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Fantasy Lakoria High School

I Haven't got flees Nyx glared at The snakes as he continued trying to get his collar off I'm just trying to get this stupid collar off. Nyx mentally growled Coatl when i'm back to normal, would you like me to get you anything? Like, i don't know what snakes like, A dead rat. Probably best if you pick Nyx offered, mostly to make the other snakes jealous but also because coatl wasn't an arsehole like the rest of them.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
'Ok. PLUTO!'

Pluto had been standing there trying to figure out what Nyx had been saying to the snakes when Coatl decided to scream at him. "What Coatl?"

'Nyx needs you to take off the collar! He's gonna buy me meat!'

Pluto sighed and slithered over to Nyx, he unbuckled the collar for him.

@GingerBread @Lotusy
'Wooooooooah mama!'

'Ah! Pluto look away! Shield your virgin eyes!'

'Hm, impressive. 10/10.'


Pluto was not ready for that. His eyes widened, "oh...uh...hmm..." He looked away. "I uh...have a really big shirt. If you want it." He said as he looked through his backpack.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Well i'd prefer my clothes, i don't really care going around nude, I look great anyways" Nyx smirked as he looked over to Jay and winked "Anyway you had me in a Quote unquote hug, before i was turned into a kitten, so where are my clothes?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Pluto blinked at him, trying to keep his focus on his face and not...other parts. "Oh yeah, I forgot." He moved his tail off of Nyx's clothes. He handed them to him. "Here. Sorry about that."

'Wow Pluto you are so gay.'

So are you.'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"You keep telling yourself that Snake boy" Nyx replied as he walked over to Jay "You wanna come into town with me? I've got to go get Coatl some buffalo meat" Nyx said before bringing his hand to the side of his mouth "Also i think you have some competition, I think Pluto wants to be the one who's going out with me" Nyx said, making no effort to be quiet, wanting Pluto to hear what he said.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Jay smiled as Nyx talked. "Aw, that's sweet, Pluto, but I don't date druggies." He leaned over, whispering in Pluto's ear. "I can hook you up with some aspirin later, if you want." With that, he strode over to Nyx. "Yea, I'll go with you! Let's just hope the butcher keeps it in stock."

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
"You know his snake Jason fancies you right?" Nyx asked as the flipped Jason off "If they don't have buffalo meat in stock then i shall be disappointed, so disappointed that i will go illegally hunting to kill one" Nyx turned to face Pluto "You wanna come with us Pluto? Then you can tell me which makeup Apep likes best"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Pluto shifted back into human form and chuckled, " oh yeah I know all about Apeps favorite makeup." He followed after them.

'I hope they don't have the meat! I wanna go hunting!! Pluto tell him I say thanks!'

'It was only face paint!!' Apep growled.

'Hey did he just flip me off!!'


'Hmm, well if I had hands I would probably do the same!'

'No you wouldn't.'

'You're right about that...'

"Coatl says thanks. So why are you giving him food?"

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"Because he hasn't been as much of an arsehole as some of the others, If you think any of the other snakes deserve something, I'll get them something as well" Nyx replied, feeling like being nice for some reason It's probably Jay, seeing him feeling good again has made me feel better Nyx thought as a smile appeared on his face "Actually Pluto, what was the name of the one who helped me when i was arguing with the voices in my head? And would he like anything?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
'Are you eating me right now!'

Pluto, tell him that I definitely deserve something!'

Pluto immediately knew who he was talking about. "That was Chua. He helped you."

'I helped too!!'

Shut up! You are forbidden from talking to Nyx ever again!!'

'Tell him I would like a king sized bar of white chocolate please.'

'This is so unfair!'

'I want chocolate too!'

"Chua says he wants a king sized bar of white chocolate. Nobody else deserves anything."

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay looked at Nyx with surprise. "Wow. What a change of heart, Nyx! I thought you hated them!" He rifled through his wallet, nodding while he did. "I can cover Chua's candy bar. I know a good shop that carries amazing chocolate, and plus, if Nyx doesn't hate you, you must be pretty swell!" The wallet found its way back to his backpack, and Jay promptly zipped it up. "Alright! When do we go?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
"Right so, makeup for Apep, buffalo meat for Coatl and Jay is going to get a king sized bar of White chocolate for Chua" Nyx said listing off everything "And It's all your fault Jay, your rubbing off on me making me nicer" Nyx complained all while smiling at Jay "Right, let's go" Nyx announced as he started to walk out of the school and into the town.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
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"Aw, shut it, you." Jay pushed Nyx playfully before rushing off to the market. While he was there, he also slipped into a nearby Walgreens. His eyes darted around in a suspicious manner, and he walked up to the clerk, pulling up his hood. "Uh, hey. Listen, do you have any aspirin?" Jay's voice was toned down to a whisper. "I got the money, if you got the goods." He fumbled with his wallet, looking around suspiciously like they were doing a real drug deal. "Uh, okay. Look, sir, I can get you the aspirin. This is a pharmacy, not an alleyway, so... could you take off your hood? You're scaring the other customers." The pharmacist ran to the back, giving Jay some aspirin tablets. "Aw sweet, Steve," Jay said, taking the tablets. "You're the best drug dealer I've ever met!" With that, the boy rushed out of the building at hyperspeed. The pharmacist leaned over the counter to shout at him. "My name's Jerry! And I'm a goddamn pharmacist, you freak!"

After that fiasco, Jay bought the chocolate like a normal human being, walking back to Nyx. "That was fun. So did you get the steak?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx saw Jay rush off and walked into a nearby cosmetic shop I think Apep could do with some lipstick as well Nyx walked over to a shop employee "Do you have any lipstick and eyeliner for snakes?" All Nyx got in response was a confused look before the employee walked off "Rude" Nyx muttered as he grabbed some smoky black eyeliner and hot pink lipstick and payed for them before walking back out and running into Jay "No not yet, i just got some makeup for Apep though, we can all head to the butchers together"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai

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