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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay sat back and listened to the conversation between Pluto and Nyx, only getting angry as they continued. The nerve! I did everything, I healed, I fought giant magical animals, hell, I even spent two liters of my own f***ing blood, because of my love for him, to protect him, to impress him! And he has the nerve, the f***ing nerve, to believe I don't like him! He was seething at this point. And he's mad because I broke up with him? Hell, I did that to save him, not for me! I did it so he would stop torturing himself, and he blames it on me! How can he just say that about me? That's just... F***ing wrong! Jay stood up, storming over to Nyx. "Nyx! What the hell is this nonsense about me not loving you? How could you say that?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Nyx looked up as Jay came storming towards him "Because you're apparently not happy with the real me, you tried to make me less violent and weaker" Nyx found himself getting angrier as he talked "And it would make sense that you were just pretending to love me, You never wanted to kiss me yourself, I always had to prompt it, come to think of it we hardly hug either. So why's that? Is it because you're just scared?" Nyx stood up and unsheathed his dagger, looking Jay directly in the eyes "Because i don't believe that for one second, Right now you're standing up to someone who could kill you. And this isn't even the first time you've done this, it's like the 5th time. So what's the fucking reason?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @Lotusy (your post made me feel bad ;_; )
Pluto stepped back when he saw Jay was angry. Jay had every right to be angry.

'Oooh, this is getting good!'

We should watch!'

'Maybe they will never get back together!'

'Well I hope they do!'

They will either end up making out or killing each other.'

Pluto really didn't want them to be angry at each other but....this was just a very different relationship.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP
In response to Nyx, Jay's eyes became cold as ice. "Not happy with you? NOT HAPPY WITH YOU?!?!" As Jay's fury rose, so did the air around him, as it whirled with currents of orange energy. For once in his life, Jay wasn't just mad. He was absolutely furious. "I had to fight you off! I healed you, saved you, defied authority for you! I shared my nights, my love, my first kiss with you, and you... you have the f***ing gall to tell me that I don't love you! That I faked it all!" Soon, the air around him became a vortex, and a bolt of orange light smashed into the ground. "You were just so... immature! I didn't break up with you because I hated you! I did it because you kept telling me that you were afraid of killing me! Nyx, I tried my best to help you, but you wouldn't listen, not at all!" In a crescendo of emotion, the vortex lashed out, razing the ground behind Jay. "But I somehow still love you..." The air died around him, slowly crawling to a halt. "And I..."

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Jay spotted the corpses littered around Nyx. He looked back up at the vampire, only to find a dagger pointed towards him. His voice became scarily calm. "Oh. So that's how you want to play it." His hand curled i to a fist, and his teeth became clenched. "A murderer. You wanted to know why I wanted you to not kill everyone, Nyx? It's because of this!" In a fury, he flung his arm back, gesturing to all of the fallen students. "I'm not trying to change you... but look! Nyx, I'm not some kind of benevolent force! I can't just look at what you've done, and thing that it's ok! I'm a human! A weak human in a school full of deities, creatures, and murderers!" Tears began to fall out of his eyes. "I'm... I'm not an angel, Nyx! I wasn't trying to change who you are! But you have to know, that if that's what you want, then I can't do it! Because some day, I'll be that husk on the floor! You'll be sad, but you'll keep on living, forgetting me after a few hundred years!" His eyes focused on the dagger pointed at him. "And it looks like today is the day I become another one of your corpses..."

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @GingerBread

(I know, but yours did too. Jay still loves Nyx. :( )
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Nyx wasn't sure how to react to Jay's outburst, he had been listening intently, every word Jay said had made him feel awful that he'd ever doubted him. Nyx just dropped his daggers, watching them fall harmlessly to the ground. Nyx then looked back up at Jay, every tear falling from Jay's eyes feeling like a knife through the heart I caused this..... I don't have an excuse Nyx hesitantly opened his mouth to talk before snapping it shut again, unsure of what he could say to make things better.

After a few seconds of painful silence, Nyx finally spoke "Jay........ I'm...... I'm sorry. And i know just saying sorry won't make it better, so I'll give you a choice" Nyx paused for a second to swallow down the lump in his throat "Do you want me to leave and never come back, become a kitten for the rest of my days........ Or do you want to start going back out together?"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
"They really aren't." Willow giggled and looked down at the two felines playing. "I think I've been attended two, maybe three classes so far." She looked back up at Raven with a sweet smile. "I've more battles and crazy schemes than I have classrooms. It's been fun though and I've met some really nice people."

@Sicarius @mewbot5408 (And I vanished again.. whoopsie xD )
Of course, the only girl that will ever be nice to you is a freshman... tough luck pal. Said a stray thought to Raven. I don't need any girl. Or anyone. Even Jackal. Raven thought to himself as he looked upon the smiling girl. "Everything that goes on here is kind of illegal."

