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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Eh, no promises. Maybe you can get some pistachio flavored ice-cream?" Jay held open the door to the infirmary, then picked up Columbus. "Oof. Alright. Here we go." He walked up to the nurse's station, showing her Columbus. "Hey, uh, my friend overdosed. Is there any way you can help him?" The nurse only stared at him before taking hold of Columbus. "... Alrighty then."

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP (Up to you whether or not it works. :P )
As soon as Columbus was sat down the nurse turned away and mumbling something about kids and underage drinking, during which time Columbus remained oddly quiet. The nurse popped a pill in the boys mouth and after a few minutes shrugged "Whatever's in his system, the usual method doesn't work..."

While the Nurse droned on, Columbus discreetly spit the pill into the trash can and looked at the 'happy juice', "Ima get back my potion..."

Jay sat silently and nodded while the nurse did her nurse things. Then, of course, he saw Columbus reaching back for his "happy potion". "Columbus. Stop that," he hissed. In case that didn't work, Jay did his best to send as small shock to the zombie. Afterwards, he turned to Willow. "Hey, Willow. I don't want to hurt him badly... is there something you could use? Like vines?"

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny
'Hey Pluto, can we read some fanfics?'

Jason suddenly asked as he laid his head on Plutos shoulder.

'Oh yeah! I wanna read the one about the ninjas!'

'No, I hate that one!'

'I wanna watch dragon ball z! Mostly any episode with a dragon.'

Pluto groaned, he never should have let them watch any anime. "Not now, we are going to the library to read."

They all protested. 'First you tie us up and now you take away our mangaka!?'

Pluto made a mental note to stay away from the computer for a while.

While walking, he noticed Nyx walking in his direction. He waved at him and smiled, "hey Nyx!"

'The fuck you so happy to see him for?'

'Does he have any manga?'

Nyx turned his attention towards Pluto "Hey..... Any particular reason you've got you hair up?" Nyx motioned to the tied up snakes "Oh and does Apep need any 'help' with his makeup?" Nyx's face gained a look of malice as his lips contorted into an evil grin

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Chua and Coatl were eating their snacks and the others were being jerks, so I tied them up."

'Save us!!'

Let us free!'

Pluto smoothed his 'hair' back, "Apep would gladly like your help!"

Apep wiggled around, 'you let him touch me and I will kill you!!'

"Sounds fair enough, If you ever need a 'haircut' I'll be happy to help, Jason looks like he could use a bit of trimming actually" Nyx glared at Jason, having gained a grudge with him after finding out he likes Jay. While glaring at Jason Nyx noticed Apep was wiggling around "Apep looks so excited for me to do his makeup. Look at him, he just can't keep still" Nyx smirked at Apep before turning his attention to Pluto "So have you got the makeup?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'I don't need a trimming. But I think Jay needs better man! And I am the better!'

Jason glared back at Nyx.

'Of course he doesn't have the makeup!!'

"Actually I do have it. It's in my bag.'

'You fucking asshole.'

" so where should we do this?"

"Wherever you want to. But best make it nearby, I'm sure Apep is brimming with excitement" Nyx noticed Jason giving him what looked like a glare "What about Jason? I'm sure he's feeling left out, Does he want some makeup as well?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'Bitch you wish. I will have Jason one day!'

Pluto was honestly kind of getting worried about Jason's crush, if you can even call it that, with Jay. He petted Jason's head. "Jason seems fine."

'I am fine..'

"Let's do it in the library. I wanted to go there any way."

Jason gasped, 'excuse you! I look like a badass!!' Jason stuck his tounge out at Nyx's back. Pluto followed behind him. When they reached the library, Pluto pick a table in the back, so the librarian wouldn't tell at them or something. "Ok! Let's start." Pluto took out the makeup and set it on the table.

"Right Apep you better keep still or this will go wrong" Nyx took a look at the makeup and decided to start with the smoky black eyeliner, Nyx unscrewed the cap and applied more of it than he needed to around Apep's eyes "You're looking better already"

Nyx then placed down the eyeliner and picked up the hot pink lipstick and unscrewed the cap before applying a generous amount going from one side of Apep's face to the other, most of the lipstick ending up around Apep's lips.

