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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay let out a small laugh as he saw the kitten booties inside Nyx's present. The pink and the flower designs were a nice touch, too. He was about to ask Nyx what was going on, before the kitten started meowing in anger, or to Jay, excitement. "Well, Nyx, I don't get why you're so happy, but if you insist on it," he says, picking the kitten up and painfully putting on the booties. Afterwards, he put him down, admiring his work like an artist would. "Hm. Just needs a bow, then you're perfect!"

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyxen was annoyed that Jay had put the booties onto him Only good thing about these are that they're comfortable Nyxen thought to himself as he began glaring at Jay Aw are you mad at your boyfriend? Mad enough to kill him? You know you want to, you've already almost done it twice, you know what they say. Third times the charm Nyxen tried to hit his head on the ground to get rid of the voice. Shut up i'm not going to kill him, i won't.... I can't once again rolling over onto his back, his stomach exposed and his head tilted backwards as he tried to raise his paws up to hit himself over the head.

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
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Jay smiled at Nyx, even though the kitten seemed agitated in the pink booties. Of course, the smile faded as he started picking up some of Nyx's thoughts. These are... darker than before, he thought. Nyx is really in pain. Jay quickly took action, grabbing the kitten and holding down his claws before he could do any serious damage to himself. "Whoa! Calm down, Nyx!"

Nyxen was annoyed when he felt his paws get restrained and went to bite whatever was restraining them, stopping when he saw that it was Jay Why did you stop, you know you want to kill him, it would make you stronger. All you have to do is stop caring about a pathetic human like him Nyxen just went limp, no longer trying to get his paws out of Jay's grip He's not pathetic, he's amazing, he's looked death in the face and didn't even flinch Nyxen thought trying to fight the voice in his head.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy (No one is really meant to hear the thoughts in blue. Though it does make sense that Jay can as he drank Nyx's blood, and that's Jay's way of hearing Nyx's thoughts :) )
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Jay's eyes widened as Nyx opened his mouth to bite him, but sighed in relief as he stopped. He couldn't hear Nyx's exact thoughts, but at this point, he could feel the raw emotions behind them. As he listened, he felt disdain, then pain, then... admiration. Jay could practically feel the conflict inside Nyx's head, though the kitten had stopped struggling. Slowly, he put Nyx down in his lap, with an eye as watchful as a mother's to make sure he didn't do anything rash.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

(I tried to reconcile what you said, so Jay can only feel the emotion behind Nyx's thoughts. Does that sound good? :D )
Nyxen looked up at Jay You could leap for his throat and kill him right here, no one could stop you. You know you want to do it, you know you want to stop being as weak as you are Nyxen tried his best to ignore the voice I'm not going to kill him He thought as he curled up But you've done it two times before no problem, so why do you care so much now Nyxen cuddled into Jay, trying to distract himself from the thoughts.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy (I love it :D Though you can still hear the thoughts in red, until the blood runs out at least :) )
Jay could only feel Nyx's inner conflict heat up, a flurry of emotions inside the tiny kitten. He was startled when Nyx thought, "I'm not going to kill him." He was slightly shocked, realizing the scale of whatever was tormenting Nyx. Though he felt bad about it, he gave Nyx a kitten-sized slap. (More of a tap with a finger), before looking him in the eyes. "Nyx. Do you want to talk this out?"

Nyxen looked up as he was slapped and shook his head in response to Jay's question, not wanting to worry Jay with it Look at you, to scared to even worry your boyfriend Nyxen's claws extended, digging into Jay's legs(?) If you kill him you won't have to worry about worrying him, cause he'd be dead Nyxen hissed out loud at the voice I won't ever let him die Nyxen promised to himself and Jay But he's a human even if you protect him he's still going to grow old and die Nyxen didn't have a response for that and just went back to cuddling into Jay

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai
"Why the cold response? It was... kinda my fault... But still. At least you didn't end up like the other ones..."(@Mango) Might I remind you that your "worst" was actually me, and that was only nearly scalping someone with acid. And Archie, might I remind you that you were so scared of Bertha's punishment you nearly pooped your pants? So I suggest you shut it. "Forget what I just said... Thanks for the help anyways." After that, Leo stood up and marched up to the kitchen door. Since he was in the mood for change, he didn't walk right in. Instead he gave Seth control, and sat back to enjoy the show. Seth, with his love for hoarding things, smiled briefly, said Thanks. to Leo, and took a deep breath. He preceded to run in while spewing fire everywhere, and grabbed every utensil, cooking instrument, or frozen meat in sight. "Away! This is MINE!" He would shout out at anyone who tried to stop him as he made his way to the exit while clutching onto a variety of spoons, forks, sporks, knives, spatulas, ladles, pots, pans, and pretty much anything that shined or smelled nice. After he made it out of the cafeteria, Seth made a bolt for his room, leaving a trail of sporks in his wake.

