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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Willow doesn't care, I'm pretty sure i've killed people in front of her. And by the way, it wasn't a suggestion for you to leave" Nyx glared at Kat "And The Unicorn might end up getting hurt, you know what happens to people who try to trick Unicorns to either capture, hurt or kill them, don't you?" Nyx turned to Willow awaiting an answer from her.

@OceanBunny @metalcity
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Kat removed from his bow "What a lovely name, miss willow. I will help you in any way I can. Would you like anything my lady?" He asked with a gentle smile. He wanted to have a go at this other guy for being so rude, but he didn't want to frighten her so he would only interrupt if he got to rude or pushy.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
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"Who said we were going to trick her? Did you forget that I'm a forest fairy?" Willow asked, shaking her head lightly. "Thank you, could you tell me what I've missed in class?" She asked, turning back to Kat. 'I like this boy, he's nice, unlike a certain vampire.' Miyuki told Willow, watching the boys from beneath the desk. 'Nyx isn't that bad. This boy does seem really nice though.' Willow replied, glad for her connection to Miyuki.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Columbus wentbover the textbook and realized it was gibbrish to him. He one again leaned to Kat, "Hey... Me again, what does this stuff mean? I haven't been here all semester..."

"You are going to lead it to you, so i can steal it's blood. what would you describe that as Willow?" Nyx replied shaking his head lightly "Kat only wants to taint your innocence Willow, I'd stay away from him. He smokes as well and I'll bet he hates nature"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
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"I am going to help you find a Unicorn and then I will ask her to spare some blood. No tricking or stealing involved." Willow said, frowning at Nyx. "And I'm sure Kat is a very nice person and isn't trying to taint me."

@GingerBread @metalcity
"We have been learing about Glumio and Doodlet, are you familiar with the story? Well I also got us all homework, but I am more than welcome to do your homework my lady, in fact it would be a pleasure." He smiled then faced the rude kid "As a matter of fact, I love nature. I have my reasons to smoke." Then turned his attention to the other boy, slightly annoyed by his stupidity "it is about the play Glumio and Doodlet. Do you know it?" He then looked back at lady willow and smiled.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LokiofSP (this is hell on my phone)
"What are your reasons? Can't go to long without getting your fix?" Nyx replied glaring at the boy "And i'd be careful what you say to me, I've been know to have a short temper and i won't hesitate to kill you" Nyx glared at the boy before turning to Willow "I doubt a Unicorn is going to give up it's blood for anyone. And Unicorns only like virgins, so you're not allowed to be with this boy until i get my Unicorn Blood"

@metalcity @OceanBunny
Columbus thought for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Oh yeah! Isn't that the one with the two gangs? The two people fall in love and there's something about Jets and Sharks..."

"No, I'm not familiar with the story. I wouldn't mind help with homework." Willow smiled sweetly at Kat. "Nyx be nice.." She started to say, turning towards him. "B-be with him!?" She squeaked, blushing bright red at Nyx's comment about virgins.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Kat growled and and turned to the boy "Who the hell do you think you are to speak like that in front of her? You dirt bag. And I never had any unpleasant thoughts, this is why I really hate males." He said in frustration, resisting the urge to beat the crap out of him, if he did he might do something to physically hurt the girl. He then turned to the other boy, "yes, yes it is Do you know what to do now?." He asked before turning back to lady willow "I would not think about doing anything like that to you. Please ignore this brat. I am sorry for his rude manner, would you like me to dispose of him?" He bowed again and fiddled in his pocket ready to make a cigarette if commanded to.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @LokiofSP
"Do you really think you could fight me and win? Because many people have tried, none of them won..... Well except him" Nyx motioned towards Columbus "But if you think you stand a chance against me, your welcome to try, Just don't blame me when you have to go home crying to your mommy"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @LokiofSP
"N-no, that's okay. No need to dispose of anyone." Willow said, still blushing. "I will find a Unicorn, I will talk to her. You'd be surprised at how generous they can be." She told Nyx. 'Can I freeze him now?' Miyuki asked, glaring at Nyx. 'That's not necessary Miyu.'

@GingerBread @metalcity
"As you wish my lady." Kat bowed again, then glanced over to the other boy in annoyance then looked back at Willow. "Would you like that help with the work now my lady?" He asked politely with a sweet smile. Not wanting to make a fuss about what he said, a fight was not nessasery if lady willow did not want it.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
"Ah, so you are too scared to fight me" Nyx smirked before looking at Willow "I'm surprised he's not kissing your feet, but i guess he's too busy kissing your arse right now"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
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"Help would be nice. I know nothing about this story." Willow smiled at Kat, grateful for the offer of help. "Nyx!! Be nice. I don't know what you have against him but please behave. We are in class." She scolded Nyx, frustrated by his lack of manners.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Kat smiled and grabbed a chair, he brought it over and sat on the opposite side to lady Willow. As he sat down he felt something collide with his foot and moved it back, he looked at what it was to see some sort of animal, a pet of lady willow? "Sorry I did not see your pet down there. Is it ok?" He asked, glad that he only gently touched it . He started stroking it softly to comfort it as he waited for a answer from lady willow.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
"Do you want to try to tell me what to do again Willow? It won't end well for you if you do" Nyx glared at Willow "I doubt Kat can help you anyways, he couldn't even answer a simple question the teacher gave him, and then he tried to attack the teacher and got his arse kicked"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
"That's Miyuki, she's fine. You're not sensitive to ice are you?" Willow asked as Miyuki started purring. "Be nice or I'll go get Jay. I'm sure he would want you to be studying rather than threatening people." Willow told Nyx with a frustrated sigh.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Emma Emma sat with a bored look on her face until she got an idea. "Hey Pluto. Can I give your snakes a magcial makeover? I promise I won't splurge on the dresses." She said, giving him a begging look.

@Magical Squid Senpai I had to go back a few pages but that inspired me! =D
"The only reason I'm not killing you is because you're still somewhat useful to me. But once you're not, i can kill you" Nyx stopped glaring at Willow and gave her a Sinister smile "But I don't need your mutt alive, so if you piss me off, I'll kill that rodent you call a pet, Maybe I'll make a game of it, like fox hunting"

@OceanBunny @metalcity
"Ah Miyuki, another beautiful name. You must have chosen it, the beautiful side reflects yourself. The cold does not bother me, why do you ask?" Not sure why lady willow would bring up the cold. "And who is this Jay character?" He continued with, not sure why she would use that against the boy. Kat continued to stroke the pet, he started to scratch behind its ears "I would heavily suggest you stop bad mouthing lady willow." Kat tried to manage his temper in front of lady willow but this shit was pushing all the buttons.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
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Columbus walked to Willow, "Sorry to bothet you Willow, but I don't get what we're supposed to do, and that guy didn't help at all. Could you explain this for me?"

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