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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Oh no' Willow thought seeing Raven coughing up more blood. She dropped to her knees on the ground, quickly growing thistle herb, chamomile, garden burnet and couch grass rhizome. Twisting some vines together into a bowl she mixed the hers together and added some strawberries to make it taste better and give it a more liquid consistency. Standing up she moved over to Raven. "Here, this should help with the coughing up blood." She said, offering him the mixture.

@Sicarius @Lotusy @mewbot5408 @Lynx1996
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Why.... why are these people helping me? Raven asked himself as this questioned consumed him. He slowly sat himself back down and took the concoction Willow had just made... for him. He drank it down until there was nothing left. "This is disgusting." He said grunting. However, he was sincerely thankful. Raven hated being sincere, or genuine, so he didn't really know what to say to express his gratitude without feeling weird with himself. When Jay ran over there, looking actually concerned of his well being, Raven became legitimately confused. He did not understand how they could go through all of this and then help him. No, that's not how the world works! This totally spun Raven's universe unbalanced, and he gave an awkward expression to Jay. "What are you doing?" He asked him.

(Sure lol, that would help open some doors for Raven to eventually change. Eventually of course, but I can't wait to show his real side of him once he is restored as a person. His personality would be the complete opposite
xD )

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
"Me? I'm a healer. I heal crap. And crappy people too. Just kidding, of course." Jay laughed a bit when he said this, then hovered a hand over the other boy's back and let the orange light trickle from his palm. After a while, he sat back, letting out a sigh of relief before turning to Raven. "I hope that helped." He looked at Raven's incredulous face, and a thought dawned in his mind. "You didn't think we were legitimate assholes, did you? Just because we bothered you doesn't mean we want to hurt you or anything..."

@Sicarius @OceanBunny

(That was Jay's cure-all of the day, someone remind me in case I accidentally try to have him use it again.)
"Im sorry it tastes bad.. usually medicine does." Willow sighed and offered him a strawberry. She smiled as Jay came over and healed him, glad that she wouldn't have to worry about him collapsing or passing out in the near future. "I certainly don't mean any harm. I dislike violence." She added to Jay's statement of not wanting t hurt Raven.

@Lotusy @Sicarius @mewbot5408 @Lynx1996
Raven sat there bewildered, staring at both Jay and Willow as if they were aliens from another planet. He became lost in his own conscious, as questions circulated throughout his mind. "It's fine." Is all he managed to muster up for the time being, the closest thing he could get to a 'Thank you'.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
Columbus stormed up to his dorm and grabbed a few supplies before heading off to work. First he stopped by a woodworking class and made a tiny figurine representation of what he wanted to end up with. He then scoured the school for the perfect materials, finding silver and a red crystal. HE held both in an open palm and focused, wincing as a long cut appeared down his back as he got to work. By the time he was done a long and deep cut went from one corner of his back to the other, it hurt but at least it had worked. He tossed his creation up and down before putting it in the box and heading to the kitchen. The whole endeavor took him about an hour but when he was finished he tied it up in a bow (Something a student had told him to do) and packaged the other gift before heading back.

Columbus ran to Enki's bench and realized the boy was asleep, he panted slightly but held his ground as he gently placed a neatly wrapped bacon sandwich on his lap next to a gift-wrapped jewelry box. In it, he had made a necklace, not the most masculine of things, but it worked...Hopefully. On the card he put next to the things it said

To: Enki

From: Your Secret Santa (It's me, Columbus...Not sure if I'm supposed to reveal that...)

he opened the box one last time to look at his work, smiling with pride before running to the nurse to get his back fixed.

(The necklace)


(Thought it was a Phoenix, not so sure now :P @metalcity)
Enki's eyes started to open his eyes as the smell of bacon whiffed into his face, and to his surprise he there was a bacon sandwich on his lap. he looked at it strangely, he remembered stories of people being kidnapped after eating food in this situation. He saw a small box and opened it open, he looked inside and was surprised to see a necklace. He smiled as he read the letter "looks like I need to get someone else something." He stated as he put the necklace around his neck, then ate the sandwich knowing who it came from now. He smiled as he ate away.
Jackal watched everything then sighed,patting raven on the shoulder with a smile. "Not everything is so bad, people can be kind and you have a friend now,right?" He said with a nod


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"I...I guess." Raven said to Jackal. "I've, never really had any friends." Raven was mad at himself. Someone so strong and valiant as himself felt so weak and humble. They must of caught him in a vulnerable state. He had never really communicated with people this much, but it wasn't half bad. The question was, could it stay like this? He wasn't exactly "normal", but then again no one was at Lakoria. The thing was, he was less normal than they were. Less normal as in needing psychiatric help abnormal.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @mewbot5408
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Jay looked at Raven, and could barely see the edge of the inner storm inside of the other boy. He knew when it was time to back away. Better to let Raven handle this on his own, rather than have us screw it up, he thought to himself. This is something he'll have to resolve by himself. Jay stood up, picking up his backpack and waving to the others. "Well, bye, guys. I'm off to find Nyx."

