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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus writhed in horror at the video, "God no! How an she breath in all those layers!? Dear god, the way she holds that wrench is so terrifying! Please make it stop! I'll lay off the juice I swear!"

Pluto rolled his eyes, "well, he was a satyr, so he must have been into that..." Pluto huffed, "the snakes didn't like him but luckily he couldn't hear them. He was a mistake anyway."

'He was a sleeze!'

'Pluto just had to pick the "bad boy"! I thought we raised him better!'


Enki went back to his dorm room after leaving his gifts with the boy. He was about to sleep when he noticed another letter by his door, he looked at it confused "Wow, really? again, another letter? Why is everyone sending me letters, this most be really convenient for some sort of plot." Enki stated picking up the letter and opening it. It read:

'We know that the demon is awake. We want to help you use it, so you can carry out it's wish. We will hunt you down again if you try to run, and we will not wait to slaughter the masses, if you value there lives you shall come to us.'

Enki was in shock about all of this, not sure what to think or do. "
God fucking damn it." He annoyingly said punching the wall. He looked around his room and started picking up his things, he wasn't sure what to tell people. Mainly Maria, but he decided against it as it would only worry her and she would follow him. He left the school in frustration and rage.

As Enki left he saw someone new,
if he sees me he might say that a student is leaving, better hid myself. Enki put his hood over his head and walked past the new kid.

Kat watched as this random kid put his hood up by his presence. He looked at him confused "
What the hell are you doing? I'm not the fucking police you idiot." Kat said as he walked into the school, Enki looked back in confusion guess I was over reacting? And continued leaving the area.


kat woke up, interrupting his dream of him saving some sort of princess. He scratched his face "Urrggggg, can I just sleep?" Kat asked himself as he got out of bed and put some clothes on, yawning as he picked up two boxes of cigarettes and left his room. He made his way to the canteen, hoping they sold something edible, unlike the other schools he went to.
Pluto ignored Nyx's fake sympathy, "no, I broke up with him cause he cheated on me and he was a jerk. So I turned him to stone."

'We should have eaten him!!'

'Yeah, I heard that satyrs taste good.'

'Such a shame, he was so hot.'

Waking up after having passed out at his home, his head pounding as though something hit him hard enough in the head with some sort of solid object. Tyrrell then stood up the best he could without falling over and passing out again. He took a couple of steps before he had to lean on something for support, and to help stop his head from spinning. After a bit of not moving and getting his head straight, Tyrrell walked out of his house and towards school. Once he got to school he kinda stopped by a bench and sat down, with his hands to his head as he was getting another headache and was also getting dizzy again. He wasn't wearing his coat/shirt/ whatever you would call it, but what just where a normal t-shirt this time, but he did have his coat on hand in his backpack just in case he needed it.

@Anyone who doesn't have anyone to talk to)
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"I always thought you were a complete wimp Pluto, guess you've proved me wrong" Nyx complemented as his evil grin returned "Anyway, you got anything planned to do today?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
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On the way to the canteen Kat started to roll up a cigarette, while doing so he spotted someone sitting on a chair "Guess I should find out what to do here..." Kat rolled his eyes as he approached the boy, as he finished rolling out his cigarette he lit it "So, what do you lonely students do here for fun?" He asked with a annoyed tone then he took a long puff on his cigarette, waiting for a answer.

Tyrrell looked towards Kat "I just stopped and sat down, since my vision started to spin" He sighed, "Eh what do you mean? I'm usually not here for reasons so I don't know what you mean"

Kat removed the cigarette and blow out the smoke, the wind carried it away from the two. "I thought what I said was clear. What do you do for fun here? Do you know what fun is? Was that clear, if not I'll go talk to some other mess of a life." His annoyance rose. He gently motioned his cig, making the bit of ash on the tip shatter down to the ground. Kat placed the cigarette back in his mouth waiting for another answer.

"Aw, thanks! Everyone thinks I just made a work of art, they call it 'frightened faun'."

'I wish you did more stuff like that.'

Pluto would never admit that he kind of enjoyed doing it.

"No, I wasn't really doing anything. Do you have anything in mind?"

"Well normally i'd go and find people to fight and kill, but people don't like me doing that apparently" Nyx shrugged his shoulders "So now i just sort of follow Jay around, There's not much else i can do anyways"

@Magical Squid Senpai


Suddenly an announcement blared, loud enough for all the students to hear "The school has decided that lessons will now become heavily enforced, this is mostly due to all the fighting that keeps happening and that none of the students seem to take any of this seriously, your first lesson will be English, anyone who fails to show up will be given a detention" The announcement crackled slightly before turning off

(@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @DragonStorm @mewbot5408 @GingerBread @Sicarius @metalcity @Mango @anyone else that i forgot. Lessons are now going to be a regular thing)
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Pluto wanted to laugh at the fact that Nyx just follows Jay around. "You two are cute together." He teased, then he heard the announcement. "Oh, I guess we have to go to class now."


