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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh wow thanks man, that really means allot to mE- OH GOD!" He looked down and saw a dagger in his stomach and a cut across his groin. He put his hand to Nyx's chest and unleashed a powerful blast to knock him a couple of feet away. He dropped his sword and attempted to calm down any bleeding from the two wounds from Nyx and the huge gash on his chest. "Oh god that was stupid! Why'd I do that?! It hurts so much!"

Nyx was surprised when he was sent fly backwards a few feet "Just leave Columbus, i don't want to have to kill you yet" Nyx said in a commanding tone "Jay needs to watch" Nyx said as he felt himself get weaker I need more power, now or i'm going to lose this fight Nyx thought as he began scanning the area for any students, unsurprisingly there weren't any.

Columbus shakily attempted to stand up but slipped. He then got to one knee and looked at Nyx, "Well that's to bad I guess. Guess you're just going to have to not kill me if Jay can't watch huh?" He quietly began to reach for his wood sword...

"Showing him your dead body will have enough of an effect" Nyx growled before he started to charge at Columbus, his daggers raised to stab Columbus in both sides of the neck, intending to slice his head off. As Nyx was charging towards Columbus he felt himself get weaker with every step he took, as he reacher columbus both his daggers had turned back to normal blood and started running out his hands and down his wrists. Nyx felt himself get so weak he couldn't stand and collapsed at Columbus's feet "Guess i forgot my limits"

@LokiofSP (Ending it here cause it's 7 in the morning and i haven't slept yet, so Nyx is just barely conscious at Columbus's feet.)
Columbus blinked at Nyx, "I-I did it? I won?! YEAH! Now I can finally just take a little rest..." Columbus then passed out from his wounds and exhaustion, with a smile on his face.

@GingerBread (Good night!)
'I lost the connection. He should be able to take care of himself now.' Willow let Miyuki know she didn't have to go look for Nyx. "Hey Raven, what's up?" She asked, smiling at him now that she wasn't in the middle of a mental conversation.

"Science class? I got held up.. They probably won't notice my absence anyway." Willow said, smiling as Miyuki came back over. "So what are you doing now? Did you find who you're supposed to be Santa for?"

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"The only thing absent, was Dr. Schmetterling's brain." Raven said sarcastically to Willow. "As far as the whole 'Secret Santa' chaos, I am taking no part in it. I hate Christmas. Besides, the person that was given to me has no relevance to me whatsoever. He's strange, and I find him very hard to understand." He said before rethinking his statement, comparing himself to what he just said.

jackal had fallen asleep on raven's shoulder and woke up with a yawn before jumping down and sniffing the ground. he started to stalk around finding a mouse and chased it down. the fluffy black ball of fur stalking it then bolted and cuaght it in his mouth swishing his tail,breaking the mouse's neck. he trotted back and sat on the ground playing with his kill for a moment before laying it casually at raven's foot looking up at him before stalking over to miyuki and fell onto his back playing with her tail swatting at it with a purr. jackal was acting more like a animal than normal,obviously somthing was wrong with him.



@Magical Squid Senpai


Nyx slowly woke up, the bloodlust wearing off. I broke my promise to Jay Nyx looked around and saw all the bodies and mayhem he caused Why do i care? He broke up with me. Nyx pushed himself up into a sitting position I shouldn't care..... But i do Nyx felt angry that he still cared about what Jay thought. Nyx brought his legs up to his chest as a feeling of sadness washed over him I still love him Nyx buried his head in his knees as he felt tears start to form in his eyes.

"They said the secret santa thing was mandatory though.. I guess it doesn't really matter though, most mandatory activities get over looked." Willow said, tilting her head to the side as she thought about it. "This school is really relaxed about the rules. I like that it allows me to socialize and learn about the world outside my forest." She smiled up at him. Miyuki watched Jackal swatting at her tail. With a huff she moved it higher and watched to see if he'd still go after it.

