some of the stuff.


(The snakes will forever hate Kat! )
Emma Emma rolled her eyes as rhe teacher and the my lady guy got into a conflict and caused them to have extra homework. "Wow, smooth talkers." she said angrily. Because she was bored with all the conflict, Emma decided to shift her desk next to Pluto's. "Hey. Is there anything interesting to do while these guys fight?" She asked.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Willow cautiously followed Jay into the classroom. Keeping Miyuki close to her side, she looked around with a smile. 'I think we should just sit down.' 'Good idea Miyu.' Willow headed towards an empty desk, hoping the teacher wouldn't be too cross over their tardiness.
Columus looked around at the classroom as they entered, confused as hell, "Wait, why are we here? Don't tell me we're actually going to class!! Who goes to class here!?"

Mr wolfsfeld watched as 3 late students came into the classroom and one decided to shout as he entered "You three all have detentions for being late" He glared at Columbus for shouting in his lesson "I suggest you all take a seat. And Everyone can turn to page 95 and do the work listed there"

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @OceanBunny @LokiofSP (So textbook time, basically you guys can interact properly now )
Kat watched as another female entered and sat down, he quickly went to her side "Hello, I am Kat. Would you care to tell you me your name?" He bowed next to her.

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Nyx smiled as he saw Jay walk into the classroom, but frowned slightly as he heard the teacher give Jay a detention At least he'll be in detention with me Nyx then noticed Willow and moved over to her when he remembered she had yet to help him kill a unicorn, he then saw Kat coming over as well "Bugger off, you're the reason we have homework, i'm pretty sure everyone dislikes you now" Nyx then turned his attention back to Willow "You still up for helping me find a Unicorn?"

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Columbus grumbled and sat down, sighing as he realized he forgot his things in his dorm. He looked between the guy he sat next to and the teacher a few times before deciding to go for it. He leaned in close to Kat and whispered, "Pst... Hey, do you think I could um... Share your textbook? I kinda forgot mine..."

"I can live with that, however I will do the extra work for my ladies. Please reframe from using that kind of language in front of them please." He stated still bowing. Then he heard some male whisper to him, he couldn't care less "sure, go ahead." He answered, waiting to hear the lovely lady's name.

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP @GingerBread

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