(This is my own twisted version of a reorientation/get me back out there post. Sorry if it's too long.)
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"Yeowch! Goddammit, Nyx! Talk. It. Out!" Jay growled as Nyx dug his claws into his leg. Though Nyx probably had a lot to worry about, this was getting waaay out of hand for Jay. "Seriously, just tell me what's wrong." He looked up at Pluto. "Not sure if your snakes told you already, but Nyx is having a fight with himself. I'm not sure what's wrong with him."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
"Well, he killed an illusion of me earlier, again. It usually sends him spiraling into mental chaos or something. I'm just glad he didn't go on a killing spree this time, but..." He picked up Nyx by the scruff of his neck, looking at him. "I'm not sure if this is better for him."

@Magical Squid Senpai
Nyxen looked At Jay as he picked him up I just don't want to worry you Jay Nyxen admitted as he sadly looked at Jay Aw does the pussy care about him that much? Or is it that you're scared about how he'll react The voice taunted I'm not scared Nyxen defended, though not sounding too sure about it Really? then why don't you tell him? It's because you're scared

@Lotusy @Magical Squid Senpai

"No, because I still know it's you in bed with me." Raven said as he began to play his guitar with ease. After a few minutes he placed it carefully on the bed. "Ah, good ol' Sheva."
Willow left the school with Miyuki at her side and wandered through town. 'What do you think I should get Lars?' She asked Miyu as they walked among the shops, scanning display windows. 'He seemed rather fond of food. Maybe we could find a butcher shop or something. We've only met the boy twice.' Willow responded, not really interested in shipping for the boy. 'Twice? I thought today was the first time we'd met him.' Willow was curious as to where Miyuki thought they had seen the boy before. 'Well we didn't really meet him before exactly. We were headed to your science class and he busted into the hall and spewed fire at us.. I froze it and then he went through the wall and outside.' Miyuki explained, thinking of the incident. 'Oh yea. I remember that.' Willow giggled and continued scanning shops as they walked.
"you have a problem with me? it's not like i'll try anything....."he complained but then smirked. "or is it you want me to try somthing?" he teased then turned into a cat and sat down on the pet next to him. "kidding..i'm not disrespectful. i'll be a good kitty"

"You are a strange little man." He told Jackal as he stared at him. He had to admit, he couldn't deny the cuteness of the kitten. He just couldn't forget that inside that kitten was actually a boy, so he immediately changed his perspective. "So how long have you played the violin?" He asked Jackal, changing the subject.

"i'm not little...i'm taller than you!" he grumbled then sighed thinking for a moment. "i've been playing for 8 years...i started at the age of nine" he said with a meow then climbed into his lap rubbing his head against raven's arm with another meow wanting to be petted.
Nyxen turned his attention towards Coatl And what if i can't tell him how i feel, what if i'm.....If i'm too afraid? what do i do then? Nyxen asked, almost begging for an answer, not caring that he was asking the snakes that tormented him before.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy
(Make sure you tag me in your posts so I know you responded lol)

Reluctantly, Raven gave in and began stroking Jackal's fur. He looked up at the ceiling as if to recall something. "When I was little, I used to use music to soothe my soul after battling demons... a custom necessary in order to become Corvus. When I was being tormented, I used music to set me free. I learned how to play piano, drums, guitar, and sing." He said, unconsciously petting Jackal.

jackal purred as raven petted his soft fluffy black fur and he looked up to raven. "with me it's a bit different, music is somthing we have to know well in my village. it's used in various rituals,ceremonies,and prayer.....i can play and sing for you if you ask,i'd do it any time you want..." he whispered and nuzzled raven's hand giving it a little lick.

Death Nyxen replied bluntly, a serious look on his face (Well as serious as a kitten can be) But not my death, Jays. Even if i manage to not kill him myself or if i save him everytime he gets in danger, he's still going to die one day. And i can't stop that, and it scares me Nyxen admitted So you are scared, i knew it! The wittle vampire kitty is scared

@Magical Squid Senpai @Lotusy

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