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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Science... Ok..." Don't do it. Remember last time with Schmetterling? Let's not repeat that. "Actually, what are you doing? I don't know what to do right now, and I tried so many things..." Uh... Leo? Let's not start ranting to this poor guy, I don't think he wants to hear it. Seth chimed in with a Don't try to stop him Archie. "I tried lounging around in my dorm, but I got bored. I tried giving my gift to Nyx, but he turned me away. I tried conversing with people, but you saw how that turned out. Can you help me please? I could use some advice from an older student. I'm at the end of my rope right now!" If he didn't think you were crazy before, I'm sure he does now.

"..." Jay sat silently through the other student's rant, but he perked up when his ears caught "Nyx". He waited until the end, of his rant, then replied. "Advice? From me? Oh, well you've come to the right person." He leaned closer, whispering into the other boy's ear. "Wanna know the trick? Do something dangerous! It stops you from going insane. The school doesn't really care any other way. I've fought vampires, electrocuted zombies, and organized a raid on a public institution! I don't know why you're so worried about this..." He was about to leave with some final words of wisdom before he remembered what the boy said earlier. "By the way, you said you had something for Nyx? I could deliver it, if you tell me where it is."

"Awesome! I knew I could count on you to help me." Wow, this guy is really f*cking nice. ARCHIE! Keep it pg13 in there. But we're 14... "Anyways... I got a gift for Nyx, but right now is probably not a good time to give it to him. He's shut up in his room, and didn't even answer the door. I don't know what you think, but it's possible that giving him a set of pink kitten boots right now is a bad idea... Anyways, I'm gonna go raid the cafeteria, but just in case..." Leo fished around in his bag, pulled out the slightly bloody box, and handed it to the student. "I'm gonna get going now, names Leo- sorry Lars. Just in case you need to find me for some odd reason in the next 10ish minutes, just go to the cafeteria, and shout for me." With that, Leo spun around and headed for the cafeteria. Upon arrival, he spotted a pair of students eating. Since the boy was tearing into a piece of chicken rather viciously, he decided to take the safe bet, and ask the girl his question. "Hey... Are the cafeteria workers particularly mad today? I need to know... For science."

@Mango @GreenEyedStranger
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Blood? Ew, was Jay's first thought when he took the gift from the other boy's hands. "Thanks. I'll make sure it gets to him." As the boy ran off and shouted his name, Jay casually waved back. "Name's Jay!" he yelled. He sighed, proceeding towards Nyx's dorm.

Once there, he knocked on the door, cautiously. "Hello? Nyx? It's Jay."

Nyx was lying in his bed unable to keep his own mind from endlessly tormenting him You killed him, he would've been better off if he never got to know you. This is why you shouldn't get close to people, it only ends badly for everyone involved Nyx started grabbed his head in an attempt to get his mind to shut up, he knew it was all his fault he knew that Jay would've been better off if he'd never met him.

Nyx got mildly annoyed when he heard a knock at the door
Probably that kid again, why won't- Nyx was broken out of his thoughts when he heard Jay's voice at the door It can't be Jay.... I killed him. It's probably just my mind tormenting me more. i better answer the door though, maybe this will end faster if i go along with it Nyx pulled himself out of his bed and walked over to the door, his face still stained with tears. Pulling open the door aggressively Nyx half expected to find no one there "J-Jay, is that really you?" Nyx hesitantly reached a hand towards Jay testing to see if he was real.

"Yes, it's me, silly." Jay said. He could hear the pain in Nyx's voice, and did his best to put on a smile for Nyx. "I heard everything. Seriously, second time you've fake-killed me," he said while chuckling a bit. "I mean, these guys keep using me. I feel popular!" Though he knew Nyx wasn't in the best condition, he pressed onward. "Now, mind letting me in? Some crazy boy from earlier bought you a gift."

"Don't do that." Raven snarled as he continued walking. He knew that this was going to be one crazy relationship between the two. Didn't he already explain he was straight? Not that girls were exactly a hot topic for him at the moment, but it was not like he was into guys at all. In fact, he would rather tell a girl he was wrong than to be gay. That just wasn't him, and he shuddered at the thought of it. "Why do you like me so much?" Raven asked Jackal as they strolled along the hallway.

Nyx Wrapped his arms around Jay and pulled him into and hug before burying his head into Jay's shoulder just before he started crying unable to hold back his emotions any longer "I thought I killed you..... I....." Nyx was able able to get any words out amidst his sobbing.

Nyx couldn't bring himself to leave the hug, worried that if he did Jay would slowly start to disappear like a ghost, that finished it's unfinished business.

Jay was taken by surprise as Nyx suddenly hugged him, but his expression softened and he simply hugged Nyx back. "I know, I know. People like to do that a lot. I can't say much, just don't let them get to you." He brushed aside some of Nyx's hair while talking. "We need some kind of code. Something only you and I would know, so this can stop happening." He was about to continue, but he noticed that Nyx was hanging onto him like no tomorrow. "It's ok, bud. I'm not just going to leave you if you let go..."

Nyx slowly got out of the hug "Sorry....I guess that's my fearsome reputation gone" Nyx joked, trying to force a smile onto his face only for it to be quickly replaced by a frown. "I don't think a codeword will work" Nyx said as he walked over to his desk bringing out 2 small vials before ripping one of his daggers out of the wall. "I think..... Well i have an idea" Nyx said as he cut his wrist and let some blood drain into the two vials before putting corks on the top on them.

Nyx then reached into the back of his desk and pulled out a cat collar
"Do you remember this?" Nyx asked as he showed the collar to Jay, not waiting for a response Nyx pressed on "I don't trust myself..... So i'm going to use this" Nyx held up the cat collar "And these are if you need me to talk to you" He motioned to the vials of his own blood "I just want you to be safe Jay" Nyx said before he putt on the collar and clicked it into place, starting the transformation of turning into a kitten.

