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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Well everybody has to die someday! Like we have before.'

'Jay will die someday, that's what must happen in life. You should spend every moment you can with him. You shouldn't live in constant fear of that. If you love Jay, you should tell him how you feel. He wants to know. You are hurting him by not telling him.'

@Lotusy @GingerBread

(I am trying my best!)
But that's the point, Jay is going to die someday but i won't, I'm going to live until someone kills me, which could end up being forever. That would be an eternity without him, and i don't want that to happen Nyxen admitted, not sure why he was telling all of this to a snake but he presumed it was because he needed someone to talk to that wasn't Jay right now. Nyxen was also confused why the other snakes hadn't made smartass comments about him. And i'm also afraid if i tell Jay he'll try to find someway to make it better, and might end up doing something stupid, like getting columbus to bite him. Though i doubt he'd do that, i'm still worried he might.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy

(Trying your best to do what? )
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Nyxen shook his head No.... well there is, i could turn him into a vampire, but i've never done that before and if i were to do it wrong it could kill him and i don't want to risk it Nyxen thought, not wanting to force Jay to do anything against his will either I could always become a human....

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Enki reached the class rooms and walked in side of a random one. Luckily there wasn't any teachers and he was free to look at a register. He looked through the pictures and names and found the guy he had to give a gift to. "Wonder what he would want? I don't think it would be wise to ask him what he wants if this is suppose to be a secret. Guess I'll just have to find something random, hope he likes it." Enki placed the register where it was before and left, he started to walk out side of the school.

(hope we are allowed to leave the school when we want. Tell me if we can't and I'll change it)
But I don't want him to be a vampire, as much as i want him to live forever, being a vampire isn't something that's easy even if you've been living with it all of your life, so just getting it after not having it, i imagine that would be hell Nyxen thought sadly And even if i did want to spend time with him and cherish the moments, someone always comes along and pisses me off to the point where i fight them. And then sometimes i end up thinking i've killed Jay Nyx thought, getting angry at himself because of how he couldn't ever control his anger You could just kill him, that way you wouldn't have to watch him grow old and die. You know you want to kill him anyways. Even if you don't want to kill him, you'll end up doing it. Killing is the only thing you're good at, In fact it's the only thing you can do Nyxen got up and walked over to a nearby table before curling up under it, no longer wanting to talk I won't kill him, i can't... Nyxen weakly argued back But you can kill him, you've done it twice and killing is the only thing you can do, so why can't you Nyxen just stayed silent not able to argue back, If cats were able to cry Nyxen would've been crying.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
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Jay was only stunned as he heard Nyx talking with the snakes. He had no idea that Nyx was that scared of losing him, that he was considering turning him into a vampire. From what Nyx was saying back, Pluto's snakes were probably doing their best to help him, but Jay decided to take matters inti his own hands. He took a deep breath, before looking straight into Nyx's eyes. "Hey, uh, listen, Nyx. While I'm flattered for the offer, I don't think I need to become a vampire. Nor do I want to become a zombie." He folded his hands together and continued. "If I grow old and I, I grow old and die. Nothing's going to stop that. I'm human after all. Even if it's with you, eventually, I'd need to leave this world." While talking, he reached out his hands, slightly petting Nyx's head. "Besides, even when you killed an illusion of me, I still love you all the same. If you kill the real me, know that I won't have any grudges. I'll still die, but I'll always die with you in my heart." With that, he leaned back in his chair, smiling a bit. "Alright. I don't want to hear any more about death from you, young man. I've said enough sappy things today."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Nyxen smiled slightly reassured by Jay's words before jumping up onto Jay's lap and curling up I love you Jay... and thanks Nyxen thought happily So thats just it? your little boyfriend says a few words and suddenly you feel better? Nyxen tried to ignore the voice You don't feel better do you? you're just doing it to make him feel better, and i thought he was pathetic Nyxen just cuddled closer to Jay, trying not to get his claws out and hurt Jay again.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Coatl still felt something was wrong but he decided not to bring it up. 'All you can do is keep loving Jay.'

