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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Dr. Schmetterling made motions to himself as Columbus asked him whether he was a teacher or a nutcase. "Me? You are talking to me?" He placed his finger on his chin, looking bast the students. "Men-tal facility? No. I don't remember being in a place with that name. Hm... where was I? I think it was called... let's see... Johnson's Maximum Security prison? Yes, that's the name." He turned back to Columbus. "That's where our gracious principal hired me from. She saved me from whatever they meant to do to me. Something like we were strapped for staff or something. Nonetheless." He suddenly whirled around, punching the whiteboard behind him while screaming like a banshee. "SKREEE!!! OH, THE MEMORIES!!!" He whirled back to Columbus. "Y-you, undead specimen..." With that, the eccentric teacher fainted.

Meanwhile, Jay only watched in horror as the teacher decided to fly into a fit of rage again. He watched as the teacher decided to have a fainting fit. "Do you think we should help him?" He whispered to Nyx.

@GingerBread @Magcial Squid Senpai @LokiofSP

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius Sorry that I didn't see your posts, I started working early and took a while to finish.
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Columbus flinched as the teacher fell, "I was just asking a question why'd he pass out?" He got up from his seat and approached the teacher, he poked him, "Hey are you dead? Please don't be dead, dying sucks, trust me I know..."

Pluto just wanted to leave. This guy was scaring him. He looked at the new guy who walked in...and another cat! '...is that another damn talking cat?'

Pluto smiled and waved at raven who was curled up on the other boys shoulder. "Hello!" He said to them. Maybe a cat would calm him down.

'I must admit... That cat looks kind of delicious..'

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius
Raven began to laugh out loud at Dr. Schmetterling's stupid reactions. He got out of his chair and walked over to the teacher. He bent over to check on him, then backed away. He turned his head to look at Jackal who was on his shoulder. He put his finger under his chin as he stroked it. "Watch this." He then used his power of illusion on Dr. Schmetterling, who began to get back up. Once the illusions surrounded him, the teacher began screaming. "BY GOLLY THAT IS THE FATTEST PIECE OF LARD THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!!!! THANK HIS GRACIOUS MAJESTY!!!" After this, Dr. Schmetterling began kicking his own teacher's desk, before kneeling down on the ground... putting his ear to it. "SAMANTHA!!!! I HEAR YOU PRECIOUS! OPEN WIDE!!!!"

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @mewbot5408
(yeah...i'm the cat,but i'm actaully a shapeshifter)

@Lotusy @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @Sicarius

jackal looked to raven with annoyance then smirked changing to his inbetween cat and human form. he leaned in close with a mischievous look and purred,his tail flicking. "Delicious huh?" with that he gave him a quick lick then crossed his arms looking up like he had to think. "mmm..i'd say it was otherwise.." he commented with a snicker teasing at narrowed his eyes at raven with a wide smile.
'...what is he doing?'

'Ha-ha! I like this guy. He's got ballz!'

Pluto was kind of surprised. Ok, really surprised at how bold Jackal was. 'Aren't you supposed to buy him dinner before you get to the kinky stuff?'

'But was he good tho?'

@Sicarius @mewbot5408

(My phone refuses to spell Jackal! It changes it to jacket!)
When Columbus rushed over to check on the doctor, he stayed perfectly still... for the whole of twenty seconds. As soon as Columbus finished talking, his eyes shot open, and his mouth resumed its crazed frothing. "YOU!!!" He yelled at Columbus. His eyes became large and bug-like, serious and afraid. "What... what have you seen? A past... a past not claimed... lost memories..." The loony teacher's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he became silly ol' Schmetterling again. He spun around twice before crawling away and picking up Jerome. "Oh, Jerome! Oh, my sweetheart! Live with me! LIVE!!!" He brought the mushroom named Jerome back to Columbus. "Oh, please! Bring him back!"

Jay rushed over as Columbus seemed to run to the teacher's aide. "Columbus! Watch out, that guy's dangerous!" Before his words could reach the zombie boy, though, the teacher shot up, muttered something incoherent, and started going crazy again. He ran over to Columbus, Nyx in one palm, orange light in the other. "What happened to him?"