@Lotusy (Nyxen is back and probably here to stay for a while. If anyones wondering the collar is from a old event where everyone got curses, we were allowed to keep items from that day and i was the only one who did)
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Jay's eyes widened as he saw Nyx take out the cat collar. "You don't need to do this for me..." He muttered under his breath. Even though he said this, he respected Nyx's decisions, accepting the vials from Nyx. "I can stay safe, but, if you insist." He watched sadly as Nyx turned into a kitten. Nyx doesn't trust himself, he thought. Argh, I wish there was something I could do! Suddenly, Jay felt a dizziness come over him. Setting the gift from Lars on the counter, he sat on Nyx's bed. "I'm not feeling well... Sorry. I'll... just... sleep." With that, he fainted.

Emma Emma frowned at Kaine and did her best to give him a sassy look. "Not all people are that easy," she said. "Of course, flowers are always an option, if you're willing to do it in public," she said, giving him an evil smile. Then out of nowhere Leo walked up to their table. Emma glared at him, because he had given her a headache earlier. "Oh hello, bread boy," she said coldly. "Good to see you're alive. And the cafeteria workers don't seem mad, to my knowledge," she said.

@GreenEyedStranger and @SovietBear
@Mango @SovietBear

Kaine looked up at Leo, looking over his details and scrutinizing him without turning his head fully. As quickly as he became interested, he lost interest and turned back to Mango.

"So you want flowers? I can manage that."
Emma Emma nodded. "While you're at it, make sure they're fire-breathing too! Oh, and give them to me in front of all you friends. What would happen if you did that?" she asked, doing her best to plot a devious plan. "It would be very embarassing... for you." She said, covering her mouth with her hand like a mask.

@GreenEyedStranger Was this all part of Kaine's master plan?

Realizing her sarcastic tone, Kaine leaned back on his chair and sighed.

"I have no friends. None would care to watch. Besides, if anyone tries to mock me, I'll make sure they won't be able to run from me."
Enki finished his his bacon sandwich and looked around, not knowing what to do. He placed his hand around the necklace, he moved it to where he could see it and smiled. It was the first time anyone gave him a Christmas present. Then he remembered the letter he was given "Guess I should get them something, Kaine, huh. Guess I should go find that person, but I need to keep it a secret and I don't really know the person. Good thing they have registers with faces here." Enki started walking towards the class rooms to borrow one of the registers.
"I haven't done anything,well not yet anyways..." He said with a slight snicker as a pair of feline ears appeared on his head along with cat tail behind him which flicked promptly and he tilted his head eyeing him then turned with a eerie giggle."why indeed?" He echoed walking then stopped with a slight mrrow and looked to him with a serious expression then looked off. " Maybe you can say I like puzzles and dark places.....plus your scent.." He answered with a sigh his cat ears twitched. He turned to face him. "Its not a problem is it?"

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"Sweets! You like sweets, ok, any particular kind of sweets? Any special flavors?" He asked him. 'I could go for some sweets right now.'

'Why don't you ever feed us!'


(I'm sorry! I never got notified for anything!)
Nyx leaped up onto his bed as he saw Jay faint, Nyx did a lap of Jay's unconscious body to check if he was okay. Once he was sure Jay was okay he started to curl up next to him It doesn't matter if you're a cat, you'll still find a way to hurt him. Thats the only thing you're good at anyway, hurting people Nyx's mind kept harassing him, not letting him fall asleep next to Jay like he wanted.

Nyx stood up checking one last time that Jay was okay before deciding to go out for a walk in an attempt to clear his head, not really caring if he ran into someone he hated.


(Also because there are people who can hear Nyx's thoughts now, i'll be putting the thoughts that are mentally tormenting him in a different colour, as only Nyx can hear them)
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"As long as you don't attempt to kiss me or offer me to eat skittles to taste your rainbow, then no. Otherwise, I might end up killing you." He said bluntly to Jackal. As he walked along the school hallway, he and Jackal eventually made their way into the main hall which seemed abandoned at the moment. He felt odd, but for some reason he felt safe with opening up to this...whatever Jackal was. "I find it very hard for me to like anyone," he began. "Not that I'm looking for friends or relationships." He moved some hair blocking his vision. "It's just that, I am very difficult to understand... and plus, girls haven't exactly treated me right... back when I was more... sane."

Jackal sudden burst into laughter at his response. "What the....since when.. what does that have to do with my tastes? You sure do have a strange imagination,raven." He said with a sigh calming down after cracking up. He patted him on the shoulder."if anything I'm more for having a master to put me on leash despite my being a wild animal...it may be a bit complicated but it's what I like." Jackal explained as he walked with raven then smirked staring at him twitching his ears and gave a amused look. "Is that so,well if you want to kill me I'll let you try but I can't say I will hate you if you do..."

@Magical Squid Senpai

Pluto hears a whisper coming from right next to his ear. It's in an extremely exotic language that Pluto somehow understands.

"If you still seeketh power, Bringst the sacred contract to thine blood, where a new child shall be grown."
Nyxen was just wondering the halls when he found himself in the library, enjoying the quiet of the place Nyxen found himself aimlessly wandering through the library not taking any notice of anything going on around him, just enjoying the fact that his mind wasn't tormenting him any longer

@Magical Squid Senpai @BBCotaku
'Hey...is that Nyx?'

Why is he a cat again?'

'You mean he turned back after I died?' Jason rested his head on Pluto's hand. 'Hey Nyx!! Nyx!! Look, I'm back!!'

Pluto heard the snakes say something about Nyx. He turned and saw...the kitten again.

@GingerBread @BBCotaku

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