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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Spotting Raven, Williw smiled and waved. 'Come on Miyu.' She thought, moving towards the building and Raven. Her wings stretched and fluttered behind her, lifting her off the ground and bringing her closer to him.

Emma Emma kept smiling and petting the cat, content as it kept meowing. "I wonder, what male you tick?" She asked, her smile suddenly becoming evil. "I would love to dissect a cat like you, she said while giggling maliciously.

@GingerBread Yea, I guess so. Though she's really a human raised by witches. Why do tou ask, though? =P
Nyxen hissed when the girl said she would like to dissect him Dissect me and i will literally kill you He thought getting annoyed with the girl "Meow, meow meow" Nyxen mewed, trying to warn the girl not to even try to dissect him or he'd kill her.

@Mango (Just the thought of Emma Kidnapping Nyxen to have him as a familiar just made me giggle slightly)
Emma Emma nodded her head, coming to a conclusion in her mind. "That's it!" She said. "You are way too cute not to dissect! Don't worry, I'll try and stitch you back together later if I have to!" She held Nyx tigher, beckoning for her metal man to follow her. "C'mon, little guy!" She said, watching the man totter after her. When she got to the dorm, she put Nyx on a table, then closed the door. "Hold on a second kitty! I need to get my potions and scalpel! Well, I'm not a surgeon, so I only have a butterknife!" She whistled a tune while she walked. "I heard cat tails make great love potions too. I should try it," she said.

Nyxen tried to look around the room for an exit. Nyxen couldn't see one that he would be able to get to before The girl caught him "Meow, meow meow" Nyxen mewed as he concentrated on summoning Richard as he did so he could feel his life energy being ripped from his body I guess i can't push this frail kitten body too far Nyxen thought as Richard appeared in a red mist.

"Meow Meow Meow!" Nyxen mewed in anger as he saw that Richard was a panther kitten Well i'm dead now Nyxen thought as he laid down, his body weaker than it was before Well i could always take Richards life energy back Nyx thought, deciding it would be a good idea he concentrated and Soon Richard disappeared the same way he appeared. Nyxen felt some but not all of his strength returning. He could stand up and walk but he could run.

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Emma Emma walked back into the room with her potions and a butterknife, but she saw the cat create and destroy another cat. "What in the world, Kitty?" She asked. "I guess this will make you even better." She set aside a few bottles, and looked at Nyx. She threw aside the scalpel, mutterinng, "Bah, I'm not a surgeon. I'll just use you for a potion." She held Nyx over a bottle of bubbling goo. "Bye-bye, Kitty."

@GingerBread Stop evil Emma!
"Meow" Nyxen softly mewed as he looked the girl straight in the eyes, giving her puppy eyes, Trying to look as cute as possible so she wouldn't kill him; Nyxen was too tired to fight back, summoning Richard had massively drained him I'd rather she just keep me as a pet right now, I still need to get my revenge on Jay and everyone else

'Shoot.. I told Nyx I'd see him later and then never showed up to class..' Willow thought, biting her lip as she landed next to Raven. Closing her eyes she reached back out, searching for Nyxen's mind. 'Hey Nyx, I'm sorry I didn't show up. How are you? How'd class go?' She asked, linking to him again.

@Sicarius @GingerBread
No idea, i think i'm in the dorms though Nyxen replied as he looked around the room he was in Yeah definitely the dorms Nyxen clarified, not really caring if Willow saved him or not

@Mango @OceanBunny
Enki left the school and was looking around town, looking for shops he can go into to buy the gifts. He spotted the butchers Willow told him about and he then entered, as he opened the door and entered a bell rang and alarmed Enki. He quickly realised what it was for and face palmed, he started to walk around and a man walked into the shop. He was big and muscular, prepared for any trouble Enki might bring. He was experienced in hunting trouble in these situations and eyed Enki up and down making Enki feel slightly intimidated. He hummed and found a big leg of lamb then Enki picked it up and walked over to the guy "Can I get this, please?" Enki asked offering the man the lamb, the butcher sneered and checked it out and placed it in a bag "Thank you sir." Enki replied taking the bag and leaving the shop for his next destination.
'Do you know who's dorm?' Willow asked Nyx. 'Where is he?' Miyuki asked, not really interested in helping the vampire. 'In the dorms, Im not sure where though.' Willow told her. 'Ill go look.' Miyuki headed towards the dorms.