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius (sorry.. ive been at work all day.. and am about to go to bed.. I should be on more tomorrow tough)
Jay stayed silent as he watched both Columbus and Nyx fall from exhaustion. "C'mon Pluto!" He gestured for the other boy to follow him as he ran over towards the two's prone bodies. "Yo, Pluto. Cover me," he whispered, running over to Columbus. While he could heal Nyx's wounds, he was more afraid of what Nyx would do to him once awake. He kneeled sown to Columbus, trying his best to turn him over. "Oi, Columbus. You ok, man?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @GingerBread
When Jay ran over to Columbus, Nyx didn't know how to feel, a part of him wanted to kill Jay for breaking up with him and another part of him wanted to apologise. Nyx stood up, still feeling weak but not as weak as before and grabbed his daggers before walking back over to Jay, Nyx placed the blade of the dagger across Jay's neck, hesitating to slice it.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai
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Columbus looked around and coughed. He smiled as he saw a giant bird with a lab coat run at him, "Oh hay Professor Bumblebeak, how ya doing?" He then looked behind him and saw a kangaroo with a knife and he gasped, "LOOK OUT PROFESSOR! IT'S ROO COME BACK FOR HIS REVENGE!"

@GingerBread @Lotusy (Yeah, in case you're wondering, Columbus may or may not be a tad loopy due to blood loss)
Jay jumped in surprise as Nyx sprang up, attempting to kill him."Godammit Pluto! I need backup!" He kicked Nyx, backpedaling away while calling in his pigeons. Learningg from their previous mistakes, they started picking up and bombarding him with rocks. He was surprised as Columbus tottered over to him. "Professor Bumblebeak...?" He shook his head, blasting the dirt in front of them to create a smokescreen.

@LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread
Nyx grunted in pain as rocks started hitting him in the face. Nyx looked up ready to kill whoever was throwing rocks at him but when he saw it was Jay's pigeons he didn't want to kill them It would upset Jay Nyx thought as he sheathed his daggers Why the hell do i care if i upset him, wasn't that the whole point of me doing this? To make his life miserable? The more Nyx thought about it, the worse he felt.

Nyx walked over to a nearby bench, still being pelted with rocks, and sat down. Nyx buried his head in his hands "I don't understand why i care about him still, I shouldn't care about him at all, I should hate him" Nyx was unaware he was voicing his thoughts aloud "But i don't, I still love him. Even if i don't want to admit it"

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP
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@OceanBunny @mewbot5408

(It's okay, I haven't been too active lately.)

"It's like the rules aren't even enforced here." Raven mused before looking back at Willow who was tilting her head. This had been the longest conversation he had with a girl in a very long time.
Pluto had not been paying attention. But he was paying attention now! He watched the pigeons attack Nyx. He didn't really know what to do.

'Holy cow! Those stupid things can fight back!'

Maybe they won't be so easy to eat...'

Whatever, what is Nyx doing?'

Pluto looked over at Nyx on the bench. The pigeons weren't attacking him, so he was fine. He awkwardly shifted closer to Nyx. "Uh...hey Nyx... Are you OK?" He didn't really know why he was asking Nyx is he was ok, after he had just killed a bunch of students who never did anything to him; yet he asked anyway.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Nyx took one hand down from his face and unsheathed his dagger "Leave or I'll kill......." Nyx paused for a moment before throwing his dagger into the ground "I won't, I couldn't beat that zombie scum, I couldn't even kill Jay, i have the chance and just didn't" Nyx once again buried his head in his hands "I Want to make him suffer for breaking up with me but i can't bring myself to hurt him, i already thought i wouldn't be able to, so i wanted to kill anyone he even vaguely cared about. But i couldn't even do that" Nyx muttered quietly.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy @LokiofSP
Enki started walking around town more "Ummmmm, a pup....." Enki started to think of the image of Hyip being attached to the ceiling and ran into a ally way and started to throw up heavily. "I'll kill that bastard." He heaved out. Enki felt something brush against his leg and looked down, he saw what appeared to be a stray dog. It whimpered as it fell over slightly. Enki rushed down to grab the dog, not sure what to do. It seemed hungry and alone, making Enki pity it "Guess I found a pup for him..." Enki stated as he cared for the dog, looking around for a place to buy some food. he found a burger van and brought some plain meat and offered it to the dog.
"He made me weaker, he wanted me to stop fighting, so i did" Nyx ran his hands through his hair "And then he breaks up with me. I'm starting to doubt he ever cared about me to begin with, He's been trying to change who i am, he wanted me to stop fighting, he asked me to be less aggressive. And I agreed to it to make him happy, like the idiot i am" Nyx lifted his head up and looked pluto directly in the eyes "Even though i want to kill him, i can't bring myself to do it....... I still love him, but i don't think he genuinely loves me back "

@Magical Squid Senpai
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