@Magical Squid Senpai (I really wanted a picture to go with this, but all i found were woman with snake themed makeup and nude ladies with Snakes wrapped around them :C )
'You piece of shit! I will end you! Just wait until I fucking Poison your ass!!'

Apep wiggled a little but Pluto held onto him.

'Oh you look so gorgeous Apep!! Must make you feel like your in Egypt again!'

'Shut. The. Fuck. Up.'


(Now I have to try too look this up!)
Nyx got up into Apep's face, pretending to admire his 'art' "You look better, it's definitely an improvement. Good thing this stuff is waterproof and doesn't rub off" Nyx smirked looking Apep directly in the eyes.

@Magical Squid Senpai
sitting on a tree branch in his inbetween cat and human form the shifter had fallen asleep laying on his stomach curled up with his red jacket hood over his head as he napped,tail hanging down flicking below. He had been tired and bored with nothing to do and was enjoying the afternoon sun and the sound of the birds who hopped from the limbs and flapped about chirping their lovely little songs. The breeze blew ever so slightly making it cool where he was and his ears twitched every so often moving his hood a little. He smiled with a mrow,Jackal was enjoying a nice dream of being back in homeland and spending time with his older brother. He remembered those crisp cool afternoons by the forest pond catching fish,the fireflies at night dancing in the air with the medliody of the wind, he remembered the singing, the lulliaby. The shifter opened his eyes slowly only to rise sitting up only to start singing softly as if he were in a mere trance. "..by the medow we go, by the water we dance, oh mother how her words call to me....little child do no despair for she is what holds us dear, the wind to carry her words to thy....like a bird upon the skys, twas the love of which she speaks and may she bathe us in the wisdom and care....ohhh sweet mother earth,we are here...we are the voices that pray...mother who brings our light and night.....carry us through with your sight...sweet child,sweet babe do not cry...she will protect us...rest dear one and follow thy to the gardennnn...like the fireflies dance...mother will hold you till you wake..for her love is no lie..." he sang, his voice carrying quite suprisingly beautifully despite what he seemed like. He had sang the lulliby he knew.

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If looks could kill, Nyx would be suffering right now. Apep wanted to lash out but he didn't, for various reasons. One being that he didn't want to hear about it from Coatl and he didn't feel like losing in a fight. He just chuckled at Nyx.

"Hmm, I guess he doesn't have anything to say. But he is laughing."

Nyx smiled at the look Apep was giving him, but his faded slightly as he heard him start laughing "Pluto, Why the hell is he laughing?" Nyx got out of Apep's face and looked at Pluto "I already want to trim one of your snakes, if i end up wanting to trim two, then i won't hesitate to"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Never! You'll never drink that potion!" Jay shook his head. "Columbro, do I need to resort to drastic measures?" He pulled out his phone, scrolling through videos. "Don't make me pull out Ciley Myrus on you! Ah, here we go! 'Construction Crane!' It's her new hit single, where she rides in a crane fully clothed! Can you believe it?" He walked behind Columbus, holding the phone with one hand and opening one of Columbus's eyes with the other. "I'll keep doing this until it works!"

@LokiofSP @OceanBunny
"I don't know why he's laughing."

Apep just smiled at Nyx, he had stopped his glaring.

'I don't want a trim!'

I don't either.'

'Wait!! If he cuts us. Then the next day we may look like Jason and Chua!'

'Oooh yeah!'

'Pluto!! I want to be cut!'

'Me too!'

Pluto was confused at first, he would have let them get cut if they want buy then he was afraid of how stupid they would look after they come back. "No one needs a trimming!"

'Gosh, I hate having to wait for the next episode of that volleyball anime!'

'I hate everyone.'

I hated Plutos ex.'

'I hate not having a penis.'

Pluto thought that was an odd question. Not all of the snakes answered. "Uh, Xiuhcoatl says he hates waiting for an anime episode. Attor hates not having a penis. Draco hates all. Coatl really hate my ex boyfriend."


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