@Sicarius @OceanBunny @mewbot5408

"Nyx? Nyx!" Jay walked along the hallways, calling for Nyx whenever he could.

(I'll wait for Sov and Ginger to finish interacting before Jay goes to the dorms.)
Raven quietly watched Jay as he left the music room. What just happened? First, he was approached by this boy who was apparently his secret santa. Then next he found himself fighting his boyfriend almost to the death (While mentally terrorizing him in the process). And now he was healed by this kid. Since when does this ever happen to anyone? He grunted as the others stood by him, looking at him wondering what he would do next. What was he going to do next? He looked over at Jackal, who was clearly obsessed with being a cat. Ugh, at this rate, he'd probably end up being his new "pet". He could totally see him following around everywhere, being obnoxious as all get out. He laughed to himself. Next he turned his attention toward Willow. She was young, pretty, and...well, young. Obviously he was too old for her, but she seemed to be this bundle of joy. Probably one of her fairy traits... he decided.

@OceanBunny @mewbot5408
Emma "Me?" Emma asked, though she didn't really mean it as a question. "Oh, humble old me! You know what I really like?" She asked, an evil grin spreading across her face. "Rare alchemy materials. Magical water, leaves from the World Tree, and lots and lots of Cesium. Do tou think you could get that?" She asked, deviously.

Jackal watched raven with a curious expression tilting his head then looked off to willow with a smirk. He stood leaned down to face her with his hands in the pockets of his red coat.

"If you don't mind,sweet willow could I meet with you at a later? I have some questions." he asked with a slight smile.

He then turned to raven waving for him to come with."let's take a walk, I'm sure you could use the fresh air to clear your head and relax." He suggested


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"Sure, we can meet up anytime." She said with a smile, waving at the boys. 'I guess it's gonna be just me and you again Miyu.' She thought to Miyuki. 'Are we gonna go shopping for that Lars boy? At pets-r-everywhere?' Miyuki asked, placing her paws on willows leg a resting her head in the fairy's lap. 'Im not sure where that is.. but yes we're gonna secret santa shopping.' Willow smiled as she stroked Miyuki's head.

@mewbot5408 @Sicarius
"Ok then... Bye I guess?" Leo was bewildered by Nyx's reaction, but decided not to press further. Instead, for once, he went off to class, wandering the halls until he met someone. "'Excuse me, but I think I'm lost. Could you help me out here?" Leo had lost his map awhile ago, and didn't quite know the rooms yet. "I really don't know where I'm going."

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After no luck with the hall, Jay made up his mind to go search Nyx's dorm. The halls were empty, and it was the only logical conclusion for him. He walked down towards the dorms, but before he got there, he bumped into another student, who asked him for directions. "You're lost?" He gave the student a quizzical look, before walking over to him. "Where are you trying to go to?"

Emma Emma snorted her apple juice and coughed for a second. "Hang on. Have you even taken Chemistry? Cesium is a highly reactive metal. Alkali, group one, basic stuff. I would have asked about rhe World Tree leaves if I were you. I love the metal, just for the explosions it makes!" She said happily before going back to eating.

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When they were alone jackal stretched with a annoyed sigh. "Ahhh, it's hard playing a good boy...how do I even do it for that long?!" He asked himself then smirked looking to raven and leaned in with his hands in his pockets, a mischievous expression on his face and he stared straight at raven with his silver blue eyes and purred. " hmmm.. You are quite a catch, I'm really gonna enjoy being your pet cat...." He whispered.

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"Well..." Crap. I didn't expect to get this far... "Never mind me, where are you going to?" Real smooth Leo... Real smooth. Leo was hoping to change the subject, due to the fact that he didn't even know which class he was going to. "I know I'm lost, but you about you?" With sweaty palms, weak knees, and heavy arms, Leo sat down, and tried to act like he just made a valid point in a conversation. He hoped the person didn't mind

Jay's confusion only grew as this new boy talked to him, and asked him where he was going. What is he saying? That makes absolutely no sense. "What? I thought that you wanted directions..." He only shook his head at the boy, wondering what in the hell was wrong with him. "I have no idea where you're coming from, but I don't follow." He crossed his arms. "Mind explaining?"

Crap... It didn't work... "Well... I WAS lost, but I don't know which class I'm supposed to go to. And, I guess there's a reason no one calls me Mr. Slick... Because that sounded better in my head. Do you know where a freshmen would go this time of day?"

Jay laughed inwardly was the boy asked for classes. He walked over, taking a seat next to the other student. "Classes? Really? Listen, man. You're going to Lakoria! Truancy policy here is laaax, man. If I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. You're a spritely young boy, go and have some fun with your friends, blow up buildings, injure other students." He sat in silence, then added, "But if you want to know, it should be Science."


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