'I don't want to!!'

Pluto ignored them, he pulled out his beanie hat and put it on. They all yelled at him but he thought nothing of it, since they were tied up they couldn't pull the hat off. 'Pluto I don't want to go to class!'

Jason was way to big to fit under that hat so he stuck out like a strand of hair. "Jason you better behave!" He said to him.

"Joy, class, how much do you want to bet we get an bitch of a teacher?" Nyx said before noticing Pluto yelling at Jason "Does Jason need a trim? If he does we can do it in class" Nyx said as he started to walk to the lesson.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Emma Emma was already running to class by the time she heard the announcement. She checked her wath as she ran and noticed that the time was only two minutes from class starting. "Oh no! I'm going to be late!" She said, and started running harder, but she knew it wasn't enough. "I guess it's time to cheat a bit," she said, and she took out two potions, throwing then on the ground as she made a jump. The explosion propelled her through the air, and she smashed through the window to the English classroom. "Sorry for the wait!" She yelled, before looking at the clock, which was apparently 5 minutes behind he watch. With shock, she checked he watch and found that it was ahead by five minutes. "Oh come on!" She yelled angrily.

"Eh could we talk about this later, I don't want to be late and yeah," Tyrrell then stood up before stumbling a bit, "shit! My head is killing me." he said before trying to walk to class. He then stopped and looked back towards Kat "And by what usually goes on, fighting or some kind of magical effect happens, Also my names Tyrrell" He smiled and then continued to class.

Mr Wolfsfeld looked up from his paperwork when he saw a girl come crashing through the window "Would you mind explaining why you didn't just take the door like a normal person?" Mr Wolfsfeld glared at the girl Once you've explained your actions you can take a seat"

@Mango (Bet you can't guess what mythical creature he is :P )
Kat shrugged "Didn't want fun any ways." Kat waited for the boy to walk away a bit so he didn't have to walk with him. He removed his cigarette and blow out the fumes again, Kat then walked a different way to the class. Once he reached the class he finished his cigarette and dropped the butt on the ground and rubbed it into the floor. Then he entered the class "Yo." He annoyingly said then he looked at his class and saw a female. He gasped at the site of a female, he believed he would never find one. He ran over to her side "Hello my lady. I am Kat, miss?" He politely asked bowing before her.

@Mango @GingerBread

(had to change this a number of times, could you guys calm down with your postings xD )
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Columbus lay in horror at the video, as the nurse realized how late to class the three kids were going to be. She looked around and eventually came across a small red pill in the garbage, she stomped up to Columbus and forced his moth open, plopping the pill inside as she held his jaw open as the zombie tried to yell and scream. She talked to Jay and Willow, "You two get ready to bring him to class, he'll just be a minute..."

She then punched to boy in the gut, causing Columbus to open his throat on accident, allowing the pill to go down. He then promptly fell asleep for thirty seconds, before waking up with a groan and massive headache, "Ow...Where am I? Why are you two in my room? Why am I craving pistachio ice cream?"

@OceanBunny @Lotusy
"So far, yes" Nyx replied bluntly "I Guess they have to be, what with all the fighting that me and pretty much everyone else does" Nyx stopped at the classroom door before pushing it open and walking in before taking a seat

@Magical Squid Senpai


"This is not the time for flirting, especially with someone who just damaged school property" Mr Wolfsfeld told Kat "Now i suggest you take a seat, preferably away from the vandal as i can see her disrupting your learning"

@metalcity @Mango
Tyrrell finally got to class and walked to his seat, He was doing his best to stay up on his feet. By the time he got to his seat, he just sat down hard and then laid his head down. "Damn what happened to me, I don't remember anything."

@anyone, cause I lost who was in class
"I came in like a CONSTRUCTION CRAAAAAANE!!!!"

Jay was so busy plugging his ears from the music that he barely noticed the nurse approaching Columbus with a pill. As the pill went down and the nurse gave them instructions, Jay nodded before wrapping the delirious Columbus's arm around his shoulder. "It's not your room, Columbro, we're still with the nurse. Now come one, I promise there'll be ice cream later." This position was slightly easier, as long as he could keep Columbus's arm still. Before he left, he motioned to Willow and Miyuki. "You guys ready to go?"

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP

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