(All good haha)

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
"I guess that's the beauty of being in a magical school.. human laws don't apply here." Willow said with a slight smile. "I don't know much about human society or laws though.. Any society or laws really." She but her lip, thinking about her home. The animals who had raised her and the forest she'd helped to flourish. Being out in the world was a lot different than the simple life among forest creatures she was used too.

@Sicarius @mewbot5408
Jay's heart was cut open as Nyx decided to apologize. As in, full on parted down the middle. While he was happy that Nyx took the first step to make things better, he was hurting inside, knowing that he was the one who made Nyx do this. Earlier, the vampire had talked about Jay pressuring him, trying to change who he was, and here he was, trying to change himself for Jay yet again. When the choice arose, Jay only fell silent. For the longest minute ever, thoughts tore a whirlwind in his head, and he only stared back into Nyx's eyes. "Yes." The word only came out as a whisper. "Please, we can get back together..." His voice trailed off as Nyx's previous accusations rang through his ears. "... but I need some time to myself first. Don't follow me if you value our relationship." With tears streaming out of his eyes, Jay ran all the way back to his dorm, shutting himself in for a while. He just needed a bit more time.

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @GingerBread

(Well, that's that. I might need half a day off from this RP, but we'll see.)
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Nyx wanted to follow Jay and make sure he was okay but didn't as Jay made it clear he wanted to be alone. Nyx picked up his daggers and took another look at the carnage he'd caused before he saw Columbus passed out on the ground. Nyx began walking over to him before crouching down and giving Columbus some of his life energy in an attempt to wake him up.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Columbus jolted up and looked around, "WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED! WHERE AM I!" He put a hand to is head and looked at Nyx, jumping a little, "OH! Um...Nyx...Are you still...You know...Trying to kill people?...Also, where did Dracula go?"

Nyx shook his head "You okay?" Nyx asked, not sure why he cared, though he assumed he just wanted someone to talk to, and well Columbus was one of the few people he respected "Also I guess i'm sorry for always calling you zombie scum" Nyx mumbled, mostly Apologising because he had told Jay he would. It was kind of his way of trying to please Jay, not caring that Jay might never find out he apologised Columbus isn't that bad anyways and if i can thank Snake boy then i can apologise to Columbus this one time

Columbus looked at Nyx with wide eyes. Without another word he pinched his arm, "OW! Oh god I'm not dreaming... Okay! Apology accepted...I guess...Quick question though, can I get a bit of help to the nurses office? I don't think I can make it on my own. On the way you can speak your mind if you want."

that was rude, last time i'll apologise to him if i'll get that kind of reaction Nyx tried not to take offence that Columbus didn't actually think he'd ever Apologise. "Sure" Nyx offered his hand to pull Columbus up.

Columbus looked on surprised once more as Nyx picked him up. He stayed silent for a few moments before speaking once more, "Um hey...Nyx...Are you okay? It's just, between killing people and the whole helping me thing, it's all a bid odd...Do you need to talk?"

"Do you think i messed things up with Jay? he said he wants to go out with me again but he ran off with tears running down his face" Nyx sighed sadly "I don't know what to do, even when i wanted to kill him, when i saw him crying it felt like i was being stabbed repeatedly in the heart..... Do you think....." Nyx paused for a second to swallow the lump forming in his throat "Do you think i even deserve to be with him? After everything i've done"

"Honestly? No. You don't deserve Jay at all. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep up trying until you do deserve him. I mean, if you deserved him as soon as you met, you'd be less passionate and driven about him. It's your drive and want to be a better person for him that keeps you relationship so full of love, because as long as you don't think your worthy of him, you'll never lose intrastate in him." Columbus shrugged and smiled softly, "But what do I know? I'm just an undead scum whose been single for two hundred years..."

Nyx got mixed messages from Columbus's answer So just keep trying to make Jay happy until i think i deserve him?, i can do that i guess Nyx just looked at Columbus "Anyway let's get you to the nurse yeah?" Nyx was eager to change the subject, not wanting people to see him all depressed, he had a dwindling reputation to keep after all.

@LokiofSP (Last post for a while, i'm going sleep. Night)
"Uh my name is Pluto! I know your name...or I think I do, is your name Colombo?"

He vaguely remembered the kid who had a meltdown. Or did he?

'This is the kid with the dead sister right?'

He looks like a pansy...'

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"Oh sorry! Columbus.... Columbus."

'Like Christopher Columbus!'

Does he like sailing?'

The snakes laughed at their own stupid jokes. "So....how are you feeling?"

Pluto sat down on a chair next to where Columbus was getting checked. He didn't really know why he wanted to talk to him. Maybe it was because he seemed almost normal and nice.


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