'And I don't think Jay would try to kill you. Just please try not to fall for any of those illusions. I know its hard but you should know the real Jay enough.'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
mewbot5408 said:
jackal purred as raven petted his soft fluffy black fur and he looked up to raven. "with me it's a bit different, music is somthing we have to know well in my village. it's used in various rituals,ceremonies,and prayer.....i can play and sing for you if you ask,i'd do it any time you want..." he whispered and nuzzled raven's hand giving it a little lick.
"I'm more than satisfied at the given moment." Raven said to the offer Jackal had given to him. He felt the rough, sandpapery feeling of the cat's tongue lick his hand. "You know, I was never really into cats." He told Jackal. However, for some reason he could see himself tolerating one. At least, one that could talk back to you and feed itself. That was the kind of pet he would consider having.

Emma "Oh my! Scary," Emma said, covering her mouth in mock surprise. "Though I'm sure you would dispatch of them," she said in a cheerful tone that did not match her message. "To be honest, you don't need to buy me anything specific. I jist wanted you to be less mean," she stated, flashing Kaine a thumbs up. "And it looks like I succeeded, too," she pointed out.

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Jackal looked up at him twitching his ears. "Hmmm...a shame. Cats can hunt their own food and good companions to those skilled in magic. I could be used as a familiar if it was so chosen...hmm..but I like a little freedom" he said and changed into a snake slithering across the floor then a mouse then a cat again on top the dresser then human and smiled.
"Surprisingly, I prefer ravens. Fast, ferocious.... and black." He said as he folded his arms while sitting on the bed. He did not ever think he would ever have a roommate, nor would he have ever imagined he would be this crazy.

Willow's eyes lit up as she spotted a shop called Bob's Butcher & Barbecue. 'There! We can probably find something for him in there!' Willow moved towards the shop, her wings lifting her off the ground in her excitement. 'Do you think they'll let me in there?' Miyuki asked with concern. 'Oh no.. I forgot most shops don't let animals in..' Willow frowned and landed lightly back on the ground beside Miyu. 'Ill just open our connection all the way. It'll be like you're right beside me.' She said, knowing Miyuki was uncomfortable shifting around strangers. 'Thanks Willow. I'll be right here.' Miyuki laid down beneath the shop window, purring as Willow knelt to scratch her ears before heading into the shop.
Jay accepted Nyx as the kitten leapt into his lap, giving him a scratch behind the ears. "Same, buddy. I feel the same." He knew Nyx was still fighting with himself, but he was glad the worst of it was over, and Nyx was back to something similar to normal.

Suddenly, the PA system crackled to life. "Students! We've been getting major complaints from the teachers about their students skipping class. While we understand it is the holiday, we'd like you to attend at least once class, or..." The speaker paused for a bit. "Detention, with Dr. Schmetterling." The sound of a cracking whip, an evil laugh, and, "Jerome!" Could be heard in the background. "Now, off! Toodle-oo!" With that, the system went silent.

Jay gave Nyx and Pluto a knowing look. "Well, that kinda sucks. Let's hope they don't start taking away our ability to kill other students, next. I kinda liked this freedom."

*Crackle* "And no killing other students either! Seriously, are you all psychopaths?"

Jay sighed and walked off to class, with Nyx in his palm.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread (You said you wanted a class, right? Does this work?)

@Sicarius @SovietBear @mewbot5408 @GreenEyedStranger @Mango

(@OceanBunny I'm not sure if Willow could hear this, since she's off campus. Up to you.)
So what's the lesson? Do you know Jay? Nyxen thought, happy to have something else to take his mind off of everything You want to go to class? Never thought that day would come, you really are becoming a pussy aren't you? What happened to the old Nyx, the one who would kill anyone who even slightly annoyed him, you're as harmless as a newborn kitten. I guess that's why you decided to become one isn't it The voice tormented. Nyxen tried to ignore the voice the best he could.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy (So i'm Rping the teacher i presume :) )
'This school sucks! Icant believe they won't let us kill other kids!'

Pluto got up and grabbed his backpack. "Who the heck is Jerome?"

'Those people sound like pervs...'