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Columbus stayed perfectly still, he turned to Jay and mouthed for him to help. Columbus looked from the mushroom to the teacher and spoke, "Um...I'm not that kind of zombie teacher...And I don't really like mushrooms, they taste nasty. So here, have your nasty fungus back."

Oh my god cat boy, shut the hell up you were annoying before and you're annoying now Nyxen could feel himself getting angrier with every passing second, especially since raven was here My My, is someone losing their temper? Just the sight of one person and the sound of another will send you into a spiral of anger will it? You might as well give in to it. Let yourself become angry again, let yourself be fuelled by the anger inside you The voice took on a almost demanding tone. Nyxen hissed audibly at the voice in his head, his hackles raised.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @Sicarius @mewbot5408 (Any animal can hear the thoughts in red)
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@Mango (Sorry, was celebrating Christmas! Got a few nice gifts! I dont want to lag you behind so Ill skip ahead a bit)

Kaine was panicking, his claws clenched to his head. How could he have not figured what Emma would like after this time?! Orange juice maybe?

Kaine growled and cursed to himself louder as he stood just outside the school entrance. He had to think of something fast. Cesium she wanted? Surely the chemical storage locker has some...
Dr. Schmetterling looked at the cat boy in disgust. "Learn you manners, boy. You don't just kick a teacher like that." It seemed the crazy coot of a teacher was back to normal, and he threw Jerome away, into a trash can. In a swift movement, vines and mushrooms sprang up, locking Jackal into and unbreakable grip. "Your first warning, young sir. You do not talk back to a teacher like that. I'm teaching you for a reason." He turned to the other students, staring down Columbus for an extended period of time. "Class... dismissed," he said, in a monotonous tone. Now shoo. Do kid things." With that, he ran over to the trash can, grabbed Jerome, and busted out the door, unfurling his wings. "SKREEE!!!"

Meanwhile, Jay was just about as confused as Columbus was. He nodded when the zombie mouthed for help, though there wasn't much he could do. Thankfully, the teacher decided to dismiss class early, and left Jackal tied up on the floor. He turned to Nyx, only to catch the last part of a flurry of angry thoughts coming from the small kitten. He was hissing audibly, obviously disturbed. Knowing how his previous trues failed miserably, Jay turned to Columbus. "Uh... Columbus? Do you know how to comfort Nyx? He's been having some internal struggles lately."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP @mewbot5408
Raven just laughed as he watched how the class went from bad, to worse. This wasn't anything even distantly related to educational. He crossed his arms as he watched Jackal bother Pluto, who seemed overly confused with him. Well, he wouldn't be the first.

Then, Raven even more as Jackal found himself wrapped in vines as the teacher darted out of the class after "dismissing" them.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @LokiofSP
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@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408

"No, but I tolerate it for his sake." Raven said to the boy he had not yet met. He could feel what Pluto was thinking, and snickered. "And no, I have no interest in males." Raven scoffed before adding on to himself. "However, women in particular are kind of pushing my buttons at the present moment."
Nyxen's internal conflict was interrupted by Dr. Schmetterling, doing what he normally does. Hey Jay, is the class over? I was kinda distracted Nyxen admitted, hoping no one saw him hiss at pretty much thin air. If the class is over, what are we going to do now?

@GreenEyedStranger Not a problem! I'm guuilty of the same stuff, but I just got the last post, that's all. =P

Emma Emma lay face-down in her bed, too tired to even move. "Mmm mmm mmmmm," she mumbled into the sheets. With a loud yawn, she decided to create something. She slipped on a coat and brought a few potions out of her pack. "Time to experiment," she whispered to herself.

With a lot of metal, blowtorch burns, lots of cuts, and multiple explosions behind her, Emma opened her eyes to see her result. A small metal man sat on the table, lifeless. "Here's to science," she said apprehensively. She poured a potion onto it, immediately lighting the runes etched on it in q bright green. "Perfect," she said. The little man suddenly jumped to life, running across her desk and placing its tiny hands on a vase of flowers. The flowers withered, and the little man grew bigger. "Oh, he's beautiful! Hehehe! Muehehehe! Oh god. I really inhereted Bobette's evil laugh," she said, sadly.

How can I jump back into the RP?
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