Emma Emma was ready to drop Nyx into her potion, but at that exact point in time, her metal man tripped, bumping into her leg. She lost her grip on the kitten, but quickly caught him again. However, damage was done. Her potion was knocked over, seeping into her carpet. "Aw, man," she said. She tucked the kitten away with one arm and started brewing another potion.

@GingerBread Can Nyx turn back into a vampire?
Five minutes. Seven minutes. Ten minutes. Jay slowly counted out the time as he lay down on his bed. He tried everything, from counting sheep to lazily drawing pictures on the ceiling with his finger. "Grrr..." Things were pretty boring without Nyx. Though he was trouble, he was a welcome trouble in life. Jay just hoped that he was ok, and decided to go out and check.

Despite the danger, Jay decided to check out the science room first. Though he initially went out to search for Nyx, he decided to try his best not to think about the vampire. He saw Raven suddenly leave Pluto, and walked over to sit next to the Gorgon boy. "Hey, Pluto. Got any plans for later today?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyxen was thankful that the potion had gotten knocked over, but the girl was still holding him, Nyxen decided to try to get out of the girl's grip. While he was struggling out of the girls grip Nyxen felt the collar start to become loose I almost forgot, it's this collar that's keeping me as a cat Nyxen thought as he tried to use the girls arm to get the collar off.

Nyx felt the collar get looser and looser until it came off. As the collar came off Nyx fell out of the girl's arm and started to turn back to his normal self. A deadly grin started to appear on Nyx's face as he went to grab his daggers only to find that they weren't there and neither was anything else
Annnd i'm nude, fantastic

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After Raven had left, Pluto had just been sitting there alone, thinking about Christmas. He didn't notice Jay until he had spoken to him. 'Ugh it's him!' Jason turned away from Jay.

"Oh hey Jay, I don't have anything planned."

'Hah! You? Have plans? This kid really knows how to joke!'

Pluto sighed, "what are you thinking of doing today?'

"Eh, nothing much. Probably going to grab lunch, go to class, and save a whole bunch of children from getting slaughtered by Nyx." Jay looked up at Pluto's heads, getting a closer look at the two huge snakes from before. "So, pigtails, eh? How'd that happen?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto touched Coatl, "uh...well I don't really know how it happened. I just woke up today and they were here again!"

'I wish Jason had never come back!!'

Why does he get to be so big!?'

Jason just squinted at Jay, 'you should know what happened! I thought I could trust you.'

Pluto just petted Jason's head. "Oh and uh...Jason is mad at you. For cutting him."

"Oh, that's Jason?" Jay looked at one of the two bigger snakes. "Eh... I guess I kinda feel guilty, if that helps. Though you did become my first kill at Lakoria." He continued to stare at the snake before talking again. "Come to think of it, you've actually gotten pretty big since last time. Do you need another trimming?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Rude! You watch your mouth young man!'

'Do it! Cut him!!'

Pluto chuckled, "he says he doesn't need any trimming!"

'I thought we had something. I thought we could build our relationship. Not knock it down!"

"So what were you saying about Nyx?"

Jay laughed as the snakes started hissing, and Pluto gave him their response. "Well, that's fine and dandy, but..." He trailed off, taking the scissors out from his backpack. "I've always wanted to try a bowl cut." The scissor were put away. "And Nyx? Well, he's fine. We broke it off, and he swore vengeance against me or something. Probably going to kill a few people too." He shrugged it off.

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Jay shrugged. "I'm not really ok with it, but there's not much I can do. I don't have much offensive power, and besides, he'll get tired of killing. I'll just need to make sure I'm there when he's done." He looked back to Pluto. "Actually, I just got a better idea. Do you think you could help me catch him?"

@Magical Squid Senpai

#New ship is Jay-son

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