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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Emma Emma masterfully dodged the items thrown at her, except for one very heavy book at the end, which decided to hit her face. Her head drew red from anger, fear, and a real misunderstaning about the "perverts" in her room. She stared as Pluto decided to take the stairs like a normal person. Of course, she wasn't a normal person. She opened up the umbrella, jumping out the window while yelling, "For Narnia!" Of course, that stuff only works in movies, and Emma took a nice plunge into some cold hard reality. "Oh no. Tell my mother ... I loved her, bleeargh." She mumbled, crawling up to Columbus. After the excruciating crawl, she smacked Columbus's head with the unbrella, saying, "Message for you, sir." and pantomiming a fake death by ritual umbrella-suicide.

@LokiofSP and @Magical Squid Senpai
After taking a whack to the head Columbus turned, "OW! What th-WAIT! EMMA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He watched her commit ritual umbrella-suicide and he crawled to her and picked her up, he looked to the sky and yelled while putting a fist in the air, "WHY?! YOU KILLED HER! YOU BASTARDS! YOU KILLED HER!!" He then dropped her and stood up, dusting himself off and stretching, "Okay...It's a good thing that student broke my fall, or else I would have some broken bones or something." He turned to face a student in a crater who twitched in pain, "Thanks man!"

@Mango @Magical Squid Senpai
Enki started to walk back to the school, not being able to remember the last item he was suggested to get. He felt slightly bad. he entered the school again and started to walk around the school looking for the Kaine fellow. The pup happily barking, enjoying the new area.

@GreenEyedStranger (don't know where you are. If you could pop up that would be great :D )
Emma Emma was pretty sure that she'd broken quite a few bones in the fall. "I did it because it was fun," she said, groaning in pain. She took out a glowing green potion, then swallowed it all down while making a disgusted face. "Ew. Physical Enhancement potions. Don't drink them. Also, Mary Poppins is a terrible role model," she said to Pluto. Her bones snapped back together and she shot up to attention like a solider, saying, "So are we going to find Nyx?"

@LokiofSP and @Magical Squid Senpai
"I believe in love and friendship." Willow said, frowning slightly as she thought about Raven's statements. "I don't know about humanity or society outside the forest.. But they way I grew up we all co-existed happily.. worked together to help each other flourish. Without the forest the animals would have no home, without the animals the forest would wilt and wither." She smiled lightly, thinking of home. "There was a give and take but we were happy together. Isn't that what life is about?

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
Nyx was sitting on his bench watching Columbus and the girl who tried to kill him earlier jump out of a window "And there goes any and all respect i had for him" Nyx thought aloud before hearing they were looking for him Yeah...no Nyx thought as he attempted to walk away without them noticing him.

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Mango
Nyx froze as he heard Columbus shout Wait did he say hug? Nyx thought confused as he turned around to face Columbus and saw him sprinting towards him, Nyx started backing up, aiming to break into a full out sprint.

@LokiofSP @Mango @Magical Squid Senpai
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Nyx turned around and was about break into a sprint when he found himself wrapped up by Pluto's tail, unable to move. "I suggest you let go and how the hell is this 'For my own good' ?" Nyx tried to struggle out of Pluto's grip, but due to his previous injuries and over exerting himself when fighting columbus, he found he couldn't. So Nyx instead resorted to glaring daggers at Pluto.

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Mango
Columbus stomped up to Nyx and spoke, "Nyx! Ever since we spoke all those ten minutes ago, I've felt bad about leaving you out to hang! So I've come with a team of highly qualified huggers to tell you that you matter while hugging you! It was the least I could do as your best friend, no need to thank me..."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Mango
Columbus gasped, "After all I've done for you today?! I beat you up! Gave you relationship advice! Got beat up because Emma thought I was associating with a pervert vampire (still need to find him...)! And then jumped out a window to hug you! Oh! I get it, because we're best friends we can talk that way!" He nudged Nyx and winked, "Well I 'hate' you...Pal..."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Mango
"Good! I'm glad they're starting to hurt a bit" Nyx replied, wanting to leave but couldn't due to Pluto "What in the world made you think that i would want to be hugged by random strangers and people that i hate or that hate me?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Mango @LokiofSP (Damn you, making me feel bad for yelling at columbus ;_; )
Columbus suddenly lost any traces of enthusiasm or happiness in his voice. He seemed to shrink a bit. His feet turned inwards and he didn't look Nyx in the eyes, "I-I'm sorry...I just wanted to help you...You seemed so sad..."

"So to help me stop feeling 'sad' you thought it would be a good idea to get people i hate and get them to come into physical contact with me, Even if i didn't want that to happen!?" Nyx was almost shouting, Taking a deep breath to calm himself down he looked at Columbus, his voice going back to it's normal sound level "But I shouldn't expect you to even be able to think. You're undead Scum, your brain probably rotted away years ago"

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @Mango
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Nyx's glare was ripped off of Columbus and onto Pluto when he felt Pluto's grip on the get tighter "And getting people I hate to hug me was going to stop me wanting to kill people? how exactly would that have worked?" Nyx asked, getting angrier once again "Though i shouldn't expect much brain power from you either, all your brains come from some snakes that, if they were off your head and had to survive in the wild they'd die from trying to eat some rocks"

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP

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