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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh my." Jay stepped back as Jason and Nyx started hissing at each other. "Oh my," he said, listening to Nyx's side of the heated conversation. "Oh my," he said, back out of the way as Nyx lunged for Jason, intending to attack. "Oh m- actually I'm getting kinda annoying now." He stepped forward, prying Nyx off of Pluto's head. "Nyx, it's like a forest there! A scaly, drugged forest! They'd tear you to shreds!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

'Hahahahahha! You're on our turf now!!' Jason wrapped himself around Nyx. The other snakes looked like they were going to bite him but they just laughed. Pluto tried to get Jason off of Nyx. For a kitten he was kind of heavy on his head. "Leave my drugs out of this Jay!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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(Well, if you insist! :D )

Kaine prowled around the campus grounds again, his head hung in shame at failing to retrieve a gift for Emma. There were chemical stains on his fur and he was very tired, on the point of collapsing. Too tired to notice anyone walking by.
Enki continued his search, the pup continued to make dog noises behind him. Enki believed he found the person he was looking for "Are you Kaine?" Enki asked as he walked over to the boy, the pup ran up to the boy and ran circles around him, tail wagging happily.

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Jay watched, slightly concerned, as Nyx decided to go limp in Jason's coil. "Hey, Jason. I'm going to need the cat back." He wrenched Nyx out of the snake's grasp, before checking him, realizing that he wasn't breathing. "Hey, Nyx! Are you ok?"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto smacked Jason after Jay had pulled Nyx out. "What is up with you today!?"

'Aaaaww! It was only a joke!'

Pluto looked over at Jay to see that Nyx wasn't moving. "Uh...Nyx, its time to get up!"

'Hmmm, I think we killed him.'

'Oh my gosh!'

'Holly hal! Are you sure?'

'No...it can't be.'

Well that's one less person...'

Pluto was getting nervous, very nervous, he started hyperventilating while thinking of the worst and how it was all his fault and Jay and Nyx would never get a happy ending!! He breathed out a little puff of poison.

'Oh chill Pluto he's fine!!'

Pluto breathed it back in and covered his mouth, still breathing nervously.

'I'm pretty damn sure you can't kill a vampire by squeezing him!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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Kaine snarled and hunched forward, trying to take on an intimidating stance.

"Yes. I am. Why?"

He tried to make himself appear bigger but couldn't gather enough strength to stand on two legs
Enki rolled his eyes, not sure how to go about this and thinking of his appearance. A random student with a bag of meat and a dog. "Merry Christmas. I think, I'm your secret santa. This is such a secret. But any ways, as a wolf...thing? have a friend, and some food." Enki placed the bag with the leg of lamb in front of the guy, and let the dog run around the boy. Smelling and licking him.

Nyx was conflicted about continuing the act he was putting on, On one hand it sounded like Pluto was freaking out and Nyx was enjoying the Snake's reactions. But on the other hand, If he kept this up it might upset Jay. Nyx eventually decided to continue playing dead for just a little longer, and apologise profusely to Jay later.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
Jay put his finger to Nyx's kitten chest. "Huh. I don't feel a heartbeat, but maybe kittens don't have tough heartbeats and- OH MY GOD WHAT AM I SAYING" Jay started panicking over the kitten's body. "GODDAMMIT PLUTO, ARE YOUR SNAKE POISONOUS? DRUGGED? TELL ME, QUICK!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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'Yes, we love to smoke that good shit.'

'Alright Nyx its time to get the fuck up.'

'OH MY GOOOOOOSH!!! I don't want to be attached to murderererers!!!'


'Nyx! Wake up! You are upsetting my future husband!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx felt bad when he heard Jay start to freak out but was enjoying the Snakes reactions. Nyx was just about to get up and show that he wasn't dead when he heard Jason say " 'Nyx! Wake up! You are upsetting my future husband!' " Nyx redecided and choose to continue playing dead as Jason should logically be the first to be blamed for his death, as he was in Jason's grasp last

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Jay started to get angry as Nyx stayed unmoving. "Oh, c'mon, Jason! Things were going great, and we'd just made up, and..." His eyes started welling up with tears. "Oh, god! Look at him now! He's dead, not breathing, his heart isn't breathing- wait a moment. Vampires don't need heartbeats." His face broke out into a smile, and he leaned down towards Nyx. "Psst. Nyx. You aren't fooling me anymore. Get up, or I give you to Schmetterling."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx took a deep breath as he stood up, not because he needed too, just for dramatic effect I'm alive...... I should become an actor, god you people are gullible Nyx still felt slightly guilty that he upset Jay. "Meow" Nyx mewed as he looked up at Jay, trying to apologise for scaring him.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
'Wait! They don't?'

No stupid they don't.'

Y'know Jason, if you had stayed dead then almost alot of what happened today would not have happened.'

'Shut up Apep! I was only having fun.'

"Sooo Nyx is OK?"

'Give him to the teacher!!'

Pluto calmed down when he saw that Nyx was ok.

'Aww, there goes the fun.'

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! He's alive!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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'What a fun show. 9/10 ign.'

Pluto glared at Jason, "I expected better from you." He mumbled to him.

'I am the better.'

We should promise never to bother Nyx again! Cause it bothers Jay. And I like Jay.'

I don't want to.'

'You will do this or I will end you.'

Do it Apep! Promises!!'

'Fuck! fine! Geez, first you take alcohol away forever and now my fun....'

Pluto looked at Nyx and Jay, "I am so sorry for.....a lot of things!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy
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Nyx struggled out of Jay's grasp and dropped to the floor Apep You suck, like you are worse than Jason Nyx taunted as he sat down on the grass. Nyx started using his back paw to repeatedly scratch at his neck to try to get the collar off of him.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
'Oh snap, he went there.'

Apep glared at Nyx, he was about to say something rude but he could feel the glare that Coatl was giving him. 'I don't suck as much as you do you pussy whipped c-AAAAARGGH! what the fuck!?' Coatl had bitten him and it was very painful for him, so he kept quiet.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Apep turned and looked at Coatl, giving him the most horrified look. He turned back to Nyx and glared. 'Silly Nyx, Apep isn't my husband! Jason is, although our marriage is a bit on the rocks right now.'

Apep did used to wear makeup when he was a hooman.'

@GingerBread @Lotusy
Oh so you liked to wear makeup Apep? I can get you some if you'd like, along with a haircut Nyx taunted mentally laughing before completely concentrating on trying to get his collar off his neck, still thinking the best method was to scratch at it until it comes off.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy

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