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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Emma "My watch was malfunctioning, sir, and I thought I was late, thus, I decided emergency actions needed to be taken." Emma said, and she crossed her arms and huffed. At that time a small green laced metal man walked through the door. "It's not a bother, Golem here can handle it." She said matter-of-factly. The golem walked over to the window, and it instantly pulled back together.

After she finished dealing with the teacher, a man with a cigarette walked up to her and said, "Hello my lady. I am Kat, miss?" She shrugged and replied. "Sorry, what was that? I didn't follow what you said." She took a seat next to him, though he was a bit creepy.

@GingerBread and @metalcity

Oh darn I missed a lot of posts.
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Pluto nodded. When he walked into the classroom he noticed a new guy, Emma... Looks like she had thrown herself through the window, and a scary looking teacher. He took his seat at the front closest to the door.

'This teacher smells.'

'I can't see him!'

'I wanna see!'

"No be quiet!" Pluto said to the snakes. He pulled on his beanie as they started to struggle. He ignored them and waited for the teacher to start.

"Sorry, My name is Kat. Would you like to tell me yours? my lady." he continued his motion towards the seat. Hoping she would follow what he was saying this time.

@Mango @everyone else (he currently isn't smoking)
Mr wolfsfeld growled at the boy "It wasn't optional, you will not be sitting next to that girl, now you can either move yourself to the other side ofthe room, or i can do it for you" Mr wolfsfeld whipped his head around when he heard Pluto say something "Have you got something to say? And why are you wearing that hat indoors?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm
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Emma "Oh, I'm Emma. It's nice to meet you." Emma said. She listened to the teacher say, "You will not be sitting next to that girl," and she decided to take action. "Not a problem, sir. I can move to a different seat anyways." She said, and she moved over to a seat at the back of the room, and sdk, "Is this better?"

@GingerBread and @metalcity
Pluto looked up at the teacher, "uh..um, I wasn't talking to you!" He didn't mean for it to come out so harsh but he was nervous. He still kept his grip on his hat. Jason stared at the teacher, 'ugh. Just teach so we can get this over with!'

Kat sighed heavily and removed the gesture. "Fine, bet next you will be telling me I can't smoke." He joked as he got out his equipment to roll up a cigarette.

@GingerBread @everyone else
Mr Wolfsfeld glared at Pluto and Emma, annoyed at all of them. He heard what Kat said and promptly walked over to him and took the Cigarette equipment off of him "There will not be any smoking in my classroom, If you're lucky you can get this" He held up the Cigarette equipment "Back at the end of the lesson" Mr Wolfsfeld walked to the front of the class and placed Kat's stuff in his desk drawer. Before turning to face the class "Now we are missing a couple of students, but there's no sense in keeping you all waiting for a couple of late misfits. Today we will be learning about the play, Glumio and Doodlet" He looked at Kat "First, what is your name and second, Who wrote this play?"

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai (Don't blame me for the name, this is @metalcity's name for it :P )
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Kat growled as the teacher took his equipment, he know he wouldn't win a fight with a teacher so he let it go. "I am Kat, this play was written by some old guy a long time ago. Is it even relevant in this day and age?" Kat asked, not seeing the point in this.

"Yes it is relevant, because we're learning about it, now answer the question properly or you won't get your Cigarettes back and on top on that you will get a detention" Mr wolfsfeld growled, not liking the boy's attitude.

@metalcity @ClassroomPeoples
Pluto had read that book before and watched the play. He liked it. He was also happy that the teacher hadn't yelled at him.

'Gosh why doesn't this kid just shut up!'

Smoking is bad!'

'But we smoke that poison.'

'Oh yeah....nevermind.'
"I assure you i'm not a geezer nor am i stupid. The author of Glumio and Doodlet is Tildium Bakespeara" Mr Wolfsfeld said before deciding to pick on another student, he looked towards Pluto "Can you give me a basic version of the-" Mr wolfsfeld saw a student with half his face covered in blood "Do you need to go to the nurse?" He asked Tyrell, not really sounding like he cared.

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Kat raised his hand "I will gladly help him sir! leave everything to me, I will return after he is safe." kat stated, really just hoping he could go out side and smoke. He still had another pack of equipment on him.

@GingerBread @DragonStorm @everyone else
"Huh....uh no why?" He asked not really understanding what the teacher mean't, "I'm fine, I promise." That was when he realized that his orbs were not with him, so he started to look around frantically "Damn it where are the orbs!"

@GingerBread @metalcity @anyone else

(The orbs are very important to him, usually he can see them when they are invisible but not this time)
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Mr Wolfsfeld looked at Kat "No you won't, sit back down. I'd prefer someone who didn't need to learn as much as you do to go, your education is important you know" He growled at Kat before turning his attention back to Tyrell "Half your face is covered in blood. But if you say your fine, then okay. But if you do feel like dropping dead, do it after this lesson. It will be less paperwork for me to fill out" He then turned to Pluto "Now i believe i was asking you to give me a basic version of the plot of Glumio and Doodlet"

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto raised his hand and stood up. "I can help him!" He said, hopeing he could get away from class. He walked over to Tyrrell, "I should help you to the nurses office." He jumped when Tyrrell yelled about orbs. "I don't see any orbs but I can help you look for them!" He heard the teacher say something to him. "Uh, but he really needs to get help!"

@DragonStorm @GingerBread
"If he really needs help he can go and get it himself, he didn't even know he was bleeding, so i doubt he needs someone to help him" Mr Wolfsfeld growled. "See even he admits he's fine, so you can go back to your seat, Shut up and Listen to me" He glared at Pluto, almost daring him to speak back to him.

"God this class this boring, is it over yet?" Nyx said as he woke up from a nap he was taking and heard The teacher having a go at Pluto "Oi Teacher, Shut up and do your job instead of harassing the students" Nyx glared at the teacher

"If everyone would listen and do as they were told, it would be a lot easier to do my Job, and for talking to a member of staff like that you can have a detention" Mr Wolfsfeld glared back at Nyx, already reaching his limit for disobedient students "Now all of you will Sit down, shut up and take notes, unless you'd like a detention like this boy here"

@metalcity @Mango @DragonStorm @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
"We can't take notes when your crying about us trying to help some one, stupid geezer." kat stated as he stretched his arms, kinda fed up with this guy. He wanted to leave, but then he couldn't have his equipment.

@GingerBread @everyone else
Kat yawned and rested his head on his arms on the desk. He started to fall asleep, not caring about anything the teacher was saying now.


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