Pluto followed Jay, since he didn't really know where the class was. "Who isDr. Schmetterling? ...is he scary?" He wondered if Jay or Nyx knew.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Willow wandered through the butcher shop, looking at all the different meats and barbecue sauces. 'Wow, there's a lot of stuff in here. does anything look good to you?' Willow asked Miyuki, knowing that with their mental connection fully open Miyu could see everything as well. 'That marinated chicken looks delicious.. But we're not shopping for me.. That Lars boy said something about steak right?' Miyuki replied, before huffing as one of Willow's robin friends landed on her shoulder. 'Be nice to Raz. Oh look, there a pack of cuts. Sirloins, tenderloins, and ribs. Do you think this will do?' Willow asked. 'Willow has to go back to school. There was an announcement about making classes and not killing each other.' Raz chirped, hopping from Miyuki's shoulder to her head. 'Yes that should do Willow.. Did you get what Raz said? I think we should be going.' 'Give me two seconds and I'll be right out.' Willow said, grabbing the cuts, a bottle of tangy barbecue sauce and the chicken Miyuki had mentioned. After cashing out Willow left the shop and smiled at Miyuki and Raz. 'Let's go.' She headed back towards the school, humming as she walked.
Reaching the school Willow stored her purchase in a box of vines nestled in the cave of a trees roots where the meat would stay cold. Looking around she smiled and said goodbye to Raz before heading towards the school buildings with Miyuki. "Shoot.. I don't know what class I have.. I never actually made it to any with Hak.." She said with a frustrated sigh. Closing her eyes she opened her mind and reached out to connect with plants and animals around the school, hoping one of them would have heard where the freshman should be right now.

@GingerBread do you mind if she finds you?)
I have no idea who Dr. Schmetterling is, but knowing this school, he's probably a little insane or Evil or both, who knows. I don't think this school does background checks on employees Nyxen thought, know the teachers he's encountered before have not been the nicest, though in a school like Lakoria that's to be expected But either way, if they're using him as a threat, i doubt he's nice

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
Seth was laying in his room counting his loot when the announcement come on the loudspeaker. Leo shuddered as a vivid flashback to dr. Schmetterling's room crossed his mind, along with the smell of burning shrooms, and the nauseating taste of Jerome. Hey Seth... We should go to class. I don't want to see Schmetterling again, you know what I mean? Never. Confused, Leo asked Why? Someone could steal these valuables while I'm away. I refuse to leave. Leo thought for a second, then struck up a deal. Ok... How about I put these away, then we go to class? Sound good to you? No. Leo was frustrated at this point. Why not? I'm gonna eat these later. I mean I'll put away the pots, pans, and silverware. No, I'm gonna eat those too. Leo thought of the stomach aches he'd get from eating metal, and winced. Well... Merry Christmas to me...

- 10 frying pans, 2 dozen forks, and 15 spoons later -

Can we go now? Eh, I'll finish the rest later. Thank goodness... Leo took back control, and immediately felt the metal inside of him. He buckled over while groaning from pain, and crawled out the door. After much pain and suffering, he finally made it to a classroom, trudged over to his seat, and sat down. "Looks like I made it..." He was sweating heavily and panting like a dog in his seat.

@GingerBread (you are the teacher... right?)
'Nyx said he's a maniac killer and he will probably kill you.'

'That's not really what he sa- oh forget it.'

Pluto shuddered, he should be used to awful teachers by now but he just didn't like the sound of any of that.

'Maybe he's a mad scientist! He does experiments on the students!'

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay checked his schedule when Nyx asked about their class. When he saw their class, his face lost a bit of it's color. "Well, Pluto, you're in luck. Our next class is science... with Dr. Schmetterling. He's not the worst teacher out there, but, well, you'll see..." He stepped down the spiral staircase leading to the dungeon-like room of Dr. Schmetterling, slowly pushing the door open.

"OOH MYYYY!!! Look Jerome! There are STUDEEENTTSSSS!!!" Dr. Schmetterling was sitting in the classroom, playing with a small glowing mushroom in his hand. He threw down the mushroom, jumping up and down like a little kid, before throwing it to the ground and screaming, mouth frothing over. "STUDENTTSSSS!!!" He quickly ran over, shaking Pluto's hand and smelling the air around him. "Oooh my! It's been so long since I've had students!" His butterfly wings erupted out of his back, and he started drooling. "Please, come in!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

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