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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Well my back feels like I took ten swords to it, my arm feels like I just put it in a blender, and my head feels like I just pounded my head against a brick wall. But I feel great! I feel like with a bit of help, Nyx might be able to become a better person!"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Pft! Hahahahahha!!'

'Was that sarcasm?'

I don't think he'll ever change.'

Pluto nodded slowly. "Sounds awful. I hope you do get better! And I hope Nyx can-"

'Stop being an asshole?'

"Become nicer too."

Columbus didn't pay attention to Pluto, he was once again in his own head, "Yeah...Nyx will be a better person, and we'll be able to be best friends... and he'll be like, 'How'd you get so cool Columbus?' and I'll be like, 'I was just born this way I guess.'...Yeah..."

@Magical Squid Senpai
OceanBunny said:
"I guess that's the beauty of being in a magical school.. human laws don't apply here." Willow said with a slight smile. "I don't know much about human society or laws though.. Any society or laws really." She but her lip, thinking about her home. The animals who had raised her and the forest she'd helped to flourish. Being out in the world was a lot different than the simple life among forest creatures she was used too.
@Sicarius @mewbot5408
I guess there's beauty in death.... Raven thought to himself as he listened to what Willow had to say. He heard her mention how she wasn't completely accustomed to the human way of life, and he laughed. "I've lived among humans all my life, and I am one; yet I still do not understand humanity. Humanity is rather complex. You see, there is no one way of thinking, and nothing is set in stone. Everyone and everything sees life in a different set of eyes, and that can make things.... difficult for others. Some are motivated to do the world good, while others are consumed by selfish desires. That is why humans can't be fully trusted. Why trust, friendship, and love simply do not exist. Everything is just a mere facade. A mirage. An illusion. Used to manipulate us into doing what the other wants; NEEDS. The cruelty of it all is that we all do not get such things. That is the way of life." Raven finished. Which is why death is the greatest gift a person can receive.... a highlight of a wonderful Christmas.

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
Columbus stood up, filled with determination. The nurse pulled her hand back as she finished the last stitch, "You're right! I'm gonna go find people to hug Nyx with me!" And like a jet, he was off...

@Magical Squid Senpai
(Sorry this one took so long, got swarmed with an event I'm running in another RP)

Columbus ignored Pluto and continued to strut, he came across a room with a girl pinned to a wall by a knife, he pointed at her as his eyes brightened with recognition, "Emma! Oh my goodness! How are you? Also, do you wanna be friends with a vampire named Nyx?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Mango
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Pluto kind of groaned at Columbus, he decided to follow him to make sure he didn't pick anyone that wants o kill Nyx. He saw the girl pinned to the wall. He didn't really want to know why. "Does this girl even like Nyx?"

@LokiofSP @Mango
Emma Emma didn't say anything as two more students walked past her. But when Columbus talked to her, she responded. "Hey, Columbus! Good to see you! Sorry to bother, but I'm a bit stuck here," she said, pointing to her pinned arm. "I would love to meet this vampire named Nyx! Speaking of vampires, I picked up a kitten, but he turned out to be a naked vampire and tried to kill me and it's a really long story," she said, running out of breath.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
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Columbus gasped, "A naked vampire?! We most stop this menace at once! Operation get Nyx friends is postponed! Operation stop naked vampire fiend is a-go!" He yanked the knife off the wall and pointed to the hall, "Onward!"

@Mango @Magical Squid Senpai
"Psh, silly Pluto, Nyx is MANY things. A terrible lover, a terrible person, a murderer, my best friend forever, ect. But he isn't an exhibitionist. Why would he be naked? It doesn't make any sense! It was a DIFFERENT vampire that could turn into a kitten...Yeh!"

@Magical Squid Senpai @Mango
Emma "Thank you, Columbus," Emma said as he yanked the dagger out of the wall. "Aw. I kinda liked this shirt," she said as she stared at the tear the dagger made. "What's this about Nyx?" She asked to the other person. "Are you saying Nyx is our famous Naked Caper? (Trademark)"

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
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Emma "Oh? I guess he's not then," Emma said sadly. "We need to file some harassment charges! You can't just be naked in a girl's dorm!" She said, her eyes burning with a fiery passion. "He had the nerve to be a nudist in my room, and, actually, speaking of it, how did you two get into my room?" She asked, her eyes suddenly burning. "*Gasp!* Don't tell me, you're perverts?" She said before falling down. "Oh no! Nobody is safe from the Naked Capers! "

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
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Emma "And I am very determined to eradicate all perverts!" Emma shouted, as Columbus's fiery passion engilfed her, too. "Away, ye scum of de Earth!" She said and picked up an umbrella, waving it around like a maniac. "I'll beat yer legs till you ain't able to do more perverting!" She shouted.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai

This took a wrong turn in Albuquerque. =P
Columbus got whacked with the umbrella as adrenaline (and misunderstanding of the situation :P ) hit him. He threw five random things at Emma and pointed at her, screaming, "YOU MAY HAVE FOILED MY PLANS TO FIND NYX FRIENDS! BUT YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" He then began to run to the window, hyper ventilating as he did so, he reached the window and jumped out, yelling, "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM- OH MY GOD WHY DID I DO THAT?!?! I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN!! I JUST CAME FROM THE NURSE'S OFFICE TO! DEAR LORD!"

@Mango @Magical Squid Senpai (I think we've made art)
Pluto looked out the window at Columbus. "Why the heck did you do that!?" He ran out, using the door like a normal person, and ran to him.

All the snakes started laughing at Columbus and Emma. 'Ha! I like these two! They amuse me!'

@LokiofSP @Mango

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